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Form 3 Term 1 Week 2

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Form 3 Term 1 Week 2

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Form 3 Term 1 Week 2

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WHAT type of person am I? What does the future hold for me? In search for answers millions throughout history have turned to astrology. What is meant by this term?

The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia defines (describes) astrology as a study that assumes (supposes) that the heavenly bodies [sun, moon, stars and planets] exert (exercises), according to their relative positions at certain times, a direct influence upon human life and destiny (fate). Why do people pursue (follow) astrology? Young men and women with romantic intentions often compare horoscopes to see if they are right for each other. Many seek by astrology to know what financial moves to make and when. In Asia marriage and burial dates are often determined by astrology. In the East, both the time and precise direction of ceremonial marches are often determined by astrologers. Even palace walls have been torn down so that a procession (march, parade) could move in alignment (in the same line, position) with the planets.


Is Astrology Scientific? 15 In ancient times the earth was thought to be the centre of the universe. Because the earth makes one full rotation on its axis every twenty-four hours, to one standing upon the earth it seems that the sun, moon and stars revolve (circle) around the earth. Ancient astrologers concluded that these heavenly movements had some special significance (meaning, implication) for man. They noted twelve particular star groups or constellations (groups of stars) to which they gave names of persons and of animals, such as Leo (for lion), Taurus (for bull) and Aries (for ram). The assumed circular path through which these stars and planets seem to travel came to be called the zodiac, meaning [circle] of animals (or, living creatures). Concerning the zodiac, The World Book Encyclopedia comments: 25 From the earliest times, men have divided the zodiac into 12 equal parts of 30 each. These parts are called the Signs of the Zodiac. About 2,000 years ago, each sign received the name of the constellation that occupied its position. Because of the movement of the earth around the sun, from the earth it appears that the sun progresses from one constellation to the next each month, making a complete circuit (route) in twelve months. Astrologers claim that at the exact moment of birth a person is especially affected by the constellation in which the sun appears and also by the one rising at the time on the eastern



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horizon at the place of his birth; and that the positions of the planets can affect the individual favorably or unfavorably. A chart, showing these positions is called a horoscope. Supposedly, radiations (energy) from these heavenly bodies strike the newborn infants cells, causing hereditary (genetic) changes that determine what type of person he will be. Is this really true? University of Arizona astronomer Dr. Bart J. Bok says, No. He stated:


Studies of the stars and planets have shown that the amounts of radiation from these bodies that are received on earth are exceedingly (very, very) small and that any gravitational effects are so slight as to be negligible in comparison with those from nearby objects.


Characteristics and Origin of Astrology If you were to look into the history of astrology, what would you learn? Where and how did it originate?


INDIA: The overwhelming majority in India today still believe that stars and planets rule their entire lives. Many believe that some planets are male, others are female, and still others are bisexual (both male and female).


Indian astrologers divide a zone of the starry heavens into the 12 signs of the zodiac of 30 degrees each. Each sign is subdivided into two equal parts of 15 degrees, thus making 24 divisions in the heavens. Each division is called an hora, the Greek word for hour. These horas are ruled alternatively by the sun and the moon, depending on whether the zodiacal sign is odd or even. Since the sun is male his influence is masculine and cruel, and because the moon is female her control is feminine and mild.


WESTERN: Perhaps Western astrology is different. Note what the Encyclopaedia Britannica says about the origin of Western and Indian astrology:


Greek astrology was transmitted to India in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. Both Indian and Western astrology were influenced by Greek astrology. Evidently, the Indians did with the Greek zodiac what the Romans did with the Babylonian. On the origin of the zodiac, a modern history states:

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BABYLONIA (Modern Iran & Iraq): The Babylonians made great progress in the study of astronomy (science of a study of the stars) through an effort to discover the future in the stars. This art we call astrology.. . . 70 Professor Morris Jastrow declares: The history of astrology can now be traced back to the earliest phases of Babylonian history. Concerning the zodiac, The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia points out: There is strong evidence that the zodiac was formed at Babylon about 2100 B.C. 75 What purpose did astrology serve at its beginning? Professor Jastrow continues: In Babylonia as well as in Assyria . . . astrology was at the disposal (available for use) of the priests . . . for ascertaining (determining, working out) the will and intention of the gods. 80 The sun, moon and planets were considered the homes of the Babylonian gods and were named after them. The priests believed that a correct interpretation of the movements of these bodies would reveal what the gods were about to do. Thus, astrology was religious from its beginning. We refer to these planets by their Roman names, but the Romans simply translated them from their Babylonian equivalents (equals, corresponding). Thus the planet of Ishtar, the goddess of love, became Venus, and the god Marduk was changed to Jupiter. Of course, devotees (follower) of astrology today do not say that the planets are dwelling places of ancient gods. But we can see that modern astrology branched off from ancient Babylonian superstition. Is not a branch of a tree still part of the tree? What essential (basic) difference is there between believing that planetary gods or planetary forces govern human affairs?


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Astrology Comprehension Questions

1. What is astrology? 2. Why do people pursue astrology? 3. What does the word zodiac mean? Explain. 4. Explain how the Zodiac is divided. 5. How do astrologers explain the relationship between a person and his horoscope? 6. Where does astrology originate from? 7. What relationship does Babylonian astrology have with religion? 8. What do you conclude about ancient and modern astrology?

Write a short passage, about 120 words, explaining step by step how the zodiac came into existence; its relationship to the constellations and the power you feel it exerts in peoples lives today.

From unit 13 Talking about yourself, exercise 13.2.2; write about two people, describing their characteristics in relation to the Chinese astrological chart. (Approx. 60 80 words for each)

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