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Rich out for the real life

1. What is the real life ( 3 min)

@The real life , what do this expression "the real life" bring to your mind? While
, I am not sure what comes to your your mind,
WHEN you ear this words but to most of people in the world ,the expressioin " Real
Life" present to the mind a picture of luxury and pleasure,
And because many are influenced by the idea of becoming reach will lead them to a
"real life", people in the world do not hesitate to
persue any goal or to take any direction that they believe will lead them to
hapiness,security and better life that they always dream.

But what does The Bible says about the real life, is it something that we can reach
out? If you want to know what the bible
refere to when it's talking about real life, please I invite you to turn your
BIble to the book of 1 timothee 6, we will read verse 12 and 19,
There we read :.....

So, we see here the bible tells us in verse 12 that " We must get a firm hold on
the evalasting life for which we were called" and if we look at the
verse 19 carefully, you will notice that the bible advice us again to "get a firm
hold on the evalasting life but this time the expression evalasting
life is replaced by "the real life". We can say then "Real life" equal to
Evalasting life.

So can we see brothers and sisters and Friends, that when The bible speaks about
the real life , it speaks about a life which is far superior
than what most of the people in the this dreams. A real life is not a life a luxury
car and house, not a life that last 70 or 80 years, but a
life of good health, a life of perfect conditions and in beautiful paradise and a
life with no END.
So here comes a question: How much are willing to pay to God to give you this "Real
life" ?

While,unlike positions of this world that require you to pay a high price before
to get it, The real life that God offered is a free gift that
can be reached by any one but if you realy want to get it , you need to make it, to
make the real life your main goal" of your present life.

2 why make the real life your goal? (8 min)


The bible gives us two main reasons why we should persue goals that lead to the
real life, the fist reason is what we can read in the
book of Isaih 48:17, please turn you Bible to Isaih 45:17.
So the fist reason according to this scripture is that, when we focus on persuing
goals that lead to the real life, we benefit now, we make
our present lives better, we can enjoy a better family life,we can have peace of
mind in this complicated world and live a healthy life.
the second reason, is found in the book of 1 John 2:17, there again , I invite
you to read with me:...
The second reason is that this world or systems of things is passing away, if you
focus on other goals that do not lead to the real life,
you might pass away as well with this world, so persuing any goal that is a part
of satan world , including money , pleasure and luxury life will be just
a westing of time !!
So now How can you hold on the real life, how can you show that you really want to
persue goals that lead to real life?

3. How can you get hold on the real life? (10 min)

Please,let us turn our bible to the book of Matthew 22:37,38 and let see what the
bible tells us to do in order to gain the
real life? The buiblke tells us that we must love Jehovah with our whole heart and
it mentioned that this isthe greatest of all the
commandements. So what does this tell us? this tell us that to reach out the real
life depends on the love that we have for our creator.
How can a person show the creator of heaven and earth that he loves him more than
anything else? it is by dedicating their our lives to
him and getting baptised.Baptism that we are talking about, it's not what we see in
many churches around us, in most of churches around us,
baptism is just like a sign up thing, once you says you believe in Jesus, that's
okay for you to get baptised.

In Jehovah's organisation, there are progressive steps that lead to the baptism,and
the majority of us present have been trought those process
already,but even if if we were there already, it is always good to rememeber those
steps so that we dont give a chance to satan to weaken our
relationship with God. There are 5 steps that lead to baptism, and those 5 steps
are the following:

- Number 1 is to come to know Jehovah as the true God, and this is called Bible
study. This is a step where a person start to learn about
jehovah and start to drow close to Jehovah.A bible sutdy can take 3 months,6
months or longer in order to be completed.
- Number 2 is to build faith in Jehovah's promises ( Heb 11:6), for example when
we study that there will be a resurrection, we have never
seen someone being resurrected, it requires faith to really believe that this will
- Number 3 is to feel regret over ou past sins andmake changes in our conduct.
- Number 4 is to dedicate ourself to Jehovah.Do you know any father who does not
need his son to show him that he really
love him ? This is the same with Jehovah, our dedication tells Jehovah that we
really love him.Love for Jehovah should move you to dedicate your life to
HIM and put him above everything.This decision must be personel. We dont dedicate
ourself to Jehovah because we someone tell us that we studied long enough! In Matt
16:24,25 Jesus said
0000000000000 that
- Number 5 is Finally to get baptised and this the step where we want to show
our dedication to Jehovah in public to show that we have
decided now to serve Jehovah as one of the Jehovah witnesses and to disown
ourselve. What does it mean to disowner ourself?

One watch tower magazine explains that the basic meaning of the greek word
translated to " DISOWN"is to say No.This can also descibe as to release our
our owneship and give ourself to Jehovah. So When we disown ourselve, we say no to
our our own ambitions, we say no our selfish pleasure but we yes to please
Jehovah and to do what he requires us.

4. The real life is not beyond your reach ( 10min)

So if you believe in God's promises, ask yourself , What prevents me from geeting
baptised ?
May BE You can feel that getting Baptised is okay but you feel that it will be too
difficult to live up to God's requirement/standard after the baptism.
You might even say to yourself "may be one day, I will do something bad and I will
be disfollowshipped from the congregation". or maybe you have a
a different reason that But remember one thing,
Jehovah is a lovely father, he is not the chief disciplinary officer, Jehovah
doesn'nt ask us too much things, he does'nt ask things that are too difficult
for us to carry. If we have many servant of Jehovah who can succeed today in
serving Jehovah faithfully for many years, this means you can also succeed!

For that let watch a 4 min interview video of two examples of students who progress
to baptism, and see maybe see if you can find some points from
their examples that may help you.Let watch...

You will agree with me that the only way these two students succuded in dedicating
their lives to Jehovah dispite challenges was by to disown themselve
as Jesus said.If it's your first time to come here and you are not too sure how to
get to all these steps, maybe after thye meeting speak to the
brother that invited you or any brother in attandance , thet will be able to asist

5.Reach out for the real life now (3min)

So Brothers, Sisters and friends now is the time to reach for the real life.
Do not delay, if you are not baptised yet, pray Jehovah to help you remove all the
doubt that may be on ypur way and succeed, if you are baptised already
focus on persuing goals that lead to real life.
soon this system will End and all the things that people ARE busy accumulating for
themselve will be gone. Money,luxury things of this world and material possessions
will be gone! Jehovah' desire is to see many people possible to be present in the
paradise, the real life that he'is offering us, so he is willing to
help us to reach ot for the real life.

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