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Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

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Overcoming implementation barriers in 3D printing for gaining positive

influence considering PEST environment
Ahsan Waqar a, Idris Othman a, Hamad R. Almujibah b, Muhammad Sajjad c, Ahmed Deifalla d,
Nasir Shafiq a, Marc Azab e, Abdul Hannan Qureshi a, *
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Taif University, P.O. Box 11099, Taif City 21974, Saudi Arabia
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Future University in Egypt, New Cairo 11845, Egypt
College of Engineering and Technology, American University of the Middle East, Egaila 54200, Kuwait


Keywords: The transformational potential of 3D printing within the manufacturing industry has been widely recognized.
3D Printing However, its widespread adoption faces significant practical challenges that extend beyond the technology itself,
Barriers in 3D printing encompassing political, economic, social, and technical (PEST) factors. This research investigates the external
External Environment Success
variables impacting the successful implementation of 3D printing and proposes strategies to overcome these
barriers. Through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM), we identified key
external factors, including governmental regulations, economic conditions, societal acceptance, and technical
readiness, that significantly influence the success of 3D printing deployment. Notably, addressing technological
barriers emerged as a crucial factor. To address these implementation challenges, we recommend increased
public awareness and stakeholder participation. Our findings indicate that these strategies can enhance the
prospects of 3D printing adoption. These results hold significant implications for policymakers, practitioners, and
researchers in the 3D printing industry. Understanding and mitigating external obstacles are critical for har­
nessing the benefits of 3D printing within a dynamic environment. This research sheds light on the multifaceted
challenges surrounding 3D printing implementation, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures to
overcome these hurdles.

intellectual property laws and regulations may hinder the spread of 3D

printing [6,7]. Factors like the price of materials and machinery may
1. Introduction financially influence 3D printing’s widespread adoption. Individual and
institutional interest in adopting 3D printing may be affected by social
The capacity of 3D printing technology to rapidly and accurately variables such as cultural perspectives on technology and the avail­
build complex and individually tailored products has led to a meteoric ability of relevant educational opportunities [8,9]. The rate of techno­
rise in the industry’s profile in recent years. Manufacturing, healthcare, logical advancement and the accessibility of trained experts are two
architecture, and education are just some fields that might see dramatic more elements that might affect 3D printing’s widespread adoption
improvements in efficiency and reduced costs because of this technology [10].
[1,2]. However, despite its promise, 3D printing has yet to be exten­ While previous research has extensively explored the technical as­
sively embraced in these sectors due to several operational hurdles pects of 3D printing, there is a growing recognition that external factors,
[3,4]. often encapsulated by the PEST framework, play a crucial role in
Critical to the success of the widespread adoption of 3D printing is determining the success of 3D printing implementation [6,11,12]. To
the external environment, which encompasses political, economic, so­ unlock the transformative power of 3D printing, it is essential to
cial, and technical (PEST) elements [5]. Political considerations like

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Waqar), (I. Othman), (H.R. Almujibah), muhammadsajjad@ (M. Sajjad), (A. Deifalla), (N. Shafiq), (M. Azab),
my (A.H. Qureshi).
Received 25 March 2023; Received in revised form 19 September 2023; Accepted 25 September 2023
Available online 18 October 2023
2090-4479/© 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

concrete suggestions for how businesses may move beyond them. Lastly,
Nomenclature understanding the external environmental variables influencing the
development and usage of 3D printing technology in Pakistan may aid in
SEM Structure Equation Modelling policy and regulatory decision-making and give insights to organiza­
EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis tions. The two objectives of the study are: (1) To identify and analyze the
PEST Political, Economic, Social and Technical external factors, including governmental regulations, economic cir­
3D 3 Dimensional cumstances, societal acceptability, and technical preparedness, that
CART Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Testing significantly influence the success of 3D printing deployment. (2) To
AVE Average Variance Extracted assess the validity and reliability of the proposed measurement model
HTMT Heterotrait-Monotrait through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and structural equation
VIF Variance Inflation Factor modeling (SEM).
SE Standard Error Overall, research in Pakistan would be beneficial since it would help
spread the word about the potential of 3D printing in the nation and
provide policymakers and businesses with a better idea of how to deal
with the obstacles posed by the external environment. Fig. 1 depicts the
understand and address these extrinsic barriers comprehensively. In conceptual model generated indicating that overcoming 3d printing
recent years, several studies have shed light on the multifaceted chal­ implementation barriers can have significant impact of the political
lenges of 3D printing adoption, emphasizing the need to consider the economic social and technical success in construction projects.
broader external environment [6,7,13]. Studies need to examine the
external environmental factors (PEST variables) influencing the adop­ 2. Literature review
tion of 3D printing technology in the Pakistan setting to represent a gap
in the study in this area [14]. The impact of external environmental Due to its many advantages, including personalization, shorter pro­
factors like political, economic, social, and technological factors on the duction times, and lower overall costs, additive manufacturing, often
implementation of 3D printing in Pakistan has been the subject of known as 3D printing, has been widely embraced by many sectors
relatively little research, even though there have been studies on the [18,20]. Yet, there are difficulties associated with putting 3D printing
adoption and implementation of 3D printing in Pakistan [15,16]. There into practice. From the available research, we may deduce many ob­
may also be a need for more study on the precise tactics or techniques stacles that prevent 3D printing from being widely used. The need for
businesses might employ to overcome the implementation hurdles of built-in safety technology is a huge obstacle. Safety precautions should
external environment issues in Pakistan [17,18]. Research might look at be considered whenever a new technology is introduced, and 3D printers
how different types of institutions can employ social elements like ed­ are no exception [21,22]. Complex software and systems are needed for
ucation and cultural attitudes to promote 3D printing technology 3D printing’s design and manufacturing, which adds to the difficulty of
[11,12]. data architecture [23,24]. Constant monitoring and enough illumination
This study will investigate the external environmental factors (PEST for efficient operation are other factors that increase the difficulty of 3D
variables) inhibiting the spread of 3D printing in Pakistan and then printing. Apart from the difficulty of mass-producing 3D-printed objects,
provide actionable tactics and suggestions to help businesses break the high cost of the necessary equipment is another major obstacle to the
through these roadblocks. Further empirical studies are needed in widespread use of this technology [10,14]. For smaller businesses, the
Pakistan that zero in on the external environmental variables impacting price tag of integrating this technology might be too much to bear,
the adoption of 3D printing technology and provide concrete sugges­ especially if the company has to change its existing procedures [25,26].
tions on how businesses may overcome these obstacles [16,19]. Moreover, the potential of 3D printing technology may be constrained
The necessity of this research stems from the growing recognition by the restricted extent of technological implementation and the limited
that 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize traditional scope of software development and capabilities [27,28].
manufacturing processes. However, the existing body of knowledge has Problems with data privacy and a lack of service providers also
primarily focused on the technical aspects of 3D printing, leaving the present substantial barriers to the widespread use of 3D printing
extrinsic challenges largely unexplored. These extrinsic factors, [13,17,29]. Regulatory and legal challenges, a defective administration
comprising political, economic, social, and technical dimensions, can structure, and the lack of verifiable proof of additive manufacturing’s
significantly impact the success or failure of 3D printing initiatives. capabilities are among the elements that contribute to the difficulties
Understanding the necessity of addressing these external variables is [30,31]. Another major barrier to successfully using 3D printing tech­
imperative for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in the 3D nology is a need for more knowledge and training among the workforce
printing domain. Without a comprehensive understanding of these fac­ and workers [11,12]. Significant obstacles to using 3D printing tech­
tors and a clear roadmap for addressing them, the transformative po­ nology include shortcomings in onsite data collection, data heteroge­
tential of 3D printing may remain unrealized. This research aims to neity, lengthier production timetables, trust management, lower
bridge this knowledge gap and offer practical insights into how to efficiency, restricted recyclability, and the lack of in-house additive
navigate the external environment and ensure the successful adoption of manufacturing capabilities [32,33]. Many obstacles have been high­
3D printing technology. lighted in the literature that must be overcome before 3D printing will be
For several reasons, this research must be carried out in Pakistan. widely used [34,35]. Improving safety measures, decreasing
First, 3D printing technology can transform many sectors and deliver manufacturing and equipment costs, creating cutting-edge software and
several advantages, such as reduced costs, increased personalization, systems, and bettering the acquisition and administration of data are all
and enhanced production efficiency. Nevertheless, external environ­ necessary steps toward overcoming these obstacles [6,7]. Many obsta­
mental elements like politics, the economy, society, and technology cles in the way of widespread use of 3D printing technology may be
have all posed difficulties in adopting 3D printing in Pakistan. Conse­ removed with the introduction of suitable rules and regulations [36,37].
quently, it is crucial for the effective adoption and usage of 3D printing Last but not least, a key factor in successfully introducing 3D printing
technology in Pakistan to understand and overcome these imple­ technology is addressing the shortage of knowledge and training among
mentation challenges. Second, Pakistan is a developing nation showing the workforce and workers. Table 1 indicates all identified challenges of
increasing enthusiasm for cutting-edge fields like 3D printing. As a 3D printing.
result, empirical studies are required that zero in on the challenges The adoption and use of 3D printing technologies are greatly aided
associated with putting 3D printing into practice in Pakistan and provide by official encouragement. The government of Pakistan has made

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

Fig. 1. Conceptual model.

circumstances if they use 3D printing technology. Using 3D printing

Table 1
technology to produce components locally rather than importing them is
Identified challenges of 3D printing.
one strategy to reduce the negative effects of currency rate volatility and
Variables Description References trade tariffs [60,61,63].
F1 The safety and technical integration are not available [38,39] According to the published research, 3D printing technology might
F2 Data architecture difficulties [40–42] be useful in the private building sector in Pakistan. The use of 3D
F3 The need for enough illumination for optimal functioning [43,44]
printing technology has the potential to speed up the building process,
F4 The requirement for continual monitoring [45,46]
F5 Manufacturing costs [47,48]
cut down on material prices, and make it easier to create intricate de­
F6 Equipment costs [45,49,50] signs that would be impossible to build otherwise [56,58,59]. The
F7 Process modifications [46,51] construction business in the private sector may enhance its reputation
F8 Inadequate technology application scope [52,53] for innovation and the quality of its work by using 3D printing tech­
F9 Software development and capabilities [43,44]
nology. Concerns regarding the environmental effect of conventional
F10 Information privacy problems [54,55]
F11 Deficiency of service suppliers [56,57] manufacturing methods, for example, might be mitigated by the wide­
F12 Utilize IS-related expertise. [58,59] spread use of 3D printing technology [54,57]. Due to its potential to
F13 Defects in the data captured onsite [60,61] reduce waste and make use of eco-friendly materials, 3D printing tech­
F14 Data Heterogeneity [62,63]
nology has the potential to be more ecologically friendly than conven­
F15 Longer production timelines [64,65]
F16 Trust Management [66,67]
tional production procedures. Organizations that embrace 3D printing
F17 Reduced productivity [68,69] technology may be seen in a more favourable light as stewards of the
F18 Limited recyclability [70] planet [43,44,55]. According to the available literature, companies in
F19 Lack of proven documentation of additive [71,72] Pakistan may gain from embracing 3D printing technology in fields as
manufacturing’s capabilities
diverse as healthcare, manufacturing, and building. Companies may get
F20 Knowledge administration system is not available [40,73]
F21 Legal and regulatory obligations [41,42] an edge in the market by using 3D printing to cut production costs, in­
F22 Lack of expertise or training among workforce/ [38,39] crease product customization, and shorten product development time­
employees frames [56,63,65].
F23 Lack of in-house additive manufacturing resources [74,75]
There is evidence in the published works that new and improved 3D
printing methods will soon be on the market. The software, hardware,
initiatives to encourage the widespread use of 3D printing, including and printing industries have all seen significant advancements because
introducing the National 3D Printing Strategy Plan and establishing the of these innovations. With these technological advancements, businesses
National 3D Printing Council [40,42]. To hasten the widespread use of can generate higher-quality, more complicated goods more efficiently.
3D printing technology across several sectors, however, greater gov­ According to the research, 3D printing technology in Pakistan might
ernment assistance in legislation, money, and incentives is required benefit from a more favorable external technical environment [33,74].
[71,73]. Pakistan’s 3D printing industry may benefit from working with This encompasses developments in all areas, from software to hardware
foreign groups. According to the published research, Pakistan can to materials. An improved external technical environment may also
advance its 3D printing industry by working with nations like the United result from establishing 3D printing-related infrastructure, such as 3D
States, China, and Germany. Organizations in Pakistan may benefit from printing hubs and training facilities. According to the research, technical
exchanging information, combining resources, and gaining access to policies may help Pakistanis better incorporate 3D printing into their
new technology if they work together [70,72]. Public sector initiatives daily lives [38,42]. Encouragement of 3D printing technology adoption,
that use 3D printing can increase the technology’s broad adoption and particularly among SMEs, may be fostered by policies such as tax in­
public understanding of its many advantages. The government of centives and R&D funding (SMEs). Adopting 3D printing technology
Pakistan is actively encouraging the widespread use of 3D printing for
government-funded initiatives, including creating low-cost homes and
public amenities. Increased use of 3D printing in public sector projects in Table 2
PEST Success factors.
Pakistan may hasten its widespread acceptance and implementation
[68,69]. Category Code Factor References
Setting up 3D printing technology might have a hefty outlay of funds. Political P1 More support from the government [38,41]
Somewhat counterintuitively, the research implies that 3D printing’s P2 International collaboration opportunities [46,51,52]
long-term advantages may eventually exceed its initial investment. Ex­ P3 Projects in the public sectors [68,70,71]
Economical E1 High financial output [45,49,53]
amples of how 3D printing may help save money include its ability to cut
E2 The benefits would be more than the costs [40,72,73]
down on material waste, boost productivity, and enhance personaliza­ E3 Reduced impact of economic conditions [17,18]
tion [64,66,67]. The advantages of 3D printing technology have been Social S1 High recognition in private-sector [19,20,22]
proven to outweigh the disadvantages in some contexts, including the construction
medical and industrial sectors. One use of 3D printing technology in S2 A reduced negative response from society [1–3]
S3 More opportunities to adopt 3D printing [15,16]
medicine is the creation of personalized medical implants, which can Technological T1 Innovative technologies will become [57,59,60]
improve patient outcomes and cut surgical costs [62,65]. The use of 3D available
printing technology in production has the potential to save money by T2 A better external technological [33,74,75]
lowering the price of making complicated components. Industries that environment
T3 Technological policies for better [40,41]
depend on imports or exports may feel less affected by economic

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

may be aided through education and training programs spearheaded by 3.2. Data analysis
the government. Table 2 presents the PEST success factors identified
from the relevant literature. 3.2.1. Reliability test
For assessing the reliability of the questionnaire’s subscales Cron­
3. Methodology bach’s Alpha Reliability Testing (CART) was used on the data. Cron­
bach’s alpha coefficients, which vary from 0 to 1, were utilized to
This research used rationalist analysis to achieve an empirical ex­ determine the dependability of the components; 0.90 denotes excellent
amination of key data collected all through a questionnaire evaluation; reliability, 0.80 suggests moderate reliability, and 0.70 denotes low
such a technique is well-recognized in the contemporary literature on reliability [62]. We used the Eq. (1) formula to get CART’s value [71].
construction management [58,61,63]. Positivism was first employed to n
( ∑
analyze existent research, identify key 3d printing implementation α = 1+ 1− (1)
n− 1 Vt
barriers and overcome those barriers with their impact on PEST success
analysis throughout the PL (i.e., model constructs and categorization of Where:
model constructs), and design a conceptual model. Therefore, Structural n = Quantity of items.
Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to establish the connections be­ Vt = variance of the scores in total.
tween components. Fig. 2 depicts the overall epistemological study Vi = variance of the scores of items.
strategy. The constructions’ reliability test indicated a Cronbach’s alpha value
of 0.91, regarded as very dependable.

3.1. Survey administration 3.3. Analytical technique

Information was acquired from participants utilizing a closed-ended Analyzing the correlations and correlation coefficients between
questionnaire employing a 5-point Likert scale with the range from 1 variables is the goal of structural equation modeling (SEM), a statistical
(extremely low) to 5 (very high). Tables 1 and 2 show the demographic technique. These causal processes generate several variables. Hence this
information and the 5-point Likert scale items about the components method is widely employed to evaluate theoretical models that reflect
that made up the questionnaire. Islamabad was chosen as the study’s them. In addition to its usefulness for multivariate regression analysis,
focal point because it has become Pakistan’s commercial centre and is SEM can deal with latent variables [2,3]. To better comprehend the
home to some of the country’s most impressive new infrastructure theoretical model, SEM uses a graphic to highlight the structural links
projects, such as Bahria city and Centaurs development. There was a 61 between the variables and regression equations to examine the causative
% response rate, with 101 completed surveys returned out of 160 sent processes. SEM was chosen for this study because it has been success­
out. Previous research on the present state, obstacles, and success factors fully applied to other studies of 3D printing [76,77]. These studies
of 3D printing in the Pakistani building sector has used a similar sample include those that explored the effects of 3D printing on the construction
size. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the current study’s industry, the effects of 3D printing on the acceptance of integrated de­
response rate will be similar. The research design should provide cred­ livery systems, and the effects of the surrounding environment on the
ible information on the elements driving 3D printing’s uptake in Paki­ use of 3D printing in renovation projects [43,55].
stan’s building sector. SmartPLS 4 software was used to analyze variance, take

Fig. 2. Research methodology flowchart.

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

measurements, and evaluate structural models, all standard statistical Table 3

procedures. When the same measurement strategy is applied across all Demographic statistics.
research variables, a common-method variance (CMV) bias may arise, Category Categorization Frequency %
leading to falsely high correlations. The researchers relied on a rigorous,
Occupation Architect 11 10.89
methodical, one-factor approach to detect CMV [46,51]. The indicators Quantity 10 9.9
or measures’ convergent and discriminant validity are evaluated using Surveyor
the measurement model. Comparing how well two different evaluations Civil Engineer 60 59.41
of a notion match up is called convergent validity, in contrast, M&E Engineer 7 6.93
Project Manager 10 9.9
discriminant validity guarantees that the concept being evaluated for Other 3 2.97
every construct is distinct [78,79]. This structural model allows for the Organization Contractor 55 54.46
simultaneous examination of the intricate interplay between the many Consultant 39 38.61
parts [68,72]. The authors of this study used route analysis to develop a Client 7 6.93
Experience in the Pakistani 0–5 Years 26 25.74
structural model that incorporated four structural equations for the 3D
Construction Industry 6–10 Years 27 26.73
printing barrier constructs, each of which revealed a different set of □1-15 Years 35 34.65
relationships between these obstacles and the success of 3D printing 16–20 Years 7 6.93
when measured with PEST analysis. Over 20 Years 6 5.94

3.3.1. Measurement model

architects, quantity surveyors, M&E engineers, project managers, and
Important to the success of the SEM study is the measurement model.
clients [15,18]. Participants’ average years of experience in the Pak­
It is useful for judging how well the study’s metrics align with its target
istani construction industry ranged from 11 to 15, with the most
constructs. In other words, it seeks to determine whether the measured
seasoned workers having served in the field for over a quarter century
variables capture the desired ideas. Indicative of convergent validity is
(34.6 %), followed by those with 6 to 10 years’ worth of experience
the extent that numerous methods of evaluating the same concept pro­
(26.73 %), and finally those with 0 to 5 years’ worth of experience
vide consistent findings. The level of agreement between two separate
(25.74 %). A tiny percentage of respondents have worked in the field for
evaluations of the same notion is used to conclude [4,8,17]. If there is
16–20 years (6.93 %) or more than 20 years (5.94 %). In general, the
much consensus, the measures do a good job of capturing the notion
demographic data provide light on the educational and occupational
under scrutiny (convergent validity).
backgrounds of the study’s subjects, which aids in deciphering their
On the other hand, discriminant validity looks at whether or not the
viewpoints and opinions [84,85]. Indications of the importance of civil
tests used to evaluate various conceptions measure distinct entities. This
engineers and contractors in Pakistan’s construction industry may be
is crucial for ensuring no overlap between the concepts under investi­
found in the sample’s high proportions of these professions, while the
gation. Examining the relationships between the constructs is a good
wide range of experience levels indicates a rich seam of knowledge and
way to assess their discriminant validity. If the conceptions are empir­
insight from which to draw for this study’s conclusions.
ically distinct, then we would expect moderate or weak correlations
between them [16,18,19]. The measurement model aids in making sure
4.2. EFA analysis
that the ideas intended for the research are measured and that these
concepts are differentiated from one another. The outcomes of the
Table 4 displays the results of an exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
investigation may then be trusted as legitimate and reliable.
performed on the factors associated with 3D printing roadblocks. Four
components were retrieved using EFA, and they explained 51.19 per­
3.3.2. Structural model
centage points of variation in the data. Cronbach’s alpha values in each
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) relies on the structural model to
component varied from 0.620 to 0.810, showing high levels of internal
test and refine the hypothesized model. Using a structural model, re­
consistency. High loadings on the first factor are seen for variables like
searchers may investigate the correlations between latent and visible
variables. Route analysis, a method that concurrently investigates all the
intricate interplay between the model’s constituent parts, was used to Table 4
Exploratory Factor Analysis output.
build the structural model in this investigation [80,81]. The researchers
used partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to Variables Component
investigate how the PEST analysis constructions related to 3D printing 1 2 3 4 Cronbach Alpha
challenges and 3D printing achievements. The PEST analysis assesses the
F1 0.772 0.794
potential influence of political, economic, social, and technical elements F8 0.742
on a firm or project. The researchers formulated four structural equa­ F9 0.670
tions to examine how different factors affect 3D printing’s prospects F14 0.649
[1–3]. These equations demonstrated relationships between the con­ F5 0.636
F11 0.762
cepts and illuminated potential determinants of 3D printing outcomes F13 0.774 0.736
[82,83]. To sum up, the structural model serves as a basis for assessing F7 0.740
the suggested theoretical model and may be used to zero in on specific F4 0.717
areas needing attention or expansion. F2 0.689
F22 0.644
F23 0.619
4. Results F10 0.764 0.810
F16 0.761
4.1. Respondent demographics F21 0.702
F20 0.681
F6 0.742 0.706
Participants were categorized by their role in the construction F15 0.653
business in Pakistan, and the Table 3 shows their demographic infor­ F19 0.620
mation. Civil engineers made up the biggest percentage of respondents Eigenvalue 3.917 3.411 3.389 2.592
(59.41 %), followed by construction industry professionals (54.46 %) %Variance 15.066 13.121 13.034 9.969
F17, F18, F3 and F12 were excluded due to cross-loading or loading less than 0.5
and business advisors (38.51 %). Others who participated included

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

F1, F8, F9, F14, F5, F11, F13, F7, F4, F2, F22, and F23. Factors like high Table 5
manufacturing and equipment costs, drawn-out production times, and Barriers along with constructed categories from EFA analysis.
lower efficiency may all be examples of the economic hurdles faced by Safety Phase Assigned Activities
3D printing. The variables F10, F16, F21, and F20 all have high loadings Code
on the second factor, suggesting that they significantly correlate. The Technology T-F1 Technological integration not available
lack of safety technology integration, inadequacies in capturing data Barriers T-F8 Inadequate technology application scope
onsite, and restrictions on the extent of technology implementation are T-F9 Software development and capabilities
all factors that may be seen as technical hurdles to 3D printing [86,87]. T-F14 Data Heterogeneity
T-F5 Manufacturing costs
Significant associations between the third factor and F6 and F15 are Resource R-F11 Deficiency of service suppliers
shown by their significant loadings on this factor [4]. This might stand in Barriers R-F13 Defects in the data captured onsite
for the 3D printing process’s inherent difficulties, such as the difficulty R-F7 Procedure modifications
in organizing large amounts of data, adequate illumination, and R-F4 The requirement for continual monitoring
R-F2 Data architecture difficulties
continual monitoring [88,89]. A high loading for F19 on the fourth
R-F22 Lack of expertise and training among
factor indicates a robust relationship between this variable and the workforce/employees
factor. This might stand in for the organizational challenges of 3D R-F23 Lack of in-house additive manufacturing
printing, such as the absence of a knowledge management system and resources
the stringent legal and regulatory standards that must be adhered to. The Privacy Barriers P-F10 Information privacy problems
P-F16 Trust Management
study did not include four variables (F17, F18, F3, and F12) because of P-F21 Legal and regulatory requirements
low or cross-loadings. Overall, the EFA sheds light on the fundamental P-F20 Knowledge administration system is not
causes of 3D printing roadblocks, which may inform the design of effi­ available
cient solutions. Operational O-F6 Equipment costs
Barriers O-F15 Longer production timelines
Technical hurdles include a need for safety technology integration,
O-F19 Lack of proven documentation of additive
restricted breadth of technology implementation, software development manufacturing’s capabilities
and capabilities, data heterogeneity, and high manufacturing costs
[7,90]. The complexity and expense of the technology, the restricted
breadth of application, and the need for additional development in findings.
software capabilities to allow seamless interaction with other processes
all pose obstacles to the widespread use of 3D printing [15,16,18]. 4.4. Structure Equation Modelling (SEM) and analysis
Inadequate resources can be a hindrance in many situations, such as
when there aren’t enough service providers or enough data isn’t 4.4.1. Measurement model (First oder Construct)
captured onsite when processes must be altered, when constant moni­ Success factors in 3D printing and PEST analysis for the building
toring is required when data architecture is overly complex, when industry were outlined in the previous tables. We used data from EFA
workers and employees lack the necessary skills, and when there aren’t (exploratory factor analysis) and previous studies to classify these var­
any additive manufacturing resources available in-house. Given these iables. Cronbach’s, internal consistency of composite reliability, average
challenges, it’s clear that knowledgeable workers, adequate materials, variance extracted (AVE), and discriminant validity were the four met­
and effective data management systems are crucial to the widespread rics used to assess the validity and reliability of the proposed model
adoption of 3D printing [21,22]. [40,41,73]. If removing items having an outer load from 0.40 to 0.65
Data protection, trust management, legal and regulatory restrictions, significantly improved composite reliability and AVE, those items were
and the lack of a knowledge administration system all hinder the free recommended for elimination from the scale in the measurement anal­
flow of information. These challenges stress the need for a solid data ysis. This is because the reported variance should be greater than the
privacy architecture, trust management strategies, and compliance with error variance, and an indicator’s construct should account for around
legal and regulatory standards when it comes to handling sensitive in­ half of the item’s variation [71,72]. Apart from two items (“R-F13″ and
formation [38,42,75]. ”R-F23″) relating to “3D printing hurdles” during the resource stage, all
Equipment expenses, increased production times, and a need for external loads were permitted. As seen in Table 6, this decreased the
documented capabilities are all factors that slow down additive loading factor to a value of 0.6. Fig. 3 displays the revised model that
manufacturing operations. In light of these challenges, the timely and resulted from removing these variables. Composite reliability (CR) was
efficient production of high-quality goods and access to the requisite tested for internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha, a measure of the
equipment are crucial to the widespread use of 3D printing technology importance of a given number of items. All constructs have trustworthy
[70,71,73]. and valid Cronbach’s alpha and CR > 0.60 [89,91,92]. With AVE values
Results from the EFA research show several obstacles in integrating more than 0.50, all constructs were found to have sufficient convergent
3D printing technology into current processes, including those related to validity. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the AVE, Cronbach alpha, and CR
technology, resources, privacy, and operations. Table 5 presents all comparative item loading variation. Increases in item loadings were
barriers with their respective construct. associated with gains in the other three metrics.
Fornell-Larcker criteria, used to evaluate discriminant validity in
4.3. Common method bias SEM, are summarized in Table 7. For each construct, the table’s diagonal
square root AVE values demonstrate how much of the construct’s vari­
A common-method bias occurs when data is obtained using a single ation is captured by its indicators. Off-diagonal values show associations
technique, such as a questionnaire or interview, and this approach im­ between variables [33,39,74]. Values in each cell reflect the extent to
pacts the participants’ replies. This may cause unreliable study out­ which the two conceptions share variation, with larger values suggesting
comes and interpretations [32,39]. A univariate analysis was done to more shared variance. All constructs in this table have AVEs larger than
check for methodological bias in these studies. It is presumed that the 0.5, showing sufficient convergent validity. The fact that the off-
common-method bias did not substantially affect the data if the total diagonal values are all lower than the AVE values further demon­
variation explained by the common factor is less than 50 %. The analysis strates the constructs’ empirical uniqueness and discriminant validity.
revealed that the common component accounted for 31.21 % of the To evaluate a model’s ability to discriminate across groups, the
variation, which is less than the 50 % cutoff for statistical significance, Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratio is calculated. In Table 8, we can see
suggesting that the common-method bias had little to no impact on the the HTMT comparisons for all the components in the analysis. To what

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

Table 6 0.867 points away. Because of this, future research may need to further
Model reliability and validity findings. analyze the link between these two items, even though the constructs
Safety Phase Assigned Loadings Cronbach Composite AVE fulfil the requirements for discriminant validity. The HTMT ratios sup­
Code Alpha Reliability port the model’s discriminant validity, indicating that the individual
Technology T-F1 0.928 0.896 0.924 0.71 components can be reliably distinguished in practice.
Barriers T-F14 0.815 Cross-loadings, or the extent to which a given item correlates with a
T-F5 0.906 component other than the one it is designed to assess, are shown in
T-F8 0.778 Table 9 for the items used in the research. The difficulty with cross-
T-F9 0.773
Resource R-F11 0.772 0.821 0.875 0.584
loadings is that they may lower the validity of the scales and compro­
Barriers R-F2 0.810 mise the trustworthiness of the factor analysis conclusions [71,73]. It is
R-F22 0.795 clear from the table that certain items may not be reliable measurements
R-F4 0.738 of the targeted constructs since they have substantial cross-loadings. An
R-F7 0.700
example of this is how item T1 has a significant cross-loading on both the
R-F13 Deleted
R-F23 Deleted Technical Success and Operational Barriers components, which suggests
Privacy P-F10 0.893 0.91 0.936 0.785 it is not a reliable indicator of Technical Success. Item P1 has a similar
Barriers P-F16 0.886 problem since it has a large cross-loading on Economic Success and
P-F20 0.882 Resource Barriers, suggesting it may not be a reliable indicator of Po­
P-F21 0.883
Operational O-F15 0.850 0.806 0.884 0.718
litical success.
O-F19 0.863 Nonetheless, some items have minimal cross-loadings, which sug­
O-F6 0.830 gests they are reliable gauges of the concepts they were designed to
Political P1 0.933 0.834 0.898 0.747 assess [38,42]. Item R-F7, for instance, is an accurate gauge of Resource
Success P2 0.828
Barriers since it has a low cross-loading on all aspects other than this
P3 0.913
Social S1 0.705 0.701 0.829 0.619 one. From Table 9, the items used in the research may not be reliable
Success S2 0.857 measures of the constructs for which they were designed. To guarantee
S3 0.792 the reliability and validity of the measures in the research, conducting a
Technical T1 0.968 0.884 0.929 0.814 thorough analysis of the cross-loadings and making any required mod­
Success T2 0.953
ifications is essential.
T3 0.773
Economic E1 0.916 0.873 0.921 0.796
Success E2 0.849 4.4.2. Measurement model (second order construct)
E3 0.825 The findings of the formative constructs’ route analysis in terms of
addressing implementation constraints in 3D printing are shown in
Table 10. The standard error (SE), t-values, and p-values represent the
degree a construct is more strongly connected to its measurements than
statistical significance of the coefficients, while the path coefficients (β)
other constructs in the model is evaluated using the HTMT ratio [93]. As
illustrate the strength and direction of the correlations between the
a rule of thumb, a value of 0.85 or below is regarded to be indicative of
components. The degree of multicollinearity between the predictor
discriminant validity. This table shows that all constructs in the inves­
variables is quantified by the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). Positive
tigation had a criterion validity score over 0.85, suggesting a high de­
route coefficients (β) indicate a substantial positive association between
gree of discriminant validity [41,75]. Although “Social Success” and
the four formative factors (operational hurdles, privacy barriers,
“Technical Success” both fall short of the cutoff, their HTMT ratio is just

Fig. 3. Modified structural model.

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

Fig. 4. Item Loadings of formative constructs vs AVE, Cronbach Alpha and CR.

Fig. 5. Item Loadings of reflective constructs vs AVE, Cronbach Alpha and CR.

Table 7
Fornell larker criteria results.
Constructs ES OB PS PB RB SS TS TB

Economic successsuccess = ES 0.892

Operational Barriers = OB 0.251 0.848
Political Success = PS 0.349 0.382 0.864
Privacy Barriers = PB 0.786 0.253 0.323 0.886
Resource Barriers = RB 0.193 0.255 0.433 0.185 0.764
Social Success = SS 0.207 0.258 0.379 0.197 0.746 0.787
Technical Success = TS 0.364 0.357 0.755 0.338 0.421 0.378 0.902
Technology Barriers = TB 0.365 0.38 0.779 0.337 0.448 0.399 0.766 0.842

resource barriers, and technical barriers) and the successful deployment followed by addressing privacy obstacles (β = 0.406), addressing oper­
of 3D printing. In particular, there is a positive link between addressing ational obstacles (β = 0.203), and addressing resource constraints (β =
technological obstacles and addressing other obstacles (β = 0.550), 0.211). The small VIF values show that the predictor variables are not

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

Table 8
HTMT analysis results.
Constructs ES OB PS PB RB SS TS TB

Economic successsuccess = ES
Operational Barriers = OB 0.298
Political Success = PS 0.38 0.46
Privacy Barriers = PB 0.107 0.292 0.347
Resource Barriers = RB 0.233 0.308 0.514 0.218
Social Success = SS 0.281 0.33 0.489 0.26 0.266
Technical Success = TS 0.391 0.417 0.103 0.357 0.488 0.477
Technology Barriers = TB 0.39 0.439 0.125 0.355 0.518 0.505 0.078

Table 9
Cross loadings of items.
Economic Success Operational Barriers Political Success Privacy Barriers Resource Barriers Social Success Technical Success Technology Barriers

E1 0.931 0.246 0.36 0.262 0.194 0.196 0.371 0.375

E2 0.819 0.239 0.187 0.195 0.118 0.127 0.212 0.199
E3 0.922 0.198 0.348 0.195 0.189 0.216 0.357 0.364
O-F15 0.231 0.861 0.301 0.255 0.222 0.202 0.284 0.296
O-F19 0.239 0.833 0.382 0.262 0.251 0.285 0.371 0.391
O-F6 0.159 0.849 0.273 0.195 0.164 0.152 0.234 0.375
P1 0.359 0.341 0.919 0.335 0.409 0.372 0.269 0.216
P2 0.286 0.357 0.846 0.264 0.382 0.331 0.287 0.364
P3 0.236 0.297 0.825 0.215 0.325 0.265 0.272 0.261
P-F10 0.261 0.246 0.36 0.893 0.194 0.196 0.371 0.055
P-F16 0.728 0.217 0.21 0.884 0.137 0.143 0.219 0.055
P-F20 0.814 0.198 0.348 0.886 0.189 0.216 0.357 0.375
P-F21 0.778 0.239 0.187 0.88 0.118 0.127 0.212 0.216
R-F11 0.375 0.114 0.435 0.14 0.774 0.216 0.406 0.437
R-F2 0.216 0.255 0.32 0.185 0.732 0.219 0.32 0.334
R-F22 0.364 0.149 0.267 0.244 0.691 0.357 0.278 0.289
R-F4 0.261 0.262 0.31 0.097 0.801 0.212 0.296 0.316
R-F7 0.055 0.195 0.304 0.039 0.816 0.406 0.292 0.317
S1 0.055 0.195 0.304 0.039 0.219 0.733 0.292 0.317
S2 0.196 0.255 0.32 0.185 0.357 0.851 0.32 0.334
S3 0.24 0.149 0.24 0.244 0.212 0.772 0.278 0.289
T1 0.359 0.341 0.102 0.335 0.406 0.372 0.969 0.406
T2 0.369 0.332 0.055 0.343 0.4 0.373 0.953 0.32
T3 0.236 0.297 0.055 0.215 0.325 0.265 0.772 0.278
T-F1 0.359 0.341 0.102 0.335 0.409 0.372 0.406 0.796
T-F14 0.236 0.297 0.055 0.215 0.325 0.265 0.32 0.778
T-F5 0.263 0.272 0.055 0.239 0.367 0.333 0.278 0.772
T-F8 0.286 0.357 0.196 0.264 0.382 0.331 0.296 0.814
T-F9 0.369 0.332 0.24 0.343 0.4 0.373 0.406 0.907

Table 11. Statistical significance is shown by standard errors (SE), t-

Table 10
values, and p-values, while the path coefficients (β) describe the strength
Path analysis results of formative constructs.
and direction of the association between each pair of variables. The
Path β SE t- p- VIF routes between PEST analysis and the various organizational perfor­
values values
mance measures are significant at the p 0.001 level, suggesting that the
Operational Barriers > 0.203 0.029 16.512 <0.001 1.258 suggested model has much ground to stand on [60,62]. The greatest
Overcoming Implementation
path coefficient (β = 0.821) is found between PEST analysis and Eco­
Barriers 3D Printing
Privacy Barriers > Overcoming 0.406 0.03 15.112 <0.001 1.093 nomic Success, indicating that economic considerations are the most
Implementation Barriers 3D essential in predicting organizational performance. Next, the routes
Printing from PEST analysis to Technical Success (β = 0.862) and Political Suc­
Resource Barriers > Overcoming 0.211 0.03 19.412 <0.001 1.049 cess (β = 0.772) also show these elements’ significance. While the path
Implementation Barriers 3D
coefficient from PEST analysis to social success is lower (β = 0.359), it is
Technology Barriers > 0.550 0.021 30.679 <0.001 1.252 still statistically significant and demonstrates that social aspects
Overcoming Implementation contribute to organizational performance [54,57]. These findings
Barriers 3D Printing

Table 11
very multicollinear with one another. These results suggest that different Path analysis for reflective constructs.
formative constructs influence the ability to overcome implementation
Path β SE t-values p-values
barriers in 3D printing, and they highlight the importance of addressing
these barriers in order to promote the successful adoption and execution PEST Analysis > Political Success 0.772 0.061 24.941 <0.001
PEST Analysis > Economic 0.821 0.006 26.594
of 3D printing within construction industry [58,61].
The reflecting components associated with PEST analysis and orga­ PEST Analysis > Social 0.359 0.055 8.771 <0.001
nizational effectiveness were analyzed using path analysis, a statistical Success
technique for examining numerous variables in a model, as indicated in PEST Analysis > Technical Success 0.862 0.002 30.508 <0.001

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

support the idea that PEST analysis is a valuable method for businesses Table 12
to analyze and forecast their environment. Organizations have a higher Structure model path analysis.
chance of succeeding and achieving their objectives when considering Path β SE t- p-
political, economic, social, and technological issues. values values

Overcoming Implementation Barriers 3D 0.9 0.029 29.344 <0.001

printing > PEST Analysis
4.5. Structural model path analysis

4.5.2. Analysis of model predictive relevance

When the fitting operation for the measurement model was
The capacity to assess the predictive validity of a structural model is
completed, the structural model analysis could commence. The links
one of the most essential properties of this kind of model. In this
between variables are rationalized in depth in the structural model. This
research, blindfolded participants rated the redundancy measures for
investigation illustrates the connection between exogenous and endog­
each dependent construct that had been cross-validated. The Q2 values,
enous constructs. The hypothesized parameter assessments serve as the
presented in Table 14, all of the indicators for the pest analysis had
basic foundation for evaluating structural models, followed by the
values that were greater than zero, which is evidence that the construct
amount, direction, and significance of variables. Analyzing the study
(PEST) had predictive value for the constructs that were dependent on it.
hypothesis using the SEM approach. Using PLS-SEM, the effect of
overcoming 3D printing implementation barriers on 3D printing PEST
4.5.3. Importance and performance
success analysis four phases (political success, economic success, social
With a significance score of 1.121, “Overcoming Implementation
success, and technical success was investigated. The bootstrap approach
Barriers 3D Printing” is a strong indicator of future success for this
was used to test the significance of the model hypothesis, the reliability
endeavour. One predictor’s high relevance score indicates the extent to
of the data, and, therefore, the accuracy of the calculated route co­
which that predictor is essential to the project’s ultimate success, as
efficients evaluated using bootstrap. Fig. 6 and Table 12 demonstrate
indicated in Table 15. With a score of 42.890, the project could be doing
that the effect of overcoming 3D printing implementation barriers on 3D
better regarding this predictor. The worse the project performs on the
printing PEST success analysis was positive and statistically significant.
predictor, the lower the performance score. Based on the findings of this
research, “Overcoming Implementation Barriers 3D Printing” has been
4.5.1. Explanatory power of structural model
identified as a key area of the project that requires attention. With this
R2 is the overall variation shown by the independent factor demon­
information, the project team may zero in on enhancing the predictor’s
strate the dependent factor REF. The greater the R2 value, the more
performance for optimal results.
precisely structural model predictions may be made; conversely, the
lower the value, the less dependable the model. In general, an R2 value
of 0.7 or above is regarded as extraordinary, with ranges between 1 and
1. In addition, the Author describes values between 0.02 and 0.12 as
Table 13
low, values between 0.13 and 0.25 as moderate, and values over 0.26 as
Explanatory power of the model.
high. Throughout the course of this enquiry, the PLS algorithm arrived
at the conclusion that R2 is equivalent to the standard regression Endogenous variable (Latent) R2 Adj R2 Explained

method, and that the same criteria should be used. Table 13 shows the Pest Analysis Success indicators 0.79 0.80 Highly Predictive
adjusted R2 for the Pest Analysis Success indicators.

Fig. 6. Model indicating significance after bootstrapping analysis.

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

Table 14 significance of addressing data privacy concerns during the introduction

Predictive relevance of the model. of new technologies. This includes meeting all necessary regulatory re­
Endogenous variable (Latent) SSO SSE Q2 quirements, gaining key stakeholders’ confidence, and implementing
efficient knowledge management systems.
Pest Analysis Success indicators 214.000 14.829 0.931
The operational barriers to formative construct include O-F6,
“Equipment costs”, O-F15 “Longer production timelines”, and O-F19
“Lack of proven documentation of additive manufacturing’s capabil­
Table 15 ities”. In particular, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) with
Importance and performance analysis results.
limited financial resources may find the high equipment cost to impede
Predictor Importance Performance the adoption of this technology. Additive manufacturing is less widely
Overcoming Implementation Barriers 3D Printing 1.121 42.890 used because of the lengthier production durations, which may be
problematic for applications that demand fast turnarounds. It also al­
ludes to the fact that there needs to be more proof of the capabilities of
5. Discussion additive manufacturing, which might raise questions about the dura­
bility and dependability of the components made using this method. In
The technology barriers formative construct includes T-F1, “The sectors where safety and dependability are paramount, such as aero­
absence of technological integration”, T-F8 “Limited technology space and medicine, a lack of documentation might significantly impede
implementation scope”, T-F9 “Software development and capabilities”, the widespread use of additive manufacturing [49,51]. The operational
T-F14 “Data Heterogeneity”, and T-F5 “Manufacturing costs”. This barriers formative construct as a whole sheds light on the problems
disjointedness may lead to wasted time and muddled messages across arising from additive manufacturing’s operations and emphasizes the
various parts of the company’s infrastructure. Under the scope of this need for further study to find solutions to these problems and increase
concept is the possibility that 3D printing technology is not being used the technology’s widespread acceptance.
universally across all appropriate organizational domains. The possi­ The political reflective construct includes P1, “More support from the
bility that the software has insufficient features or cannot deal with government”, P2 “International collaboration opportunities”, and P3
complicated designs is included in this sub-construct. Included in this “Projects in public sectors”. This shows that government backing is
sub-construct is the assumption that disparate information management crucial for the widespread use of 3D printing. Financial backing, tax
and storage infrastructures provide challenges to the widespread breaks, and other policy measures fall under this category. In addition, it
adoption of 3D printing [56,58,61]. The premise included by this sub- alludes to the potential gains from coordinated international efforts in
construct is that the high upfront and continuing expenses of 3D print­ terms of information exchange, technical assistance, and the pooling of
ing technology may be a major barrier to its widespread adoption inside resources. It stresses the significance of government programs that may
a business. Organizations may improve their chances of effectively function as pilots and prove the technology’s viability. Researchers may
deploying and reaping the benefits of 3D printing technology by evaluate the effect of political variables on the effectiveness of 3D
recognizing and resolving these obstacles. printing deployment by adding these reflecting indicators in the political
The resource barriers formative construct includes, R-F11, “Defi­ construct. Implementation challenges and opportunities that might
ciency of service suppliers”, R-F7 “Process modifications”, R-F4 “The benefit from more government assistance can be highlighted [54,55].
need for constant surveillance”, R-F2 “Complexity of data architecture”, The framework may also be useful in advising policymakers on how best
and R-F22 “Lack of expertise and/or training among workforce/em­ to promote the widespread use of 3D printing across industries.
ployees”. This metric describes the need for more qualified service The economical reflective construct includes E1, “High financial
providers, such as technicians or consultants, who can aid in the intro­ output”, E2 “, Benefits would be more than costs”, and E3 “Reduced
duction and upkeep of 3D printing systems. Also, it alludes to the impact of economic conditions”. This suggests that businesses anticipate
requirement for alterations to preexisting procedures, such as large profits from using 3D printing. That’s encouraging since ROI is a
manufacturing or quality control systems, to fit the 3D printing tech­ major factor for businesses in deciding whether or not to embrace new
nology [46,49,51]. It’s related to the fact that the 3D printing technol­ technologies. This suggests that businesses anticipate being better
ogy has to be constantly monitored and supervised to guarantee its equipped to adapt to a changing economic climate and handle the risks
smooth operation and locate and fix any problems that may arise. associated with such shifts due to the advent of 3D printing technology
Furthermore, it’s a term for the intricate nature of the data architecture [46,53].
necessary to back up cutting-edge 3D printing technology, which in­ The social reflective construct includes S1, “High recognition in
cludes the development of specialized applications as well as the private sector construction”, S2 “, Reduced negative response from so­
deployment of novel pieces of hardware and software [45,47,50]. It also ciety”, and S3 “More opportunities to adopt 3D printing”. The trend
alludes to the fact that the workforce needs to gain the necessary skills mirrors the belief that the construction industry’s private sector may
and experience to run and maintain 3D printing machines since they benefit from more visibility if it adopts 3D printing technology. A
have yet to be given the proper education and training. business using cutting-edge tech may boost its image and attract more
The privacy barriers formative construct includes, P-F10, “Informa­ consumers. As this study reveals, society may become more receptive to
tion privacy problems”, P-F16 “Trust Management”, P-F21 “Legal and the use of novel technologies in building if 3D printing is widely used. It
regulatory requirements”, and P-F20 “Absence of a Knowledge admin­ shows that the construction business has more chances to utilize 3D
istration system”. Because of the sensitive nature of the data gathered printing technology, which might give it an edge in the market [49,51].
and processed in sectors like healthcare, banking, and e-commerce, this Positive social consequences, such as improved recognition, less nega­
barrier is especially important in these areas. A company’s reputation tive societal reaction, and enhanced prospects for adoption, are sug­
for protecting customer information is one potential source of resistance, gested by the social reflective construct in this research about using 3D
as they are concerned about the safety of new technology. Legal printing technology in the construction business.
frameworks may include statutes like the Health Insurance Portability The technological reflective construct includes T1, “Innovative
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the General Data Protection technologies will become available”, T2 “, A better external technolog­
Regulation (GDPR). If a company doesn’t follow these rules, it might ical environment”, and T3 “Technological policies for better integra­
face fines and lose customer credibility. This may result from informa­ tion”. The first signal shows that respondents expect the availability of
tion theft, intellectual property loss, and other security events [45,48]. cutting-edge technology to increase, which might pave the way for the
As a whole, the privacy barriers formative construct stresses the widespread use of 3D printing in the building sector. Improvements in

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

materials science and robotics are two examples that come to mind, but • Companies may target initiatives in the public sector, seek additional
there might also be developments in the 3D printing industry. As the government backing, and engage in international cooperation to
second sign of change, this one implies that people are hopeful that a overcome political hurdles.
more favorable external technical environment will develop, which • The costs and advantages of using 3D printing technology in building
would help spread the use of 3D printing. For example, improvements in projects should be analyzed financially before any company decides
the capacity to store and analyze data may be part of this trend. The to use it. This will assist in guaranteeing that the project is financially
third reflecting indication implies that people think technical policies viable and that its benefits exceed its expenditures.
may be implemented to improve the use of 3D printing in the building • Businesses need to do more to educate the general public about 3D
sector [39,42]. According to the technological reflective construct, most printing and its role in building projects. If society’s negative re­
respondents are optimistic that future innovations and regulatory shifts actions can be mitigated in this way, more people will be open to
will pave the way for the widespread use of 3D printing in the building adopting. The benefits of 3D printing technology in building projects,
sector. These are only assumptions and hopes, and variables like a such as lower costs, increased efficiency, and greater sustainability,
shortage of funding for R&D or obstacles posed by regulators might may be realized if these obstacles are overcome, and these man­
make it impossible for them to come true. agement recommendations are implemented.

5.1. Empirical and theoretical contributions 5.3. Limitations and future implications

Technological, resource, privacy, and operational challenges are all Its recognized caveats temper the study’s noteworthy results. To
highlighted in the report as impediments to the widespread use of 3D begin, this research has limitations that limit its generalizability,
printing in the construction sector. What this means for construction including its small sample size. The validity of the results depends on
companies and politicians is an invaluable insight into the obstacles that being able to reproduce the study with a bigger sample size in future
must be addressed for 3D printing to be widely used in the industry. studies. A second limitation is that, as a cross-sectional research, it
Also, an importance-performance analysis is carried out in the research cannot provide strong evidence for or against a cause and effect. Lon­
to determine which elements impact the construction industry’s readi­ gitudinal study designs are recommended for future research on
ness to embrace 3D printing. The results of this research may guide adopting 3D printing in the construction sector to evaluate the causal
construction companies in focusing their efforts on removing the most link between obstacles and success factors. Finally, the results may not
pressing impediments to adoption. This research uses a route analysis to be transferable to nations with various political, economic, social, and
explore the connections between adoption hurdles and the conceptual technical settings since the data were obtained from the building sector
reflections of political, economic, social, and technical issues. This in a single country. The results of this study should be replicated in other
investigation offers hard data on how these elements affect adoption nations to draw international comparisons.
hurdles. The research suggests that formative structures be used to This study suggests several directions for further study and practice.
assess the challenges of implementing 3D printing in the building sector. First, an additional study has to be done to determine how various el­
Since the concept’s dimensions are not always associated, this method is ements, such as the presence or absence of certain hurdles and success
effective when dealing with multidimensional constructs. Research also factors, influence the adoption of 3D printing in the construction busi­
suggests using reflecting constructions to quantify the elements that ness. Second, the link between hurdles and success factors in imple­
affect the spread of 3D printing. Constructs of obstacles to adoption are menting 3D printing in the construction sector should be studied in the
combined with political, economic, social, and technical constructs to context of many contextual elements such as the organization’s size,
produce an integrated model in this research. This model illustrates the kind, and location. Insights into the adoption process will be richer as a
interconnectedness of the many elements that affect the uptake of 3D result of this. Finally, the study’s results may inform construction firms
printing in the building sector. The study’s findings on the benefits and and regulators about potential roadblocks to the widespread use of 3D
drawbacks of 3D printing in the construction industry are useful for printing in the sector.
businesses and politicians. The research results may be used to create This study, originally conducted in the Pakistani context, offers
plans and regulations that boost the usage of 3D printing in buildings. valuable insights and strategies that can be particularly relevant to
countries sharing similar development potential and challenges. Nations
5.2. Managerial suggestions in various regions, including South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle
East, and parts of Africa, often encounter analogous economic, social,
The following management recommendations are made based on and technological landscapes.
this research’s outcomes for businesses considering using 3D printing in Countries with comparable development potential often grapple
building projects. with similar regulatory and policy challenges. The study’s analysis of
governmental regulations can serve as a reference point for policy­
• Business efforts should be directed at removing the technical hurdles makers in these nations. By tailoring policies that encourage innovation,
that prevent the widespread use of 3D printing in building projects. streamline regulations, and foster a supportive environment for 3D
Technologies need to be integrated, the software has to be devel­ printing, governments can stimulate economic growth in their respec­
oped, and data needs to be managed in a heterogeneous manner. tive regions.
• Inadequate service providers, inflexible processes, and a lack of in- The economic success of 3D printing is a universal concern. Coun­
house knowledge are all issues businesses should try to overcome. tries aiming to harness the potential of this technology can draw from
To that end, comprehensive preparation and educational initiatives the economic insights provided in this study. Understanding cost-
are required. effectiveness, resource utilization, and market dynamics can assist
• Compliance with current legal and regulatory standards and the decision-makers in evaluating the feasibility of integrating 3D printing
usage of a knowledge management system are required for the into their manufacturing sectors.
preservation of public confidence in businesses and the security of Building societal acceptance of 3D printing is a challenge faced by
sensitive customer data. countries at various stages of development. The strategies outlined in
• Assessing the cost-benefit ratio of 3D printing technology and this study for increasing public awareness and stakeholder engagement
refining the manufacturing process may help overcome operational can be adapted to engage communities and industries in similar con­
constraints like high equipment costs and extended production texts. Raising awareness and fostering acceptance are essential steps in
times. ensuring the successful integration of 3D printing technology. Technical

A. Waqar et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 15 (2024) 102517

preparedness is a universal consideration for countries embarking on 3D Acknowledgement

printing initiatives. The study’s findings regarding addressing technical
barriers and ensuring technical readiness offer valuable insights. These The researchers would like to acknowledge the Deanship of Scientific
findings can guide countries with similar development potential in Research, Taif University, for funding this work.
aligning their technological infrastructure and workforce capabilities
with the demands of 3D printing. Researchers and practitioners in these References
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building success: A structural equation modeling perspective, 2023, doi: 10.3390/ Idris Othman He completed his bachelor’s from the University
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[89] Waqar A, Othman I, Shafiq N, Mansoor MS. Applications of AI in oil and gas project management and Ph.D. in Project Management from the
projects towards sustainable development: a systematic literature review. Artif University Science of Malaysia and University Technology
Intell Rev 2023;56(11):12771–98. PETRONAS in 2006 and 2015, respectively. 23 years of expe­
[90] Khan MB, Waqar A. Carbon fiber-reinforced concrete composites using response, rience in oil and gas, high rise 65-story tower, treatment plants,
(2023). Doi: 10.3390/buildings13040852. infrastructures, bridges, highways, construction, maintenance,
[91] Waqar A, Qureshi AH, Alaloul WS. Barriers to building information modeling and facilities management. He is currently a Lecturer at the
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Sustain 2023. his credit.
[92] Waqar A, Othman I, Skrzypkowski K. Evaluation of Success of Superhydrophobic
Coatings in the Oil and Gas Construction Industry Using Structural, (2023).
[93] Waqar A, Skrzypkowski K, Almujibah H, Zagórski K, Khan MB, Zagórska A,
Benjeddou O. Success of implementing cloud computing for smart development in
small construction projects. Appl Sci 2023.

Ahsan Waqar is a lifelong learner from Pakistan who earned his

bachelor’s degree from Mirpur University of Science and
Technology (MUST) in 2015 and his master’s degree in civil
engineering from the same university in 2017.He is now
working as a Graduate Research Assistant at University Tech­
nology PETRONAS, Malaysia and is pursuing his Ph.D. in
Construction Management and has 18 research papers already
published. He has 6 years of working experience in academia
and industry.


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