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Shaheen Forces Academy

(Pride of the Forces’ Lovers)

Sailors Tests – 2023
 Question: If 3 eggs boil in 3 minutes, how long will it take for 6 eggs to boil? Answer: 3
 Question: What is the second name of the mountain K2? Answer: K2 is also known as Mount
 Question: Which pronoun is represented by "him"? Answer: The pronoun represented by
"him" is the third-person singular masculine pronoun.
 Question: Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan? Answer: Liaquat Ali Khan.
 Question: Which is the largest continent? Answer: Asia.
 Question: In which year did Hazrat Muhammad marry Hazrat Khadija? Answer: Hazrat
Muhammad married Hazrat Khadija in the 25th year.
 Question: What is the study of atoms and molecules called? Answer: The study of atoms and
molecules is called "biochemistry."
 Question: Where is Kharan located? Answer: Kharan is located in Balochistan.
 Question: What is a linear body moving in a circle called? Answer: A linear body moving in a
circle is called "moving in an axis."
 Question: What is the synonym for "sketch"? Answer: The synonym for "sketch" is "picture."
 Question: Which language is not among Balochi, Pashto, Punjabi, and English? Answer:
English is not among Balochi, Pashto, and Punjabi.
 Question: What is the solution to the equation 1/4 + ? = 3/4? Answer: The solution is 1/2.
 Question: What is the opposite of "strong"? Answer: The opposite of "strong" is "weak."
 Question: Who was the first Governor of Pakistan? Answer: Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the
first Governor-General of Pakistan.
 Question: What is the unit of pressure? Answer: The unit of pressure is Newton per square
meter (N/m²).
 Question: If 2 dozen eggs cost 30 rupees, how many eggs can you get for 27 rupees? Answer:
You can get 22 eggs for 27 rupees.
 Question: Complete the series: 7, 10, 14, 17, = ? Answer: The missing number is 20.
 Question: The book ____ has been laying on the table for two weeks. Answer: The book "has
been" laying on the table for two weeks.
 Question: What is the opposite of "clean"? Answer: The opposite of "clean" is "dirty."
 Question: What are inclusive and exclusive? Answer: Inclusive and exclusive are terms used
to describe sets and their elements.
 Question: What is the value of 3/27? Answer: The value of 3/27 is 1/9.
 Question: Where is Warsak Dam located? Answer: Warsak Dam is located on the Kabul River
in Pakistan.

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Shaheen Forces Academy
(Pride of the Forces’ Lovers)
 Question: He is superior ___ me. Answer: He is superior "to" me.
 Question: What is the opposite of "pure"? Answer: The opposite of "pure" is "impure."
 Question: Which one is not a derived quantity? Answer: Distance.
 Question: What is used to measure current? Answer: An ammeter is used to measure current.
 Question: In an ionic bond, what is the hardest material? Answer: Diamond is the hardest
 Question: Is 8888 divisible by 88? Answer: Yes, 8888 is divisible by 88.
 Question: Who discovered the electron? Answer: J.J. Thomson is credited with the discovery
of the electron.
 Question: What type of bond does electrolyte primarily involve? Answer: Electrolyte primarily
involves ionic bonds.
 What is the height of Tarbela Dam? Answer: 143 meters
 What is the capital of Iran? Answer: Tehran
 How many districts are there in Punjab? Answer: 36 districts
 Which countries are separated by the Durand Line? Answer: Pakistan and Afghanistan
 If a ship is related to water, what is an airplane related to? Answer: Air
 Who wrote "Bang-e-Dara"? Answer: Allama Iqbal
 What is a synonym for "impulsive"? Answer: Cautious
 What is a synonym for "sure"? Answer: Certain
 Where is the salt industry located? Answer: Jhelum
 Which metal is a good conductor of electricity? Answer: Copper
 What do you call a matrix in which all entries are zero? Answer: Null matrix
 If "nib" is related to "pen," what is "horse" related to? Answer: Legs
 Between which countries does the Indus River flow? Answer: Pakistan and India
 What is the approximate length of the Indus River? Answer: 3,180 kilometers
 What is the opposite word for "veritable"? Answer: Constant
 What is the energy possessed by a body due to its motion called? Answer: Kinetic energy
 What is the energy possessed by a body due to its position called? Answer: Potential energy
 How is potential energy calculated? Answer: P.E = mgh
 How is kinetic energy calculated? Answer: Kinetic energy = 1/2 mv²
 Who was the first person to discover gravity? Answer: Isaac Newton
 Who was the first president of Pakistan? Answer: Skinder Mirza
 Where is the Changa Manga forest located? Answer: Lahore
 Who is credited with the discovery of the solar system? Answer: Nicolaus
 What is the unit of magnetic flux? Answer: Tesla
 Who is known as the "Mohsin of Pakistan"? Answer: Dr. Abdul Qadeer

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Shaheen Forces Academy
(Pride of the Forces’ Lovers)
 How many times have Pakistan and India fought wars? Answer: 4 times
 What is the unit of electrical energy? Answer: Joule
 What is the total area of Punjab? Answer: 205,344 square kilometers
 Which is the biggest desert in Pakistan? Answer: Thar Desert
 What is the largest district in Pakistan? Answer: Chaghi District
 What is the result when you find 45% of 300? Answer: 135
 Are daffodils flowers? Answer: Yes
 Can you solve the following mathematical problem: 1 dozen of eggs costs 30 rupees in 27
rupees. How many eggs can you get? Answer: 20 eggs
 What is the opposite of "clean"? Answer: Dirty
 What are the inclusive and exclusive "or" in logic? Answer: Inclusive "or" includes both
options, while exclusive "or" includes only one option, not both.
 What is the result of 3 divided by 27? Answer: 1/9
 On which river is the Warsak Dam located? Answer: Kabul River
 What is the opposite of "pure"? Answer: Impure
 Which of the following is not a derived quantity? Answer: Mass
 What is used to measure electric current? Answer: Ammeter
 What is the opposite of "strong"? Answer: Weak
 Who is the first Governor of Pakistan? Answer: Muhammad Ali Jinnah
 What is the unit of pressure? Answer: Newton per square meter (Nm²)
 If 2 dozen eggs cost 30 rupees, how many eggs can you get for 27 rupees? Answer: 5 dozen
 Can you complete the series: 7, 10, 14, 17, ...? Answer: 21
 Which tense should be used to complete the sentence: "The book has been laying on the
table for two weeks"? Answer: Has been
 In the sentence "The cat is sitting (under) the chair," what is the preposition? Answer: Under
 What is 1397 multiplied by 1397? Answer: 1,951,609
 What is the opposite of "clean"? Answer: Dirty
 What are inclusive and exclusive? Answer: Inclusive includes both options, while exclusive
includes only one option, not both.
 What is 3/27? Answer: 1/9
 On which river is the Warsak Dam located? Answer: Kabul River
 What is the relationship in the statement: "He is superior _ me"? Answer: To
 What is the opposite of "pure"? Answer: Impure
 Which one is not a derived quantity? Answer: Temperature
 What is used to measure electric current? Answer: Ammeter

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Shaheen Forces Academy
(Pride of the Forces’ Lovers)
 What is the synonym of "attractive"? Answer: Unknown (since it was not provided)
 What is the opposite of "attractive"? Answer: Unknown (since it was not provided)
 What is 3/27? Answer: 1/9
 On which river is the Warsak Dam located? Answer: Kabul River
 Who was the first country to drop an atom bomb? Answer: Japan
 Who is the current President of the Philippines? Answer: Bong Bong Marcos
 What is the capital of Bangladesh? Answer: Dhaka
 What is the coastline area of Pakistan? Answer: Pakistan has a coastline area along the
Arabian Sea.
 Who was the second Prime Minister of Pakistan? Answer: Khawaja Nazimuddin
 What is the capital of Azad Jammu and Kashmir? Answer: Muzaffarabad
 What is the first Nobel Prize awarded for? Answer: Physics
 What is the highest mountain in Pakistan?Answer: K2
 Where is the largest desert in Pakistan? Answer: Thar Desert
 What is the biggest district in Pakistan? Answer: Chaghi District
 Who is the author of "Bang-e-Dara"? (Answer: Allama Iqbal)
 What is the antonym of "happy"? (Answer: Sad)
 What is the area of Punjab in square kilometers? (Answer: Approximately 205,344 square
 What is the next number in the sequence: 48, 24, 20, 10, 6, 3, ...? (Answer: 2)
 In which city is the largest mosque in Pakistan located? (Answer: Faisal Mosque in Islamabad)
 What is the name of the biggest library? (Answer: Library of Congress)
 What property states that changing the order of operands does not change the result of
addition or multiplication? (Answer: Commutative property)
 What is the sum of even numbers between 1 and 31? (Answer: 240)
 What do you call an element that cannot dissolve any more solute in a given solvent at a
particular temperature? (Answer: Saturated element)
 What is the second urban gas? (Answer: Natural gas)
 What is the result of 6√3 + 7√3? (Answer: 13√3)
 If x + 1/x = a + b and x - 1/x = a - b, what is the value of x? (Answer: x = a)
 In which country was the first atomic bomb dropped? (Answer: Japan)
 Who is the current President of the Philippines? (Answer: Bong Bong Marcos)
 Which one is different from the rest? (For the series question) (Answer: 2)
 Currency of Japan: Japanese yen
 World War 1 started on July 28, 1914.
 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was founded on April 4, 1949.

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Shaheen Forces Academy
(Pride of the Forces’ Lovers)
 The capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka.
 Pakistan has a coastline along the Arabian Sea.
 The second Prime Minister of Pakistan was Khawaja Nazimuddin.
 Pakistan Rangers were established in 1958.
 What should you thoroughly read about in the topic of equilibrium? (Answer: Equilibrium)
 Which topics should you learn completely regarding velocity? (Answer: Consonant velocity
and orbital velocity)
 What should you go through in the topic "e/m ratio"? (Answer: The topic "e/m ratio")
 Which element has the highest ionization energy? (Answer: Helium)
 What is the ratio between CO and CO2? (Answer: 1:2)
 If x + 1/x = a, and x^2 + 1/x^2 = a^2, what is the value of x? (Answer: x = a)
 If 9^2 - x = 9/3^x, then what is the value of x? (Answer: x = 3)
 If x^2 + 25 = 0, what is the value of x? (Answer: x = ±5)
 What is the formula for distance (D) in physics? (Answer: D = vt)
 Which one of the following equations is dimensionally correct? (Answer: 1/2at^2)
 In physics, which law is also called the "Law of Inertia"? (Answer: Newton's first law)
 What is the biggest continent in the world? (Answer: Asia)
 Which city is known as the "City of Manchester"? (Answer: Faisalabad)
 Solve the expression √6 (4√24 - √6). (Answer: 42)
 In the famous equation E=mc², what does "c" represent? (Answer: Speed of light)
 What is the opposite of "happy"? (Answer: Sad)
 What is a synonym for "query"? (Answer: Inquiry)
 What is the order of the matrix [1, -2]? (Answer: 1x2)
 Complete the analogy: Boat is to water as aeroplane is to ___. (Answer: Air)
 Choose the correct phrase: "He belongs ___ a noble family." (Answer: "to")
 Complete the sentence: "The man ___ wallet was stolen called the police." (Answer: "whose")
 What is the opposite word of "particular"? (Answer: "General")
 What day of the week was December 25, 2022? (Answer: Saturday)

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