Materi PROWDS PT SDM - Maximize Your Productivity With Effective Time Management Strategies

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Rabu, 16 Agustus 2023

Maximize your Productivity

with Effective Time
Management Strategies
Istiqomah Yungsiana, M.Psi., Psikolog
What Is Time Management?

Frederick Winslow Taylor published "The

Principles of Scientific Management"
Time management is a process of achieving
goals in life by putting aside activities that
are less useful and that take up too much
Why Time Management
Time management helps: is Important?
Achieve a goals
Become more organized
Achieving work-life balance
Feel better
Improve lifestyle
Procrastinate less
Avoid unwanted stress
Maintain professional reputation
Avoid financial penalties
Avoid missing deadlines and appointments
Key Reasons Why people Waste Time

Bryan Clayton highlighted :

Lack of clarity — no specific and measurable goals or action
Lack of motivation — absence of a purpose or incentive to use
our time better,
Lack of discipline — no willpower to resist temptations or
distractions, absence of habits or routines that support our
Lack of skills — absence of knowledge or abilities to do the
tasks or activities we need to do, and
Lack of feedback — no way to measure our progress or
results and the lack of feedback or guidance that can help us
improve or fix our mistakes.
How to improve time management

Set your goals

Keep your goals to yourself
Create a plan
Make decisions
Focus on important tasks first
Minimize distractions
Make sure to rest
Track the time you spend on tasks
Work on your weaknesses and ask for help
Time Management Technique

Pomodoro Technique: bekerja sekian menit dan di sela-selanya istirahat

Pareto Technique: menyusun daftar pekerjaan berdasarkan skala prioritas dari
yang penting dan deadline mendesak.
Kanban Technique: menggunakan visualisasi seperti kartu, kolom, ataupun
papan untuk mengelola tugas dan alur kerja.
Eat The Frog Technique: mengerjakan banyak pekerjaan dengan memilih
pekerjaan tersulit untuk dikerjakan paling pertama
Bojo (Bullet Journal) Technique: menuliskan seluruh daftar pekerjaan atau
tugas dan kewajiban di sebuah buku agenda maupun catatan kecil
Priority Scale Technique:
Kepentingan: (A=tinggi, B=sedang, C=rendah)
Urgensi: (1=tinggi, 2=sedang, 3=rendah)
SMART Goals Technique
SMART Technique

Specific (S): tujuan yang spesifik

Measurable (M): cara untuk dapat mengukurnya
Achievable (A): hal yang dapat dicapai dengan
memberikan usaha tertentu
Relevant (R): hal yang sesuai dengan
kemampuan diri
Time-bound (T): target waktu pencapaian
"If you love life, don't waste
time, for time is what life is
made up of".
- Bruce Lee
Thank You
For Your Attention

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