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Mid- TErM FilE

Made By: Muniba CH

1. According to the statement in the Industrial Policy of 1948, what was the most striking

feature of Pakistan's economy?

a. Lack of natural resources

b. Overdependence on outside sources

c. Marked contrast between natural resources and industrial backwardness

d. Rapid industrial growth

Answer: c. Marked contrast between its vast natural resources and its extreme industrial


2. What were the objectives of industrialization mentioned in the policy?

a. To import raw materials for manufacturing

b. To meet the requirements of the home market for consumer goods

c. To rely on foreign sources for consumer goods

d. To promote agriculture sector

Answer: b. To meet the requirements of the home market for consumer goods

3. Which factor contributed to the growth of the industrial sector due to cheaper import of


a. Overvalued exchange rate

b. Devaluation of the currency

c. Tariffs on imports

d. Quantitative controls on imports

Answer: a. Overvalued exchange rate

4. What were the major aspects of trade policy to favor industrialization?

a. Free trade agreements

b. Import quotas

c. Tariffs on imports

d. Subsidies on exports
Answer: c. Tariffs on imports

5. Which sector experienced significant growth between 1949 and 1958?

a. Agriculture b. Services c. Industrial d. Financial

Answer: c. Industrial

6. Which policy shift occurred during Ayub Khan's regime in 1959?

a. Increase in trade barriers

b. Introduction of export subsidies

c. Abolishment of import tariffs

d. Shift from direct to indirect controls on imports

Answer: d. Shift from direct to indirect controls on imports

7. What was the average annual growth rate of the large-scale manufacturing sector during

the 1960-1965 period?

a. 28.7% b. 13.3% c. 10.4% d. 4.9%

Answer: b. 13.3%

8. Which economic policy was implemented during Zia ul Haq's era?

a. Nationalization of industries
b. Increase in trade barriers

c. Deregulation and promotion of the private sector

d. Devaluation of the currency

Answer: c. Deregulation and promotion of the private sector

9. What was one of the key factors driving economic growth during the post-1999 era?

a. Increase in agricultural productivity

b. Expansion of the public sector

c. Consumer finance and banking sector boom

d. Decrease in foreign direct investment

Answer: c. Consumer finance and banking sector boom

10. What was a criticism of the economic policies implemented during the 2000s?

a. Lack of infrastructure development

b. Overreliance on agriculture

c. High trade deficits and foreign remittances

d. Decline in GDP growth rate

Answer: c. High trade deficits and foreign remittances

11. In the statement of the Industrial Policy of 1948, it was mentioned that Pakistan's

economy had a marked contrast between its vast natural resources and its extreme

industrial backwardness. This statement reflects the focus on:

a) Expanding international trade

b) Promoting agricultural development

c) Encouraging industrialization

d) Enhancing infrastructure

Answer: c) Encouraging industrialization

12. The process of industrialization in Pakistan during 1947-1958 was influenced by two key

factors. What were they?

a) Agricultural reforms and technological advancements

b) Exchange rate and trade policies

c) Political stability and foreign investments

d) Education system and labor force development

Answer: b) Exchange rate and trade policies

13. The decision not to devalue Pakistan's currency in 1949 had what impact on the industrial


a) It led to a decline in industrial growth

b) It made imported machinery cheaper, promoting industrial development

c) It resulted in a shortage of raw materials for industries

d) It encouraged foreign investments in the industrial sector

Answer: b) It made imported machinery cheaper, promoting industrial development

14. Which trade policy measure was implemented to favor industrialization in Pakistan

during the 1950s?

a) Export promotion schemes

b) Reduction of tariffs on imports

c) Quantitative controls on imports

d) Free trade agreements

Answer: c) Quantitative controls on imports

15. The growth rate of the industrial sector in Pakistan between 1949 and 1958 was:

a) Relatively slow compared to other countries

b) Among the most rapid in the world

c) Stagnant due to unfavorable trade policies

d) Negatively affected by currency devaluation

Answer: b) Among the most rapid in the world

16. During the 1958-1968 period, what changes were made in Pakistan's trade policy?

a) Increased direct controls on imports

b) Reduction of tariffs on imports

c) Implementation of export restrictions

d) Shift from direct controls to indirect controls on imports

Answer: d) Shift from direct controls to indirect controls on imports

17. What was the effect of the trade policy changes in the 1958-1968 period on industrial

production and investment?

a) Decline in industrial production and investment

b) Positive response from industrial production and investment

c) No significant impact on industrial sector d) Increase in imports but decrease in


Answer: b) Positive response from industrial production and investment

18. The "Exports Bonus Scheme" (EBS) implemented during the 1958-1968 period aimed to:
a) Promote imports of raw materials

b) Increase tariffs on imports

c) Boost exports of manufactured goods

d) Encourage foreign direct investment

Answer: c) Boost exports of manufactured goods

19. What was the average annual growth rate in the large-scale manufacturing sector during

the 1960-1965 period?

a) 5.6% b) 13.3% c) 20.3% d) 28.7%

Answer: b) 13.3%

20. What was the percentage increase in the share of exports in total consumer goods output

between 1959/60 and 1969/70?

a) 15% b) 30% c) 45% d) 60%

Answer: c) 45%

21. Which industries were nationalized during the first phase in Pakistan?

a) Textile and agriculture

b) Steel, chemical, and cement

c) Banking and finance

d) Flour, rice, and cotton mills

Answer: b) Steel, chemical, and cement

22. When did Bhutto nationalize all banks in Pakistan?

a) 1972 b) 1973 c) 1974 d) 1975

Answer: c) 1974

23. How did nationalization affect public and private investment?

a) Public investment decreased, and private investment increased

b) Public investment increased, and private investment decreased

c) Public and private investment remained the same

d) Public and private investment both increased

Answer: b) Public investment increased, and private investment decreased

24. What was the impact of currency devaluation in Pakistan?

a) It led to an increase in exports and decrease in imports

b) It led to an increase in imports and decrease in exports

c) It had no significant impact on trade

d) It led to a balance in trade between imports and exports

Answer: b) It led to an increase in imports and decrease in exports

25. What was the main cause of the loss of East Pakistan?

a) Political instability

b) Economic recession

c) Lack of confidence in the government

d) Unequal distribution of resources

Answer: d) Unequal distribution of resources

26. Which era saw significant industrial growth in Pakistan?

a) Bhutto's era

b) Zia Ul Haq's era

c) Ali Hamza's era

d) None of the above

Answer: b) Zia Ul Haq's era

27. What was the average annual growth rate of manufacturing GDP during Zia's era?

a) 9.6% b) 12.8% c) 18.2% d) 5.3%

Answer: a) 9.6%

28. What were some actions taken during Zia's era to promote industrialization?

a) Denationalization of all industries

b) Tax holidays and export rebates

c) Increase in interest rates for agriculture and industry

d) Complete control of the private sector by the government

Answer: b) Tax holidays and export rebates

29. What was the GDP growth rate during the period of accelerated economic growth in


a) 4% b) 6% c) 9% d) 12%

Answer: b) 6%

30. What were some criticisms of the economic policies during the accelerated growth


a) High inflation and trade deficit

b) Decrease in poverty and income inequality

c) Increase in agricultural productivity

d) Improvement in infrastructure and energy sector

Answer: a) High inflation and trade deficit

31. What percentage of Pakistan's GDP does the agriculture sector contribute?

a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 40%

Answer: b) 20%

32. What percentage of the labor force in Pakistan is employed in the agriculture sector?

a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 40%

Answer: d) 42.3%

33. Which of the following is not a reason for the unsatisfactory performance of the

agriculture sector in Pakistan?

a) Traditional methods b) Lack of motivation

c) Lack of research d) High export demand

Answer: d) High export demand

34. What are the consequences of British rule on agriculture in Pakistan?

a) Modernization and development

b) Stagnation and underdevelopment

c) Decrease in agricultural productivity

d) No significant impact

Answer: a) Modernization and development

35. Who owned all the land under the Mughal rule in pre-colonial India?

a) Mansabdars b) Zamindars c) Peasants d) The King

Answer: d) The King

36. What was the role of Mansabdars or Jagirdars in the Mughal empire?
a) Collecting revenues from peasants

b) Owning and managing villages

c) Maintaining armies for the Emperor

d) Providing education to the villagers

Answer: c) Maintaining armies for the Emperor

37. Who were the local lords responsible for collecting revenues on behalf of the King?

a) Mansabdars b) Zamindars c) Peasants

d) Khalisa Lands

Answer: b) Zamindars

38. What happened to land under British colonialism in South Asia?

a) It remained under the control of peasants.

b) It was redistributed among the lower classes.

c) Zamindars and jagirdars strengthened their claims on land.

d) It was nationalized by the British government.

Answer: c) Zamindars and jagirdars strengthened their claims on land.

39. What happened to the central authority of the Mughal empire after the death of

Aurangzeb in 1707?

a) It became stronger and more centralized.

b) It had no impact on the empire.

c) It weakened, leading to the decay of the empire.

d) It shifted to the regional zamindars.

Answer: c) It weakened, leading to the decay of the empire.

40. When did colonial expansion start in South Asia?

a) Early 17th century

b) Middle of the 18th century

c) Late 19th century

d) Early 20th century

Answer: b) Middle of the 18th century

41. During which century did colonial expansion begin in South Asia?

a) 17th century b) 18th century c) 19th century

d) 20th century
Answer: b) 18th century

42. What were the three institutional changes brought by British rule in the agriculture sector

of Pakistan?

a) Introduction of monetary tax, agriculture commercialization, and building canals

b) Institution of private property, a legal system, and an efficient government

c) Property rights given to revenue collectors, establishment of the ryotwari system, and

payment of land revenue

d) Granting ownership rights to influential individuals, introduction of a legal system, and

protection of land users' rights

Answer: b) Institution of private property, a legal system, and an efficient government

43. In which year was the ryotwari system established for land in Sindh?

a) 1793 b) 1843 c) 1912 d) 1947

Answer: b) 1843

44. What was the main result of the British colonial rule in the agriculture sector of Pakistan?

a) The dissolution of power of landlords over peasants

b) The emergence of a capitalist form of agriculture

c) The separation of economic and political power

d) The granting of ownership rights to large landowners

Answer: a) The dissolution of power of landlords over peasants

45. What was the main objective of the Green Revolution in Pakistan?
a) To introduce high yield varieties of seeds

b) To increase agricultural productivity

c) To establish a modern legal system

d) To resolve income disparities

Answer: b) To increase agricultural productivity

46. Which component was a crucial part of the technology package in the Green Revolution?

a) Mechanization b) Legal reforms c) Access to credit

d) Water

Answer: d) Water

47. What were some of the issues that arose as a result of the Green Revolution in Pakistan?

a) Regional and income disparities

b) Lack of access to technology

c) Inadequate subsidies for farmers

d) Introduction of inefficient seeds

Answer: a) Regional and income disparities

48. When did the land reforms begin in Pakistan?

a) 1947 b) 1959 c) 1972 d) 1977

Answer: b) 1959

49. What was the main feature of the 1959 Land Reforms in Pakistan?
a) Introduction of a ceiling on landholdings

b) Compensation for large landowners

c) Sale of resumed land to landless tenants

d) Permanent ownership to occupants

Answer: a) Introduction of a ceiling on landholdings

50. What was a critical analysis of the 1959 Land Reforms?

a) Landlords benefited from compensation

b) Resumed land was mostly sold to landless tenants

c) All resumed land was auctioned to rich farmers and officials

d) The ceiling on landholdings was not implemented effectively

Answer: c) All resumed land was auctioned to rich farmers and officials

51. What were the three institutional changes brought by British rule in the agriculture sector

of Pakistan?

a) Introduction of monetary tax, commercialization, and canals

b) Institution of private property, a legal system, and an efficient government

c) Ownership rights, emergence of agricultural markets, and official sources of credit

d) Landlord power dissolution, economic expansion, and greater integration

Answer: b) Institution of private property, a legal system, and an efficient government

52. Which system was established in Sindh after it was taken over by the British Empire in


a) Ryotwari system b) Zamindari system

c) Feudal system d) Capitalist system

Answer: a) Ryotwari system

53. What was the major impact of British colonialism on the agriculture sector in Pakistan?

a) Feudal system transformation

b) Emergence of capitalist agriculture

c) Greater integration with the Indian sub-continent

d) Introduction of agricultural technology

Answer: c) Greater integration with the Indian sub-continent

54. What was the main objective of the Green Revolution in Pakistan?

a) Redistribution of land

b) Introduction of high-yield varieties

c) Mechanization of agriculture

d) Regional and income equality

Answer: b) Introduction of high-yield varieties

55. Which region in Pakistan benefited the most from the Green Revolution?

a) NWFP (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)

b) Punjab

c) Sindh

d) Balochistan

Answer: b) Punjab

56. What was the primary focus of land reforms in Pakistan?

a) Redistribution of land between landless and small landowners

b) Introduction of modern farming techniques

c) Creation of large-scale agricultural zones

d) Consolidation of landholdings for efficiency

Answer: a) Redistribution of land between landless and small landowners

57. Which land reform policy introduced a ceiling on landholdings in Pakistan?

a) 1959 Land Reforms b) 1972 Land Reforms

c) 1977 Land Reforms d) None of the above

Answer: a) 1959 Land Reforms

58. What was the compensation given to landlords for their resumed land under the 1959

Land Reforms?

a) Rs. 5 per acre b) Rs. 10 per acre

c) Rs. 100 per acre d) No compensation was given

Answer: a) Rs. 5 per acre

59. What was the outcome of the 1959 Land Reforms in terms of land sales to landless


a) 100% of resumed land was sold to landless tenants

b) 50% of resumed land was sold to landless tenants

c) 20% of resumed land was sold to landless tenants

d) None of the resumed land was sold to landless tenants

Answer: c) 20% of resumed land was sold to landless tenants

60. Which land reform policy in Pakistan had the objective of achieving permanent

ownership for occupants?

a) 1959 Land Reforms b) 1972 Land Reforms

c) 1977 Land Reforms d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

61. In which century did colonial expansion begin in South Asia?

a) 18th century

b) 19th century

c) 20th century

d) 17th century
Answer: a) 18th century

62. What were the three institutional changes brought by British rule in the agriculture


a) Institution of Private Property, Legal System, and Efficient Government

b) Institution of Public Property, Social System, and Inefficient Government

c) Institution of Public Property, Legal System, and Efficient Government

d) Institution of Private Property, Social System, and Inefficient Government

Answer: a) Institution of Private Property, Legal System, and Efficient Government

63. When was the institution of private property introduced in South Asia?

a) Early 18th century b) Late 18th century

c) Early 19th century d) Late 19th century

Answer: b) Late 18th century

64. Which legal system was established with reference to the ownership of property?

a) Criminal law b) Civil law

c) Property law d) Constitutional law

Answer: c) Property law

65. What happened to the power of the landlord over the peasant as a result of British rule?

a) It increased

b) It remained the same

c) It dissolved and re-structured

d) It shifted to the government

Answer: c) It dissolved and re-structured

66. In which year were property rights given to revenue collectors in Bengal?

a) 1793 b) 1843 c) 1870 d) 1912

Answer: a) 1793

67. Which system was established for land in Sindh after it was taken over by the British

Empire in 1843?

a) Ryotwari system b) Zamindari system

c) Jagirdari system d) Tenant system

Answer: a) Ryotwari system

68. What were the rights given to occupants under the ryotwari system?

a) Heritable and Transferable rights

b) Temporary rights

c) Non-transferable rights

d) Restricted rights

Answer: a) Heritable and Transferable rights

69. What form of agriculture emerged as a result of British colonialism in South Asia?

a) Feudal agriculture b) Capitalist agriculture

c) Socialist agriculture d) Subsistence agriculture

Answer: a) Feudal agriculture

70. Which important event in Pakistan's agricultural history occurred in the mid-1960s?

a) Independence from British rule b) Green Revolution

c) Land reforms d) Introduction of irrigation canals

Answer: b) Green Revolution

71. Which year saw the implementation of land reforms in Pakistan?

a) 1959 b) 1972 c) 1977 d) 1988

Answer: b) 1972

72. What was the main objective of the 1972 land reforms in Pakistan?

a) To redistribute land to landless tenants

b) To compensate landowners for their land

c) To increase agricultural income tax

d) To improve irrigation infrastructure

Answer: a) To redistribute land to landless tenants

73. How much land was resumed in Punjab during the 1972 land reforms?

a) 42% b) 59% c) 1% d) 100%

Answer: a) 42%

74. What was the compensation paid to landowners under the 1977 land reforms in Pakistan?

a) Rs. 30/ per PIU b) Rs. 100/ per acre

c) No compensation was paid d) Rs. 1 million per acre

Answer: a) Rs. 30/ per PIU

75. Which land size was exempted from agricultural income tax under the 1977 land


a) Irrigated land of 25 acres or less

b) Unirrigated land of 50 acres or less

c) Irrigated land of 100 acres or less

d) Unirrigated land of 200 acres or less

Answer: a) Irrigated land of 25 acres or less

76. What were some critical issues identified in the implementation of land reforms in


a) Lack of compensation for landowners

b) Violation of property rights

c) Unequal distribution of resumed land

d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

77. Which factor contributed to the deterioration of Pakistan's irrigation system?

a) Water logging and salinity b) Inadequate reservoir capacity

c) Lack of proper drainage system d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

78. In the 1972 land reforms in Pakistan, what was the main feature regarding the distribution

of land to landless tenants?

a) Land was sold to tenants at a discounted price.

b) Land was given to landless tenants free of cost.

c) Land was allocated based on a lottery system.

d) Land was redistributed among large landowners.

Answer: b) Land was given to landless tenants free of cost.

79. What percentage of land was resumed in Punjab during the 1972 land reforms?

a) 42% b) 59% c) 1% d) 100%

Answer: a) 42%

80. Which land reform policy in 1977 introduced a ceiling on land ownership in Pakistan?

a) 1959 Land Reform b) 1972 Land Reform

c) 1977 Land Reform d) 1988 Land Reform

Answer: c) 1977 Land Reform

81. What was the compensation paid under the 1977 Land Reform policy in Pakistan?

a) Rs. 30 per acre b) Rs. 100 per acre

c) Rs. 50 per acre d) No compensation was paid.

Answer: a) Rs. 30 per acre

82. Which land size was exempted from Agricultural Income Tax under the 1977 Land

Reform policy?

a) Irrigated land of 25 acres or less

b) Unirrigated land of 50 acres or less

c) Both a and b

d) No land size was exempted.

Answer: c) Both a and b (Irrigated land of 25 acres or less and unirrigated land of 50 acres or


83. Why were land reforms considered controversial in Pakistan?

a) They were considered un-Islamic.

b) They violated the right to own property as protected by the constitution.

c) Both a and b.

d) None of the above.

Answer: c) Both a and b (They were considered un-Islamic and violated the right to own

property as protected by the constitution).

84. What was the main reason land reforms did not yield expected results in Pakistan?

a) Lack of government support

b) Resistance from large landowners

c) Insufficient funds for implementation

d) Both b and c
Answer: d) Both b and c (Resistance from large landowners and insufficient funds for


85. Which of the following is not a critical issue in the agriculture sector of Pakistan?

a) Agriculture Price Policy b) Agricultural Credit

c) Mechanization d) Industrialization

Answer: d) Industrialization

86. What was a feature of the 1972 Land Reform in Pakistan?

a) Land was given to landless tenants at a cost.

b) Pending dues of 1959 land reforms were paid off for tenants.

c) Compensation was paid to landless tenants.

d) Only 1% of landless tenants and small owners benefited.

Answer: b) Pending dues of 1959 land reforms were paid off for tenants.

87. What percentage of land was resumed in Punjab under the 1972 Land Reform?

a) 42% b) 59% c) 100% d) 1%

Answer: a) 42%

88. How much land was resumed under the 1972 Land Reform compared to the 1959 figure?

a) More than the 1959 figure b) Far less than the 1959 figure
c) Equal to the 1959 figure d) The exact same as the 1959 figure

Answer: b) Far less than the 1959 figure

89. What was the maximum ceiling of irrigated land under the 1977 Land Reform?

a) 100 acres b) 200 acres c) 50 acres

d) 25 acres

Answer: a) 100 acres

90. What was the purpose of the Agricultural Income Tax under the 1977 Land Reform?

a) To replace land revenue

b) To exempt small landowners

c) To compensate landless tenants

d) To encourage mechanization Answer: a) To replace land revenue

91. What was a criticism of the land reforms in Pakistan?

a) They were considered un-Islamic.

b) They resulted in high agricultural prices.

c) They provided excessive compensation.

d) They improved economic and social relations.

Answer: a) They were considered un-Islamic.

92. Which critical issue is related to the determination of what and how much to produce in


a) Agriculture Price Policy

b) Agricultural Credit

c) Mechanization

d) The Water Crisis

Answer: a) Agriculture Price Policy

93. What can be defined as a good agricultural pricing policy?

a) One that encourages production of certain goods in required quantities.

b) One that increases the cost of agricultural inputs.

c) One that restricts agricultural exports.

d) One that benefits large farmers.

Answer: a) One that encourages production of certain goods in required quantities.

94. Which factor is a key behind the success of the green revolution in agriculture?

a) Adequate water availability

b) High taxes on agricultural income

c) Insufficient maintenance of irrigation systems

d) Limited access to credit

Answer: a) Adequate water availability

95. What is a major issue related to land reforms in Pakistan?

a) Inequality of power b) Limited access to credit

c) High agricultural prices d) Lack of mechanization

Answer: a) Inequality of power

96. Which decade after Pakistan's independence focused on management and planning?

a) Laying foundations (1947-58)

b) The Decade of Development: 1958-1968

c) The bad luck years: 1971-77

d) The Second Military Government: 1977-88

Answer: a) Laying foundations (1947-58)

97. Which decade saw high growth rates in all sectors, including agriculture, GDP, and

a) Laying foundations (1947-58)

b) The Decade of Development: 1958-1968

c) The bad luck years: 1971-77

d) The Second Military Government: 1977-88

Answer: b) The Decade of Development: 1958-1968

98. Which era was characterized by deindustrialization, privatization, and the partition of

East Pakistan?

a) Laying foundations (1947-58)

b) The Decade of Development: 1958-1968

c) The bad luck years: 1971-77

d) The Second Military Government: 1977-88

Answer: c) The bad luck years: 1971-77

99. Which military government introduced strict Islamic law in 1978?

a) Laying foundations (1947-58)

b) The Decade of Development: 1958-1968

c) The Second Military Government: 1977-88

d) Third Democratic Era (1988–1999)

Answer: c) The Second Military Government: 1977-88

100. Which era saw the introduction of the parliamentary system and two-party


a) The Decade of Development: 1958-1968

b) The Second Military Government: 1977-88

c) Third Democratic Era (1988–1999)

d) Third Military Era (1999–2007)

Answer: c) Third Democratic Era (1988–1999)

101. Who became the seventh nuclear power country under the leadership of Nawaz


a) Laying foundations (1947-58)

b) Third Democratic Era (1988–1999)

c) Third Military Era (1999–2007)

d) Fourth Democratic Era (2008–present)

Answer: b) Third Democratic Era (1988–1999)

102. Who took control of Pakistan and imposed martial law on October 12, 1999?

a) Nawaz Sharif b) Benazir Bhutto

c) Pervez Musharraf d) Asif Ali Zardari

Answer: c) Pervez Musharraf

103. Which economic indicator showed failure during the years 2000-2003?

a) Illiterate adults b) Population below poverty line

c) Economic growth d) External debts

Answer: b) Population below poverty line

104. Which era saw an increase in Pakistan's external debts from $38.86 billion to $56


a) Third Democratic Era (1988–1999)

b) Third Military Era (1999–2007)

c) Fourth Democratic Era (2008–present)

d) Laying foundations (1947-58)

Answer: c) Fourth Democratic Era (2008–present)

105. Who took oath as the 17th Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2012?
a) Asif Ali Zardari b) Yousaf Raza Gillani

c) Raja Pervaiz Ashraf d) Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani

Answer: c) Raja Pervaiz Ashraf

106. Which decade focused on management and planning in Pakistan?

a) 1947-1958 b) 1958-1968 c) 1971-1977

d) 1977-1988

Answer: a) 1947-1958

107. Which decade in Pakistan witnessed high growth rates in all sectors?

a) 1947-1958 b) 1958-1968

c) 1971-1977 d) 1977-1988

Answer: b) 1958-1968

108. Which era saw deindustrialization and privatization in Pakistan?

a) 1947-1958 b) 1958-1968

c) 1971-1977 d) 1977-1988

Answer: c) 1971-1977

109. Who was the leader during the Second Military Government era in Pakistan?
a) Ayub Khan b) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

c) Zia Ul Haq d) Benazir Bhutto

Answer: c) Zia Ul Haq

110. Which period in Pakistan witnessed the introduction of strict Islamic law?

a) Laying foundations (1947-58)

b) The Decade of Development (1958-1968)

c) The Second Military Government (1977-88)

d) Third Democratic Era (1988–1999)

Answer: c) The Second Military Government (1977-88)

111. Who were the leaders during the Third Democratic Era in Pakistan? a) Ayub

Khan and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto b) Zia Ul Haq and Benazir Bhutto c) Nawaz Sharif and

Pervez Musharraf d) Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif Answer: d) Benazir Bhutto and

Nawaz Sharif

112. Which military leader imposed martial law in Pakistan in 1999?

a) Ayub Khan b) Zia Ul Haq

c) Pervez Musharraf d) Nawaz Sharif

Answer: c) Pervez Musharraf

113. Which era had a high illiteracy rate and a significant population below the poverty

line in Pakistan?

a) The Decade of Development (1958-1968)

b) The Second Military Government (1977-88)

c) Economic Indicator Of Failure (2000-2003)

d) Fourth Democratic Era (2008–present)

Answer: c) Economic Indicator Of Failure (2000-2003)

114. Who was the President of Pakistan during the Fourth Democratic Era?

a) Asif Ali Zardari b) Yousaf Raza Gillani

c) Raja Pervaiz Ashraf d) Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani

Answer: a) Asif Ali Zardari

115. Which era saw an increase in external debts in Pakistan?

a) Laying foundations (1947-58)

b) The Decade of Development (1958-1968)

c) Third Democratic Era (1988–1999)

d) Fourth Democratic Era (2008–present)

Answer: d) Fourth Democratic Era (2008–present)

116. During the period of 1947-58, which sector played a significant role in the

economy of Pakistan?

a) Private sector b) Manufacturing sector

c) State sector d) Service sector

Answer: c) State sector

117. Which decade witnessed high growth rates in all sectors, including agriculture,

GDP, manufacturing, and services in Pakistan?

a) 1947-1958 b) 1958-1968

c) 1971-1977 d) 1977-1988

Answer: b) 1958-1968

118. Which era in Pakistan was marked by deindustrialization, privatization, and


a) 1947-1958 b) 1958-1968

c) 1971-1977 d) 1977-1988

Answer: c) 1971-1977

119. Which military ruler introduced strict Islamic law in Pakistan in 1978?
a) Ayub Khan b) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

c) Zia Ul Haq d) Pervez Musharraf

Answer: c) Zia Ul Haq

120. Which era in Pakistan saw the introduction of the parliamentary system and two-

party democracy?

a) 1977-1988 b) 1988-1999

c) 1999-2007 d) 2008-present

Answer: b) 1988-1999

121. Who became the seventh nuclear power country during their leadership in


a) Benazir Bhutto b) Nawaz Sharif

c) Asif Ali Zardari d) Pervez Musharraf

Answer: b) Nawaz Sharif

122. Which military ruler imposed martial law in Pakistan on October 12, 1999?

a) Ayub Khan b) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

c) Zia Ul Haq d) Pervez Musharraf

Answer: d) Pervez Musharraf

123. What was the literacy rate for adults during the economic failure period of 2000-


a) 57% b) 34% c) 72% d) 45%

Answer: a) 57%

124. Who was elected as the President of Pakistan in the parliamentary elections of


a) Yousaf Raza Gillani b) Asif Ali Zardari

c) Raja Pervaiz Ashraf d) Nawaz Sharif

Answer: b) Asif Ali Zardari

125. What was the external debt of Pakistan in June 2010 during the fourth democratic


a) $56 billion b) $38.86 billion c) $72 billion

d) $45 billion

Answer: a) $56 billion

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