QP English Ix 201920

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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black ink.
Duration: 2 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question paper. SUB JE CT: E NGL ISH
Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Thursday. July 18. 2019

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 40

333333MARKS:222370 77760
General Instructions:
i. This Paper consists of four sections:
Section ---A Reading 10 Marks
Section ---B Writing & Grammar 15 Marks
Section ---C Literature 15 Marks
ii. Attempt all questions.
iii. Do not write anything in the question paper.
iv. All the questions must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the
answer sheet provided to you.
v. Attempt all questions in each section before going on to the next section.
vi. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [6]
1. The habit of reading is one of the greatest resources of mankind, and we enjoy reading books
that belong to us much more than if they are borrowed. A borrowed book is like a guest in the
house; it must be treated with punctiliousness, with a certain considerate formality. You must see
that it sustains no damage; it must not suffer while under your roof. You cannot leave it
carelessly, you cannot mark it, you cannot turn down the pages, you cannot use it familiarly. And
then, someday, although this is seldom done, you really ought to return it.

2. When the books belong to you; you treat them with that
affectionate intimacy that annihilates formality. Books are for use,
not for show; you should own no book that you are afraid to mark
up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face down. A good
reason for marking favourite passages in books is that this practice
enables you to remember more easily the significant sayings, to refer
to them quickly, and then in later years, it is like visiting a forest
where you once blazed a trail. You have the pleasure of going over the old ground, and recalling
both the intellectual scenery and your own earlier self.

3. Everyone should begin collecting for a private library in youth; the instinct of private property,
which is fundamental in human beings, can here be cultivated with every advantage. One should
have one’s own bookshelves, which should not have doors, glass windows, or keys; they should
be free and accessible to the hand as well as to the eye. The best of mural decorations are books;
they are more varied in ‘colour and appearance’ than any wallpaper, they are more attractive in
design, and they have the prime advantage of being separate personalities so that if you sit alone
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in the room in the firelight, you are surrounded with intimate friends. The knowledge that they
are there in plain view is both stimulating and refreshing.

4. The great dead are beyond our physical reach, and the great living is usually almost the
inaccessible; as for our personal friends and acquaintances, we cannot always see them. Perchance
they are asleep, or away on a journey, but in a private library, you can at any moment converse
with Socrates or Shakespeare or Carlyle or Dumas or Dickens or Shaw or Barrie or Galsworthy.
Source : www.historyplace.com

1. Attempt the following questions : [1x6=6]

i. Borrowed books, like guests, ____________________.
ii. Marking favourite passages enables us to _______________ and __________________.
iii. Enlist the importance of highlighting certain portions of a passage.
iv. What are the benefits of bookshelves which are without the doors, glass windows, or
v. Choose the correct meaning of the word punctiliousness in the passage, from the options
given below-
a. conscientiousness b. carelessness
c. ignorance d. unconsciousness
vi. Choose the antonym of the word Perchance in the passage from the options given below-
a. likely b. probably c. by chance d. definitely

2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [4]
1.The importance of providing value education is felt necessary today because the present system
of education cannot contribute much to the individual and social development. Value-oriented
education does not mean preaching of mere moral sciences or propagating particular religious
tenets, but it is imparting knowledge of values considered functional
for both individual as well as society.
2.Gandhi's philosophical, religious, economic and social approach
and a number of contemporary Gandhian perspectives are relevant
to an understanding of human values and social change today. By
Gandhian ideals in the education policy, we will be able to inspire
the whole world by his ideas of truth, nonviolence, peace and love.
3.Gandhi frequently asserted that mass illiteracy is a curse that hampers the development of a
nation. He wrote: “I am a firm believer in the principle of free and compulsory primary education
for India". Gandhi felt that education should not only increase knowledge but also develop
culture in heart and hand. Another of Gandhi's interests lay in character building. Education
without character building was not education according to him. He considered a strong character
as the basis of a good citizen. So the issues of character building through value-based education
on the one hand and that of integrating science and technology on the other hand have to go

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4. So we, in the contemporary situation, have to draw a balanced evaluation of science because its
progress has a great role to play in determining the directions of value education.
In order to bring about social change we have to channelize human values through education.
Truth and nonviolence can generate human values. Development of peace and security through
cooperation seems to be essential for the modern society's progress and prosperity. This is
possible because values and improvement are intertwined.
5.It may be said that the foundations of an ideal civilization as conceived by Gandhi was based on
Truth and Nonviolence as the integrally related means and ends. They are values central to any
society because all human relations in the social, political as well as economic spheres are
influenced by them in one way or the other. They are to be the standards and goals of our society.
These can also become the foundations of a more peaceful and happy world order which is very
much the need of mankind today.
Source: The Hindu Editorial

2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions : [1x4=4]
i. Why is Gandhian philosophy relevant in today’s times?
ii. What was Gandhiji’s opinion on character building?
iii. Which are the values that are ideal for a serene and joyful world ?
iv. Find out the words from the passage which means the same as :
a. Present time – paragraph 2
b. Obstructs - paragraph 3

3. You are Mayank Sood, a resident of 17-E, Ravi Das Road, Kochi. You can’t bear the
degradation of green environs as it can set off a devastating chain of events both locally
and around the world. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily expressing your
concern at the fast disappearance of green belts and parks in your town. Suggest some
remedial measures in this regard. Write your letter in 100-150 words. [4]

4. With the advent of the electronic gadgets, everyone is glued to these, resulting in making
the children insensitive and indifferent towards people. Write an article on the topic
‘Gadgets a necessary evil ‘ in 150-200 words. [5]

5. Fill in the blanks by using the correct tense form of the verbs given in the brackets using
the correct option. [½x4=2]
i.__________ of the methane in Earth’s atmosphere has a biological origin, so the discovery
of methane on Mars quickens the pulse of scientists who ii.________ for signs of life on
the Red Planet. But the methane there iii.________ also have been iv.________ by a
geological process known as serpentinization.
i. a. many b. much c. most d. little
ii. a. had look b. were looking c. was looking d. are looking
iii. a. can b. could c. will d. would
iv. a. create b. created c. creating d. nurtured
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6. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
sentences. [1x2=2]
Example: violate/mostly/the/traffic rules/the /youngsters
Mostly the youngsters violate the traffic rules.
i. must /eighteen /the /years/age/children/below/of/drive/ not
ii. own / wear /must/we /for/ helmets/our/ protection

7. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the
word that you have supplied. [½x4=2]
Incorrect word Correct word
Amongst young peoples, motorcyclists and eg. peoples people
scooterists are the great cause of danger. a. …….. ………
They often try to show of by driving b. …….. .……..
at break-neck speed; they risk there own c. …….. .……..
life as well as that of other. Rash driving is one d. …….. ………
of the greatest causes of road accidents.

8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [1x3=3]
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence :
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.

i. What has made all the difference in the poet’s life?

ii. Identify and explain the poetic device given in the third line.
iii. What does ‘sigh’, in the given line signify ?

9. Answer any two questions in 30 to 40 words each: [2x2=4]

i. Why does Margie seem to have an aversion towards ‘school’?
ii. When does the child realize that he is lost? How does he react to the situation ?
iii. “I had learnt to open my mind and body to sounds and vibrations”, says Evelyn. How did
she learn to do that?

10. Answer the following question in 100-150 words: [4]

Children take time to understand the actions of their elders and sometimes develop
negative opinion or even mistrust them . Elaborate with reference to the story‘The Little
Girl’, highlighting her opinion before and after .

11. Answer the following question in 100-150 words: [4]

The story, The Adventures of Toto, is laced with humour. Describe
the humourous instances that forced the grandfather to sell him off.

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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black
ink. Duration: 3 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question SUB JE CT: E NGL ISH
paper. Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Wednesday. September 25. 2019

NAME OF THE STUDENT: ____________________________________CLASS/SEC.__________

NAME OF THE INVIGILATOR: ________________________________SIGNATURE: ________
SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 80

General Instructions:
i. This Paper consists of four sections:
Section ---A Reading 20 Marks
Section ---B Writing & Grammar 30 Marks
Section ---C Literature 30 Marks
ii. Attempt all questions.
iii. Do not write anything in the question paper.
iv. All the questions must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the
answer sheet provided to you.
v. Attempt all questions in each section before going on to the next section.
vi. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [8]
1. While I see marine animals like Jellyfish or the Horseshoe crab, I remember Charles Darwin’s
age old words, ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the
one most responsive to change’. And I find this very true.

2. If being the strongest was the formula for survival, then dinosaurs
would have been walking on this Earth. However, it is just the
opposite. While dinosaurs were wiped out, the smallest cockroaches
that existed before the dinosaurs are seen troubling every household
till date. Well, the adaptability of an organism and the way it
responds to the change decides the fate of that particular species, whether it will survive or perish.

3. Appearances can be deceptive. Sometimes the most delicate looking organism might be the
toughest. Jelly fish are the best examples of the same and thus are distinctive . Jelly fish remind us
of those delicate, colourful marine animals but it is astonishing to know that they are as old as 500
million years. With this kind of a record, who knows they might live another 200 or 300 years.
Hats off to their adaptive skills, flexibility and their inclination to change as per the need of the

4. When we discuss about the story of survival, Horseshoe crab reigns supreme. They have a pre-
historic look and they are as old as history itself. Their story of evolution is still a matter of

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investigation but for sure they have existed for around 480 million years. They have modified and
incorporated adaptations over time.The world has witnessed the extinction of species, the exit of
the mightiest, the rise and fall of the dinosaurs, but the Horseshoe crabs have been crawling along
the sea floor all the while. They may continue for a few more million years.
5. These marine animals are model and source of inspiration to the human world, telling us that
the fundamental principle of survival is to adapt to the changing environment. The ones who
adapt are the winners among their species but the ones who do not change, yet survive, try to
convey that living a relaxed quiet life and don’t-mess-with-me attitude also is a survival trick.
Even the mightiest might fall to face the challenges. (Source: Orbit)

1. On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer any eight of the following questions :
i. According to the Darwin’s theory, a person who ________can survive for a longer period of
a. is the strongest of the species b. is the most intelligent
c. does not respond to change d. is most responsive to change
ii. How can appearances be misleading ?
iii. It is astonishing to know that Jellfish are delicate and colourful but ____________.
iv. What is the deciding factor for the survival of a species?
v. What is contradictory about the dinosaur and the cockroaches?
vi. What lessons can we humans learn from the marine animals?
vii. What is the survival trick amongst animals who are not ready to adapt ?
viii. Find a word from the paragraph 3 that means the same as unreliable.
ix. Find a word from paragraph 4 which is the antonym of extinction.

2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [12]
If You Find it Hard to Forgive, Read This
1. When someone hurts you, forgiving them isn’t one of the first things to cross your mind.
Rather, you most likely think of hurting them back — and as quickly as possible. To the wounded
ego, forgiveness appears like self-betrayal. Since the ego is obsessed about itself its kingdom is
under attack and it urgently needs to fight back to win the battle ahead in order to remain seated
in the king’s chair. To the ego, forgiveness is just another word for self-defeat.

2. The capacity to forgive is actually a sign of emotional strength.

To stay open, trusting and loving in an unkind, competitive and often
cruel environment is one of the most courageous things you could do.
On the other hand, building tall, thick walls around your heart to
insulate it from external forces is nothing but a sign of emotional
weakness. Insecure and afraid, close-hearted people are desperately
trying in any way possible to keep a certain distance from others —
and the bigger that distance is, the safer they feel. But the price they have to pay for that is
extremely high: Disconnection, loneliness, alienation.
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3. Forgiveness is also a sign of wisdom. If a person has hurt you, you can’t heal your
emotional wounds nor erase the pain that results from their actions by hurting them back. You
can either accept what happened and move on with your life or try to undo your past and stay
stuck in it. Although forgiving people don’t try to justify acts that are unjustifiable, they do
recognize that all humans are imperfect and hence prone to commit mistakes or “wrongdoings”.
Instead of expecting that others behave in perfectly nice manners and abandoning them when
they don’t, they understand that, despite their imperfections, all people are deserving of love and
compassion. They know that those who hurt them are themselves hurt, and that revenge only
makes things worse, by fueling a cycle of hatred that leads to prolonged and intensified suffering.
Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. “
4. When we’re overcome with resentment, it can be hard to forgive someone who has hurt us.
Resentment turns us into captives of our traumatic past, not allowing us to let go and focus on
what lies ahead of us. We need to rediscover inner peace and build healthy relationships based on
love and understanding. -Source : The Unbounded Spirit

2.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four the following questions in
30-40 words each: [2x4=8]
i. What do we resort to doing when we are emotionally hurt? Why?
ii. What do you mean by emotional strength and emotional drawback ?
iii. What makes forgiveness a symbol of knowledge?
iv. How are the merciful people different from the others?
v. What happens when one is overwhelmed with resentment ?

2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any two the following: [1x2=2]
i. In the line ‘…..in order to remain seated in the king’s chair….‘ Who does the king refer to?
a. Forgiveness b. Ego c. Self betrayal d. The reader

ii. __________ captivates us into our traumatic past

a. resentment b. forgiveness c. ego d. wisdom

iii. The metaphorical expression used for hatred is ________.

a. resentment b. mistakes c. darkness d. sunshine

2.3 Find a word from the passage which means the same as: (any two) [1x2=2]
i. intensely (Para 2)
ii. protracted (Para 3)
iii. hostages (Para 4)

3. You are Mr. Chopra residing in Sector 32, Gurugram. You are interested in admitting your
daughter in a music institute ‘Raag’. Write a letter to the Director of the institution, located
at, M.G. Road, Faridabad, seeking information about the different kinds of music taught,
duration of the course and other relevant details. [8]
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Technology enabled teaching has become the norm of the day. High quality interactive
learning content just a click away, has taken the world of education by storm. Will the
mechanized teachers imparting personalized education soon replace human teachers?
Write a speech expressing your views on the topic Guru in the age of Google. [120-150
words] [8]

4. Write a story in 200-250 words with the help of the following outline: [10]
Amruta had returned home after a hectic tour. As she unlocked the front door she heard a
strange noise……………………..
Taking ideas from the following hints, together with your own ideas, write a short story
in 200-250 words. [10]
Aradhanawas excited that she was going to meet her idol, the supermodel Pranjali.-She
went over the conversation she would have over a thousand times in her head. -Finally the
day arrived. -The agonizing wait of two hours finally came to an end, but to her

5. Fill in any four of the blanks in the sentences given below, choosing the most
appropriate options from the ones that follow: [1x4=4]
It was December noon .There were i.____ students than usual in the exam hall. ii_____ of
them seemed well prepared. It was an important chance iii.___ Lata. She had always scored
good marks in iv._____ few tests given by her mother. Now she had to v. ___ that she
could prepare well even if no one taught her.
i. a. some b. fewer c. few d. many
ii. a. each b. every c. either d. much
iii. a. of b. for c. with d. to
iv. a. the b. A c. some d. many
v. a. prove b. proof c. proved d. proven

6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write
the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below, against the
correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. (any
four) [1x4=4]
incorrect correct

Hand-pulled rickshaws comes to India a. ____ _____

during the early 20thcentury. Kolkata was b. ____ _____
the only city in India which hand-pulled rickshaws c. ____ _____
are still operating.Much of the people who pull these d. ____ _____
are poor and do not own them, but they
pay the sizeable portion of their earnings to hire them. e. ____ _____

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7. Read the conversation given below and fill the following blanks . (Anyfour) [1x4=4]
Deniel : Harriet, what are you doing at this hour in your farm ?
Harriet : I have applied for the Nobel Prize.
Deniel : What has this to do with the prize ?
Harriet : The Nobel Prize is awarded to somebody outstanding in his field.
Deniel : I will also apply for it .

Harriet was seen standing in the middle of the land under the scorching heat of the sun at
mid-day. His friend Deniel asked him i.____________ his farm . Harriet replied that
ii.___________. Deniel, not being satisfied wanted to know iii._______________. Harriet
made it clear to his friend and explained iv.___________ to somebody outstanding in his
field. Deniel said that v. ________ apply for it .

8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [1x4=4]
Einstein was deeply shaken by the extent of the destruction. This time he wrote a missive to
the United Nations. In it he proposed the formation of a world government. Unlike the
letter to Roosevelt, this one made no impact.

i. What traumatized Einstein profoundly ?

ii. What did Einstein write and to whom?
iii. For what purpose did he get more involved in politics?
iv. Find the word from the extract that means- “a long and official letter”


When the humid shadows hover

Overall the starry spheres
And the melancholy darkness
Gently weeps in rainy tears,
What a bliss to press the pillow
Of a cottage-chamber bed

i. What do the humid shadows refer to?

ii. How does the melancholy darkness weep?
iii. What is bliss for the poet?
iv. Find the word from the extract that means- ‘a feeling of pensive sadness’.

9. Answer any five of the following questions in about 30 to 40 words each: [2x5=10]
i. Why was Prashant against the government’s proposal to set up institutions for orphans
and widows?
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ii. Explain how Iswaran was indispensable for Mahendra.

iii. In the poem ‘Legend of Northland’ ,who was the woman and how did she provoke the
iv. How does Einstein prove himself to be a man of humanitarian considerations?
v. What is the effect of the tinkle on the shingles in the poem ‘ Rain on the roof’?
vi. How did Saint Peter’s curse act upon the old lady?
vii. Why did the guru decide to leave the kingdom of fools? What are his parting words to his

10. Answer any one of the following questions in 80-100 words. [8]
How does the poet contrast city life to the life in the natural surroundings? Comment with
reference to the poem ‘The lake Isle of Innisfree’.
The doctor in the story is cured of his arrogance after a close brush with death. How does
the story convey the message that one should never be proud of one’s beauty, strength or

11. Answer any one of the following questions in 200-250 words. [8]
Iswaran was a good story teller. How did he manage to make even the simplest incident
interesting and realistic ? Support your answer with examples from the story .
Do you agree that happiness from making others happy is far greater and deeper than any
other happiness. Comment with the reference to the story ‘The Happy Prince’.

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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black ink.
Duration: 2 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question paper. SUB JE CT: E NGL ISH
Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Tuesday, December 17. 2019

SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 40

333333MARKS:222370 77760
General Instructions:
i. This Paper consists of three sections:
Section ---A Reading 10 Marks
Section ---B Writing & Grammar 15 Marks
Section ---C Literature & Long Reading Text 15 Marks
ii. Do not write anything in the question paper.
iii. All the questions must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the
answer sheet provided to you.
iv. Attempt all questions in each section before going on to the next section.
v. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [6]
CHANDRAYAAN 2- Indian Ambitions, Universal Aspirations
1. Chandrayaan-2 mission is a highly complex mission, which
represents a significant technological leap compared to the
previous missions of ISRO. It comprised an Orbiter, Lander
and Rover to explore the unexplored South Pole of the Moon.
The mission is designed to expand the lunar scientific
knowledge through detailed study of topography,
seismography, mineral identification and distribution, surface
chemical composition, thermo-physical characteristics of top
soil and composition of the tenuous lunar atmosphere, leading
to a new understanding of the origin and evolution of the
2. After the injection of Chandrayaan-2, a series of maneuvers were carried out to raise its orbit
and on August 14, 2019, following Trans Lunar Insertion (TLI) maneuver, the spacecraft escaped
from orbiting the earth and followed a path that took it to the vicinity of the Moon. On August 20,
2019, Chandrayaan-2 was successfully inserted into lunar orbit. While orbiting the moon in a 100
km lunar polar orbit, on September 02, 2019, Vikram Lander was separated from the Orbiter in
preparation for landing. Subsequently, two de-orbit maneuvers were performed on Vikram
Lander so as to change its orbit and begin circling the moon in a 100 km x 35 km orbit. Vikram
Lander descent was as planned and normal performance was observed upto an altitude of 2.1 km.
Subsequently communication from lander to the ground stations was lost.
3. The Orbiter placed in its intended orbit around the Moon will enrich our understanding of the
moon’s evolution and mapping of the minerals and water molecules in Polar regions, using its
eight state-of-the-art scientific instruments. The Orbiter camera is the highest resolution camera
(0.3 m) in any lunar mission so far and will provide high resolution images which will be
immensely useful to the global scientific community. The precise launch and mission management
has ensured a long life of almost seven years instead of the planned one year. For understanding
of the Lunar composition, it is planned to identify the elements and mapping its distribution on
the lunar surface both at global and In-situ level. In addition detailed 3 dimensional mapping of
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the lunar regolith will be done. Measurements on the near surface plasma environment and
electron density in the Lunar ionosphere will be studied. Thermo-physical property of the lunar
surface and seismic activities will also be measured. Water molecule distribution will be studied
using infra red spectroscopy, synthetic aperture radiometry & polarimetry as well as mass
spectroscopy techniques. https://www.isro.gov.in/chandrayaan2-mission
i. The purpose of Chandrayaan – 2 is to
a. orbit the moon b. show the technological leap
c. act as a satellite d. explore the lunar surface
ii. Two de-orbit maneuvers were performed on Vikram Lander to
a. separate it from the orbiter b. stabilize the Lander
c. change its orbit and begin circling the moon d. begin the ascent of the Lander
iii. Arrange them in order
i. Chandrayaan-2 was successfully inserted into lunar orbit
ii. Trans Lunar Insertion (TLI) maneuver, the spacecraft escaped from orbiting the earth
and followed a path that took it to the vicinity of the Moon
iii. Communication from lander to the ground stations was lost.
iv. Vikram Lander was separated from the Orbiter
a. i,iii,ii,iv b. ii,i, iv, iii c. iv,ii,i,iii d. iii, i ,ii, iv
iv. The placing of the orbiter in it’s orbit will help us by ___________________________ .
v. Choose the correct meaning of the word ‘maneuvers’ in the passage, from the options given
a. sequence b. characteristics c. drills d. inactivity
vi. Choose the antonym of the word tenuous in the passage from the options given below-
a. firm b. shaky c. delicate d. insubstantial

2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: [4]
1.Last year, Russia trained World Cup workers to smile. The country’s foremost task, as the whole
world headed there to watch The Beautiful Game, was to improve its reputation as the world’s
iciest superpower. Employees at FIFA, Russian Railways, Moscow Metro, undertook formal
classes on how to flash their pearly whites to make guests feel at home. Recently in China, food
outlet KFC allowed people to pay by just smiling. In Japan, smiling schools have been training
youngsters to smile more than they do these days. If you think all the above is laughable, first
laugh a bit. Then take a stock of your surroundings. How many people around you are smiling
right now? It doesn’t matter where you are: work, home, or commuting… Or better still when
were you last smiling?

2. A while ago researchers at the University of Kansas

published findings that revealed smiling helps reduce the
body’s response to stress, and lowers heart rate in tense
situations. That’s not all. Another study directly linked
smiling as a way to lower blood pressure. Yet another
suggests smiling leads to endurance. Yet so few of us smile
these days. How did this happen? According to Ron
Gutman, the author of Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a
Simple Act, “One smile can generate the same level of brain
stimulation as up to 2,000 bars of chocolate!” Smile coach, Frank Mallinder says, “Smile exercises
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can impact your life in a positive way, even in a transformative way on a daily basis. You can
practice smile exercises for several weeks, once they get embedded in your subconscious, it can lift
your day.”

3. Research shows that happiness is the result of smiling, contrary to what people believe. In
fact, even a forced smile can lead to a mood boost. Usually, we think that a positive experience is
what makes us smile. But smiling is a positive experience in itself.
Source: The Times of India
2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions: [1x4=4]
1. Research studies conducted on smiling claim:
a. it rises stress
b. brings the heart rate down and lowers blood pressure
c. increases the mortality
d. all of the above
ii. A smile is believed to garner _________________ equivalent to 2000 bars of chocolate
iii. What correlation has recent research established between smiling and happiness, quite
contrary to our assumption on the subject?
iv. a. Find the word closest in meaning to ‘commuting ’ as used in the passage: [½x2=1]
i. travel back and forth ii. cut short
iii. remain stationary iv. advertising
b. The antonym of ‘longevity’ is :
i. perpetuity ii. seniority iii. tenure iv. Brevity

3. Mrs Nalini Malik owns a canteen at Hindustan Times, Budha Marg, Patna. This Diwali she
purchased an induction and cookware set for her canteen. It stopped working after 10 days.
Write a letter of complaint to Krishna Home Appliances, Fraser Road, Patna. Invent
necessary details. Write in 100-150 words. [4]

4 You are Ankit/Ankita Mishra Bharadwaj staff reporter of Times of India, JN Road, New
Delhi. You were asked to write a report in 150-200 words on Science carnival held in the
city where different schools had participated. [5]

5. Fill in the blanks by using the correct form of the words given in the brackets using the
correct option. [½x4=2]
Assemblies are a useful tool to develop a sense of community i. ………… students. They
help students focus on the theme as part of a ii. …………. group. An interactive,
iii.…………… assembly grabs their attention and creates a lasting impression. Depending
on their seniority, students iv.……….. talk about India’s space programme, the Wright
brothers, the space shuttle Challenger disaster or recite poetry etc.
i. a. through b. between c. among d. across
ii. a. large b. largest c. big d. larger
iii. a. engaging b. engaged c. engagement d. engage
iv. a. can b. need c. must d. ought to
Page 3 of 4

6. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows. [½x4=2]
Shilpa: Can you help me in completing my English notes?
Jaya: I will . But it’s only possible in the evening.
Shilpa: I don’t mind. Let’s start from today itself.
Shilpa asked Jaya (a) _____________________ in completing her English notes . Jaya replied
that (b) _____________. However, she added (c)_______________. Shilpa said that she (d)
____________ and wanted to start from that day itself.

7. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the
incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the
word that you have supplied. [½x4=2]
Incorrect word Correct word
The ancient Indian art form, Rangoli is e.g. The An
drawn at the entrance from a home to usher a. --------- -----------
in peace and prosperity. Those are intricate b. --------- -----------
pattern drawn in the courtyard or just outside the c. --------- -----------
threshold at the entrance door to ward off evil spirits. d. --------- -----------
They are believed to be auspicious.

8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [1x3=3]
They, too, aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d.
Their hands are ours, and in their lines, we read
A labour was not different from our own.
i. Who does ‘they’ refer to in the first line?
ii. Why has war’s winter been called long?
iii. Explain the expression: ‘Their hands are ours’?

9. Answer any two questions in 30 to 40 words each: [2x2=4]

i. What are the special distinctions of Santosh Yadav as a mountaineer?
ii. Why did Harris tell Jerome that he encourages the tricks of Montmorency? What was
Jerome’s defence?
iii. Why was Sue nervous and reluctant while drawing the curtains on the morning after the

10. Answer the following question in 100-150 words: [4]

Teachers can either ‘make’ or ‘break’ their students’ lives. Cite two incidents from the
chapter ‘My Childhood’ to validate this statement.

11. Answer the following question in 100-150 words: [4]

Unexpected troubles strike our lives many a time, nevertheless the people around us come
our aid. Throw light on the above statement with reference to the lesson ‘A House Is Not a

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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black
ink. Duration: 3 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question SUBJECT: ENGLISH
paper. Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Friday. March 06. 2020

NAME OF THE STUDENT: ____________________________________CLASS/SEC.__________

NAME OF THE INVIGILATOR: ________________________________SIGNATURE: ________
SESSION: 2019-20 MAX. MARKS: 80
General Instructions:
i. This Paper consists of three sections:
Section ---A Reading 20 Marks
Section ---B Writing & Grammar 30 Marks
Section ---C Literature 30 Marks
ii. Attempt all questions.
iii. Do not write anything in the question paper.
iv. All the questions must be correctly numbered as in the question paper .
v.. Attempt all questions in each section before going on to the next section.

1. Read the following passage carefully. [8]
1. For a country whose very name is derived from one of its
majestic rivers-the Indus-India does not need to be told about the
importance of rivers. Rivers are an inseparable part of our lives,
society, culture, religion and economy. Our national anthem has
pride of place for rivers, naming Yamuna and Ganga as
representatives of the many beautiful rivers of the country. Yet, it is
sad that despite this, the rivers are in a sorry state today.
2. The problems are many-large-scale diversion of water from rivers leaving them dry in much of
their stretches, dams and barrages that break their connectivity, massive discharge of pollutants in
the rivers reducing many of them to sewers, encroachments into river beds, destruction of riverine
ecology. But there is one issue that is probably central to all these problems.
3. The most basic, distinctive feature of a river is flow! A river is in essence flowing water. A
river’s flow is not just water. What flows in a river is water, of course, but also sediments,
nutrients, biodiversity. It is the flow of the river that has shaped its path, it is the flow that defines
the river’s habitat features, and it is the flow, with its highs and lows that determines the flora and
fauna of the river. The flow is so important an aspect of the river, that the status of the flow is one
of the best indicators of the health of a river, as well as its catchment.
4. Today, this is emerging as an approach called ‘’environmental flows’’. It needs to flow so as to
enable it to perform the critical functions-maintaining the ecology, supporting livelihoods of
people in the basin and performing cultural roles. In essence, environmental flows are an
approach that is used to determine how much water we can withdraw from a river, and how
much should we allow to keep flowing.
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5. The Government of India had recognized the importance of this approach, and India’s National
Water Policy of 2012 states that we must move towards maintaining flows in rivers in accordance
with their natural flows. Of course, there is a huge difference between intention and
implementation. Yet, the acceptance in law and policy gives us room for optimism. We can hope
to restore and rejuvenate our rivers, making them flow again.
Source: Orbit-December, 2018

On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions : [1x8=8]
i. According to the passage , Rivers ________ society, culture and economy.
a. are the strongest of the resources b. are the most important
c. do not need any recognition d. are an inseparable part of

ii. What is the correct order of the information given below?

i. Rivers are in a sorry state today.
ii. The distinctive feature of a river is flow.
iii. Massive discharge of pollutants in the rivers is the cause of destruction of rivers.
iv. India’s National water policy states the maintaining of the river flow.
a. i, ii, iii, iv b. ii, iii, iv, i c. i ,iii , ii, iv d. iv, iii, ii, i

iii. The flow of the river defines the river’s __________

a. age b. habitat features c. catchment d. origin

iv. A river’s flow is not just water but also____________

a. sediments b. nutrients c. biodiversity d. all of the above

v. The fundamental character of any river is ___________

a. its flow b. its ecology c. its path d. its catchment

vi. The aim of the Government is ___________

a. To save the river water from getting polluted.
b. To preserve the biodiversity.
c. To restore the life of river in danger.
d. To maintain flows in rivers.

vii. The status of the flow is one of the__________________________________.

viii. Environmental flows are an approach that is used to determine how much water we can
withdraw from a river. ( True/False)

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2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions. [12]

Australian fires and incineration of the habitats

Scientists warn of an ecological catastrophe as crucial habitats of rare plants and animals burn

1. Until last week, the Kangaroo Island glossy black cockatoo was one of Australia’s conservation
success stories. Thanks to a recovery program that began in 1995, its wild population increased
from 150 to 400, and its status was downgraded from critically endangered to endangered.

2. Fires have raged across nearly 50 percent of Kangaroo

Island, destroying the habitat of the great majority of the
birds. It’s unclear how many glossy black cockatoos
survived. For those that escaped the flames, food may be
scarce; it eats the seeds of single tree species in its habitat,
the drooping she oak.

3. Similar stories are playing out across Australia, where,

as of January 12, months of wildfires had burned nearly 11 million hectares — an area larger than
the nation of Guatemala. More than 2,200 homes have gone up in flames and 29 people have been
killed, and there are still two months of bushfire season left to go. Already, the toll on animals and
plants, many of which are evolutionarily unique and rampant to the continent, is mind-boggling.

4. The true number could be much higher, however, as this estimate does not include bats, frogs
or invertebrates. “Invertebrates make up more 95 percent of animal species and the vast majority
of animal biomass,” says Mike Lee, a biologist at the South Australian Museum in Adelaide.
Invertebrate losses alone could therefore number in the trillions. He fears for species including the
vulnerable Richmond birdwing butterfly and numerous
peacock spiders, these “jewels of the arachnid world,” whose
habitats in eastern Australia have been badly impacted. Many
habitats have been destroyed as well, setting up a crisis that will
continue long after the fires die down. Even if animals such as
small marsupials survive the fires, they may have no suitable
habitat or food remaining — and they also face threats from cats
and foxes, introduced predators that return to burnt landscapes
and prey on survivors left exposed in habitats devoid of cover.

5. For endangered species, the fire devastation threatens to push them to — or past — the edge of
extinction. The glossy black cockatoo is just one of 20 to 100 threatened plants or animals that a
group of scientists now report have lost most, if not all, of their habitat to the fires. “Some animals
may have been lucky enough to find refuge and survive,” says Euan Ritchie, an ecologist at
Deakin University in Melbourne. Wildfires are a common occurrence in Australia. But 2019 was
the hottest and driest year in 120 years of record-taking. Source: sciencenews.org

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2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions in 30-40
words each: [2x4=8]
i. What extremities, the escaped cockatoos might face?
ii. How have the wildfires affected the human life?
iii. Describe the fears of the biologist, Mike Lee.
iv. What will be the threat for the surviving marsupials?

2.2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions. [1x4=4]
v. The synonym of ‘lustrous’ as given in para 2 is __________
a. glossy b. drooping c. dull d. unclear

vi. The synonym of ‘ widespread’ as given in para 3 is __________

vii. The antonym of ‘insufficient ’ as given in para 4 is __________

a. estimate b. impacted c. number d. numerous

viii. The antonym of ‘preservation ’ as given in para 5 is __________

3. The climate throughout the world is changing. It has already disturbed weather patterns by
increasing rainfall in some areas and decreasing in others. The temperature is increasing
day by day. It results in frequent hurricanes , tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, etc. You are
Ishant / Ishika, write an article in about 120- 150 words for your school magazine on the
topic 'Global Warming : A Threat to the Life '. [8]
[Hints : Global warming; Rise in average temperature, Melting of glaciers, Due to pollution
& human activities]
You are Ishant / Ishika House No. 23, Rose Lane, Surat. You had recently bought a Kent
water purifier for your home from National Cooling Systems, Surat. The purifier has not
been functioning properly for the last two weeks. Write a letter to the Manager, Customer
Care complaining about the malfunctioning unit and seeking redressal for the problem. [8]

4. Given below is the beginning of a story. Continue from this point and complete the story in
200 -250 words: [10]

On a lazy summer afternoon, Natasha, perched on her tree-house was reading a murder
mystery by her favourite author, when suddenly she heard a blood –curdling scream.
Overcome by a morbid curiosity, she scanned the neighbourhood to find the source of the
scream. Suddenly her eyes fell on a ………………….


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Develop a short story with the help of the given visual.

Give a suitable title to your story. (200- 250 words)

5. Fill in any four of the blanks in the sentences given below, choosing the most
appropriate options from the ones that follow:
Since the beginning of human existence, people i_______over the world have expressed
their emotions and ideas ii____________the medium of dance. The word ‘folk’ means
people. Folk dances express the moods and feelings of iii____________common people.
Different regions iv______India have their own dances. v___________dance is accompanied
by music and songs of the region to which it belongs.

i. a. all b. whole c. much d. more

ii. a.in b. into c. through d. of
iii. a. the b. a c. an d. some
iv. a. at b. of c. for d. from
v. a. Each b. all c. whole d. Many

6. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing
word along with the word that comes before and after. [any four] [1x4=4]
Before Missing After
Making a cartoon an art that a. ______ ________ ________
requires a combination hard work, b. ______ ________ ________
training sense of humour. c. ______ _________ _________
Cartoonists say the cartoons which d. ______ _________ _________
make us laugh most are time taking. e. ______ _________ _________

7. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows. [1x4=4]
Saurav : How long have you been out of work?
Sumit : I’m not out of work now. I have just started a new job.
Saurav : How did you find the job?
Sumit : I applied through an advertisement in the newspaper
Saurav met Sumit and asked him (i) ………………. . Sumit informed him that (ii)
………………….. as (iii) ……… . To Saurav’s enquiry as to how he had found the job,
Sumit replied that (iv) ………… . .

8. Read one of the following extracts and answer the questions that follow: [1x4=4]
The snake trying
to escape the pursuing stick,

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with sudden curvings of thin

long body, How beautiful
and graceful are his shapes!
i. How did the poet praise the snake?
ii. Name the poetic device used in the 2nd line.
iii. Find the word in the verse which means ‘abscond’.
iv. What was the snake trying?
So the swallow plucked out the Prince's eye, and flew away to
the young man's garret. It was easy enough to get in, as there
was a hole in the roof. Through this he darted, and came into
the room. The young man had his head buried in his hands, so
he did not hear the flutter of the bird's wings, and when he
looked up he found the beautiful sapphire lying on the
withered violets.
i. Why did the swallow pluck the Prince's eye?
ii. Why could the young man not hear the flutter of the bird's wings?
iii. What did the young man find after he looked up?
iv. What is meant by the word 'withered'?

9. Answer any five of the following questions in about 30 to 40 words each: [2x5=10]
i. Why did the disciple remember the words of his Guru?
ii. What did the author notice one Sunday afternoon ? How did his mother react ? (A house is
not a home)
iii. What was the old lady’s reaction each time she baked the cake for the saint ?
iv. What activities are observed by the writer on the banks of the Bagmati river?
v. When did the realization “ What a big heart you’ve got, Father dear” dawn upon the little
vi. Describe what happened to the lost child at the entrance of the shrine in the fair.

10. Answer any one of the following questions in 150-200 words. [8]
‘Animals also feel the pleasure of love and the pain of separation.’ Justify this statement
with reference to the story,’ The Bond of Love’.
Presence of mind and quick thinking comes to one’s rescue in the trickiest situations. How
is this demonstrated in the play “If I Were You”?

11. Answer any one of the following questions in 150-200 words. [8]
In the hour of grief, instead of sulking in personal sorrow we can be courageous and help
each other. In the story ‘Weathering the Storm in Ersama’, what role does the young man,
Prashant play in resettling the people of his village?
How did Lushkoff progress from an alcoholic to a notary? Justify using evidences from the
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