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Load shedding in South Africa is a controlled and deliberate measure implemented

by Eskom, the primary electricity provider in the country. It involves the planned
reduction of electricity supply during periods of high demand, typically in response to
insufficient generating capacity or unforeseen technical issues within the power grid.
This practice aims to prevent a complete collapse of the electricity system and to
prioritize the allocation of available power to essential services and critical
infrastructure. However, the frequent occurrence of load shedding poses
considerable challenges for businesses, affecting their operations, productivity, and
overall economic performance.

The aim of this project is to conduct a questionnaire with various businesses in
Queensburgh, including salons, garages, small corner stores, medical industries,
online schools, cafés, and transportation company industries, in order to determine
whether Eskom's load shedding program is negatively affecting these businesses.

The electricity load shedding programme implemented by Eskom is having a
negative impact on businesses in Queensburgh, as the power outages lead to
operational disruptions, reduced productivity, and potential revenue losses.

1) To examine the energy-saving strategies, backup plans, and alternate energy
sources that businesses employed in response to Eskom load shedding.
2) I processed the questionnaire that I requested businesses to complete in order to
collect my data. Graphs will be used to present my data.
3)To assess the frequency, severity, and impact of Eskom load shedding incidences
on businesses.

Qualitative research methods

Qualitative research is a method that aims to understand and explore complex
occurrences, typically focusing on the subjective experiences and perspectives of
individuals. It involves gathering non-numerical data through methods such as
interviews, focus groups, observations, and document analysis. The data collected in
qualitative research is often in the form of narratives, descriptions, and themes rather
than numerical values. Researchers analyse this data to identify patterns, themes,
and underlying meanings, providing rich and in-depth insights into the research topic.

Methods of Qualitative Research:

1. Interviews: Conducting one-on-one interviews with participants to gather in-depth

information and personal experiences.

2. Focus Groups: Facilitating group discussions with a small number of participants

to explore shared opinions and perspectives on a specific topic.

3. Observations: Directly observing and documenting behaviour, interactions, and

phenomena in their natural settings.

4. Document Analysis: Analysing written, visual, or audio materials such as

documents, photographs, or recordings to gain insights into the research topic.

Quantitative research methods

Quantitative research focuses on collecting and analysing numerical data to
establish statistical relationships, patterns, and trends. It involves the systematic
collection of data through methods such as surveys, experiments, and structured
observations. The data collected in quantitative research is typically analysed using
statistical techniques to derive meaningful conclusions and generalize about a larger

Methods of Quantitative Research:

1. Surveys/Questionnaires: Administering structured questionnaires to a large

number of participants to collect data on their attitudes, opinions, or behaviours.

2. Experiments: Conducting controlled experiments to manipulate variables and

measure their effects on dependent variables.

3. Observational Studies: Systematically observing and recording behaviours or

events in a structured and predefined manner.

4. Statistical Analysis: Using statistical techniques to analyse and interpret numerical

data, such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis.

My Chosen Method

Qualitative research methods are a better research option to explore businesses'
thoughts and opinions on load shedding due to their ability to provide a deeper and
more refined understanding of the subject matter. Qualitative research allows for a
detailed exploration of businesses' thoughts, opinions, and experiences related to
load shedding. Through methods such as interviews and focus groups, I can delve
into the underlying reasons, emotions, and impacts of load shedding on businesses.
Qualitative research generates rich, descriptive data that goes beyond simple
numerical values. By collecting narratives, stories, and detailed accounts from
business owners and managers, I am able uncover the complexities of how load
shedding affects various aspects of their operations. Qualitative research enables
me to understand the context in which businesses operate and how load shedding
interacts with various internal and external factors. This contextual understanding is
crucial for interpreting businesses' responses and decisions in the face of power
disruptions. Qualitative research methods are flexible and adaptable, allowing me to
explore emerging themes and unexpected insights during data collection. This
flexibility is beneficial when investigating businesses' evolving perspectives on load
shedding and how they adapt their strategies in response to power outages.
Qualitative research prioritizes the voices and perspectives of participants, giving
businesses a platform to express their views, concerns, and suggestions regarding
load shedding. This participant-centred approach helps me to capture the diversity of
opinions within the business community. Overall, qualitative research methods offer
a holistic and in-depth exploration of businesses' thoughts and opinions on load
shedding, providing valuable insights that quantitative data alone may not capture.
By employing qualitative research, I can gain a comprehensive understanding of how
businesses perceive, experience, and respond to the challenges posed by load
shedding in Queensburgh.

Study Area

Queensburgh is a suburban area located in the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality
in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It is situated inland from the Indian Ocean and is
known for its residential neighbourhoods and small commercial centres. The
population size of Queensburgh is estimated to be around 100,000 residents, with a
mix of middle to upper-middle-income households. In terms of businesses,
Queensburgh hosts a variety of establishments catering to the local community.
These include grocery stores, restaurants, cafes, small retail shops, medical clinics,
and service providers such as hair salons and gyms. The area also has a few light
industrial zones with businesses focused on manufacturing and distribution.
Numerous businesses cater to the diverse needs of Queensburgh residents, and
their sites usually reflect the neighbourhood’s features. The foundation of the
business community are retail outlets, which can range from specialty shops and
boutiques to supermarkets and convenience stores. These companies, which
provide quick access to leisure activities and daily needs, are typically gathered in
business districts and shopping centres. There are many cafés and restaurants in
Queensburgh that provide a wide variety of cuisine choices to satisfy different
palates. These eateries, which range from quick service joints like McDonalds to
charming cafés like Mugg and Bean tucked away in residential neighbourhoods and
nearby retail malls, contribute to the vibrant social fabric of the neighbourhood and
function as gathering spots for both locals and visitors. Queensburgh's environment
is dominated by educational institutions, including schools, tutoring facilities, and
supply stores catering to the needs of both families and students. These
establishments, which provide learning opportunities and resources to help
academic development, are usually located in residential regions or adjacent to
residential communities. Medical services are easily accessible in Queensburgh.
Medical clinics, dentists, pharmacists, and allied health providers provide for the
town's healthcare needs. These establishments, which are scattered across
residential neighbourhoods or located in business districts, provide essential
services to promote health and manage medical problems. Finally, but just as
importantly, Queensburgh is the hub of a thriving neighbourhood of small businesses
and entrepreneurs, comprising independent contractors, home-based businesses,
artisans, and craftsmen. These companies, which can be found anywhere from little
studios and stores scattered around the neighbourhood to home-based businesses,
promote the local economy and diversity of culture. Overall, Queensburgh offers a
mix of residential and commercial spaces, providing amenities and services to its
residents while also supporting local businesses and employment opportunities.

Map of Queensburgh

A more Detailed map of Queensburgh

Symbol Meaning

Petrol station

Food court



Medical centres

Chewy Boba co

Classic Nails

Trucking company


Shopping centre
Main road

Map Key
1.How often does load shedding affect your business operations?
A) Daily
B) Several times a week
C) Once a week
D) Rarely

2. How does load shedding impact your revenue?
A) Significantly decreases revenue
B) Slightly decreases revenue
C) No impact on revenue
D) Increases revenue due to reduced competition

3. Have you experienced equipment damage or failures during load shedding?

A) Yes
B) No

4. How does load shedding affect your employee productivity?

A) Decreases productivity significantly
B) Decreases productivity slightly
C) No impact on productivity
D) Increases productivity

5. How has load shedding impacted your ability to meet customer demands?
A) Unable to meet demands
B) Meet demands with delays
C) Meet demands as usual
D) Exceed customer expectations

6. Do you have a backup power source in place to reduce the effects of load
shedding, If so what power source?

7. Have you had to change your business hours or operations due to load shedding?
A) Yes, regularly
B) Occasionally
C)No changes needed

8. How do you manage appointments/ inventory during loadshedding periods?

A) Maintain manual records
B) Use backup power for inventory/ appointment management systems
C) No specific measures taken

9. How does loadshedding impact your ability to process payments and

A) No impact
B) Delayed transactions

C) Unable to process payments

10. Have you had to incur additional costs to reduce the effects of load shedding?
A) Yes, significant additional costs
B) Yes, moderate additional costs
C) No additional costs

Types of Businesses

A list of the businesses interviewed:

1.Petrol station:
- BP Garage

2.Education industry:
- MG Music School

3.Medical Industry:
-Malvern Dental Care
-East Coast Dental laboratory

-Classic Nails

5.Transportation Industry:
-Dekhz trucking

6.Small corner shops:

-That Café
-Naicks bakery
-Chewy Boba co

7.Financial Institutions:
-Standard bank

Representation of Data

Data collected from questionnaire:

Question 1:

How often does load shedding affect your business operations?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage B) Several times a week
MG Music school B) Several times a week
Malvern Dental care B) Several times a week
East Coast Dental laboratory C) Once a week
Classic nails A) Daily
Dekhz trucking C) Once a week
That café B) Several times a week
Naick’s Bakery B) Several times a week
Chewy Boba co B) Several times a week
Standard bank C) Once a week

Answer options Number of Percentage

A) Daily 1 10%
B) Several times a 6 60%
C) Once a week 3 30%
D) Rarely 0 0%
Total 10 100%

A graph showing how often load shedding af-

fects business operations



A) Significantly decreases revenue

B) Slightly decreases revenue

C) No impact on revenue

D) Increases revenue due to reduced competition

From the data provided, it is clear that load shedding significantly impacts the majority of
businesses in the area. The businesses that are affected daily (Classic Nails) are likely to
experience the most severe impact from load shedding as they have to deal with disruptions
to their operations on a daily basis. This can lead to loss of revenue, customer
dissatisfaction, and increased costs from having to find alternative power sources. The
businesses that are affected several times a week (BP garage, MG music school, Malvern
Dental Care, That Cafe, Naicks Bakery, and Chewy Boba Co) also face significant
challenges from load shedding. They may have to shut down operations during power cuts,
leading to lost sales and potentially impacting their long-term viability. The businesses that
are affected once a week (East coast dental laboratory, Dekhz trucking, and Standard Bank)
may not face as frequent disruptions as the other groups, but they still have to deal with the
challenges of coordinating their operations around scheduled power cuts. This can lead to
inefficiencies and potential delays in service delivery. Ultimately, load shedding has a
negative impact on all businesses in the area, regardless of the frequency of disruptions. It
highlights the importance of having backup power sources, implementing energy-saving
measures, and advocating for a more reliable electricity supply to ensure business

Question 2:

How does load shedding impact your revenue?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage B) Slightly decreases revenue
MG Music school B) Slightly decreases revenue
Malvern Dental care B) Slightly decreases revenue
East Coast Dental laboratory C) No impact on revenue
Classic nails A) Significantly decreases revenue
Dekhz trucking A) Significantly decreases revenue

That café A) Significantly decreases revenue
Naick’s Bakery A) Significantly decreases revenue
Chewy Boba co A) Significantly decreases revenue
Standard bank B) Slightly decreases revenue

Answer options Number of Percentage

A) Significantly 5 50%
B) Slightly 4 40%
C) No impact on 1 10%
D) Increases 0 0%
revenue due to
Total 10 100%

A bar graph showing how load shedding

impacts businesses revenue

A) Yes B) No

From the data provided, we can observe various patterns and relationships between the businesses
and the impact of load shedding on their revenue:
1. Frequency of Load Shedding:
- The businesses that experience a significant decrease in revenue (Classic Nails, Dekhz Trucking,
That Cafe, Naicks Bakery, Chewy Boba Co) are affected daily or multiple times a week by load
shedding. This frequent disruption to their operations results in a more pronounced impact on their
- The businesses that experience a slight decrease in revenue (BP Garage, MG Music School,
Malvern Dental Care, Standard Bank) are affected several times a week by load shedding. While not
as severe as daily disruptions, these businesses still face challenges in maintaining their revenue
2. Nature of Business:
- Businesses that rely heavily on continuous power supply for their operations, such as Classic Nails,
Naicks Bakery, and Chewy Boba Co, are more severely impacted by load shedding. These
businesses depend on electricity to carry out their services or sell their products, leading to direct
revenue losses during power cuts.
- Businesses that may have more flexibility in their operations, such as BP Garage and MG Music
School, experience a slight decrease in revenue as they can potentially adjust their schedules or
services to mitigate the impact of load shedding.
3. Preparedness and Adaptability:
- The impact on revenue also reflects the preparedness and adaptability of the businesses to deal
with load shedding. Businesses that have backup power sources or contingency plans in place are
better equipped to minimize revenue losses during power cuts.
- Conversely, businesses that lack such preparedness, like Classic Nails and Chewy Boba Co, face
significant challenges in maintaining consistent revenue streams when faced with frequent load
In summary, load shedding has a varied impact on businesses depending on the frequency of
disruptions, the nature of the business, and the level of preparedness. Businesses that are more
heavily reliant on continuous power supply experience greater revenue losses, highlighting the
importance of implementing strategies to mitigate the impact of load shedding on operations and
financial performance.

Question 3:

Have you experienced equipment damage or failures during load shedding?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage B) No
MG Music school A) Yes
Malvern Dental care B) No
East Coast Dental laboratory A) Yes
Classic nails A) Yes
Dekhz trucking B) No

That café B) No
Naick’s Bakery B) No
Chewy Boba co A) Yes
Standard bank B) No

Answer options Number of Percentage

A) Yes 4 40%
B) No 6 60%
Total 10 100%

A graph showing business that have experienced

equipment damage or failures during load shed-

number of businesses

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Based on the data provided regarding equipment damage or failures during load shedding, we can identify
several patterns and relationships among the businesses:

Businesses with Equipment Damage or Failures (40%):
1. Classic Nails: As a business heavily reliant on power for its operations, Classic Nails may have experienced
equipment damage or failures during load shedding. This can impact their ability to provide nail services
efficiently, leading to potential revenue losses.
2. MG Music School: Equipment like musical instruments and sound systems are crucial for MG Music School's
operations. Any damage or failure during load shedding can disrupt music lessons and affect the overall
customer experience.
3. East Coast Dental Laboratory: Dental equipment and machinery require a stable power supply to function
effectively. Equipment damage or failures due to load shedding can impact the dental laboratory’s productivity
and service quality.
4. Chewy Boba Co: This business likely relies on equipment such as refrigerators, blenders, and other machinery
for preparing boba beverages. Equipment damage or failures can hinder their ability to serve customers and
impact their revenue.

Businesses without Equipment Damage or Failures (60%):

1. BP Garage: As a fuel station, BP Garage may have backup power or systems in place to prevent equipment
damage or failures during load shedding, ensuring uninterrupted service to customers.
2. Dekhz Trucking: While trucking operations may be affected by load shedding delays, equipment damage or
failures may not be as significant since vehicles are not directly impacted by power cuts.
3. That Cafe: Cafes like That Cafe may have contingency plans or alternative power sources to avoid equipment
damage or failures during load shedding, ensuring a smooth operation for customers.
4. Naicks Bakery: Bakery equipment may be more resilient to short power disruptions, allowing Naicks Bakery to
continue serving customers without major equipment damage or failures.
5. Malvern Dental Care: Similar to other dental practices, Malvern Dental Care may have backup power solutions
in place to prevent equipment damage or failures during load shedding, maintaining service quality for patients.
6. Standard Bank: Financial institutions like Standard Bank prioritize uninterrupted service delivery, likely
investing in backup power systems to prevent equipment damage or failures during load shedding.

The impact of load shedding on businesses with equipment damage or failures is significant, leading to
disruptions in operations, potential revenue losses, and the need for repairs or replacement of equipment. On the
other hand, businesses that have not experienced equipment damage or failures during load shedding
demonstrate proactive measures such as backup power solutions, contingency plans, or equipment resilience to
mitigate the impact of power cuts on their operations. These strategies help maintain service continuity, customer
satisfaction, and financial stability despite the challenges posed by load shedding.

Question 4:

How does load shedding affect your employee productivity?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage C) No impact on productivity
MG Music school A) Decreases productivity significantly
Malvern Dental care C) No impact on productivity
East Coast Dental laboratory B) Decreases productivity slightly
Classic nails A) Decreases productivity significantly
Dekhz trucking B) Decreases productivity slightly
That café A) Decreases productivity significantly

Naick’s Bakery A) Decreases productivity significantly
Chewy Boba co A) Decreases productivity significantly
Standard bank B) Decreases productivity slightly

Answer options Number of Percentage

A) Decreases 5 50%
B) Decreases 3 30%
productivity slightly
C) No impact on 2 20%
D) Increases 0 0%
Total 10 100%

A pie chart showing how load shedding affects

employee productivity
A) Yes
B) No



Based on the data provided regarding the impact of load shedding on employee productivity in various
businesses, we can analyse patterns and relationships among them:

Businesses with Significant Decrease in Productivity (50%):

1. MG Music School: The significant decrease in productivity at MG Music School can be attributed to disruptions
in music lessons caused by equipment failures during load shedding. This impacts both staff efficiency and
customer satisfaction, leading to potential revenue losses.

2. Classic Nails: Classic Nails likely experiences a drop in productivity due to power cuts affecting nail services.
Staff may struggle to work efficiently without proper equipment, impacting the quality and timeliness of their
3. That Cafe: Load shedding can disrupt That Cafe's operations, affecting employee productivity in serving
customers and preparing food and beverages. This can lead to delays, customer dissatisfaction, and decreased
4. Naicks Bakery: Naicks Bakery's productivity may be significantly impacted by equipment failures during load
shedding, hindering the baking process and timely delivery of products. This can result in lower sales and
customer retention.
5. Chewy Boba Co: Employees at Chewy Boba Co may face challenges in preparing boba beverages and
serving customers efficiently during load shedding, resulting in decreased productivity and potential customer

Businesses with Slight Decrease in Productivity (30%):

1. East Coast Dental Laboratory: While load shedding may cause minor disruptions in productivity at East Coast
Dental Laboratory, the impact is not as severe as in other businesses due to potential backup power solutions or
equipment resilience. Staff efficiency in dental lab processes may be slightly affected.
2. Dekhz Trucking: Although there may be slight delays in trucking operations during load shedding, the impact
on overall productivity at Dekhz Trucking is manageable. Employee efficiency in transporting goods may
experience minor setbacks.
3. Standard Bank: Standard Bank's productivity may be marginally affected by load shedding, but the financial
institution likely has contingency plans and backup power systems in place to maintain service continuity.
Employees may face temporary challenges but can still deliver essential banking services effectively.

Businesses with No Impact on Productivity (20%):

1. BP Garage: BP Garage's operations are not significantly impacted by load shedding in terms of employee
productivity, as the fuel station likely has backup power solutions to ensure uninterrupted service to customers.
Employees can continue their tasks without major disruptions.
2. Malvern Dental Care: Similarly, Malvern Dental Care experiences no substantial impact on productivity during
load shedding, as the dental practice may have measures in place to mitigate power cuts and maintain service
quality for patients. Employees can continue providing dental services efficiently.

Overall, businesses with significant decreases in productivity during load shedding face challenges in maintaining
operations, serving customers, and generating revenue. The impact on employee productivity in these
businesses is notable, leading to potential financial losses and customer dissatisfaction. In contrast, businesses
with slight decreases or no impact on productivity demonstrate proactive measures such as backup power
solutions, contingency plans, or equipment resilience to mitigate the effects of load shedding on their operations
and staff efficiency. These strategies help maintain employee productivity, service quality, and business continuity
despite the challenges posed by power cuts.

Question 5:

How has load shedding impacted your ability to meet customer demands?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage C) Meet demands as usual
MG Music school B) Meet demands with delays
Malvern Dental care C) Meet demands as usual
East Coast Dental laboratory C) Meet demands as usual
Classic nails B) Meet demands with delays
Dekhz trucking B) Meet demands with delays

That café A) Unable to meet demands
Naick’s Bakery A) Unable to meet demands
Chewy Boba co A) Unable to meet demands
Standard bank C) Meet demands as usual

Answer options Number of Percentage

A) Unable to meet 3 30%
B) Meet demands 3 30%
with delays
C) Meet demands 4 40%
as usual
D) Exceed 0 0%
Total 10 100%

A Graph showing how load shedding impacts

businesses ability to meet customer demands

A) Yes B) No

From the data provided, we can see that 30% of businesses are unable to meet customer demands due to load
shedding. These businesses include 'That Cafe', 'Naicks Bakery', and 'Chewy Boba Co'. It is likely that these
businesses rely heavily on electricity to conduct their operations, such as baking, brewing coffee, and operating

On the other hand, 30% of businesses are able to meet customer demands with delays. These businesses
include 'Classic Nails', 'MG Music School', and 'Dekhz Trucking'. It is possible that these businesses have
implemented backup plans or alternative methods to mitigate the impact of load shedding, which allows them to
continue serving customers, albeit with some delays.

The remaining 40% of businesses are able to meet customer demands as usual. These businesses include 'BP
Garage', 'East Coast Dental Laboratory', 'Standard Bank', and 'Malvern Dental Care'. It is likely that these
businesses have invested in backup power sources or have adjusted their operations to minimize the impact of
load shedding.

Overall, it is evident that load shedding has had a significant impact on businesses in the area. Those that are
unable to meet customer demands are likely experiencing a loss in revenue and customer satisfaction.
Businesses that can meet demands with delays may still face challenges in maintaining customer loyalty.
However, businesses that can continue operating as usual may have a competitive advantage in the market.

In conclusion, load shedding has highlighted the importance of resilience and adaptability in business operations.
Businesses that have contingency plans in place are better equipped to handle disruptions and ensure customer
satisfaction. It is crucial for businesses to assess the impact of load shedding on their operations and implement
strategies to minimize the effects on their ability to meet customer demands.

Question 6:

Do you have a backup power source in place to reduce the effects of load shedding,
If so what power source?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage A)Yes -generator back-up source
MG Music school B)No back up source
Malvern Dental care A)Yes-inverter and battery back-up

East Coast Dental laboratory A)Yes -generator back-up source
Classic nails B)No back up source
Dekhz trucking A)Yes -generator back-up source
That café B)No back up source
Naick’s Bakery A)Yes -inverter and battery back-up
Chewy Boba co B) No back up source
Standard bank A)Yes -inverter and battery back-up

Answer options Number of Percentage

A)Yes 6 60%
B)No 4 40%
Total 10 100%

A graph showing businesses that have a back-up

power source compared to those who don't

number of businesses

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

From the data provided, we can see that 40% of businesses do not have a backup source in place to reduce the
effects of load shedding. These businesses include 'MG Music School', 'Classic Nails', 'That Cafe', and 'Chewy
Boba Co'. The lack of a backup power source in these businesses likely means that they are more vulnerable to
disruptions caused by load shedding, which can impact their ability to meet customer demands and maintain

On the other hand, 60% of businesses have a backup source in place to reduce the effects of load shedding.
These businesses include 'BP Garage', 'Malvern Dental Care', 'Naicks Bakery', 'East Coast Dental Laboratory',
'Dekhz Trucking', and 'Standard Bank'. Having a backup power source enables these businesses to better cope
with the impact of load shedding, allowing them to continue serving customers, minimizing disruptions, and
potentially maintaining customer loyalty.

When we look at the businesses without backup sources, 'MG Music School' and 'Classic Nails' are in the service
industry where uninterrupted power may be crucial for their daily operations, such as running equipment or
lighting. 'That Cafe' and 'Chewy Boba Co' are in the food and beverage industry, where power is essential for
cooking, refrigeration, and other operations.

Among the businesses with backup sources, 'BP Garage' and 'Dekhz Trucking' are likely equipped with backup
generators to ensure their operations continue, especially for services like fueling cars or transporting goods.
Having a backup source is crucial for continuous operations in these industries.

The impact of load shedding on each business would vary based on factors such as the nature of their
operations, customer demands, and how well-prepared they are for such disruptions. Businesses without backup
sources may experience service interruptions, loss of revenue, and potential damage to their reputation. On the
other hand, businesses with backup sources are likely to minimize these impacts, although there may still be
some operational challenges and additional costs associated with using backup power.

In conclusion, the presence or absence of a backup source plays a significant role in how businesses are
affected by load shedding. Those with backup sources have a better chance of weathering the disruptions and
continuing operations, while those without backup sources are more vulnerable to the negative impacts of load
shedding. It underscores the importance for businesses to assess their vulnerability to such disruptions and
consider investing in resilience measures to mitigate potential losses.

Question 7:

Have you had to change your business hours or operations due to load shedding?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage C)No changes needed
MG Music school A) Yes, regularly
Malvern Dental care C)No changes needed
East Coast Dental laboratory C)No changes needed
Classic nails A) Yes, regularly
Dekhz trucking C)No changes needed

That café A) Yes, regularly
Naick’s Bakery B) Occasionally
Chewy Boba co A) Yes, regularly
Standard bank C)No changes needed

Answer options Number of Percentage

A) Yes, regularly 4 40%
B) Occasionally 1 10%
C)No changes 5 50%
Total 10 100%

A graph showing how many businesses needed to

change their business hours or operations due to load

A)Yes,significant additional costs B) Yes,moderate additional costs C)No additional costs

From the data provided, we can observe that there are different responses from businesses regarding any
changes in their hours or operations due to load shedding:

1. Businesses that regularly change their hours or operations due to load shedding (40%):
- MG Music School
- Classic Nails
- That Cafe
- Chewy Boba Co

It is evident that these businesses experience a significant impact from load shedding, leading to regular
adjustments in their hours or operations. The nature of their services, which may depend on uninterrupted power
supply, could be one reason they need to change their operations frequently. For instance, MG Music School
may require electricity for music equipment, while That Cafe and Chewy Boba Co may need power for cooking
and refrigeration. These businesses likely face disruptions in service delivery, customer dissatisfaction, and
potential revenue loss as a result of load shedding.

2. Businesses that do not need to make any changes to their hours or operations due to load shedding (50%):
- East Coast Dental Laboratory
- Dekhz Trucking
- Standard Bank
- BP Garage
- Malvern Dental Care

These businesses have managed to operate without significant changes in hours or workflow despite load
shedding. This could indicate that they have implemented effective backup plans, such as generators or
alternative power sources, to ensure continuity of operations. The nature of their services may also allow for
flexibility in adapting to power disruptions. For example, healthcare facilities like Malvern Dental Care or financial
institutions like Standard Bank may have contingency plans in place to mitigate the impact of load shedding on
their operations.

3. Business that occasionally change their hours or operations due to load shedding (10%):
- Naicks Bakery

Naicks Bakery is the only business that occasionally changes its hours or operations due to load shedding. This
response suggests that while load shedding does have an impact on their business, it is not as severe or
frequent as for the businesses that regularly change their operations. Naicks Bakery may have managed to adapt
to the occasional power disruptions by adjusting their production schedules or leveraging backup power sources
to minimize the impact on their operations.

In comparing the businesses that regularly, occasionally, or do not need to change their hours or operations due
to load shedding, we can see a clear distinction in their level of preparedness and resilience to power disruptions.
Businesses with backup plans in place are better equipped to withstand the challenges posed by load shedding,
while those without such measures may face more significant operational disruptions and financial impacts.

Overall, the impact of load shedding on each business is influenced by factors such as their industry, reliance on
electricity for operations, preparedness for disruptions, and ability to adapt to changing circumstances.
Businesses that proactively address the challenges of load shedding through contingency planning and resilience
measures are more likely to minimize the negative consequences on their operations, customer satisfaction, and
financial health.
Question 8:

How do you manage appointments/ inventory during loadshedding periods?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage B) Use backup power for inventory/
appointment management systems
MG Music school C) No specific measures taken
Malvern Dental care B) Use backup power for inventory/
appointment management systems
East Coast Dental laboratory B) Use backup power for inventory/
appointment management systems
Classic nails C) No specific measures taken

Dekhz trucking C) No specific measures taken
That café A) Maintain manual records
Naick’s Bakery A) Maintain manual records
Chewy Boba co A) Maintain manual records
Standard bank B) Use backup power for inventory/
appointment management systems

Answer options Number of Percentage

A) Maintain 3 30%
manual records
B) Use backup 4 40%
power for
C) No specific 3 30%
measures taken
Total 10 100%

A graph showing how businesses managed their

appointments/inventory during load shedding

A)Yes,significant additional costs B) Yes,moderate additional costs

C)No additional costs

Based on the provided data on how businesses manage appointments/inventory during load shedding, we can identify three
different approaches taken by the businesses:

1. Businesses that maintain manual records (30%):

- That Cafe
- Naicks Bakery
- Chewy Boba Co

These businesses rely on manual record-keeping systems to manage appointments and inventory during load shedding. The
decision to maintain manual records suggests that they do not have sophisticated digital systems in place or backup power

solutions to ensure continuity of operations. Load shedding likely has a significant impact on these businesses as they may
face challenges in accessing necessary information, tracking inventory levels, and managing appointments effectively. The
reliance on manual processes during power disruptions can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and delays in service delivery.

2. Businesses that do not take specific measures (30%):

- MG Music School
- Dekhz Trucking
- Classic Nails

These businesses do not have specific measures in place to manage appointments and inventory during load shedding. The
lack of proactive planning suggests that they may not have considered the potential impacts of power disruptions on their
operations or have not prioritized investing in backup systems. Load shedding may disrupt their scheduling, inventory
management, and communication with customers, leading to operational challenges and potential revenue loss. Without
contingency plans, these businesses are more vulnerable to the disruptions caused by load shedding.

3. Businesses that use backup power for inventory/appointment management systems (40%):
- BP Garage
- East Coast Dental Laboratory
- Standard Bank
- Malvern Dental Care

These businesses have implemented backup power solutions to manage appointments and inventory systems during load
shedding. By using backup power sources, such as generators, they ensure that critical operations can continue uninterrupted
even in the absence of grid power. This proactive approach demonstrates their commitment to maintaining service levels,
customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency despite power disruptions. Load shedding may still have some impact on
these businesses, but they are better equipped to respond effectively and minimize the negative consequences on their

Comparing the three approaches taken by businesses to manage appointments/inventory during load shedding, we can see
clear patterns and relationships:

- Businesses that maintain manual records and do not have backup power solutions are more likely to experience significant
disruptions and challenges in managing appointments and inventory during load shedding.
- Businesses that use backup power for inventory/appointment management systems are better prepared to maintain continuity
of operations and minimize the impact of load shedding on their services and customer experience.

The impact of load shedding on each business is influenced by their preparedness, resilience, and ability to adapt to power
disruptions. Businesses that invest in backup power solutions demonstrate a proactive approach to managing the impact of
load shedding, while those relying on manual processes or lacking specific measures may face greater challenges in
maintaining operational efficiency and customer satisfaction during power outages. Overall, the data highlights the importance
of having contingency plans in place to mitigate the impact of load shedding on businesses' appointments, inventory
management, and overall operations.

Question 9:

How does loadshedding impact your ability to process payments and transactions?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage B) Delayed transactions
MG Music school C) Unable to process payments
Malvern Dental care B) Delayed transactions
East Coast Dental laboratory B) Delayed transactions
Classic nails C) Unable to process payments
Dekhz trucking C) Unable to process payments
That café C) Unable to process payments

Naick’s Bakery B) Delayed transactions
Chewy Boba co C) Unable to process payments
Standard bank B) Delayed transactions

Answer options Number of Percentage

A) No impact 0 0%
B) Delayed 5 50%
C) Unable to 5 50%
process payments
Total 10 100%

A graph showing how load shedding impacted

businesses ability to process payments and transac-
C)No additional costs

B) Yes,moderate additional costs

A)Yes,significant additional costs

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Based on the provided data on how load shedding affects employee productivity in various businesses, we can identify two
main categories of impact: businesses unable to process payments (50%) and businesses experiencing delayed transactions

Businesses Unable to Process Payments (50%):

- MG Music School
- Classic Nails
- That Cafe
- Dekhz Trucking
- Chewy Boba Co

These businesses are unable to process payments during load shedding, indicating a direct impact on their revenue generation
and financial transactions. The inability to process payments may lead to cash flow disruptions, delays in receiving income, and
potential challenges in meeting financial obligations. The businesses mentioned in this category rely heavily on electronic
payment systems, and the lack of electricity during load shedding hinders their ability to conduct transactions efficiently. As a
result, they may experience financial losses, customer dissatisfaction, and operational inefficiencies due to the inability to
process payments in a timely manner.

Businesses with Delayed Transactions (50%):

- East Coast Dental Laboratory
- BP Garage
- Malvern Dental Care
- Standard Bank
- Naicks Bakery

These businesses experience delayed transactions during load shedding, pointing to a significant impact on their operational
processes and customer service. The delays in transactions can result in order processing bottlenecks, communication
challenges with customers, and potential reputational damage due to service interruptions. The businesses in this category,
including financial institutions like Standard Bank, dental care providers, and bakeries, rely on swift and efficient transaction
processing to maintain customer satisfaction and operational effectiveness. Load shedding disrupts their ability to complete
transactions promptly, leading to operational inefficiencies and potential customer dissatisfaction.

Comparing the impact of load shedding on businesses unable to process payments versus those with delayed transactions, we
can observe the following patterns and relationships:

- Businesses unable to process payments face immediate financial implications, such as cash flow disruptions and revenue
loss, while those with delayed transactions experience operational challenges and potential customer dissatisfaction.
- The inability to process payments directly hampers revenue generation and financial stability, affecting businesses' bottom
line, whereas delayed transactions impact operational efficiency and customer service quality.
- Businesses heavily reliant on electronic payment systems are more vulnerable to the effects of load shedding on payment
processing, while delays in transactions affect a wider range of businesses across different industries and services.

Overall, load shedding has a significant impact on businesses' ability to process payments and carry out transactions efficiently,
leading to financial, operational, and customer-related challenges. The patterns and relationships identified highlight the diverse
impacts of load shedding on businesses' productivity and financial stability, emphasizing the importance of contingency
planning, backup systems, and resilience strategies to mitigate the disruptions caused by power outages.

Question 10:

Have you had to incur additional costs to reduce the effects of load shedding?

Feedback from Questionnaire:

Business Response given

BP garage A) Yes, significant additional costs
MG Music school B) Yes, moderate additional costs
Malvern Dental care B) Yes, moderate additional costs
East Coast Dental laboratory A) Yes, significant additional costs
Classic nails B) Yes, moderate additional costs
Dekhz trucking C) No additional costs
That café B) Yes, moderate additional costs

Naick’s Bakery B) Yes, moderate additional costs
Chewy Boba co C) No additional costs
Standard bank A) Yes, significant additional costs

Answer options Number of Percentage

A) Yes, significant 3 30%
additional costs
B) Yes, moderate 5 50%
additional costs
C) No additional 2 20%
Total 10 100%

A pie chart showing how many businesses had

to incur additional costs to reduce the effects of
load shedding



A)Yes,significant additional costs B) Yes,moderate additional costs

C)No additional costs

Based on the data provided on the additional costs incurred by businesses to reduce the effects of load shedding, we can
identify three categories of impact: moderate additional costs (50%), significant additional costs (30%), and no additional costs
Businesses with Moderate Additional Costs (50%):

- MG Music School
- Classic Nails
- That Cafe
- Naicks Bakery
- Malvern Dental Care
These businesses have reported incurring moderate additional costs to mitigate the effects of load shedding. The additional
costs may be associated with implementing backup power sources, investing in alternative energy solutions, or adjusting
operational processes to minimize the impact of power outages. In the case of MG Music School, Classic Nails, That Cafe,
Naicks Bakery, and Malvern Dental Care, the moderate additional costs incurred suggest a proactive approach to addressing
the challenges posed by load shedding. By investing in solutions to reduce the effects of power outages, these businesses
demonstrate a commitment to maintaining operations and minimizing disruptions to their services.
Businesses with Significant Additional Costs (30%):
- East Coast Dental Laboratory
- BP Garage
- Standard Bank
These businesses have reported incurring significant additional costs to mitigate the effects of load shedding, indicating a
higher financial burden compared to businesses with moderate additional costs. The significant additional costs may be
attributed to the complexity of their operational requirements, scale of operations, or reliance on uninterrupted power supply for
critical processes. For East Coast Dental Laboratory, BP Garage, and Standard Bank, the significant additional costs incurred
highlight the substantial impact of load shedding on their operations and the measures taken to ensure continuity and service
quality. The investment in mitigating the effects of power outages reflects the importance of maintaining operational resilience
and customer service standards for these businesses.
Businesses with No Additional Costs (20%):
- Dekhz Trucking
- Chewy Boba Co
These businesses have reported not incurring any additional costs to reduce the effects of load shedding, suggesting
alternative strategies or operational resilience measures to cope with power outages without significant financial implications.
Dekhz Trucking and Chewy Boba Co may have implemented contingency plans, backup systems, or operational adjustments
that enable them to mitigate the impact of load shedding without incurring additional expenses. The ability of these businesses
to manage the effects of power outages without incurring costs highlights their adaptability, resourcefulness, and preparedness
to handle disruptions in their operations effectively.
Comparing the impact of load shedding on businesses with moderate additional costs, significant additional costs, and no
additional costs, we can observe the following patterns and relationships:
- Businesses with moderate additional costs demonstrate a proactive approach to addressing the effects of load shedding,
investing in solutions to minimize disruptions and ensure operational continuity.
- Businesses with significant additional costs indicate a higher level of impact from load shedding, requiring substantial
investments to maintain operations, service quality, and customer satisfaction.
- Businesses with no additional costs showcase effective strategies, contingency planning, or operational resilience measures
that enable them to manage the effects of load shedding without incurring significant financial burdens.
Overall, the patterns and relationships identified highlight the diverse approaches taken by businesses to mitigate the effects of
load shedding, ranging from proactive investments to cost-effective strategies and operational resilience measures. The impact
of load shedding on each business varies based on their operational requirements, scalability, and preparedness to address
power outages, emphasizing the importance of adaptive strategies, contingency planning, and financial resilience to navigate
the challenges posed by power disruptions.

BP garage:
Short-term solution:
- Implement a more efficient payment processing system that can run on the backup power source during load
shedding, reducing delays in transactions.
- Install battery backups for essential equipment such as cash registers to ensure that transactions can still be
processed during power outages.
- Provide training to employees on manual payment processing methods in case of a power outage.

Long-term solution:
- Invest in a larger generator or alternative energy source such as solar panels to provide sustainable power
during load shedding.
- Implement a more robust inventory and appointment management system that can run on the backup power
source without any issues.
- Explore partnerships with mobile payment providers or alternative payment methods that are not affected by
power outages.

By implementing these short-term and long-term solutions, B.P garage can ensure that they can continue to
operate smoothly during load shedding without incurring significant additional costs. While there may be initial
costs associated with these solutions, the long-term benefits of increased efficiency, reduced revenue losses, and

improved customer satisfaction will outweigh the upfront investment. Additionally, by taking a proactive approach,
B.P garage can maintain their competitive edge in the market despite the challenges posed by load shedding.

MG Music school:

Short-term solutions:
1. Implement a basic backup power source like a generator to ensure that essential equipment can continue
operating during load shedding, reducing downtime and equipment damage.
2. Provide training to employees on manual payment processing methods that can be used in case of power
outages, reducing delays in transactions.
3. Implement appointment scheduling software that can be accessed offline and manually updated during load
shedding periods to manage appointments effectively.
4. Utilize inventory management software that can run offline and sync automatically once power is restored,
preventing inventory issues during load shedding.
5. Offer promotional discounts or incentives to customers to compensate for delays and maintain customer
satisfaction despite load shedding impacts.

Long-term solutions:
1. Invest in a more advanced backup power system such as solar panels or larger generators to provide
sustainable power during load shedding, reducing operational disruptions and equipment failures.
2. Upgrade payment processing systems to support mobile or online payment methods that are not affected by
power outages, ensuring continuous revenue generation during load shedding.
3. Implement a remote work policy or flexible business hours to accommodate load shedding schedules and
ensure business continuity without changes in operations.
4. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the affordability of implementing long-term solutions, considering
potential savings from reduced equipment damage, increased productivity, and improved customer satisfaction
over time.

By implementing these short-term and long-term solutions, MG Music School can mitigate the negative impacts
of load shedding on their operations, improve employee productivity, customer satisfaction, and revenue
generation. The initial costs of implementing these solutions may be moderate, but the long-term benefits of
efficiency, reliability, and customer loyalty will outweigh the upfront investment. Moreover, given the increasing
affordability costs of goods due to load shedding impacts, investing in sustainable solutions will help MG Music
School manage operational costs effectively in the long run.

Malvern Dental care:

Malvern Dental Care faces frequent load shedding, which slightly decreases revenue and leads to delayed
transactions. However, the load shedding does not impact employee productivity or result in equipment damage.
The business incurs moderate additional costs to mitigate the effects of load shedding and uses backup power
for inventory and appointment management systems. There is no need to adjust business hours or operations
due to load shedding.

For short-term solutions, Malvern Dental Care can consider investing in a more robust battery backup system
with increased capacity to ensure uninterrupted power supply during load shedding. This will help minimize
disruptions to transactions and ensure that critical systems remain operational.

In the long term, Malvern Dental Care could explore alternative energy sources such as solar power to reduce
reliance on the grid and mitigate the impact of load shedding on revenue. While the initial investment for solar
panels may be higher, the long-term cost savings on electricity bills and increased energy independence make
this a viable and cost-effective solution.

By implementing these solutions, Malvern Dental Care can enhance operational resilience, improve customer
service by reducing transaction delays, and minimize the impact of load shedding on revenue without significantly
increasing costs.

East Coast Dental Laboratory:

East Coast Dental Laboratory experiences load shedding once a week, which slightly decreases employee
productivity and causes delayed transactions in processing payments and transactions. They have a generator
backup source and use backup power for inventory and appointment management systems. Load shedding has
no impact on revenue, but they have experienced equipment damage or failures during load shedding. They also
incur significant additional costs to reduce the effects of load shedding. No changes are needed to their business
hours or operations during load shedding.

For short-term solutions, East Coast Dental Laboratory can consider investing in a more robust generator backup
system with increased capacity to ensure uninterrupted power supply during load shedding. This will help
minimize disruptions to operations and ensure that critical systems remain operational. They can also consider
implementing a system to prioritize which equipment and operations are essential to keep running during load
shedding, to minimize the impact of load shedding on productivity.

In the long term, East Coast Dental Laboratory could explore alternative energy sources such as solar power to
reduce reliance on the grid and minimize the impact of load shedding on equipment and operations. While the
initial investment for solar panels may be higher, the long-term cost savings on electricity bills and increased
energy independence make this a viable and cost-effective solution.

By implementing these solutions, East Coast Dental Laboratory can enhance operational resilience, improve
productivity during load shedding, and minimize the impact of load shedding on equipment and operations
without significantly increasing costs.

Classic Nails:

For Classic Nails, the daily load shedding significantly impacts employee productivity, revenue, and operations.
They do not have a backup source, experience equipment damage or failure, and incur moderate additional
costs to mitigate the effects of load shedding. They struggle to meet customer demands with delays, are unable
to process payments during load shedding, and do not have specific measures to manage appointments or
inventory during these periods. They also regularly change their business hours or operations due to load

In the short term, Classic Nails should prioritize installing a reliable generator backup source to ensure
uninterrupted power supply during load shedding. This will help maintain operations, prevent equipment damage,
and enable them to process payments even during power outages. Additionally, implementing a system to
manage appointments and inventory during load shedding can help reduce delays and improve customer

In the long term, Classic Nails should consider investing in renewable energy sources such as solar power to
reduce reliance on the grid and minimize the impact of load shedding on revenue and operations. While the initial
cost may be higher, the long-term savings on electricity bills and increased reliability make this a sustainable and
cost-effective solution.

By implementing these solutions, Classic Nails can improve employee productivity, reduce equipment damage,
enhance customer service, and stabilize revenue, ultimately ensuring business continuity and growth in the face
of frequent load shedding.

Dekhz trucking:

For Dekhz Trucking, the weekly load shedding significantly decreases revenue and slightly decreases employee
productivity. They have a generator as a backup source and do not incur additional costs to reduce the effects of
load shedding. However, they are unable to process payments during load shedding and have not implemented
specific measures to manage appointments or inventory during these periods. No changes are needed to their
business hours or operations due to load shedding, and they have not experienced equipment damage or failure.

In the short term, Dekhz Trucking should focus on implementing a reliable payment processing system that can
operate independently during load shedding. This will ensure that they can continue to receive payments from
customers without disruption, mitigating the impact of load shedding on revenue. Additionally, they should
consider implementing a manual or backup system to manage appointments and inventory during load shedding
to minimize delays and maintain customer service standards.

In the long term, Dekhz Trucking could explore the possibility of investing in energy storage solutions such as
battery backup systems to complement their existing generator. This would provide a seamless transition during
load shedding periods and ensure continuous operation without relying solely on the generator. While the initial
investment may incur some costs, the long-term benefits of uninterrupted operations and maintained revenue
stream make this a viable and strategic solution.

By implementing these solutions, Dekhz Trucking can address the specific challenges posed by load shedding,
maintain revenue, and ensure operational continuity, ultimately contributing to the sustained success of the

That cafe:
For That Cafe, the frequent load shedding significantly impacts their ability to meet customer demands,
decreases employee productivity, and significantly decreases revenue. They do not have a backup source and
are unable to process payments during load shedding. They also incur moderate additional costs to mitigate the
effects of load shedding. They rely on manual records to manage appointments and inventory during load
shedding periods and regularly have to change business hours or operations.

In the short term, That Cafe should prioritize investing in a reliable backup power source, such as a generator or
battery backup system. This will ensure uninterrupted power supply during load shedding, allowing them to meet
customer demands, process payments, and maintain regular business operations. With a backup power source,
they can also minimize the need for manual record-keeping and reduce the impact on employee productivity.

In the long term, That Cafe should consider exploring renewable energy solutions, such as solar power, to reduce
their reliance on the grid and mitigate the impact of load shedding. While the initial investment may be higher, the
long-term cost savings on electricity bills and increased energy independence make this a sustainable and cost-
effective solution. Additionally, implementing energy-efficient appliances and lighting can further reduce energy

By implementing these solutions, That Cafe can ensure uninterrupted business operations, improve customer
satisfaction, reduce the impact on employee productivity, and stabilize revenue. The investment in a backup
power source and renewable energy solutions will provide long-term benefits and mitigate the negative effects of
load shedding on the business.

Naicks bakery:

For Naicks Bakery, the frequent load shedding significantly impacts their ability to meet customer demands,
decreases employee productivity, and significantly decreases revenue. They have an inverter and battery backup
source, but still face challenges during load shedding. They incur moderate additional costs, experience delays in
transactions, and have to maintain manual records to manage appointments or inventory. They occasionally have
to change their business hours or operations due to load shedding, but they have not experienced equipment
damage or failures.

Short-term solutions for Naicks Bakery can include investing in a more robust backup power system, such as a
larger inverter and battery capacity, to ensure uninterrupted power supply during load shedding. This will help
them maintain regular operations, meet customer demands, and process transactions without delays.
Additionally, they should consider implementing an automated system for record-keeping, appointments, and
inventory management to improve efficiency and productivity during load shedding.

In the long term, Naicks Bakery could explore renewable energy solutions, such as solar power, to reduce their
reliance on the grid and mitigate the impact of load shedding. By harnessing solar energy, they can have a
sustainable and reliable source of power, reducing costs in the long run and ensuring uninterrupted operations
even during load shedding.

By implementing these solutions, Naicks Bakery can mitigate the negative effects of load shedding, improve
customer satisfaction, maintain revenue, and ensure operational continuity. The investment in backup power
sources and renewable energy solutions will provide long-term benefits and help them navigate the challenges
posed by load shedding.

Chewy Boba co:

For Chewy Boba Co, the frequent load shedding significantly impacts their ability to meet customer demands,
decreases employee productivity, and significantly decreases revenue. They do not have a backup source and
are unable to process payments during load shedding. They have experienced equipment damage or failures
and have to maintain manual records for appointments and inventory. They also occasionally have to change
their business hours or operations due to load shedding.

In the short term, Chewy Boba Co should prioritize investing in a backup power source, such as a generator or
battery backup system. This will ensure uninterrupted power supply during load shedding, allowing them to meet
customer demands, process payments, and maintain regular business operations. They should also consider
implementing a system for automated record-keeping, appointments, and inventory management to improve
efficiency and productivity during load shedding.

In the long term, Chewy Boba Co could explore renewable energy solutions, such as solar power, to reduce their
reliance on the grid and mitigate the impact of load shedding. By investing in solar panels, they can have a
sustainable and reliable source of power, reducing costs in the long run and ensuring uninterrupted operations
even during load shedding.

By implementing these solutions, Chewy Boba Co can mitigate the negative effects of load shedding, improve
customer satisfaction, maintain revenue, and ensure operational continuity. The investment in backup power
sources and renewable energy solutions will provide long-term benefits and help them navigate the challenges
posed by load shedding.

Standard Bank:

For Standard Bank, the weekly load shedding slightly decreases employee productivity and revenue. They have
an inverter and battery backup source, enabling them to meet customer demands and manage operations during
load shedding. They have incurred additional costs to reduce the effects of load shedding and experience delays
in transactions. They have not experienced equipment damage during load shedding and do not need to change
their business hours or operations.

Short-term solutions for Standard Bank could involve optimizing their backup power system to ensure seamless
operations during load shedding. They could also implement measures to improve transaction processing
efficiency during power outages, reducing delays and potential customer dissatisfaction.

In the long term, Standard Bank could explore further investments in renewable energy sources to reduce
reliance on the grid and minimize the impact of load shedding. By transitioning to sustainable energy solutions,
they can enhance operational resilience and cost-effectiveness in the face of electricity challenges.


The businesses in Queensburgh, such as BP Garage, Chewy Boba Co, Malvern

Dental Care, MG Music School, East Coast Dental Laboratory, Classic Nails, Dekhz
Trucking, That Cafe, Naicks Bakery, and Standard Bank, are all impacted by
Eskom's electricity load shedding programme to varying degrees. The interruptions
in power supply led to decreased productivity, revenue loss, delays in operations,
and additional costs for many of these businesses. While some have backup power
sources to mitigate the effects, others struggle to maintain operations and meet
customer demands during load shedding. The overall consensus is that Eskom's
load shedding programme has a negative impact on businesses in Queensburgh,
highlighting the need for sustainable energy solutions and effective contingency
plans to minimize disruptions and ensure business continuity.


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