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** How to add custom portraits to the game ** gwgwgwgewg

Portrait images need to be png files with these dimensions:
Big portrait: 228x340
Small portrait: 64x72

And need to be named thus:


such as:

Then, go to the folder "My Documents\Fell Seal\customdata\portraits" on Windows,

"~/Fell Seal/customdata/portraits" on Mac/Linux from your file explorer.

And in there, put your portrait files in the appropriate gender folders (female,
male, unisex).
Your portraits will now appear as an option in the guild when recruiting a new
character or customizing an existing one. haha


"My Documents\Fell Seal\customdata\portraits\male\MyPortrait-large.png"
"My Documents\Fell Seal\customdata\portraits\male\MyPortrait-small.png"

"~/Fell Seal/customdata/portraits/male/MyPortrait-large.png"
"~/Fell Seal/customdata/portraits/male/MyPortrait-small.png"

-- Adding a new language to Fell Seal, or modifying an existing one. --

You can easily add your own new language to Fell Seal, or modify existing language

- Adding a new language

To add a new language, simply add a new 2 letters folder name that represents your
language (we recommend you use the international 2 letters language codes) in the
language override folder ("My Documents\Fell Seal\customdata\languages" on Windows
and "~/Fell Seal/customdata/languages" on Mac/Linux). eg: "bo".

Then, to make it easy, grab all the files from the Fell Seal English language
folder ("My Documents\Fell Seal\customdata_examples\languages\en" for windows,
"~/Fell Seal/customdata_examples/languages\en" for Mac/Linux) and copy them in your
new folder.
With this, you have just created a new language called "bo" and setup all the
necessary language strings for it (although they are in english currently).

From there, just open all the language files in the folder 1 by 1 and translate
their contents. There's 2 types of files:
.txt files, which is most of them. They use a very simple system of "ini files",
like so:

special-value=Some text you should be translating.

Just translate the text part and leave the "special-value" alone.

The other type is an .xml file for the dialogues. It's a standard XML file really.
You'll want to translate all the field labeled <t> and leave everything else alone.

- Modifying a current language

To modify a language, the concept is the same as above, except you don't
necessarily have to include as much text. All the .txt file use an incremental
system, so you don't have to copy all the old files.
Just modify the files you need to modify. Even then, you only need update a
specific line rather than the whole file. eg:

If you wanted to change the name of a specific armor as your only change, the
simplest would be to create a file called "armors.txt" (the name of the armors
file) and then add to it your lone change, like so for example:

ar-cloth-02=Not-Silky Robe

That file would have only this one line and would change only that item (the Silk
Robe) to a new name (Not-Silk Robe). Or you could add as many changes as you need,
like so:

ar-cloth-02=Not-Silk Robe
ar-cloth-02-desc=Some other Desc
ar-cloth-03=Not-Flowing Robe

Which would change 2 armors names and one description.

That's all there is to it really. After making changes, you'll have to restart the
game to pick them up (or change your language back and forth in game to force a

Same concept with the dialogues.xml file: you only need to have the entries you're
changing in your XML file.

The main advantage of keeping your changes as small as possible is that when the
game gets an update/patch/etc, you won't be inadvertently overriding a new
text/dialogue with an old one because you had it in your file, but weren't really
changing it.

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