Grammar Kls 4 New

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Nama : Achmad Khusnul Awwalil Haq

Mapel : Grammar

Kelas : 4

Answer These Questions Correctly!

1. Mention the usage of tenses below!

a. Past perfect continuous tense
b. Future tense
c. Future continuous tense
2. Give the form and an example of tenses below!
a. Past perfect continuous tense
b. Future continuous tense
c. Future perfect tense
3. “I study hard for my exam”
Change the sentence above acording to the tenses below!
a. Past perfect continuous tense
b. Future tense
c. Future continuous tense
d. Future perfect tense
4. mention “Principal part of verb” and give an example of them!
5. What do you know about “Regular and Irregular verb”? explain and give
an example in sentence!
6. Fill in the blank!
No V1 V2 V3 Meaning
1. Bend
2. Felt
3. Hit
4. Try
5. Wait

7. How many types of auxiliary verb? Mention and give an examples!

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