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Legal Writing


When several sentences or ideas are put together to deliver one message, coupling
mechanisms are needed to tie these ideas together. These are called connectives or
transitory devices. They help the reader see the connections between sentences or
paragraphs. Without them, many readers would be confused regarding the writer’s

For example:

The deceased was rich. She left P100,000.00 to her maid in her will.

Inserting the connective “indeed” between the sentences will have an effect on the

The deceased was rich. Indeed, she left P100,000.00 to her maid in her will.

The message conveyed by the connective “indeed” is that the deceased must have
really been rich because she could afford to give P100,000.00 to a maid. In other
words, the second sentence affirms the truth of the first sentence.

If the connective is changed to “yet,” a different message is conveyed.

The deceased was rich. Yet, she left P100,000.00 to her maid in her will.

The deceased was quite rich but she was too stingy and gave her faithful maid only
P100,000.00. From a positive image, the deceased acquires a negative one.

In spoken language, the listener usually succeeds in getting the connections between
the speaker’s ideas because the latter clarifies the message through gestures, facial
expressions, voice tone, or pauses. These are not available in written language. Thus,
the writer needs the help of connectives or transitory devices to link ideas and present
a unified thought. It cannot be assumed that the reader can read unspoken tie-ups
between ideas.

The English language has many useful connectives:

And Connects two ideas Defendant refused to acknowledge his
of the same kind debt and he would not pay it.

Besides, what is Adds another ▪ Plaintiff called defendant by phone.

more, furthermore, thought to the first Besides, he wrote him a letter.
in addition, again
▪ He is stupid. What is more, he is ugly.

First, next, then, Arranges ideas in ▪ First, he introduced himself to her;

finally; meanwhile; order next, he dated her; then, he proposed
later; since then to her; and finally, he married her.

▪ Carlos robbed the store. Meanwhile,

Jose stood outside as lookout.

▪ He sued her. Later, he agreed to

settle with her.

▪ He won a million pesos. Since then,

he has not stopped spending the

Nearby, above, Arranges ideas in The victim was sleeping in his room.
below, beyond, to space Nearby, the accused was stealing his
the right, to the left things.
But, still, however, Connects two ▪ Juliet said that she cried for help. But
on the other hand, contrasting ideas Mario testified the he did not hear her
yet, nevertheless, cries.
▪ The plaintiff claims that the debtor
had not paid him. On the other hand,
the debtor claims that he had paid the

▪ He was poor yet generous.

▪ He did not love her. Rather, he lusted

after her.
In fact, as a matter The second idea Alibi is a weak defense. In fact, it
of fact, indeed affirms or supports crumbles in the face of positive
the validity of the identification.
first idea

For example, for Adds an illustration The freedom of speech is not absolute.
instance to an idea For example, you cannot walk in a
crowded theater and shout, “Fire! Fire!”

Therefore, so, Connects an idea The accused acted in self-defense.
hence, with another that Therefore, he is not guilty.
consequently, follows from it
Of course, to be Grants an All the applicants are qualified. Of
sure exception or course, some are more qualified than
limitation to an idea the others.

In short, to sum up, Summarizes He lost his job, he sold all he had to pay
in brief several ideas his debts, and he still owed more. In
short, he was bankrupt.

Using connectives to put together two or more ideas in legal writing also develops
logical reasoning. The relation between ideas is tested by trying one connective in
place of another.

Connectives are not the only devices that can be used for joining ideas. Two sentences
can be connected by putting in the second sentence a word that points to a word used
in the first sentence. These are word bridges.

For example:

If the purpose of reorganization is to be achieved, changes in the rankings of

the employees should be expected. For one to insist on having his old rank
would render the exercise useless. #

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