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Alcohol – Standard Drink Education

Learning intention (we are learning to):

 Understand the concept of standard drinks and be able to locate information on labels
 Be able to estimate a standard drink of spirits, wine and beer
 Be familiar with the law regarding driving and alcohol

Success criteria ( I can):

 I can calculate how much a standard drink is.
 I can explain 2 laws around alcohol and why they are important.

What is a standard drink?

Alcoholic beverages are sold and served in many different sized
containers. Different types of beverages contain different amounts of
alcohol, and glass sizes are often not the same. A glass or container can
hold more than one standard drink of alcohol. This can make it difficult to
know how many standard drinks you consume. Using standard drinks to
measure your alcohol consumption is more accurate than counting the
number of glasses or other containers you have consumed.
If you are drinking packaged liquor the number of standard drinks should be
written on the side of the beverage container.

Task 1: How do we calculate a standard drink?

A standard drink is defined as one which contains 10 grams of alcohol. The
formula for calculating a standard drink is (volume of container in ml) x
(alcoholic strength in ml/100ml) x 0.789 ÷ 1000.
Type of alcohol, size of glass & alcohol Formula How many standard
concentration drinks?
(150ml) x (13) x 0.789 / 1.5 standard drinks
1000 =
Task 3: Alcohol & the law

Comprehension questions:

1. BAC stands for? _____ ________ ____________

2. What happens if you are caught with a BAC of 0.05g/100ml of blood?
(you may need to research this)
3. How is BAC measured?
4. If your mum and dad both had the same amount to drink, would their
BAC be the same? Why or why not?

List all the laws you can think of around alcohol.


Explain why we have these laws in place?

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