Global HR Lecture 3

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Global HR (Lecture 3) Agenda:

Setup & Maintenance (How to use Individual tasks)

Product : Workforce deployment

 Manage Legal Entity HCM Information

Scope: Update configuration and override enterprise level
[Legal Employer (LE) – Payroll Statutory Unit (PSU)]
LDG: Legislative Data Group Country used to separate payroll
 Manage Legal Entities
Scope: Create New Legal Entity
[Legal Employer (LE) – Payroll Statutory Unit (PSU)]
LDG: Legislative Data Group Country used to separate payroll
LE 1 (Legal employer , PSU)

(Country) LE 2 (Legal employer , PSU)

LE 3 (Legal employer , PSU)

Holding LE (Legal employer , PSU)

LE 1 (Legal employer)

(Country) LE 2 (Legal employer)

LE 3 (Legal employer)

Holding LE (Legal
Employer, PSU)

 Manage Legal Reporting Unit HCM Information

Scope: [ Tax Reporting Unit – Reporting Establishment ]

 Manage Business units

Scope: create new Business unit individually
Groupz BU2
 Manage Reference Data Sets
Scope: create new RDS
 Manage Business Unit Set Assignment
Scope: LINK BU With RDS (Separate to workforce structure

 My Client Groups  Workforce structure

[Job – Department – Grade - Location]  RDS  BU
[Position]  BU  RDS

 Manage Division
Scope: Create New Division
 Manage Locations
My Client Groups  Workforce structure

 Manage Departments
My Client Groups  Workforce structure

 Groupz_IT_Dep
Groupz_IT_Enterprise Application
Groupz_IT_Infrastucture and Operations

 Groupz_HR_Dep

 Groupz_FIN_Dep

Organization Levels:
 Enterprise
 Division
 Legal Entity
 Business Unit
 Location
 Departments / Cost Centers [ Top Dep. – Sub Dep – Units – Functions
– sections ]
HCM Trees (Hierarchy)

 Organization Tree
 Department Tree
 Position Tree


- Tree concept will be step number 1 in building Data security solution

in the application.

Task to build Tree:

o Organization Tree
Task: Manage Organization Trees
1. Actions  Create New Tree
2. Actions  Create Tree Version
3. Actions  Set Status  Active
4. Actions  Flatten  Row Flattening

 Action types, Actions and Action Reasons:

Scope: For Reporting & Analytical Purposes
‫لتسجيل نوع الحركه و سببها التى تتم على الموظف‬

 Action Type (Predefined from Oracle – Built in by oracle as

each action type linked to Business process “Approvals”)

 Actions  to define different names “Alias” to link it with

Standard / Built in Actions Types
Task: Configure Actions
 Action Reasons  linked to each action
Task: Action Reasons

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