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Bidder shall acknowledge review and understanding of the Technical Bid and Commercial Bid by notifying
Company using the “Tender Acknowledgement Letter” by scanning and e-mailing to the contact in Article
7 of this document.

Bids must be signed by a person duly authorized to do so and evidence of such authorization shall
accompany the bid. Where bids are submitted in a partnership of two (2) or more companies, evidence of
such signatory authorization to bind all parties forming the Partnership, Joint Venture or Consortium shall
be provided.

Bidder shall sign its bid with the exact name of the contracting entity. If the contracting entity is:

a) A Corporation: Bidder shall show the country (and state) in which incorporated

b) A Partnership: Bidder shall give the name and business address of each Partner

c) A Consortium: Bidder shall give the name and business address of each Consortium member

d) A Joint Venture: Bidder shall give the name and business address of each Joint Venture partner

e) An individual: Bidder shall provide the business address

The following section specifies the information requested by Company to be included in technical bid.

Bidder is requested to compile and submit the requested information to Company in exactly the form and
content, including sections, section titles, and sub-headings, as described herein.

The various details, plans and procedures requested in these instructions shall be sufficiently developed to
provide Company with a level of understanding that Bidder has:

 Reviewed Company Bid Documents and is aware of the Contract with particular emphasis on the
Scope and Technical Requirements and has determined methods/measures to implement said
 Performed sufficient internal analysis of Bidder relationships with Bidder’s other alliance
members, partners and major subcontractors and associated capabilities/facilities, if applicable.

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