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By: Josh Macin

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these videos and documents are for
educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent
any disease. You should always seek the advice of your physician or otherwise
qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical
condition before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, health program, or
other procedures discussed in this course.


Hello my friends! Welcome to the most comprehensive holistic healing video coaching course of
all time! Welcome to The Detox Dudes. And welcome to my life.

Thank you for giving your tokens of appreciation and energy (money) in exchange for my
holding, advice, expertise, energy and of course, entertainment!

In these ~40 videos, I am going to introduce you to the deepest crevices of health, wellness,
spirituality, and detoxification.

The objective of these PDF’s are to give you an outline of each video, and to provide you with
any links of supplements, sites, foods, or herbs that were discussed in the videos.

Like with all of my teachings, I encourage you to ​“See for yourself, know for yourself”.​ What
this means is that you shouldn’t just take everything I say as gospel. Do further research and
experimentation on all concepts that I speak about. This is merely a guideline (a pretty badass
one if I may say), which is meant to teach you how to fish. I can give you fish (basically telling
you exactly what supplement to take and when to take it and how much) but that would
pigeonhole the true magic of detoxification and healing, as this process is going to be different
for everyone! You are meant to become your own doctor.

“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing
force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.” - Hippocrates

Video 1: Water

Spring water - Spring water is amazing because of the life force, natural minerals, and
cleanliness of being hundreds of feet below the Earth’s surface. Spring water is naturally
alkaline. Finding a good spring nearby is a game-changer because it is free, meditative, and
great for your health.

Local Water with local antigens can help you fight local diseases and allergies. Hydrological
cycle is the best filter for water on the earth. Making 75% of our body from deep inside the
earth, the cleanest safest place in the world, not having been subjected to industry.

Fun fact: One time I met a guy at a spring in Oregon and he collected a bunch of super
expensive and exotic saltwater fish. He tried using RO water, distilled water, tap water, and
many other types of waters. The only water (after re-salting) that the fish survived in was spring

RO water- Not ideal. Membrane of reverse osmosis system is impermeable to natural trace
minerals, thus the water coming out is stripped. A lot of RO filters are plastic, thus plastic
particles get in the water. More acid PH due to no alkaline trace minerals.

Distilled water - GET A WATER DISTILLER! Distilled water is excellent for detoxification, and it
is a hungry water. Meaning it grabs onto toxins (some say minerals, but Weber and others says
only inorganic minerals). It is essentially a binder and is very pure. The downside is that it has
no life force and minerals but we take care of that with remineralization (and superfoods).

If drinking distilled water from plastic bottles (not recommended but okay during travel) then find
a large grocery store to buy from, not a small market. As the turnover is faster which means less
shelf time and thus less plastic!

Big Berkey Water - It rids of contaminants, and some minerals, but fundamentally we are still
drinking beat up and treated municipal water. I could tell it was nowhere near as healing as
spring water, which is why I made the transition. AquaTru is a good filter as well (but these filters
do not compare to a distiller)

Bottled water - An article I read on mercola says that 40% of bottled water is just tap water.
Then we are dealing with plastic if not BPA free. I like small companies, who are upfront with
where their sources are and don’t use confusing language. A lot of the spring waters at whole
foods and health stores are good. Like Eternal Water, Starkey, and Mountain Valley. But
remember there is other BP’s aside from BPA.
Well Water - Is generally pretty good. Unfortunately most of the time the water is not “ripe”
according to mother earth’s standards. Artesian wells are even better.

Alkaline water - Most machines use platinum and titanium plates, which gives the ions to the
water to make it more alkaline. They are very toxic metals. Most people receive a benefit right
way, and thus think that they are getting healthier, but in reality it’s artificially alkaline water, and
non sustainable.

PH is the potential of Hydrogen. Scale from 1-14, we want something just neutral or slightly
alkaline. Not acidic and not too alkaline. This can affect our intestinal health, flora etc. ​ ​Whereas
an extremely alkaline pH of about 14 would dissolve the oils of your skin and burn you, a highly
acidic pH of about 1 would also burn you. The ideal range for pH in water is a ‘neutral’ reading
of about 7.

TDS: Higher reading indicates harder water and low reading means the water is soft. Hard
water can be medicinal in small amounts (it is sold as mineral water) but over time it is taxing on
the liver and other organs. If water is too soft it is devoid of nutrients. TDS of 20-50. 100 on the
high is ideal. Mineral water can be used in short bursts to remineralize but even this is
controversial. TDS is a measure of charged compounds, thus motor oil, pharmaceuticals, and
pesticides are not going to show up.


I like drinking ½ spring water and ½ distilled water but listen to your own body!


To buy a distiller - ​​​ ​- u

​ se coupon code ‘detoxdudes’ for 5% off

Go to ​​ for local springs in your area.

TDS meter / PH Meter

Spring water testing

If you harvest your own spring water, you can get a ​6 gallon carboy​, ​strap​, and ​handle​.

Mountain Valley Delivery

Andrew Norton Webber​ - Excellent source of info on distilled water

Last Resort For Broke People! ​(Aqua Gear)

Video 2: Self Love

The different practices of self love that have changed my life are:
Self Massage - Massaging yourself (feet, legs, hands, arms, neck, face) while saying “I love
you, good work, good job, good job today” etc.

Walking on the earth - Walking barefoot on earth while each step you take saying I love you to
yourself, to the earth, to the land, to the trees, to everything in your sight. You can even start
saying I love you to everything in your house.

Mirror practice - Stand in front of the mirror and stare at yourself deep in the iris. Connect with
your deepest and highest self. Connect with your child. Say “I love you” for 2-5 minutes.

While talking to someone else - While talking to other people you can create an orb of love by
saying “I love you” to yourself while they are speaking. Instead of doing mental gymnastics
around other things, just do gymnastics around self love!

Maybe its true maybe it’s not. I love you anyway - This practice involves taking a pause while in
deep thought. We tend to go to worst case scenarios in our mind. While caught in one of those
stories, we can pause and say “Maybe this is true, maybe it is not, but I love you anyway (insert
name here)”

7 minute meditation - For 7 minutes sit quietly with your eyes closed, play some binaural beats,
and say “I love you” in your head.

Remember the “fake it until you make it” philosophy. Some people cannot feel love, but it is
okay, just keep carving the pathway in the brain. Keep saying it until it becomes a reality. Also
remember change becomes a natural byproduct of self-love. Self love does not equal
complacency! Guilt perpetuates the cycle and we need to throw it away.


Love Yourself Like Your life Depends On It

Video 3: Sweating

Sweating is one of the most important pieces of health and detoxification. It has been my
consistent ally through my five years of detox. DO NOT SKIP SWEATING! It doesn’t really
matter if we use steam rooms, dry saunas, NIR, or FIR saunas. The main thing that matters is if
we are sweating.
The skin is the largest and typically most congested organ in the body. Native american sweat
lodges have been around for 40k years! Sweating during exercise is good too but not as good
because it also stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. Killing virus and bacteria that can
not survive above body temp. This is called hyperthermia. Excellent for plastics/BPA as well.

A recent medical study involving 2,315 Finnish men indicates that regular use of a sauna
reduces the risk of fatal heart attacks and reduces death from all causes.

Continuation of Study - inversely associated with dementia and alzheimer's -

In a later video, we will talk more about the differences in saunas and which one to use.


Sweat as much as you can without draining yourself! More sweating = more minerals needed
afterwards to replenish.

Video 4: Breathing

Deep breathing, not shallow breaths. Hand exercise, see which one goes first and also which
one moves more. Studies have shown that the lower half of the lungs actually delivers more
oxygen to the body. It takes three times as many shallow chest breaths to get the same amount
of oxygen as a deep abdominal breath (with the diaphragm) vs. intercostal muscles of the rib

Taoists measure lifespan by counting breaths and heartbeats, not birthdays.

Somebody asked me how I got through the jungle, and how I got through those years. The
answer I gave was breath. When you are really faced with an unbelievably intense challenge,
you will always have two options, panic or breath.

Also remember to open up the windows in your house every morning!


Take deep and slow breaths!

Video 5: Sunlight

Sunlight -
Sunlight is absolutely necessary for health. Gradual introduction to sunlight is essential for
health, despite what the powers at be are saying. How is something that throughout our history
has been regarded as a divine being all of a sudden a class 1 carcinogen? It’s chemical
sunscreen that is the real culprit, which leads to huge free-radical creation from the sun.
Sunlight is necessary for our eye health, circadian rhythm and hormone production. Necessary
for production of serotonin, and for melatonin from the pineal gland. Many spiritual teachers talk
about the sun providing us with “downloads” of information and upgrades for our DNA!

Getting outside first thing in the AM staring in the general direction of the sun even if cloudy is
great for resetting the circadian rhythm. Sunlight during the day is very important, but not getting
burnt. Sunburn is definitely carcinogenic.

Sure sun can be dangerous to people who are toxic and who totally hybridized and adapted to
our commercial lifestyle. But gradual sunlight is actually the sunscreen for the next exposure to
sunlight. The skin thickens and protects itself. Our bodies and eyes are solar panels.

Sunlight has infrared to detox and UV rays to cleanse and sterilize skin.

God doesn’t make mistakes!

Cancer is from the toxins baking on the surface of the skin. National study in Sweden concluded
that women have a 2x higher chance of death from disease if they don’t bathe in the sun.
Chemicals in sunscreen cannot go in food. Companies would lose their license and be put in

Nothing on Earth can live without the sun and we are scared of it?

Creates nitric oxide which goes through the blood vessels.

UVA - deeper penetrating most damaging. Present even on cloudy day
UVB - good radiation, creates vitamin D, most prevalent at mid-day.

Early morning sun before 10am is all UVA. As sun gets closer to surface of earth, less ozone to
absorb UVB.

People in countries with highest UV radiation, near equator, or high altitude swiss alps, german
alps, 400% more exposure to UV radiation and no skin cancer. Most skin cancer are places like
London, England. Northern Plains, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Scotland, Canada.

Shadow theory and Vitamin D - If your shadow is longer than your body, then you are not
getting Vitamin D.
The eyes are portals for Vitamin Production, so wearing sunglasses is not a good idea.
Basically telling the body that it is getting dark outside and no longer needs to produce melanin.
Lack of melanin during daylight will cause UVA portion of the light to enter the skin much more

“The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch
of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.” Galileo Galilei

In the winter, it is important to supplement with VItamin D because UVB is reduced. And/or you
can get a UVB light.

Get out in the sunlight. Sunbathe!

UVB Light
Heal Yourself with Sunlight

Video 6: Cold Water Therapy

We are too comfortable and not exercising our positive stress response. Cold water therapy
improves lymphatic circulation, stimulates blood flow and improves cardiovascular circulation,
balances endocrine system, reduces muscle inflammation. It really activates the body’s natural
healing mechanisms.

It really helps us penetrate fear and train ourselves to have delayed gratification. After a hot
shower I am cold, after a cold shower I am warm.

Cold therapy is not a new invention; it is among man’s earliest medical treatments. The Edwin
Smith Papyrus (3500 BC), the most ancient medical text, repeatedly mentioned cold therapy

It also:
Stimulates activity of BAT (brown adipose tissue) or Brown Fat.
Fights inflammation
Increases lifespan (as per studies done on fish, flies, and mice)
Enhances detox pathways
Strengthens Immune System

Increased longevity via cold-exposure could be due to hormesis. Hormesis refers to the
paradoxical adaptation that makes animals stronger and more efficient if they are exposed to
environmental stresses. Think about it, a freezer extends the life of foods!
Cold temperatures act like a mild workout for the nervous system, which adapts and
strengthens it.

Wim Hof (“the ice man”) has been instrumental in showing the world that, through specific
training techniques using cold exposure and breathwork, a person is able to control their
autonomic nervous system. Before this research was done on Wim, the autonomic nervous
system was largely thought to be beyond conscious control.


Rubbermaid Stock Tank
Wim Hof

Video 7: Minimal Ejaculation (For Men)

Throughout this course you will hear a lot about supplements and healing modalities. The reality
is that it is very difficult for a man to heal if he is losing his seed. Even if he is taking thousands
of dollars worth of supplements!

It is very important to learn how to cultivate sexual energy. This is one of the most powerful
essences in our body, and for most people it controls them. One way of becoming bigger on this
planet is to develop a new relationship with one’s sexual energy and ejaculation.

What is the most intense toxin on the planet? It’s not mercury folks. It’s porn! First of all it’s
fake, it’s a business. You don’t see all the failed takes, all the viagra, and the women not
actually enjoying themselves. It’s like a movie. Not just a movie because people using it for
masturbation Our sexual energy is responsible for 50% of our total energy, and porn is
completely hijacking this. Flows into our relationships and our real life sex and brings us
completely into the mind, fixations, and obsessions. We should not be in our minds when we
are having sex! Teenage boys having issues with erections because of porn. Masturbation for
males is absolutely detrimental. This is like releasing your DNA, releasing your chi - flushing
samples of it down the toilet. In french they call an ejaculationn a “petit mort”.

Survive and replicate, false reward, false mission accomplished. Whereas if they held it in, they
could create an empire, a business, go deeper into themselves and spirit.

If you take a toy from a child you have to replace it with another toy. Replace it with cultivation
of energetic, spiritual awareness, a new game.
It is pretty much a universal rule that men feel like shit after jerking off. (especially to porn) And
yet we keep doing it! Isn’t that the definition of addiction?

It is also very important to choose sexual partners very mindfully. Sex is a very deep, intimate
swapping of auras and swapping of energies. Make sure your partner is taking care of their
energy, eating clean food, and has qualities that you admire. Otherwise you will be climbing
uphill with your detox!

War mode - Going into war mode during the weeks/months of not ejaculating is very important.
Choosing what is best for you with relentless discipline can help all other facets of life.

Inner smile technique - just as you get a good response from other people when you smile, the
same is true for our organs.

It’s also possible for men to have super long and multiple orgasms, at the same time not


Microcosmic Orbit Book
7 min ejculation article
Article #2
Think and Grow Rich
Inner Smile

Video 8: Removing Toxin Exposures

Fillings: Going to a biological dentist, making sure they use dental dams and air filter/ionizer.
Avoiding seafood (sardines + mackerel is okay)
Kitchen: cookware (avoiding aluminium and cast iron), cleaning supplies, dish detergent,
Bathroom: makeup/cosmetics, hair gels, soaps, moisturizers, deodorant, shampoos,
conditioners, toothpaste + chlorine filter for shower
Laundry room: laundry detergent, laundry sheets
Removing IUD’s (Copper are the worst, the others aren’t so better)

Spend a few weeks removing all of the toxic chemicals from your home. Especially things that
you put directly on your skin!

More information on amalgam fillings and biological dentistry -


Natural Body/Home Care:

Primal Life Organics
NOTO Botanics
Body Soap
Dragons Blood
Deodorant​ (or just use essential oils)
Omica shower filter
Dish Detergent
Hand Soap​ (or Dr. Bronners)
All purpose cleaner
Tooth Powder
Laundry Detergent ​(​Borax​ and Baking Soda are great boosters)
Conscious Cookware
Glass Kettle

Switch to organic makeup as well. Unfortunately I don’t have experience with this!

"We conclude that skin absorption of contaminants in drinking water has been underestimated
and that ingestion may not constitute the sole or even primary route of exposure."​ -American
Journal of Public Health

Video 9: Boundaries, Lifestyle, Attitude

Boundaries - necessary for health. Can’t remove parasites without proper boundaries. What are
boundaries and what does this process look like? Actual physical boundaries with people and
also more general boundaries. And giving yourself the necessary space to heal. Starting to live
a life for you and only you, irrespective of anybody else’s thoughts or opinions.

We are not here to be the best sons, daughters, sisters, brothers. We are here to be happy at all
costs. Creating space for yourself, which means not trying to get validation from other people.
People can be wasting their money if they don’t address this stuff first, the supplements won’t
even have a chance to work their magic. Limiting technology as much as possible, getting rid of
the news, unfollowing negative people on Facebook. Blocking your news feed.

Also, knowing that this is a marathon, rewiring expectations and beliefs. It’s not a 30 day
process and that’s it! We are reversing generations of trauma here, generations of
accumulation of heavy metals, pain, parasites etc. It doesn’t just happen in a week. We would
die if we released all of our toxins in a week. Knowing that healing is actually painful. Most
people are not truly feeling their pain, so it does actually get worse before it gets better.

Money and the relationship to money here. It’s part of our healing process. How we are
investing in our health, investing in our cars. Some people look at all this stuff and say “wow
that’s expensive” but that’s like always complaining about how gas is expensive.

Going into debt for your health is one of the best things you can go into debt for. I went into 50k
debt for UMD.

Dealing with other people while on the journey. Not blabbing about it all the time because
people won’t understand and you won’t carry it from knowledge alone. You carry it after it
transforms your life.

Contract Revocations - Telling the universe you are done with the pain, done with suffering.

You are a cosmic being, and on some level you chose this illness. You allowed it to happen
because you knew it would chisel out your highest qualities here on earth.

Remember there is no destination. You are taking care of yourself now, in an incredibly deep
way. You don’t have a time or a place that you have to “arrive” at.

Getting out in nature !

Live life for yourself! Forget the conditioning. Forget being dutiful. Stop getting fragged by

SelfControl​ (for computer)
FreedomApp​ (for phone)
News Feed blocker
Does Money Improve Our Health?​ (video)
The Fundamentals of Detox​ (my ebook)
Video 10: Smooth Bowels

During this healing process, it is imperative that we have smooth and consistent bowel
movements. Shitting is probably the #1 most important piece of the detox process. And in turn
our health! Most colons in the modern era have become cesspools of death, fermentation, and
putrefaction - instead of life, beneficial microorganisms, and light!


Lacrosse ball for self massage
Triphala​ ​(2-3 pills)
Gaia Laxative pills​ ​(2 pills, this is for people when triphala doesn’t work)
Boldo Tea​ ​(1 bag)
Magnesium Oil​ ​(50-80 sprays internally with a mouthful of water)
Oxy Powder​ ​(RDD)
Coffee Enema Instructions
Colema Board
Salt Flush
Enema Bulb ​(2 tsp salt in 1-2 cups water)
Enema Bag​ (​or even better Glass one​)

Video 11: Thyroid

This journey can be seriously uphill if one’s thyroid is not taken care of. The thyroid is like a car
engine that sets the pace at which your body operates. Thyroid needs fuel, the thyroids fuel is
iodine. The thyroid extracts iodine from the blood and makes two different kinds of thyroid
hormone. T4 and T3. (T4 contains 4 iodine atoms and T3 contains 3). Sometimes T3 can be
made from T4 by dropping an iodine atom. Then there is TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)
which is the pituitary glands way of sending messages to the thyroid and tell it how active to be.
Higher TSH tells thyroid to speed up, lower TSH tells thyroid to slow down. The thyroid stores
mercury instead of iodine, which is why heavy metals are correlated to hypothyroidism.

Sometimes the thyroid can’t meet your body’s demands for thyroid hormone, even though TSH
levels increase. As your body slows down, you may feel cold, tired and even depressed. You
may gain weight, even though you’re eating less.

If you’re hyperthyroid, your pulse may be racing, you feel irritable and overheated, and you have
trouble sleeping. You may lose weight in spite of a good appetite and experience anxiety and
The following was taught to me by Connie Fox, who learned from Dr Jack Young. I am not an
expert but I have seen great results with clients through following this information:

What I learned is that the real reference range for TSH should be 1.0-1.6 and that anything
above is mild hypothyroid. When you start getting above 2.0 ​and​​ having symptoms is when
treatment is recommended. And slow release USP natural dessicated thyroid is always better
tolerated than synthetic thyroid hormone, and also even natural thyroid hormone that is in a non
slow release pill. Also, T3 and T4 in 50% range or higher is good, and that can be the added
factor in determining if someone has a thyroid issue.

Get your TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 levels checked before embarking on a serious detox
protocol. If mild hypo or hyperthyroid take care of it with supplements. If moderate to severe,
consider taking natural dessicated thyroid hormone.


For mild hypothyroid -

Iodine​​ ​(RDD)
Kelp​​ ​(RDD)
Ashwagandha​​ ​(​RDD)
Selenium​​ ​(​RDD)

Bugleweed​​ if hyperthyroid ​(2 dropperfuls 2x a day)​ is another way of balancing mild to moderate

hypothyroidism, though I have never used it.

More info on thyroid


Video 1: Gut Healing

I know there is a strong allure to jump right into hardcore detoxification, but please for your own
sake let’s pump the breaks here. The absolute first thing that needs to be addressed is our gut
and colon health before we can make any progress with anything else. The colon is the central
channel where most toxins evacuate from, and when the inner walls of our colon are leaky
every single toxin that leaves our body gets reabsorbed into our bloodstream, worsens
symptoms and royally fucks up the process. Furthermore, when the gut is inflamed, a
down-regulation​ of our natural detox mechanisms take place preventing real progress from
being made. I literally spent 3.5 years of torture and $150,000 to “mastermind” the above
paragraph. Fuck that is an expensive paragraph!

My favorite gut healers are:

Heathers Tummy Acacia​​ ​ (or gum arabic) - It is a strong prebiotic fiber derived from the sap of
the acacia senegal tree that helps feed the microorganisms in our gut. Can reduce gut
inflammation ​(1 tbsp)

Licorice Root ​- One of the most commonly used plants in chinese medicine, often used as a
guide herb, which makes all of the other medicines more powerful. The medicinal strength and
benefits of licorice root are strong enough that the FDA issued a notice for consumers to be
aware that black licorice is more than just a sweet treat, even when extracted as a sweetener.
Anti Inflammatory and demulcent herb (soothing effect, ​RDD) (​ Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’
- ‘dd500’)

Immune Tree Colostrum​​ - pre-milk that is created after a cow has a calf. It is so powerful that
the calf will actually die within 24 hours if it doesn’t get this. The primary function is to pass
passive immunity to the calf, (or child) , passing over the antibodies for everything that she has
dealt with over her lifetime to the young. Immunoglobulins, immune factors, amino acids,
vitamins, minerals etc. ​(2-5 tbsp daily)(​ Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Glutamine​​ ​- building block for the intestinal lining, very important for leaky gut.
Bone Broth - homemade, check out my video ​(2-5g daily) ​(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ -

GHC Aloe Vera ​and/or fresh aloe vera​​ - superplant that helps reduce inflammation and soothe
intestines. Helps your body cleanse itself. The whole leaf is a laxative but the inner fillet is not.
Also contains complex sugars that our microorganisms love. ​(2-3 caps daily)

Purple cabbage juice - ​don’t have too much of this because of anti nutrients, 2x per week. But
very good for gut health. It has anthocyanins, which is the antioxidant that turns it red. ​(10oz

Collagen powder​​ ​- Most abundant protein the body. It’s the glue that helps hold the body
together. Great for skin, hair, joints, seals the protective lining of the intestines. If getting bovine
collagen, it comes from the cartilage, bones, and hides. (RDD) ​(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’
- ‘dd500’)

Slippery elm bark powder​​ - bark of the red elm tree. Creates a mucilaginous tea that coats
and protects your intestines. ​(1 tbsp in 10oz of boiling water.)​ Don’t take other supplements
within 30 minutes or so, as the layer will prevent absorption of other things.
Coriander Seed Oil - Activation Products​​ - even mentioned in the bible, used to balance gut
flora and reduce inflammation in intestines. ​(Take ½ dropper but start smaller than that if you
are very sick.)

Quercetin​​, ​Rutin, Luteolin​​ or N

​ europrotek​​ - Mast cell stabilizers (if severely ill and not wanting
to take ketotifen) ​(RDD)

Brain Gain​​ - Another mast cell stabilizer, should be taken with neuroprotek if one is very ill and
cannot take ketotifen ​(RDD)

Lectin Protect​​ - Bladderwrack, Okra, and Larch bark - these foods bind to lectins and prevent
them from wreaking havoc. We will talk more about lectins in a bit, but if you aren’t able to be
strict with a lectin avoidance diet, or if you have severe leaky gut, then this is a supplement for
you. It’s impossible to avoid all lectins altogether. ​(2 pills with meals, especially if they have
lectins) ​(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Liposomal Colostrum​​ - This stuff is even more bad-ass than regular colostrum. Crosses the
blood brain barrier, though it’s even more expensive which is why I like to get both. Have on
empty stomach away from anything else. ​(1-2 tbsp)

Restore4Life​​ ​ - Dr Zack Bush strengthening the tight junctions which is basically a space in
between cells in the gut where intestinal permeability can happen. It’s an intelligent velcro like
system, front line of defense, cooperative network of material in between the cells. Also helps
cultivate a more complex ecosystem, it’s like a compost tea. ​(RDD)

Butyraid ​- ​Butyrate is a short chain fatty acid. Anti Inflammatory and it’s food for our colon cells.
A study was done that showed it Improved 53% of crohn's disease patients

Marshmallow root​​ - Again like licorice root a popular candy is derived from it. But this root is
super powerful for gut healing, forms a protective coating around the intestines

Raw milk kefir​​ ​(kefir lady)​ - Raw milk kefir is loaded with probiotics and is an absolute
must-have food for people with severe leaky gut and/or severe toxicity. You can make your own
kefir using local organic raw milk and kefir grains (from kefir lady) or you can purchase
already-made kefir from a local farm (amish farms are great). It is well tolerated by those who
even have a dairy allergy, but if it bloats you after several attempts (and you are chewing it),
then I would skip it. Can also use it a smoothie base, and even the gut healing elixir base. Goats
or Sheep’s milk is best!

Ketotifen​​ - mast cell stabilizer, antihistamine.

Worst things: Alcohol, sugar, dairy, gluten, lectins​ - butyrate studies

Video 2: Philosophy, Veganism, Fruitarianism.

Strict diets are flawed for this process because they are a “diet”. I’ve gone through so many
different ​phases​​ in the past couple years of healing. And every phase served a purpose. No
one diet was better than the others it was just what I needed at the time.

People are so identified with different extremes of diet. Ego identification and dogma around
diets. People find something that helps them in their situation and then claim that it is good for
all people at all times.

Why I am not a vegan?

First of all the vegan diet is very yin. You can even feel it in certain people when they are vegan.
It’s not balanced. I was a vegan for 8 months, it was the weakest I ever was. In fact I was even
a raw vegan for 4 months.

I got involved in it because I thought it was the most natural and healthy way.

In the beginning it feels good. But it’s not sustainable. The problem with the documentaries is
that they are propaganda, they are comparing veganism to factory farming.

Ungroundedness that comes with veganism. Too Yin!

We are related very closely to the chimp and the bonobo. Chimps and bonobos both eat meat.
They eat insects and they even hunt other invertebrates for meals. They are omnivores. Gorillas
don’t hunt but they do eat insects.

There are no vegetarian societies in any foraging societies. There are no pure gatherers, there
are only hunter/gatherer societies.

The China study (basically concluding that vegetarian plant based diets gave way for less heart
disease and other chronic disease has been scientifically ripped apart.

We don’t see veganism in any ancient cultures. We see vegetarianism, but these vegetarian
communities in Asia eat dairy and animal products.

Things have to die in order for us to live. Some traditions talk about the animal being able to live
through the human being. Everything in nature is giving and receiving, it is part of the cycle.
Factory farming is the motivation for veganism. They swing to the other end of the pendulum,
instead of going to local farming. Other great apes, other societies would have been become
vegan if we had all the nutrients. Vitamin B12 is missing

A lot of fruit - I don’t agree with this. Fruit is also very yin. Fruit is also hybridized, which means
it’s been bred to have as much sugar as possible and it also has very little nutrients. Daniel
Vitalis calls it the chihuahua of the wolf, totally domesticated. Feeds all pathogenic
bacteria/parasites. High insulin response.

Bananas are sterile now. They are grown from a culture in a lab.

The real reason a tree produced a fruit is to replicate. Feeding us is secondary.

Wild fruits are actually smaller, less sweet, and difficult to eat. Many cultures made fermented
beverages with these fruits because they were so bitter!

Fruits with no seeds are cloned or grafted.

Ultimately we have to listen to our bodies on this one.

People think they need to avoid cholesterol, but we use it to make almost all of our hormones.
Testosterone, estrogen, progesterone. We need it for our phospholipids our cell membranes, it’s
what holds us together. Vegans will say that we make our own, but that’s only when we are
starving for it. Fatty acid deficiency, and cholesterol deficiencies. Most people will feel great in
the beginning.

Woman mauled by bear and how it translates to killing, maybe it’s not all evil and painful.

Keto diet - over the long haul messes the bodies stress system. A lot of people that go ultra low
carb on the keto diet aren’t getting enough calories, also the body needs some starches and
carbs to make healthy bacteria, and after 6-12 months the gut takes a hit. Plus, people turn to
high amounts of saturated fat, and for certain people this can increase inflammation. It can also
mess with blood sugar levels, and if people have low cortisol, by their body can't use insulin
properly. Then it becomes even harder on keto for a person to regulate their blood sugar.

Different foods carry different energy. It is important to stay in the world of the “physical” and the
world of mineral and nutrients when it comes to diet. Energy of foods must be taken into

Video 3: Lectin Avoidance

Nature is equipped with its own system of defense and lectins are the way that vegetation
defends itself against larger predators such as humans and animals.
The diet that I subscribe to these days is the lectin avoidance diet. Like I said in the last video, it
has changed, and will continue to change, but there are certain foods that have been totally
stable the entire way through my healing. (eggs, butter, ghee, colostrum, chicken) And these
are foods that I crave on a regular basis.

Lectins are resistant to digestion and are absorbed into the bloodstream. They also damage the
gut lining and stimulate the immune system.

Lectin avoidance diet is a great cure for autoimmune conditions. Heavy metals are a recipe for
autoimmune conditions because the body is attacking “itself”

Stick to a lectin avoidance diet as much as possible. It is impossible to be “perfect” because
everything has lectins, but do your best. Listen to your body!

Gundry Book
Food List

Video 4: Food combining rules + digestive tips.

Trophology - The art of food combining

Proteins, more specifically animal proteins, require a high acid environment to break down the
fibers holding them together. When you eat animal protein it spends most of its time in the
stomach being broken down by the acid there.

Starches, such as those found in grains as well as vegetables such as carrots and potatoes,
break down in an alkaline environment in the small intestine. When you eat starches they
actually spend limited time in the stomach and it does not release much acid as it does not do
much to break them down. Instead they are processed by the alkaline environment and
microbes in the intestines.

Fats are mostly processed by bile excreted by the gallbladder and liver and enzymes secreted
by the pancreas in the small intestine. They generally slow down digestion of everything that
they are eaten with. Fats include animal fats, such as milk products or lard, nuts, and avocados.
Fun fact- most people who are metal-toxic have a difficult time breaking down fats.

When you eat starches and proteins together your body gets confused and the two inhibit the
digestion of each other. The starches prevent the proper acid breakdown of the protein in the
stomach and the protein prevents the proper alkaline breakdown of the starches.
Not mixing two different complex proteins - they require different amounts of time to break down
and different proteins require different enzymes

Fruit before meal instead of after meal. Melons alone.

Typical signs that food is not digesting properly (leaky gut or bad food combining) are feeling
heavy, sluggish, and gassy after a meal.

Chew your liquids and drink your solids.

Many cultures used bitter herbs as an ordinary and essential part of their diet. We have
unfortunately lost this art as comfort has set in, nobody wants to taste anything unusual, and our
grocery stores are lined with sweet and salty snacks spoiling our taste buds. Bitters herbs
stimulate production of gastric juices, saliva, and bile. Also excellent for breaking the habit of
sugar and carbs.

Digestion starts in the mouth. Start the job right by chewing your food thoroughly, also sitting
and relaxing after a meal. Digestion takes a lot of work by the body.

Don’t mix starches and animal proteins.
Eat fruits away from meals
Chew your food thoroughly!

Digestive Bitters
Digestive Betters 2​​ ​(get both, but this one is more important if only getting one)

Video 5: The Food

Food List

Video 6: Juicing and Fasting

Throughout this process I always had the thoughts of I’ll just fast until it’s all gone! That’s a
shortcut! We lose hold of our life when we do this. Also we strip ourselves of minerals, and
further exhaust the body. Exacerbate many mental conditions doing this. Doesn’t typically
create healthy relationship to food.

It can be good in phases, for the right people, at the right time.
But I’d suggest following the ​5-day resurrection protocol​ when you do it.


Video 1: Binder Cocktail

Binders should mostly be taken on an empty stomach! First thing in the morning is best. Binders
are negatively charged substances that bind to toxins and allow for easy release through the
bowels and/or urine. Binders are constipating, and that most people will have to follow one or
more of the flushing methods that I have in another video. Binders at night and also in morning
are the two most important points to take them. Between 10-11 at night because gallbladder
dumps its bile, in the AM because of the toxin dump while we sleep. I like taking pills at night so
that I don’t have to urinate during the middle of the night.

Microsilica​​ - fumed silica with a special bonding process that makes it 100x more powerful than
chlorella, can also take separate from cocktail with Vit C or in the cocktail (not for the very ill).
(1-2 scoops, can go higher as well)​ ​(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Green Bentonite Clay​​ - ​Eytons Earth, the aluminium in clay is indigestible. Jason Eaton is
exposed to more clay than almost anyone and he told me that he has super low heavy metal
levels. It binds aflatoxins from mold, pesticides, herbicides that are not bound by charcoal. This
green clay is the same as Biopure green clay but way cheaper! ​(1 tsp in binder cocktail) (​ use
code ‘detoxdudes’ for 10% off)

Edible Clay Melange​​ - This is the best clay to be have on its own. Unfortunately it does not mix
well in binder cocktails. It has three different clays and can be drank anytime during the day on
an empty stomach. Great as a “binder cocktail” on it’s own as it is three different clays. Great for
people on a budget. One can drink clay all day long, especially if one is fasting. Great during
intense detox phases. ​(1-2 tsp in 14oz water)​ ​(use code ‘detoxdudes’ for 10% off)

ZeoBind​​ - when lava meets water a special process happens that creates a negatively charged
mineral zeolite. Silica added for aluminum ​(½ - 1 tsp in binder cocktail)​ ​(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ -
‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Coconut Charcoal​​ - Kilns with limited oxygen that allows the shells to be carbonized but not
turned to ash (VOC’s, pesticides, herbicides, mold, endotoxins) ​(½-1tsp in binder cocktail)

MicroChitosan​​ - derived from chitin from the shells of crustaceans. It's a binder, fiber, and liver
protector (adzuki bean NASA study) ​(2 pills in cocktail)​ ​(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ -
Takesumi​​ ​- alkalizing for the body and also has trace minerals. ​(½ - 1 tsp in binder cocktail)
(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Modified Citrus Pectin​​ - Normally pectins are not digestible by humans, but it is modified with
sodium hydroxide and hcl. The only clinically researched MCP, boosts urine excretion of metals
by as much as 500% with certain metals. ​(2-4 pills in cocktail) (​ Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’
- ‘dd500’)

Psyllium Husk Powder​​ - Psyllium husk powder swells in the intestines to make the binders
more powerful. Disclaimer: It will also make the binders more constipating, so flushing is
generally required. ​(½ - 1 tsp in cocktail)

If broke, you can get ​IF #2

I say no to Quicksilver GI binder. Half of it is acacia fiber, I think it’s a ridiculous cost.

Can also use ​bulletproof​​ / ​microchitosan​​ / ​Takesumi​​ pills for nighttime or when lazy. ​(2-4 pills

And ​Enterosgel​​ - intelligent silica binder that coats the intestines, binds to bacteria and toxins.
(¼ - ½ bottle daily on empty stomach away from binder cocktail.)

Binders can also go in suppository and enema bag. No psyllium husk if enema bag.

Nasa study

Video 2: Morning water

Things used in morning water video:

Megahydrate​​ ​(RDD)​ or ​silica​​ ​(RDD)
Lemon ​(1 lemon)
Salt ​(1 tsp)
Potassium bicarbonate​​ ​(½ tsp)
Magnesium drops​​ ​(20 drops)
TRACE​​ ​(20 drops) - ​scroll to bottom of the link for TRACE
Angstrom Minerals​​ ​(1oz)
Fulvic Acid​​ ​(RDD)
Microminerals​​ are great too (though were not featured in video) ​(RDD) (​ Use code ‘dd’ -
‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)
​ hough it tastes awful!
As you get healthier you can start to tolerate ​MSM​​ as well.​(1 tsp) T
Potassium bicarbonate tastes pretty awful too. :/ So remember if you feel like you really want to
enjoy your morning water, it may be best to just use lemon, trace minerals, and salt.

Megahydrate - created by physicist and MD Patrick Flanagan. Helps making the areas in and in
between our cells hydrated. More than 100 times more potent than plant based antioxidants.
Tastes kind of like salt, it’s not great but it’s not terrible. May cause some detox reactions.
Boosts zeta potential which increases surface area for blood to flow.

Tons of published studies on megahydrate -

Video 3: Quick Meditation

Correct Posture, good meditation cushion, binaural beats is a good grounding rod. No ley line
intersection, preferably not in the same room as bedroom.

Gently open (less stories) vs closed eyes (can go deeper)

Setting intentions for the day. Trying to get a little space from the monkey mind that may have
kicked in already. Knowing that in your center you are more powerful than 100 hours of forceful
action. It’s very important to push through that period of time that you reach where you really
want to get up. This is when you really start burning stuff.

Meditate for 10 minutes a day if you can. Especially in the morning before jumping on

Meditation cushion

Video 4: Stretching and Pooping

Most people are reliant on coffee or caffeine to stimulate their bowels. But we want to eliminate
this need. Some type of gentle laxative or cleaning agent the night before, coupled with 32oz of
warm water + acv/lemon and some stretching is all we need.

Basic stretches. Spinal stretches, neck stretches. If dealing with real constipation, then self
massage. Remember the rule about sleeping and pooping. Everything else is for null if those
two things are not happening. Self massage with steel ball, rock, or lacrosse ball. From right up
to the left down. Also massaging and massaging the perineum lightly. Also doing anal sphincter
exercises, in smooth rhythmic motion. Also neck stretches. Moving like a snake can also help,
doing weird movements with your body.

Pooping: using garbage can or squatty potty. Or squatting altogether. This aligns the rectum
with the colon correctly, not putting unnecessary pressure in the wrong places. Also giving
yourself the space to have a great bowel movement in the AM before your day starts. Getting all
caught up in the day right away is a recipe for a smaller bowel movement. Depending on the
way you relate to the world.

Make sure you are pooping, and aid your body in this if necessary!

Squatty Potty
Lacrosse ball

Video 5: Etheric Excretion

It is a layer of energy around our bodies. This is similar to an “aura.” Cleaning the etheric and
keeping it clear is as important as cleaning the physical body.

Salt-water Flush
Salt-Water Neti - 1-2 tsp of salt in 2 cups warm water.
Yogic exercises during Salt Flush
Kunjal kriya

Detox Bath:

Green Clay​​ ​(​4-10 cups)​ ​(use discount code ‘detoxdudes’)

Dead Sea Salts​​ ​(1-3 lbs)
Epsom Salts​​ ​(1-3 lbs)
Magnesium Flakes​​ (​1-3 lbs)
Essential Oils (I love juniper berry for baths)
*​micronized zeolite​​ - I did not speak about this in the course but adding a few cups of
micronized zeolite will make the bath even more bad-ass. Increases detox effect big time.

Remember to mix all ingredients in 5 gallon pail ​before​ putting in bath.

Also, you can do a binder cocktail before the bath, and put binders in rectally during the bath for

So remember for supplements, ​more​ is not necessarily better. A body can only handle so many
different nutrients/compounds at a time. It is very important not to get caught in the trap that you
need to address everything right now. The trick is to go through different phases of exploring
just the right amount of something (or several things) at any given time. Remember if you start
moving into the world of panic, anxiety, heart palpitations, that means you have gone too far,
and you need to slow down. Believe it or not, even though most of these supplements are not
direct detoxifiers, they have a synergistic effect and when taken all together they are more
powerful than the sum of each individual supplement.


Also, the doses I recommend throughout my whole course are just the doses that I USED. They
are not the ultimate answer when it comes to dose. Do your own research, do your own
experiments, but the doses that I talk about are merely doses that I have used safely in the past.

Video 1: Restorative and Supportive

Brown Seaweeds:
- Biofilam ​- ​laminaria japonica. A form of kelp. In 1991 after chernobyl this seaweed
yielded the best results according to scientists working on radiation victims. This
seaweed is raw, as they learned from the island of okinawa that the best way to
consume seaweed is indeed raw. It is a powerful binder. ONLY in the northern Pacific
Ocean of the coast of uninhabited islands Far-East Region of Russia and Japanese
Islands. 45lbs of this to make 1 lb of the supplement. 8 capsules would equal an entire
plate of seaweed. ​(2-6 capsules depending on thyroid health)
- Alaria Supreme​​ - ​Another brown algae. Careful about taking too much of these
seaweeds as they contain iodine. Helps balance hormones as well. ​(3 capsules) (​ Use
code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)
- Mountain Rose Herbs​​ ​or​ ​Nature's Way Kelp​​ ​and/or​ ​Global Healing Center Iodine​​ -
removing chlorine and bromine, also supports thyroid function ​(kelp 3 capsules, iodine 3

Advanced Research Lithium Orotate​​ ​- naturally occurring mineral from earth - everybody
needs it and we are deficient. Official government study in texas about lithium in drinking water
vs murders and suicides. Differences between rx lithium and orotate. ​(6-12 daily)

Liposomal C​​ or ​Designs For Health​​ - People who are very sick should avoid this, and stick the
the vit c powders I recommend later on in this section, but this is vit c encased in a liposome.
(1-2 daily)

Nordic Naturals Fish Oil​​ or ​Nordic Naturals Algae Omega​​ - ​And algae oil for the brain -
algae oil means going right to the source, also the cleanest. 8% of our brain is made up of
Omega 3’s. Also our body cannot produce it, so it is so necessary. Excellent for protection
against EMF’s as well. ​(can 3/4x the RDD! Or even more!) (​ Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ -

Bravo Yogurt​​ (or ​suppositories​​), ​SporeBiotic​​ (use patient code ‘Healevate’), ​Thrive
Probiotics​​, ​Floratrex​​: Tribal cultures have a much higher amount of biodiversity in their
intestines, and this is due to their connection to the land and diversity of diet, and eating of wild
foods. Spores are found in nature, way higher survivability, found naturally in the human biome.
Megaspore is the strongest probiotic I have ever found. Thrive is another great one, very strong,
but more mild than megaspore. Floratrex is excellent as well ​(follow RDD for all)

*note no longer recommending prescript assist because of ​recent news​.

Liposomal Glutathione​​ - master antioxidant that boosts all detox processes ​(1 per day, not
everyday) ​(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate spray​​ - Magnesium oil that doesn’t itch the skin like
Ancient Minerals does. Both are good, but I prefer hexahydrate. We are all magnesium deficient
​ nlimited)
and oral is not doing the job.​ (u

Gaia Herbs Milk Thistle​​ or m ​ ilk thistle seed oil​​ (more powerful) - powerful liver protector and
gentle detoxifier. I think the whole planet should be on milk thistle long term. ​(pills 2 pills 2x per
day, liquid ½ tsp per day)

Herb Pharm Nettle​​ - Really awesome concentration of minerals for the human body, zinc,
magnesium, potassium etc. Very easy assimilated because it’s from a plant. ​(2-4 per day) ​(Use
code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Herb Pharm Horsetail​​ or ​EarthShift Silica​​ - natural source of silica/ concentrated silica for
aluminium and hair, skin, nails. ​(2-4 per day for herb pharm, 1-2 tsp for earthshift) ​(Use code
‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Fulvic Acid​​ - ​Definitely need either shilajit (which I will discuss in superfoods) or fulvic acid, but
don’t need both. Fulvic acid is a miracle acid found in humic shale that allows plants to absorb
nutrients. Improves gut health. Boosts detoxification. Allows us to absorb more of everything
else that we are taking. It is the master synergistic nutrient. Also incredible for the skin.​ ​(10
drops in water)

Black cumin seed oil​​ - 630 scientific peer reviewed studies, there was one conclusion, there is
not much that black seed oil ​doesn’t​​ help with. Black cumin, black sesame, nigella sativa.
Excellent at defending against superbugs. Powerful antifungal, antioxidant. Anticancer. Found in
king tuts tomb. ​(1-2 tsp daily)
Angstrom Minerals​​ / ​Earthshift Magnesium Minerals​​ / ​TRACE​​ / ​Biopure Matrix​​ - these are
ionic minerals that are much better digested in the body than pills, powders, or mostly all other
liquids. This is because of their size, the fact that they are ionic, and the fact that they are
monatomic, which means they are single atoms of minerals bonded to water. I use these to
remineralize distilled water. There is some controversy around angstrom minerals, in that it is
just a unit of measurement. Angstrom was the OG of minerals doing it since the 80’s, most other
companies were just branched off them. These minerals do not require digestion. (​RDD for all)

Potassium Bicarbonate​​ ​- helps to balance calcium, peer reviewed study done on this. We are
getting enough sodium, and more deficient in potassium + many say it’s even better at
balancing PH than baking soda. Either works. ​(½ - 1tsp daily)

Ubiquinol​​ - ​pubmed study shows that it increases mitochondrial action and reduces oxidative
stress. Not on this exact supplement but on Ubiquinol-10. Creates new mitochondria which is
crucial for detox, health, longevity, energy. Reduced antioxidant form of CoQ10. Shilajit’s
support of CoQ10’s mitochondrial protection against aging was validated when laboratory mice
were subjected to strenuous and stressful physical exercise. Shilajit and coq10 was 27%
greater ATP production in muscles and 40% in brain cells, compared to coq10 alone.
Unparalleled Synergistic effects in terms of reversing aging. ​(2 daily) (​ Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ -
‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Vitamin D Patch​​ - this is the most effective way of getting vit D (aside from the sun) ​(1 daily)

Dr Rons Multi-Glandular​​ ​- Weston Price found that all native cultures consume every part of
the animal, and give that particular organ to someone with a weak one to nourish it. Only
required when one is extremely ill. ​(3 pills 2x daily)

Studies/Links: ​​ (potassium bicarbonate)​ ubiquinol​ (shilajit
and coq10)

Video 2: Parasites + Lyme

I’ll give you a sample parasite protocol but by no means is this the end-all-be all. Detoxification
is extremely complex, unique to each individuals body, and it would be very limiting if I gave you
a strict exact protocol. A lot of the homework is done, but not all of it. You still have to explore,
experiment, and learn what your body likes/wants etc. There are literally hundreds, if not
thousands of different parasite herbs, and this applies to all supplements as well. I am just going
to give you what I found to be the most effective ones, keeping it as simple as possible, and
best routes of administering.

Oral vs rectal -
Oral - unfortunately a lot is ruined through digestion and stomach acids but it also takes care of
parasites in the small intestines
Rectal - pain in the ass. Very time consuming. Very intense. But much more effective at
systemic parasites.

Length of protocol - Parasites should be worked on after the gut is in integrity, bowels are
flowing smoothly, digestion is strong, and one feels stable enough to work a 20-30 hour work
week. One does not have to be working 20-30 hours, but atleast can be capable of it. Dramatic
improvement in one’s health can be achieved by just following all of the steps before the
supplements section. Parasites should be worked on for a minimum of eight cumulative

How often? Many say to do parasite herbs 4x per day as this continually weakens them. I find
that this is just unreasonable, creates too much stress (with all the other stuff we have to do),
and ends up being too difficult. I like parasite herbs 2x per day. In the AM, and in the evening.
Many practitioners give parasite herbs to people at night time, I think this is outrageous as even
I now would have trouble sleeping an hour or two after a healthy parasite dose.

Expectations? This is very deep work, and can lead to massive ranges of consciousness, mood,
and food cravings. Life needs to be prepared around this. The goal is for slow and steady
progress but even while going slow, this becomes very deep work. See parasites are
intertwined deeply with our DNA. I know most people wish they could flip a switch and have all
their parasites eviscerated in ten seconds. But if they could experience the pain associated with
that explosion, they would never flip that switch in the first place. Heck, they may not even
survive that explosion. Parasites are heavily intertwined with heavy metals, toxins, past trauma,
struggles, emotions, karma, and maybe even past lives. Don’t believe in past lives? Check out
Ian Stevenson's work. Anyway, my point is that we can’t get rid of our parasites in one week or
even one month. And the same is true for our heavy metals and healing the gut. It takes serious
time and work. It is a marathon, not a sprint. It is a way of life and requires constant tweaking,
integrating, and switching between the different phases of detox (gut healing, chelation,

Also, when diving deep with parasites, it can be the sole focus of your detox protocol. Meaning if
for two months you aren’t taking any other supplements, just following all the other measures
(and binders), then that is totally fine. In fact, if you were to do everything you would put your
system on overload.

Also, please make sure you don’t jump right into 5 different parasite herbs/modalities.
ONE AT A TIME and with each individual supplement you should be tapering up to the
full dose, not starting at a full dose.

Notes: It’s not good to start and stop parasite herbs often. Parasites can develop a tolerance to
it, which is why it becomes extra important to start slowly, so that you don’t have to stop. A
formula doesn’t become “useless” by stopping and starting it but it does become less strong. So
I am going to offer two different phases here. A killing phase and a maintenance phase, and let
you know which would be good for what. Also, searching for parasites with a stick, as seeing
them makes this whole process easier to “believe” for the skeptics.

I would say a good protocol is 2 months on followed by a few weeks of maintenance. Then
another 1-2 months on followed by a few weeks of maintenance. I wouldn’t go more than a
month of maintenance unless you are really starting to feel good and clear with yourself. Once
someone is clear and has regained their psyche and boundaries, parasites have a hard time
thriving. I haven’t taken 1 single parasite herb in about a year. I think I did turpentine maybe 5
times the past year, without anything else, and I have continuously gotten healthier.

Now remember it’s not all about slaying these parasites. You have to “terrain modify” or improve
the conditions of the house at the same time, otherwise as soon as you are done, these bad
bugs will go right back to what they do best.


BioPure ten in one​​ (no emulsifier which means you have to shake it) - This oil is 10 different
parasite herbs in one, and it is ozonated, which means o3 air is pumped into it. Completely
different chemical structure after this, Klinghardt explains that each oil splits into ten different
oils after the ozonation. I don’t understand the science deeply, but I will say it’s been one of the
most if not the most powerful anti-parasitic I have ever found. (​Dose: 15 drops 2x daily) ​(Use
code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Fungus Fighter​​ - Excellent formula. I probably went through about 5-6 of these throughout my
journey. I basically took it everyday for 8 months. (​2 dropperfuls 2x daily) (​ Use code ‘dd’ -
‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Turpentine​​ ​- terpenes. Pine oil, not rectified turpentine which is a byproduct of paper
manufacturing. This is a completely natural product, but has a bad rap. ​(½ -1 tsp) (​ can mix with
1 tsp psyllium and 20oz water for stronger effect)

Castor oil​​ - always get hexane free and in glass. Made from the castor bean. ​(in capsules
frozen (6) or 1 tbsp)

Essential Oils​​ - Ananda Apothecary, Mountain Rose Herbs, Young Living - if not these brands
make sure steam distilled or C02 distilled. ​(10-30 drops orally) - ​My favorite essential oils are
listed on the ​Parasite Slayer​ recipe on my website. Always dilute essential oils with water when
taking orally and I wouldn’t recommend high dose oregano, garlic or onion orally.

OR 1 suppository per day taking one day off a week ​(follow instructions on my website)
Liposomal Biocidin​​ ​(3-4 squirts daily​)

Maintenance: (follow 1-2 of these) These can also be added into the killing phase. The trick is to
just barely be pushing the envelope consistently.

Paratrex​​ ​- This is a great company and a great complete parasite killing capsule. As with most
powders, they tend to be somewhat mild when taken orally, but definitely over time do a great
job. ​(3-5 capsules daily)

Neem​​ - The neem tree is so magical we just have to use it. It is the “village dispensary” because
every single part of it is therapeutic in different ways. The leaves are very antiparasitic. The
seed oil​​ can be used as a spermicide (though please do not rely on it), tribes in Africa use it,
and also an antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, so it can be used to prevent STD’s. As a side
note, if anybody is dealing with painful herpes, check out ​dragons blood​​ ​on the wounds. I have
had clients have incredible results with it instead of resorting to antiviral medications. Ok we got
off subject there let’s get back to it. ​(2 in am 2 in pm) (​ Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Noni​​ ​- thousands of doctors have reported clinical success with the use of noni for many
different ailments. Been used for hundreds of years in Polynesia. 1) Much of the noni (in juice
form) on the market is greatly diluted with other fruit juices to mask the taste, weakening the
potency. Most noni on the market has been put through a fermentation process that they feel
enhances the product (but clinically we often see the opposite). Most noni is either in
pasteurized juice form or a capsule combining the leaves and fruit (We believe the raw
powdered fruit without the leaves is the best form). Peru mountains story with giardia. ​(4 caps
twice daily)​ (​ Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Mimosa​​ - In TCM this is known as happiness bark/flowers, given to people who needed a
spiritual uplift or cleansing. It’s ironic that it is also an anti-parasitic, and a strong one ​(1 tsp in
smoothies if using Biopure or just RDD of Supreme Nutrition) (​ Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ -

Gaia Olive Leaf​​ - antibacterial, antibacterial, great to take long term to slowly and gently
improve the conditions of the intestines. Improving the house. (​1-2 caps 2x daily)

For Lyme disease:​​ Follow ​my video​ + S

​ amento​​ instead of cat's claw

Video 3: Detoxification (chelation)

I used to have a detox elixir that I recommended in my last course. I think it’s too strong for the
majority of people. If you want to see it, (its very intense) then send me an email and I will send
it to you, but as I evolve, I changed up how I would recommend people to chelate.
Once moving onto chelation, many of the other supplements are not necessary and in fact
would be overload for your body. Though binders (particularly microsilica are crucial) Chelation
can create similar symptoms to parasites dying, though I find it is moreso body oriented. Muscle
soreness, fatigue etc.

These are in my experience the best combination of powerful, comprehensive, reasonably

priced, simple, and well tolerated methods of chelating heavy metals + other toxins. Not all of
these are necessary on a given day, just a dose of 2-3 of them will be super strong.

cilantro juice ​(2oz)

wheatgrass juice ​(2oz)
Eclectic Wasabi​​ ​(3 caps)
Liposomal DIM ​(RDD)
Cilantro essential oil DoTerra​​ - on skin (feet is great)
BioPure Cilantro​​ - this is too strong for me but including it here anyway
Loudwolf EDTA​​ ​ - ​(up to 1tbsp orally)
Chelation Suppository​​ ​- This is my absolute favorite way of chelating. ​(1 suppository every
other day.)
Eclectic Wasabi

Video 4: Superfoods: ​(some of these are supplements too, category 1 is essential, these are

Surthrival Pine Pollen​​ (powder is better for women) ​(1 tbsp) (​ Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ -

Surthrival Pine Pollen Tincture​​ (higher androgen count, better for boosting testosterone)
Contains testosterone and other plant steroids.​ ​Helps balance hormones in both men and
women. The estrogen-like compounds that we are surrounded with in this world is causing an
over-feminization of our bodies, for men this causes fertility issues for women, cancer and tumor
growth issues. Increases glutathione ​(30 drops and hold in mouth for 90 seconds) ​(Use code
‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Vitamin C Powders:​​ (explain synthetic ascorbic acid powder and how real vit c contains much
more than just ascorbic acid, it also has flavanoids, rutin, and the enzyme tyrosinase. ​(doses,
- Camu camu
- Kakadu Plum​​ (#1 most dense Vit C on the planet) or this ​one
- Rothkranz Vit C powder
- Maqui berry powder
- Rosehip powder

Hemp Seeds​​ - very grounding , easily digestible.

Lucuma​​ - known as gold of the incas, I regularly had it in peru. Low glycemic sweetener. ​(1 tbsp
in smoothies)

Sweetfruit Drops​​ or ​BioPure Stevia​​ - Sweetfruit drops is my all time favorite sweetener ​(½ tsp
for sweetfruit drops)

Hemp Protein Powder​​ - very grounding , easily digestible. ​(2 tbsp)

Mucuna​​ ​- this bean is nature's adderall. One of the few supplements that I really miss when I
stop taking it. Known in Sanskrit as kapikachhu which means “one who starts itching like a
monkey”. This is because there is a velvet covering of hairs on the seapods that if touched
make you itch like crazy. Seeds Contain l-dopa which is precursor to dopamine. ​(2-4 pills daily)
(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton​​ - I’ve gone through about 20 of these. Trillions of
microscopic cells inside called marine phytoplankton. Contains nano nutrition, contain every
single known human nutritional molecule ever found on the planet. These are the building
blocks for life force, it turns every switch on at a cellular level (mitochondria). Real clean energy,
not like caffeine. ​(1-3 full droppers)

Natural News Clean Chlorella​​ - extremely intelligent binders and blood cleaners, also loaded
with proteins and nutrients that the body craves. ​(dose can vary here. 20 per day for
maintenance, you can also have chlorella weeks where you just take chlorella and no other
supplements! 100+ per day)

Natural News Spirulina​​ ​( ½ - 1 tbsp)

Immune Tree Colostrum​​ - spoke about this during gut healing ​(unlimited but can cause detox
reactions above 2 tbsp for people with intense chronic illness) ​(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’
- ‘dd500’)

Shilajit​​ - Shilajit is a miracle ”goo” that is found deep in the Himalayan mountains. It contains
loads of minerals, fulvic acid, and other compounds necessary for energy and mitochondrial
health. For general maintenance take a small portion, about the size of a grain of rice and
dissolve in hot water or herbal tea. Shilajit can also safely be dissolved under the tongue but be
warned that it has a strong bitter flavor. Amount can be increased to the size of a lentil or pea
for greater energy and effect. ​(Dose: 1-2 x daily)​ have with butter or ghee or coconut oil to
increase effects, it also acts as a synergistic agent for all other supplements.

Carob​​ - kind of like chocolate, no caffeine. Low lectin

Baobab​​ ​- “The tree of life” due to its appearance and mystical powers that cultures attach to it -
prebiotic resistant starch and vitamin C. They are absolutely beautiful. ​(1-2 tbsp)

Moringa​​ - nutrient dense spinach, way denser than kale. Used to eat this all the time in the
jungle as well.

Jing Herbs Awaken the Shen​​ (My favorite chinese herbal formula of all time for mental
well-being) ​(1 tsp daily)

Jing Herbs Dragon Bone​​ (my favorite calming/grounding remedy) ​(up to 1 tbsp in time of

Jing Herbs He Shou Wu​​ - Ho shu wu, Mr he’s black beard is the translation. Old sickly guy
who never married and had trouble getting laid found this plant intertwined like a male and
female intertwine, cooked it up and drank it and he became a ladies man and lived to 100.
Whether the story is true or not I don’t know, but I find this to be one of the best restorative
herbs to the jing (crucial if a man is losing his seed often) . Also high in zinc. ​(​1 tsp 1-2x daily)

Manjistha​​ - can change your urine color to orange/brown like beets do. One of the most
effective herbs in the world at aiding the lymphatic system in detox. Heart shaped leaves leaving
us more evidence of the doctrine of signatures as this herb is great for the heart and circulatory
system. ​(2-3 caps 2x per day)

Broccoli Sprout Powder​​ - sulforaphane, crucial for detox, crucial antioxidant, “panacea”. ​(1

Non-dairy “colostrum”​​ (For non-dairy) - Have never used this, but wanted to give an option to
people who will not consume dairy or feel that colostrum is unethical.

Aronia berry​​ - packed with vit c, same category as maqui and acai, though less well known.

Royal Jelly Powder​​ - This is the best royal jelly powder on the market. Pristine region in
mountains in China, also freeze dried. Most liquid “raw” royal jelly is actually pasteurized
because it has to be before being imported. Because the amount of labor involved is intense
and such a small amount is extracted (they also have to do it daily and trick the workers into
thinking they don’t have a queen bee) it is all overseas. ​Queen bees are made, not born, and
their feeding with royal jelly is the key to that process. Without this special food, queen bees would
fail to develop properly. Royal jelly is a thick, extremely nutritious, milky-white, creamy liquid
secreted by the hypopharyngeal glands of the nurse bees. Queen bees live exclusively on royal jelly
and it accounts for their incredible size and longevity. They average 42 percent larger and weigh 60
percent more than the worker bee. Amazingly, they live 40 times longer than worker bees, seven
years as compared to seven weeks. Some of the only true organic royal jelly on the market, because
in order for it to be organic (honey included) they would have to own miles and miles of land. ​(work
your way to 2tsp)

Hydrilla Powder​​ - wild aquatic plant, one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. An
absolute must for vegans because it contains b12, calcium, and iron. “Hydrilla has become the
most serious aquatic weed problem for florida and most of the US” What a joke!
(½ - 1 tsp)

Wild Greens​​ - nettle, chickweed, couchgrass, dandelion greens. All wild! Way more powerful
than almost all of the other greens powders. Not domesticated greens. ​(1 tbsp)​ ​(Use code ‘dd’ -
‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’)

Schizandra​​ - For phase 2 liver detoxification ​(1 tsp)

Velvet Deer Antler​​ - For boosting T. Increases growth hormone. Think about it, the antler
regrows at a pace of ¼ inch per day, imagine how complex the compounds are in there. ​(30
drops per day)

Black Ant​​ - for zinc. A great Yang supplement ​(1tsp)

Gelatinized Black Maca​​ (for men) - the best maca in town. Black maca is great for boosting T,
also a lot of sulfur. ​(work way to 1 tbsp)

Gelatinized Red Maca​​ (for women) - great for balancing female hormones​ (1 tbsp)

Cacao Powder​​ ​or ​Cacao Nibs​​ - for taste, for chocolate lovers. Also some therapeutic benefit.

Acai​​ - For vitamin C and antioxidants

Medicinal Mushrooms:
Chaga​​ ​- For DNA repair (​RDD)
Reishi​​ ​- for immune support (​RDD)
Lions Maine​​ - one of my all time favorite for rebuilding the brain and myelin sheath. (​RDD)
SRT-12​​ - complex immune formula with 12 different immune boosting mushrooms. (​RDD)

Order of Operations (Gut Healing -> Parasites -> Chelation)

Mucoid Plaque - naturally comes out when you have your binders, juices, consistently keep
inflammation down in the gut. You can go through phases of working on it ​(Arise and shine
cleanse​, or just doing a long term detox with binders and dissolving herbs/juices)

The Art of Detox (Pushing the envelope little by little) Also, on another note, remember that
physical detox is always correlated to mental, spiritual, and psychological detox. You are not
just dumping the junk physically, you will also be clearing emotional baggage. Imagine as a
baby that we were this beautiful vase filled with beautiful, filtered, and clear spring water.
Mineral rich and tasty.

Then over the course of 25 years, we had people pouring their shit in our vase - eating junk,
people yelling at us, traumatizing us, telling us we aren’t good enough and telling us what we
need to do. After those 25 years you can believe that water is going to be murky and gross. Like
swamp water. Now as you start pouring clean water back into the vase (supplements,
superfoods, detox) then all of the junk rises to the surface before it is expelled.

So remember, when emotions and thought patterns rise to the surface, it is not necessarily a
bad thing. Many times this is just the natural way of clearing thought patterns and emotions. You
have to re-experience it before it clears, and this will continue to happen throughout the course
of your lifetime. This is true healing.

Remember: Not changing a lot of things when life is in big transition. When you are stressed
and/or spread thin, that is the same biological feeling as detoxing, so it will be overload.


Video 1: The Room / Supplements / Extras

Sleeping in a totally dark room. Blackout curtains. No electronics. White Noise (fan). Candles
instead of regular light. Most candles are toxic, they actually have something called paraffin,
which is similar to what comes out of diesel fuel. Stick to Non-GMO soy or ideally beeswax. Bed
without springs, doesn't have to be fully organic mattress. Bed and boxspring with metal is
essentially an antenna for EMF, article in Scientific American states that 75cm above mattress is
a antenna for EMF,s. Thus sleeping on the right side, our heart would be exposed. Bed
recommendations. Sleep cool


blackout curtains
good candles
Bed recommendations - Casper, Yogabed, Leesa, Serta icomfort

Try not taking supplements after 5pm (except for sleep ones). Cut blue light at 8pm.

Tranquility​​ (GABA, Glycine, theanine) ​(Use code ‘dd’ - ‘dd100’ - ‘dd250’ - ‘dd500’) ​or you can
buy all three separately if you want higher doses.
Dragon Bone
Anxiety soother
Biopure liposomal melatonin
Blue blocking glasses
Sleep tracks/meditations

- Make a suppository with essential oils of blue chamomile, valerian, rose, jasmine, and/or

Having an Altar. Having special relaxation clothes. Starting to turn off the busy brain, monkey
mind. Working mind. Acknowledging that thinking about a problem or ruminating on solutions to
things will not help as much as a good night of sleep will. Sleeping cool at night is superior.

Walking outside first thing in the morning and staring in the direction of the sun to signal
daytime, restart circadian rhythm.


Video 1: Electrosmog

Dirty Electricity is a form of electromagnetic pollution or radiation. It refers to powerful, high

frequency electrical energy traveling along the wiring in buildings where only standard AC
electricity should be. Most Dirty Electricity is produced when modern electronics, dimmer
switches, appliances, and energy-efficient lights convert standard AC electricity into other forms
of electricity to operate. It is also generated when devices draw power from a building’s system
intermittently rather than continuously. Martin Graham, here in Berkeley designed a machine
that dramatically reduces this effect. Stetzerizer. But from my research, Greenwave is doing it
even better.

Another option is shutting off the electrical at night for the bedroom.

Another source coming from microwave antennas, cordless phones,wifi, cell phones, etc.


Greenwave stetzerizer
greenwave dirty electricity meter
Acousticom 2
Pocket PF5​​ for low frequency magnetic fields (gaussmeter) from power lines, solar panel
inverters and other things.
EMF canopy​​ ​(use code ‘detox5’ for 5% off)
router cover
router timer
smart meter cover

Video 2: Noxious Earth Energy Lines / Geopathic Stress

1929: German scientist Baron Gustav von Pohl (also a dowser) theorized that earth radiation
affected human health. To prove this, he mapped the energy lines in the town of Vilsbiburg, then
compared them to the records of the district hospital. It was found that every single one of the
48 recorded cancer deaths had occurred in people who had been sleeping in beds standing
exactly above one of the powerful “water veins” (underground streams are also a source of
geopathic stress) that Pohl had mapped before seeing the medical records. Pohl’s findings were
published by the Berlin Centre for Cancer Research in 1930.

The interest in earth lines started in 1930’s in Europe, mainly Germany and France in cities that
had small enough populations to be tracked by 1-2 medical practitioners. Mother, daughter,
grandmother same cancer. Husband after husband same cancer. The common theme was that
they would find cancer patients to be spending an extraordinary amount of time on earth lines in
their home.

Very reputable medical organizations came about to disprove the theory. Studies were
conducted with thousands of cases, 30-50k actually. Time and time again the theory was
proved correct, and the detractors turned into the most intense supporters. These people were
not “healers” they were scientists and professors of medicine who risked their career to stand in
favor of these lines. Feb 1987, west german government started investing millions in a research

Look out when your child is turned upside down every morning, unconsciously trying to escape
the line.

Subtle intersecting lines throughout the entire planet. Almost like mother Earth’s veins. Some
are very small and some are massive. Cats like the intersection of lines. Intensify as you go up
floors. People used to find water like this.
Not sleeping on an intersection. Not meditating on an intersection. Children have an antenna for
these intersections. Also, plants will not grow on these intersections. Curry and hartman Grids.
Curry are east west. Hartman are east west, and north south.

There have been actual medical studies in Germany done proving that these intersections are
harmful to our health.

Strength and width of lines are reinforced during storms. Doubled between 1am and 2am,
tripled on full moon.

It is where rotting processes are favored, compost heap. Oak trees are line seekers. Ants show
great affinity for intersections, hence they are cleaners of all that is rotting in nature.

Energetic trash cans or like a clogged lymphatic system of the earth.

15” x 4.5” plus ballpoint pens is a way to make the rods without buying them.

Etheric excrete afterwards

Can noxious lines be neutralized? No, not every square inch of space was meant for real estate


Dousing Rods

Video 3: Diffuser/Ionizer


Ananda Apothecary Essential Oils

Air Oasis​​ (By the time you are seeing this, the new one may be available. ​iadaptair

Video 4: Near Infrared Sauna

NIR is not necessarily essential, and that just sweating is. NIR is better than FIR, but different
people debate this.

Pre-sauna routine of hydration, on relatively empty stomach.

Gua Sha, vodka skin solution before. During the binder cocktail or enterosgel. After a juice with
added minerals. Niacin before sauna is good as well.

Near Infrared Sauna’s:
GoHealthyNext​​ (cheaper)
SaunaSpace​​ ​(prettier)
Gua Sha tool
Vodka Skin Solution


This video is yours to watch in times of need. In times of extreme darkness, panic, pain, and
fear. It is a video to bring you back to your center. So many countless times in my journey was I
in that place, and my mind thought that I had to “do more” in order to get out of it. It is so
counterintuitive, but doing ​less i​ s the absolute fastest way of coming back to center.

Anytime one crosses over to palpitations, panic, sweating, extreme fear - they have detoxed too
quickly. Fatigue is okay, but all of these symptoms are not. They are not sustainable and not
meant to be “pushed through.”

Homebase protocol - Binders, Magnesium Oil, Healthy foods. STOP TAKING ALL OTHER
SUPPLEMENTS (unless you are on ketotifen). Go for walks.


Guided meditation
ASMR - You are okay

If you completed and implemented the Silver Course and noticed benefit in your life,
contact me about upgrading to the Gold Package where you can talk to me directly:

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these videos and documents are for
educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent
any disease. You should always seek the advice of your physician or otherwise
qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical
condition before undertaking any diet, exercise, supplement, health program, or
other procedures discussed in this course.

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