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威林每周英語新聞 EP.103 (2021-04-19) William 講解影片

台灣高科技的秘密: 乖乖 花旗消費者金融部門不玩了

News Title: News Title:

The 'good luck' snack that makes Taiwan's Citibank to exit consumer banking in Taiwan
technology behave Key words:
Vocabulary: consumer n. 消費者
behave v. 行事,表現,聽話 reorganization n. 重組
coconut-flavored adj. 椰子口味的 multinational adj. 多國的,跨國的
crisp adj. 易碎的 n. 餅乾 (馬鈴薯片) announce v. 宣布,宣告
charm n. 吸引力, 護身符, 符咒 statement n. 聲明, 表態
co-operate v. 合作 (cooperation n. 合作) retail n. 零售,零賣
sacred adj. 神聖的 emphasize v. 強調,重視
pick-me-up n. 提神(飲料) withdrawal n. 提款,退出,撤軍
moreish adj. 好吃的, 令人吃不停的 affect v. 影響
keep hunger pangs at bay 控制飢餓不舒服感 long-term commitment n. 長期 保證/承諾
transmission n. 傳遞, 傳播 institutional adj. 機構的
presence n. 出席, 存在, 出現 corporate adj. 公司的 (corporation n. 大公司)
tip-top condition n. 完美的/一流的 情況 priority n. 優先考慮的事情
amulet n. 護身符, 辟邪物 transition n. 轉變, 過渡
humble adj. 謙虛的,不起眼的 franchise n. 特許經銷權 (加盟) franchisee n. 加盟業者
vital machine n. 重要的機器 sustainable adj. 可持續的, 能長期保持的
文章內容 文章內容
In Taiwan, coconut-flavored corn crisps are seen as good-luck Citigroup Inc. said Thursday (April 15) that it is planning to exit
charms that ensure high-tech machines co-operate. But why? Crisps consumer banking in 13 markets across Eastern Europe and Asia,
have a sacred role in office culture. They are the perfect mid- including Taiwan.
morning pick-me-up, the moreish side to a light sandwich lunch, or As part of its global reorganization, the American multinational
the fuel that keeps us going when meetings run past mealtimes. banking giant announced in a statement that it will sell off its retail
But in Taiwan, one particular brand of crisps does more than keep businesses in Taiwan
hunger pangs at bay. Many of the island’s machines – from cash Meanwhile, Citibank Taiwan emphasized that the withdrawal will
machines to radio transmission towers – seem to rely on the not affect the company's long-term commitment to Taiwan and the
presence of green bags of puffy, coconut-flavoured corn crisps to Asia-Pacific region. It said it would continue to offer products to its
stay in tip-top condition. institutional clients in the country across corporate and investment
People see these crisps as amulets – or good luck charms – that, if banking, commercial banking, and financial marketing.
used properly, will ensure that technology behaves well and doesn’t Citibank Taiwan Chairman Paulus Mok (莫兆鴻) said the company
break down. They place bags of this humble snack, known as ‘Kuai
has performed well during its nearly 60 years of operation in the
Kuai’, on or around vital machines in many of the island’s
country. He said its priority is supporting all clients and transitioning
laboratories, banks and even hospitals to ensure the machines
the franchise toward sustainable growth and improvement.
continue to do their jobs.

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旱災: 另類的因禍得福 福島核廢水爭議


News Title: News Title:

Taiwan drought: Man retrieves phone dropped in lake a year Wastewater could reach Taiwan in 1.5 years
ago Vocabulary:
Vocabulary: contaminate v. 汙染,弄髒,毒害
drought n. 旱災 wastewater n. 廢水
retrieve v. 找回 release v. 釋放, 放走
claim v. 宣稱, 聲稱 discharge v. 釋放, 允許離開, 允許出院, 排出(廢水)
paddle boarding n. 划槳 (paddle n. 槳 board n. 板子) fuel rod n. 燃料棒 (fishing rod n. 釣魚竿)
contact v. 聯絡 filtration n. 過濾 (filter n. 過濾器 v. 過濾)
waterproof adj. 防水的 remove v. 移除
covering n. 覆蓋物 (保護套) radioactive adj. 有輻射性的
positive adj. 正面的 harmless adj.無害的
measure v. 測量 n. 方法 dose n. 劑量
water rationing 限水 (定量供水) condemnation n. 譴責 (condemn v. 譴責, 指責)
severe dry spell 嚴重旱災 (spell v. 拼寫 n.一段時間/咒語) environmentalist n. 環境保護者
adverse adj. 不利的, 負面的, 有害的 current adj. 現行的 n. 洋流
semiconductor industry n. 半導體產業 marine ecosystem n. 海洋生態系統
crack v. 破裂 n. 裂縫 文章內容
Contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear
power plant could reach Taiwanese waters within one-and-a-half
The man surnamed Chen claims he dropped his mobile phone while
years of being released into the ocean, a marine environmental
paddle boarding in the Sun Moon Lake a year ago.
researcher said yesterday.
But last week, a worker contacted him to say the phone had been
Japan on Tuesday said it would in two years begin discharging water
found - its case covered in dried mud.
that has been used to cool fuel rods and nuclear waste at the plant.
Mr Chen who says he could not sleep for excitement, added the
Japan said the wastewater would go through a powerful filtration
phone worked thanks to its waterproof covering.
system that can remove all radioactive material except tritium, which
His story is a rare positive one in the East Asian island, which is
it said is harmless to humans in small doses.
facing measures like water rationing due to a severe dry spell.
However, the decision has drawn condemnation from neighboring
It has also adversely affected its semiconductor industry which is
countries and environmentalists.
the largest in the world.
The wastewater would follow the Kuroshio Current to reach waters
Mr Chen said the worker who returned the phone had told him that
near Taiwan’s east coast in one-and-a-half years, and would start
the Sun Moon lake was seeing its lowest water levels in "50 to 60
affecting the marine ecosystem near the west coast of North America
years". Many social media users have been posting selfies at the
within four years, Tsung said, adding that the entire northern half of
popular tourist spot in recent days, where the ground in some parts
the Pacific Ocean would be affected within seven years.
has dried up so much that the mud has cracked.

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