2021-04-12 News

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威林每周英語新聞 EP.102 (2021-04-12) William 講解影片

太魯閣號列車出軌事件 白沙屯媽祖起駕


News Title: News Title:

Passenger train carrying 490 derails in Taiwan, Baishatun Matsu sets off from Miaoli
killing at least 50 and injuring dozens Key words:
sets off v. 出發, 啟程
Vocabulary: pilgrimage n. 朝聖之旅, 參拜
derail v. 火車出軌 annual religious processions 年度宗教遶境 (行列, 隊伍)
passenger train n. 客運火車 dedicate v. 奉獻, 獻出, 獻給
tunnel n. 隧道 plaque n. 牌匾
injure v. 傷害, 損害 ritual n. 例行公事, 儀式
authority n . 權力, 政府當局, 官方 deity n. 神, 女神
carriage n. 四輪馬車, 火車車廂 relief n. 輕鬆, 解脫, 救濟品, 救濟金
survivor n. 生還者 water shortage n. 缺水
treat v. 對待, 醫治, 請客 banner n. 橫布條, 主張, 信仰
surrounding adj. 附近的 (surround v. 環繞, 包圍) worshiper n. 信仰者, 崇拜者
coincide v. 同時發生 (coincidence n. 巧合) flock n. 人群 v. 聚集
kick off v. 開始 offering n. 祭品
Tomb Sweeping Day n. 清明節 smooth journey 旅程順利
deceased family members 過世的家庭成員
The Baishatun Matsu Pilgrimage, one of the largest annual religious
A busy passenger train carrying 490 people has derailed in a tunnel processions in Taiwan, was to set off from Miaoli County’s

in eastern Taiwan, killing at least 50 and injuring dozens more, Baishatun (白沙屯) last night.
authorities said. The procession of the sea goddess Matsu is being organized by the
The eight-car train, traveling to Taitung, came off the rails in a Gong Tian Temple (拱天宮).
tunnel just north of Hualien Friday morning, causing several President Tsai Ing-wen visited the temple in the afternoon to
carriages to hit the wall of the tunnel, the government-run Central dedicate a plaque and take part in a ritual to move the deities from
News Agency (CNA) reported, citing the fire department. their seats in the temple to prepare them for the procession.
The train driver was among the dead, the fire department told the Tsai said she prayed to Matsu to bring relief from the current water
government's executive office, and at least 69 survivors were being shortage.
treated in several hospitals in the surrounding Hualien County. A record 55,000 people participated in last year’s event, the
The accident coincided just as a long weekend kicked off for the organizers said.
Tomb Sweeping Day public holiday. One couple who were on the Gong Tian Temple late on Thursday began pre-procession rituals by
train told CNA they were on their way to Taitung to sweep tombs raising a banner to announce the start of this year’s pilgrimage.
and pay their respects to deceased family members, as is traditional Worshipers have since flocked to the temple, bringing offerings of
for the event. The train was so full that many people were standing. food and praying for a smooth journey.

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LG 退出手機市場 太魯閣號出軌愛心捐款

News Title: News Title:

LG withdraws from cellphone market Donations oversight body to be set up
Vocabulary: Vocabulary:
withdraw v. 取回, 提取, 撤退 oversight body 監管機構
wind down v. 放鬆下來 (wind up 上緊發條) set up v. 設立 (set-up n. 誣陷, 栽贓)
loss-making adj. 虧損的, 不營利的 victim n. 受害者, 罹難者
division n. 分配, 部門 fatal adj. 致命的
pull out v. 離去 train accident n. 火車意外
gobble v.狼吞虎嚥, 大口吃 establish v. 建立, 設立
domestic adj. 本國的, 國內的, 家庭的 oversight committee 監管委員會
rival n. 競爭對手 fund n. 基金 v. 資助 (fundament n. 基礎, 根本)
have the edge 擁有優勢 (edge n. 邊緣, 優勢) southbound adj. 向南的
mid-priced adj. 中階價位 express train n. 快速列車
attract v. 吸引 crane truck n. 吊車
log n. 圓木, 日誌 v. 紀載 slide v. 滑行, 下滑
construction site n. 施工地點
inquiry n. 詢問, 打聽
文章內容 news conference n. 記者會
South Korea’s LG Electronics is to wind down its loss-making
mobile division after failing to find a buyer, a move that would
The government has collected about NT$60 million in donations
make it the first major smartphone brand to completely withdraw
through Line Pay and convenience stores for victims of last week’s
from the market.
fatal train accident and plans to establish an oversight committee to
Its decision to pull out will leave its 10 percent share in North
determine how the funds should be used to help them.
America, where it is the No. 3 brand, to be gobbled up by Samsung
The accident occurred at 9:28am on Friday, when a southbound
Electronics Co and Apple Inc with its domestic rival expected to
Taroko Express train traveling from New Taipei City to Taitung hit a
have the edge.
crane truck that had slid down a hill from a nearby construction site
In the United States, LG has targeted mid-priced — if not ultra-low
onto the rails. “We have received many inquiries about where
— models and that means Samsung, which has more mid-priced
people could make a donation, so we have set up specific bank
product lines than Apple, will be better able to attract LG users.
accounts for people to do so,” Chen told a news conference at the
LG’s smartphone division has logged nearly six years of losses
Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) yesterday.
totaling about US$4.5 billion.

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