5 Largest Trees in The World

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5 Largest Trees in the World

1. General Sherman

Located in Sequoia National Park, United States

this tree has a volume of about 1487 meters.
The tree reaches 83 meters in height. Originally G
eneral Sherman was found by a
man named James Wolverton.

The tree was discovered in 1879, when James

Wolverton served under General William Sherman
during the Civil War. Then James
planted this tree under the
name of his superior.

2. Grogan’s Fault
Grogan's Fault tree is in Redwood National Forest,

United States. The volume of the tree is about 1,084

cubic meters and its height reaches

18.2 meters. This tree grows in Washington

and is known as the tallest tree in the world .

3.Tane Mahuta

The Tane Mahuta tree is in the forests of Waipoua,

New Zealand. The height of the tree reaches 45.2
meters and the volume of the tree reaches 516
cubic meters. This tree belongs to the
species Agathis Australis or Kauri in Maori.

4.Cheewhat Giant
The height of the tree reaches 56 meters and
the volume of the tree is 450 cubic meters.
Cheewhat Giant is located in Pacific
Rim National Park, Canada.

In addition to the large volume of trees, in

Canada Cheewhat Giant is among the tallest trees.
This red cedar was originally discovered in
British Columbia. The tree was first
discovered in 1988 near a nature reserve.
5. Still Sorrow

Still Sorrow belongs to the species Eucalyptus

Regnans, in South Western Australia. This type
of tree has a thick and wide trunk.
The bark of the tree is smooth gray.

Still Sorrow can produce white flowers in winter.

Still Sorrow flowers are among
the tallest flowers in the world.
5 largest cliffs in the world

1. Meteora, Greece.

Located between the Peneios River

and the Pindus Mountains, these
monasteries have spectacular natural
sandstone stone rock sets in their background.

2.Shiprock, New Mexico.

Shiprock was formed by volcanic eruptions

dating back 30 million years and now remains

an inimitable exhibit of basalt from

the volcano's main feeder pipe.

3.Agulha do diabo.

The 2050 m high is located in the Serra dos

Órgãos National Park which translates to

'Devil's Needle'. It is not easy even for professional

mountaineers to measure its height due to the

many natural obstacles it poses in relation to

trails to the bottom, summit, distance and weather.

4.Las Torres de va jolet, Italian Alps.

The Delago arête route remains the most

convenient hiking trail to score this mountain.

Regardless of the protective measures you take,

the tentative nature of Delagokante's

slopes is sure to catch the

breath of the best rock climbers.

5.Prekestolen, kjerag plateau, forsand, norway.

At 604 m/(1980 ft) it varies between Prekestolen

and Preikestolen which translates roughly into

Ecclesiastes' Pulpit or Pulpit Stone. It has a

sparse peak, which measures roughly 25 by 25 meters

and that explains the secret behind its name. It is one

of the favorite places in Norway and attracted

95,000 people in 2006 at a speed of 3.8 km.

5 Most Beautiful Sea Tourism in Indonesia that You Must Visit

1. Raja Ampat Papua

Raja Ampat is in the spotlight of the world as

one of the best diving destinations.Spectacular

coral reefs, various types of fish and rare

marine life make Raja Ampat a paradise for

divers.Clear sea water and stunning natural

panoramas make every visitor fascinated.

2. Pink Beach

Pink Beach in East Nusa Tenggara is the most

beautiful beach in Indonesia that you must

visit.You will find the beauty of pink sand with a

dazzling combination of blue sea water.

3. Nihiwatu Beach

Furthermore, Nihiwatu Beach

in East Nusa Tenggara.
This beach is included in the ranks
of the 100 best beaches in the world
because it presents a charming view

4. Pulau Weh
Weh Island from Aceh is also no less beautiful

than other best beaches in Indonesia.

There are three main beaches that have

extraordinary beauty, namely Anoi Itam Beach,

Iboih Beach, and Gapang Beach.

5. Pandawa Beach

Finally, there is Pandawa Beach located in Bali.

A stretch of white sand and small waves and

beautiful scenery adorn this beach.

5 Smartest People the World Has Ever Seen

1.Kim Ung Yong

With an IQ test score of 210, South Korean

scientist Kim Ung Yong has been named the
world's smartest person. His intelligence can be
seen since childhood. Born in 1962, Kim Ung Yong
started speaking at 4 months old. When he was
3 years old, Kim Ung Yong could already speak
Korean, English, Japanese, and German. Even
at the age of 8, Kim was invited by NASA and
worked on various major projects for 10 years.
At this time, Kim Ung Yong returned to
South Korea and made a difference.

2. Alan Turing
During World War II, Alan Turing was a scientist
who helped the United States military achieve
victory. He managed to decode the Enigma
Machine, a secret code sender device belonging to
German troops. In addition, the mathematical
theories he discovered are used as a basis in
every modern computer system, ranging from
computer software, iPads, smartphones,
to social media applications.

3. Marie Curie
The scientist Marie Curie is known for her research in the

radioactive field which became the basis for the development

of x-ray and surgical technology. Marie also became the first

woman to win a Nobel. However, his love for the radioactive

world had a devastating effect on his body and led to his death in 1934.

4. Stephen Hawking

When talking about the smartest person in the world,

most people will mention Stephen Hawking's name.
This British scientist has already discovered various
theories about the universe. One of his most popular
theories is the big bang theory, which tells the story
of how the universe was formed. Fighting against ALS,
Stephen Hawking has become one of the
world's symbols of intelligence and genius.

5. Albert Einstein

This German-born scientist is known by the f

ormula E = mc2 which must be known by everyone in
world. In 1921, Einstein received the Nobel prize in
physics and the discovery of the theory of relativity.
Albert Einstein died on April 17, 1955 and his brain was
preserved by a pathologist out of
curiosity about Einstein's intelligent brain .
5 Largest Cities in Indonesia

1. DKI Jakarta
DKI Jakarta is the largest city in Indonesia. With
an area of 661.23 km2, Jakarta has
a population of around 11 million people.
With this, the population density in
Jakarta is around 17,000 people per km2.

2. Surabaya

The next largest city is the capital of East

Java Province. It has an area of 326.81 km2
with a population of about 3 million people.

3. Medan

The capital city of North Sumatra province is

the third largest city in Indonesia after DKI
Jakarta and Surabaya. This city is also the
largest city outside the island of Java
which is directly adjacent to the Strait of Malacca.
BPS noted that the population of this
city is around 2.4 million people in 2022. The
population density in this city reaches 9,283 km2.

4. Bandung

The capital city of West Java province occupies

the fourth position as the largest city in Indonesia.
Bandung's population density reaches 15,051
people per km2. The city also has an
interesting historical record

5. Makassar

The capital city of South Sulawesi Province is

in fifth position as the largest city in Indonesia.

The total area of the city is 175.77 km2 with a

population of more than 1.5 million people

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