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l9El204, Indnst.ial Area, Muxi Road.

+9 t -9993{22522 (M.P.) INDL^ iMi.plosphorcilg,nriL.conl

Qvolity Bor|ds
Product Name Potassium Chloride 1P

CherricalFormula KCL
Batch No, 23KCL54 Mol. Wt. 71.6
Date Of M&. 08104/2021 Date ofExD. 07/04/2028


I Description Colorless crystals or a white, crystalline
powder Odorless
2 Solubility Freely soluble in water, practically insoluble Passes
in anhydrous ethanol.
l Idcntification
A. Potassium Salt A yellow or orange ppt formed. Complies
B. Chlorides A white curdv oDt form
,1 Appearance ofsolution Solution A is clear and colorless Complies
5 Acidiry/ Alkalinity NMT 0.5 ml of 0.01 M NaOH or 0.01 M Conrplics
HCI is required
6 Arsenic I PPM Max Complies
7 Barium To pass lest Complies
8 Heavy Metal I0 PPM Max. Cornplics
Calcium and Masnesium The solution remains clear Cornplies
l0 lron 20 PPM Max Complies
]l Bromide 0.1% Max Complies
t2 Iodidcs The substance shows no blue color after 5 Complies
13 Sulphatcs 300 PPM Max Complics
14 Loss on Dryinq 1.0% Max 0.8r%
t5 Assay 99.0% to 100.5% 99.53%
l6 Aluminum I PI'M Max Complics
17 Sodium 0.17o Max Corrplies

Remark: Malerial Complies with specificatioos as per Ip & therefore released for dispatch.

Nole: - The contenl of the above cenificate is based on India phosphate,s policy of Sales. A the Specifications
menlioncd here are according to the srmdard Phaanacopoeia. The infomarion here does not account for any changes
occurred durinS shipment or other natural prcducr variarion. All the limit resrs are performed on Maximum siandard
limit. Its cuslomefs responsibility io check aU olher paramerers oiher than mentioned here are verit the nalure oflhe
product belbre irs usc in manufaclurins. Betbre consumption ofmaler;al v*iry and tesr all the parameren according 1()
the producl rcquirement. Once consumed, marerial witl not be taken back, and India phosphate is nol liable to pay-fbr
any loss or damase occurred duri.g manufacluring of custorneB producl. India phosphate is nor responsible for
specificaiion other than menlioned herc. Subiect 10 Ujjain Jurisdiction.

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