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(Laro ng Lahi)

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Prof. Rocky Penuela Aguillon, Klye Joshua

Bernabe, Carlos Miguel
Checa, Hermione Kris Ann
Faculin, Franz Jenylle
Gabayoy, April Joy
Lozare, Athea Marie
Pimentel, Katherine
Sola, Roniela
Tabjan, Gelian Marie
Talidano, Krizzia Mae
I. Introduction...................................................................................................................................................1

II. Acknowledgement.........................................................................................................................................2

III. Culiot..............................................................................................................................................................3 - 7

IV. Patintero.........................................................................................................................................................8 - 13

V. Piko...............................................................................................................................................................14 - 19

VI. Sangkayaw....................................................................................................................................................20 - 24

VII. Sekyu.............................................................................................................................................................25 - 30

VIII. Tagu-Taguan.................................................................................................................................................31 - 36

IX. Tatsing...........................................................................................................................................................37 - 41

X. Tiyakad..........................................................................................................................................................42 - 46

XI. Tumbang Preso.............................................................................................................................................47 - 52

XII. Chinese Garter..............................................................................................................................................53 - 57

XIII. Luksong Baka................................................................................................................................................58 - 62

XIV. Luksong Lubid...............................................................................................................................................63 - 67

XV. Luksong Tinik................................................................................................................................................68 - 72

XVI. Ten - Twenty.................................................................................................................................................73 - 79

XVII. Reflection......................................................................................................................................................80

XVIII. Instructional Materials Link..........................................................................................................................81

XIX. Instructional Materials QR Code...................................................................................................................82

XX. Traditional Games Reference........................................................................................................................83 - 84

XXI. Instructional Materials Reference................................................................................................................85 - 86

XXII. Advocacy Implementation............................................................................................................................87

XXIII. Opening Program Day 1................................................................................................................................89

XXIV. Culliot............................................................................................................................................................90

XXV. Chinese Garter...............................................................................................................................................91

XXVI. Sekyu.............................................................................................................................................................92

XXVII. Patintero........................................................................................................................................................93

XXVIII. Luksong Baka.................................................................................................................................................94

XXXIX. Luksong Tinik.................................................................................................................................................95

XXX. End of Day 1...................................................................................................................................................96

XXXI. Opening Program Day 2.................................................................................................................................98

XXXII. Ten - Twenty..................................................................................................................................................99

XXXIV. Luksong Lubid...............................................................................................................................................100

XXXV. Piko................................................................................................................................................................101

XXXVI. Sangkayaw.....................................................................................................................................................102

XXXVII. Tiyakad...........................................................................................................................................................103

XXXVIII. Tatsing............................................................................................................................................................104

XXXIX. Closing Remarks.............................................................................................................................................105

XXXX. Giving Of Certificates......................................................................................................................................108 - 110

XXXXI. Letter of Appreciation.....................................................................................................................................112 - 113

Have you ever imagined a life without technology and thought it would be incredibly boring and difficult as a child? Well, we hope you reconsider as we journey back in time to when
technology did not exist in our daily life and Filipino traditional games were an integral part of our upbringing.

Traditional games are becoming obsolete in the age of post-industrialization and globalization. However, it is critical to protect our culture for future generations. Our forefathers' daily
lives included traditional games such as culliot, tumbang preso, takip silim, and many more. These games not only entertained, but also encouraged community cooperation and unity.
Here are some actions you can take to popularize

Philippine games are part of our cultural legacy, which was formerly popular but is now largely forgotten. People have neglected to play these games, thus most youngsters now take
their value for granted since the social teaming process has broken down. Instead of enjoying a variety of traditional games, today's children prefer to play desktop or handheld
computer games. Displaced Philippine games, which act as socio-historical markers, indicate a decreased respect for our culture and its relationship with the natural and social

In today's world, there is a growing trend toward the use of current games and technology. However, some argue that traditional games are more beneficial in developing children's
abilities than current games. And we wholeheartedly agree with this viewpoint, as you will understand as we proceed.

To begin, Filipino traditional games have been played for generations and have been shown to be useful in developing children's skills. These activities are typically basic and need little
equipment, such as takip silim and piko. Unlike current games that use technology, traditional games encourage children to interact and converse with one another. For example,
playing team games like patintero teaches children crucial social skills including collaboration, communication, and leadership.

Furthermore, Filipino traditional games require more physical exertion than modern ones. Traditional games encourage children to be more active, which can lead to improved physical
development. It also helps youngsters to improve their fine motor abilities, hand-eye coordination, and balance. For example, playing with tops or yo-yos helps youngsters develop
hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, both of which are necessary for their growth and development.

The preservation of traditional games is critical for promoting our cultural heritage. Introducing these games to youngsters and the younger generation, empowering traditional game
tournaments, and providing constant funding to traditional game lovers are all steps we can take to revitalize traditional games in Philippines. It is critical to remember that everyone
plays a part in promoting traditional games, beginning with our families and progressing to our community and beyond.

We would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to the success of our portfolio and instructional video. The completion of
this project would not have been possible without the unwavering support and guidance of our esteemed Professor Rocky Penuela. His invaluable insights, constructive
feedback, and expertise in the field have greatly enriched our work, and we are deeply grateful for his mentorship.

We also want to extend a special thank you to our beloved parents, whose endless support and encouragement have been a constant source of strength and motivation
throughout our lives. Their unwavering belief in our abilities and dedication to our success have been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals and reach new heights.

Our dedicated classmates also deserve recognition for their collaboration, creativity, and commitment, which were critical in bringing our vision to life. Their willingness to
work together towards a common goal, and their ability to inspire and motivate one another, was truly inspiring to witness.

We would also like to express our deep appreciation to Checa's Residence for providing us with a warm and welcoming environment, designed to provide comfort and
convenience to all who dwell within. Their hospitality and generosity were greatly appreciated and made our time working on this project all the more enjoyable.

In conclusion, we want to thank everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey. Our portfolio and instructional video are not just a product of our hard work, but a
testament to the power of community and the magic that happens when we come together for a common passion. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to work on this
project and for the support and encouragement of those who made it possible.


The Filipino version of tug-of-war in which the goal is to pull the opposing team over a borderline. A rope is tied around their waists for both teams to pull to determine which squad has more
strength. While it is unclear whether it was invented by early Filipinos or introduced by one of the country's colonizers, it has become one of the signature activities performed during fiestas and

Aside from the often appearance of the game in street games, fiestas and even in the playground, culliot has been demonstrated and played in numerous formal events especially after the rise
of “Laro ng Lahi” and the mission it entails. Since then, even school intramurals and some cultural-based games holds tournaments of culliot.

Objectives: Equipments:
The goal of a team is to pull the opposing team over the line. 15meter rope
Ribbon or handkerchief
Classification of the game:
Outdo, Bakanteng Lote. Rules, Technique and Strategy:
Competitive Game
Each team must have equal number of players.
Skills needed:
The distance between team is five meters. 3. Both ends of the rope should be tied on
Strategic thinking
the waist of the last player while the others hold on to the rope.
Muscular strength
Muscular endurance-
A piece of ribbon or handkerchief is tied to the rope on the centerline. 5. Upon signal
to start, each team pulls each other.

The team that pulls the other over the borderline is declared as the winner

Technique and Strategy: How to start and end the game:

Sort by size – The best tug of war teams use a mixture of strength and TO START:
strategy, get this mix right and you’ll be able to maximise your chances of On the signal to begin, each team pulls the other.
winning the event. To begin, sort out your team, organise the members by
their size and strength, use the strongest members as the anchors, place TO WIN AND END:
some at the back of the pack and some at the front, those with less upper When the team draw the opposite team over the borderline, thereby becoming
body strength can make up the middle. the winner.
Get the stance right – Once you know where the team members are
going to stand you can work on the stance. Drive your lead leg forward,
How to play:
bend your body back slightly, around 45 degrees is fine, and grip the rope
tightly underarm. Adopt a wide stance with your feet to reduce the
chances of slipping On the signal to begin, each team pulls the other, the team draw the opposite
team over the borderline, thereby becoming the winner.
Use your legs – The lead leg should act as the anchor, it has to be
straight, as the opposing team pulls you can drive this leg further into the
ground. Use the rear leg for power, keep the rope tight using your arms
but drive backwards using your legs. Remember to keep your feet forward Values of the game:
of your knees at an angle.
Teamwork- in order to the team to work well, each member must cooperate
with the co-players.
Move as one – The key to success is teamwork. Pull as one, don’t waste
energy on short tugs, let your thighs take the strain, work together making Discipline- you will try to avoid things that might affect your performance and
effective use of your pulling power and with a concerted effort you should try to abide by the regulations of the game.
tug the other team into submission Decision making- in times that you need to select a strategy and a move you
will demonstrate the ability to think fast and decide properly.
Camaraderie and sportsmanship- playing games, whether individual or with a
team, will make you value the company of other players. If your game is
unsuccessful, you regard them and still like playing the game.

Safety Protocols

Do's Dont's

Don't wrap the rope around any part of your body, including
Use a proper and sturdy rope that is suitable for tug of war.
arms, or legs.
Ensure that the rope is evenly divided between the two teams.
Don't pull the rope towards your face or head.
Have a clear starting line and make sure both teams are
Don't jerk or tug the rope suddenly, as it may cause injury to
positioned properly.
yourself or others.
Communicate and coordinate with your team members to pull
Don't use any unfair tactics, such as intentionally tripping or
together. Wear appropriate footwear to maintain a good grip
pushing opponents.
on the ground.

Don't overexert yourself or strain your muscles. Take breaks if

Have fun and enjoy the game!

Don't play in an area with obstacles or hazards that may cause


The referee checking the teams Getting ready to pull!
carefully, and explains the rules properly.

The winning team are those who are on the ground,

who draws the opposing team over the borderline.
The two teams were exerting
amount of force in order to beat the opposite team.


Patintero, which also goes by the name "Harang Taga", escape from the hell or block the runner in English is a popular game that originated in the Philippines. It is a variation of the
classic game of tag, and it involves ten players split into two teams. The name Patintero is derived from the Spanish word "tinte", which means "tint", and it refers to the lines that are
drawn on the ground to mark the boundaries of the playing area. This game is enjoyed by both boys and girls in the Philippines, and it is considered one of the most beloved traditional
games in the country.

Rules, Technique and Strategy:
The objective of the game is for one team to block the other team
from crossing over their lines.

No physical contact: Players cannot push or shove opponents to evade

Classification of the game: tagging.
Outdoors game
Running and Tagging Game Stay within boundaries: Players must stay within the designated playing
Skills needed:
Tagging: Defenders can tag attackers by stepping on or blocking their
Eye and Hand Coordination
Passing line: Attackers must cross lines without being tagged, using speed
Leg power
and agility.
Strategic thinking

Equipments: Teamwork: Communication and coordination within teams are essential

for strategic gameplay.
MARKER/CHALK/CHARCOAL: Use to delineate or to draw lines on the
ground or area Fair play: Players should abide by sportsmanship principles and respect
CLOTHES/ HANDKERCHIEF: Use as a tag their opponents.

Technique and Strategy: How to start and end the game:
Quick Footwork: Move swiftly and unpredictably to evade defenders TO START:
and cross lines effectively. Players divide into two teams through Jack n' poy.

Team Coordination: Communicate with your teammates to coordinate Designate one team as the defenders and the other as the attackers.
movements and outsmart the opposing team.
The defenders stand on one end of the playing area, while the attackers line up on the
Feints and Fakes: Use feints and sudden changes in direction to throw opposite side.
off defenders and create openings.
The attackers then try to cross the defender's territory without being tagged, while the
Diversion Tactics: Create distractions or decoys to draw defenders defenders aim to tag them by stepping on or blocking their path.
away from teammates attempting to cross.
Use the Entire Playing Area: Explore different routes and angles to find • The team with a highest point after 3 turnovers will be the winner.
openings in the defense.
If both teams have no score after 3 turn overs and nobody has been
Awareness: Stay aware of the positions of both teammates and declared as winner, 2 turnovers will be added.
opponents to adapt your strategy accordingly.
Practice: Regular practice can improve your speed, agility, and coordination, When either all the attackers have been tagged, completing a round, or when a
making you a more effective player. predetermined time limit is reached.

Teams can switch roles for subsequent rounds, and the team with the most successful
crossings or tags wins.

How to play the game: Values of the game:
Setup: Draw lines on the ground to mark the playing area. Divide players into two Teamwork- in order to the team to work well, each member must
teams: attackers and defenders. cooperate with the co-players.

Starting Position: Defenders stand on one end of the playing area, while Discipline- you will try to avoid things that might affect your
attackers line up on the opposite side. performance and try to abide by the regulations of the game.
Decision making- in times that you need to select a strategy and a
Beginning the Game: The attackers attempt to cross the defender's territory move you will demonstrate the ability to think fast and decide properly.
without being tagged, while the defenders aim to tag them by stepping on or
Camaraderie and sportsmanship- playing games, whether individual
blocking their path.
or with a team, will make you value the company of other players. If
Movement: Attackers must use speed and agility to cross lines without being
your game is unsuccessful, you regard them and still like playing the
tagged, while defenders work together to block their progress.

Scoring: Points are typically awarded for successful crossings by attackers or for
tagging attackers by defenders.

Rotation: Teams can switch roles after each round, with attackers becoming
defenders and vice versa.

Ending the Game: The game ends when all attackers have been tagged,
completing a round, or when a predetermined time limit is reached. The team with
the most successful crossings or tags wins.

Safety Protocols

Do's Don'ts

Find a suitable playing area with enough space to set Don't play in an area with obstacles or hazards that
up the grid and move around. may cause accidents or injuries.

Divide into two teams, with one team as the "it" team Don't use excessive force or engage in rough physical
and the other as the "runners." contact with opponents.

Set up the grid by drawing lines or using markers to Don't xheat or use unfair tactics to gain an advantage.
create the playing field.
Don't step out of bounds or cross the lines of the grid
Communicate and coordinate with your teammates to while playing.
defend or evade the opposing team.
Don't engage in unsportsmanlike behavior or
Use strategy and teamwork to outmaneuver the "it" disrespect the opposing team.
team and score points.
Don't play in a crowded or confined space where there
Have fun and enjoy the game! is a risk of colliding with others.

Two opposing team's will touch hands.
Through Jack n' Poy, determine the
runners and taggers.

The defender will corner the runners so When the defender

they will not pass. caught the runner they will change role.


Piko also known as "Hopscotch" is a game that brings children from all around the world together, regardless of where or when they are. The game is incredibly old, and even drawings of
hopscotch lines were found on the stone floors of ancient Roman cities. Piko is also known as kipkip, pikuba, and laban ang segking in the Philippines, where it was a popular traditional game.

However, the rules and mechanics of the game vary depending on the location. The origin of the game is thought to be from either the Romans or the Chinese, with the earliest record in Poor
Robin's Almanack dating back to 1677 with the name "scotch-hoppers". In India, it is called "Stapu" or "Kith-Kith", while in Spain, it is known as "Rayuela", and "Golosa" in Latin America.

Objectives: Equipments:
The objective of the game is to win a place to call one's own or Chalk or Stick
“BAHAY”. Used to draw the grid on the ground, marking the squares or rectangles where players
will hop.
Classification of the game:
Outdoor/ Indoor Game, Gymnasium, Bakanteng Lote.
This can be any small object such as, flat stone, shell, coin, placed in one of the
Hopping Game
squares or rectangles on the grid.
Non-Competitive/ Competitive Game
Playing Area:
Piko can be played on various surfaces, including dirt, pavement, or concrete. The
Skills needed: playing area should be flat and large enough to accommodate the grid and players.
Leg Strength

Technique and Strategy:
Only hopping and skipping are allowed, using either the left or the right foot. If the player misses the toss, pass the stone to the next player in line and return
to the back of the line.
Landing on both feet is only allowed in the area(s) considered as home or
"bahay" of a certain player. Hop in the first empty hopscotch square. Balance on one foot in single squares
and both feet in side-by-side squares.
The player must pick her own pamato.
If the player, loosing his/her balance or steps on a line, s/he returns to the line.
The playing court consists of ten boxes.
On the way back to the start/finish line, pause at the square before the stone.
The rules and mechanics vary depending on the location.
Bend over and pick up the stone without moving feet.
Piko is an easy game and can be played by a single person or a group.
Once the player's turn is complete, s/he passes the stone to the next player in
If a player's pucks or body touches the line, it will be the next player's turn. line and goes to the end of the line.

One player can be declared the winner. After each player successfully completes a turn with the stone in square one,
their next turn s/he tosses the stone in square two and so on until the player has
The winner is the player with the most number of home. completed all ten squares.

Piko is commonly played by girls but boys also enjoy this game.

How to start and end the game:

Hopscotch can be played with one or more people.

Players take turns, standing in a line at the start/finish line.

Each player will go through the following steps:

Toss a stone in square one. Hop over the stone on the way out and pick it up on
the way back.

How to play the game: Values of the game:
The game can be played with many players. Every player must have a Pamato.
Confidence- by playing target game, you will be used to the game and will have
Pamato are usually a broken part of a tile or pot and a coin.
a belief in yourself that you can do it.

Each player have to toss and aim closest to the line on the middle. Whoever gets
Overcoming difficulty- winning the game is not easy and goes through a hard
to be the closest in the middle will take the first turn to play.
time. You will be able to surpass any challenge that will come your way.
Patience and determination- success is not gotten overnight. You sometimes
The first player will throw the stone at the first box. Then, he/she will jump
across the area without stepping in the box where their pamato is placed. need to wait for the moment to come and show that you really desire to succeed.

If the first player's turn is over, they will be followed by the next players. Honesty- you enjoy playing a fair game. You do not like a victory that is
achieved by cheating.
If any player have finished all the boxes, the game will level up by preparing to
take over a box.

The player have to put their pamato on top of their two fingers without falling.

When the player reached the middle, they have to toss their pamato up and catch
it. If they catch it, they have to throw it outside and jump on it.

The player will now throw their pamato without looking. If their pamato lands in
one of the boxes, it will be marked as their box (bahay). The essential of having
their own box is that they can jump on it with both of their feet.

The game will end until all the boxes are occupied. The player with the most
boxes wins.

Safety Protocols :

Do's Dont's

Find a suitable playing area with a flat surface and marked Don't play in an area with obstacles or hazards that may cause
squares for the game. accidents or injuries.

Don't use excessive force or engage in rough physical contact with

Use proper jumping techniques to move from square to
Don't step on the lines between squares or touch the ground outside of
Coordinate with your teammates to strategize and score
the squares.
Don’t cheat or use unfair tactics to gain an
Follow the rules of the game and play fairly.
Have fun and enjoy the game! Don’t disrespect or interfere with the opposing team's
Don't play in a crowded or confined space where there is a risk of colliding
with others.

Each player takes turn in tossing his or Maintaining his/her
pamato inside the rectangle's balance in every obstacles.
dividing line.

Picking up the "Pamato" and finish the Bend back, throw the "Pamato" inside the
level by going back at the square and make it as their
starting point. own home (balay).


Sangkayaw or the coconut shell race is commonly played in the Tagalog and Central Luzon provinces a coconut shell tied to a string under each foot; the string placed between the toe
and the next one. The hand holds the loose end of the string. It is similar to the game tiyakad, although the latter uses bamboo stilts instead of coconut shells.

Objectives: Rules, Technique and Strategy:

Players aim to knock down the can with their slippers while the 'It' Each team is composed of 10 to 12 players. At a given signal, the first player of each team walks
guards it. towards his goal line.

Classification of the game: Upon reaching the goal line, he turns around with his stilt and returns to the starting line.
Outdoor Game
Racing Game The 2nd, 3rd, 4th up to the last player will do the same.
Competitive Game
A team whose player walks for more than 2 steps after a fall will be disqualified.
Skills needed:
Leg Strength A team whose player falls twice is disqualified.
Relay distance - 30 meters (15 x 2) for men

Equipments: 20 meters (10 x 2) for women

Coconut shell with strings

Markers for the starting and end line

How to start and end the game: Values in playing this game:

Players will need clean and smoothed coconut shells for the race. Discipline- you will try to avoid things that might affect your performance and try to abide by
the regulations of the game.
Set up a flat, open area with a starting point and finish line.
Overcoming difficulty- winning the game is not easy and goes through a hard time. You will
Divide teams into runners and guides, with the runner wearing the shells be able to surpass any challenge that will come your way.
and the guide providing assistance throughout the race.
Patience and determination- success is not gotten overnight. You sometimes need to wait
Mark the starting point and finish line. for the moment to come and show that you really desire to succeed.


The objective of the race is for the runners to reach the finish line as
quickly as possible without losing balance or stepping out of the coconut

The first team to have both runners successfully cross the finish line wins
the race.

How to play the game:

The runner will place their feet inside the coconut shells, one foot in each shell, and
secure them in place.

The shells should be positioned in a way that the curved side faces upward,
providing a surface for the runner's feet.

Once the runners are ready, the guide will stand behind them and hold onto their
shoulders or waist to provide support and stability during the race.

The race begins with the runners starting from the starting point. They must move
forward by hopping and sliding their feet inside the coconut shells.

Safety Protocols :

Do's Dont's

Find a suitable and safe playing area with enough space to move around. Don't play in an area with obstacles or hazards that may cause accidents
or injuries.
Use sturdy and well-maintained coconut shells or other suitable materials
for the race. Don't use damaged or unstable coconut shells or materials that may break
or cause mishaps during the race.
Players should be barefooted.
Don't engage in rough or aggressive behavior that may harm other players
Start with shorter distances and gradually increase the length of the race
as you gain confidence and skill. Don’t ignore safety precautions or instructions provided by experienced
players or instructors.
Maintain balance and coordination while running or hopping on the coconut
shells. Don’t overexert yourself or push beyond your limits. Take breaks if
needed and listen to your body.
Play with a partner or in a group to make the game more enjoyable and
competitive. Don’t disregard the rules of the game or cheat to gain an unfair advantage.

Both players must secure Use wider steps in a faster pace. Until, the players finished taking turns.
their equipments before walking.


Sekyu Base is another form of Agawan Base which is one of the old-style diversions in the Philippines. It is exceptionally well known from the previous 2-3 decades. This a
"Sekyu Base" or "Agawan Base" isn't well-documented, as it's been passed down through generations as a traditional Filipino children's game. It likely originated from
local communities and neighborhoods, where children created games using readily available resources and incorporated elements of fun and physical activity.

Objectives: Rules, Technique and Strategy:

To label the base of the opponent group and to Rules:
label their players, as well.

Classification of the game: Guarding the Base: One player is designated as the guard and stands within the base area to defend it.

Outdoor Game Entering the Base: Players outside the base attempt to enter without getting tagged by the guard. They
Skills needed: can use agility and stealth to avoid being caught.

Tagging: If a player is tagged by the guard while attempting to enter the base, they will become a
• Agility
•Stealth prisoner.
Base Infiltration: If a player successfully enters the base without being tagged, they can stay in the
•Strategy base until the end of the round or until they are tagged.
Rotation: After a round ends, players can rotate roles, with a new guard chosen for the next round.

Winning: The game can be played for a set number of rounds or for a certain amount of time.
Playing Area: Choose an open space with defined boundaries
Players can keep track of successful infiltrations, and the player with the most successful entries can be
for the base area.
Markers: Use cones, chalk, or other markers to outline the declared the winner.
base area and any additional boundaries or obstacles.
Optional Props: You can introduce props like cardboard
boxes or obstacles to add complexity to the game.

Techniques and Strategies:

Use Distractions: Create distractions to divert the guard's attention away from
Tagging: If a player outside the base is tagged by the guard, they are out of your movements, allowing you to sneak into the base.
the round and may become the guard in the next round.
Timing is Key: Wait for the right moment to make your move when the guard
Base Infiltration: If a player successfully enters the base without being is distracted or looking away.
tagged, they can stay inside until the end of the round or until they are tagged.
Work as a Team: If playing in teams, coordinate with your teammates to
End of Round: The round ends after a set time limit, when all players have create opportunities for successful infiltrations and to distract the guard.
had a chance to attempt to infiltrate the base, or when all players have been
tagged. Scout the Area: Take note of obstacles and hiding spots around the base area
to plan your approach effectively.
Rotation: Players can rotate roles, with a new guard chosen for the next
round. Work as a Team: If playing in teams, coordinate with your teammates to create
opportunities for successful infiltrations and to distract the guard.
Winning: Players can keep track of successful infiltrations, and the player with
the most successful entries can be declared the winner if playing multiple P Practice Agility: Work on your agility and quick reflexes to maneuver
rounds. around obstacles and evade the guard's attempts to tag you.

Observe the Guard's Patterns: Pay attention to the guard's movements and
patterns to anticipate when it's safe to make your move.

Stay Alert: Be aware of your surroundings and react quickly to changes in

the guard's

How to start and end the game: How to play the game:

TO START: Setup: Choose a designated area for the base and define its boundaries. Select
Designate one player as the guard who will defend the base. one player to be the guard, who will stand inside the base.

Define the boundaries of the base area where the guard will stand. Start: Players who are not the guard start outside the base area.

The other players start outside the base area, ready to attempt to enter without Gameplay: Players outside the base attempt to enter without getting tagged
getting tagged. by the guard. They use stealth, agility, and teamwork to evade the guard's
attempts to tag them.

TO WIN: Entering the Base: Players can try to enter the base one at a time or in
Players can keep track of successful infiltrations, and the player with the most groups, using various tactics to outsmart the guard.
successful entries can be declared the winner if playing multiple rounds.

TO END: Values of the game:

The game typically ends after a set time limit, or when all players have had a P
chance to attempt to infiltrate the base.
• Dependability, save the caught individuals from your team; nobody gets left
Alternatively, the game can end when a certain number of players have
successfully entered the base without being tagged.
• Tirelessness, if at first you don't succeed, try and attempt once more.

If playing multiple rounds, players can take turns being the guard, and the
•Sportsmanship, win or lose you acknowledge both with affableness, at any rate
game ends after each player has had a chance to guard and infiltrate the base.
everybody had a considerable measure of fun!

Safety Protocols

Do's Don't s

Choose a safe and open area to play the game, ensuring Don't play Sekyu Base in a crowded or hazardous area where there is a risk
of collisions or injuries.
there are clear boundaries for the base and playing area.
Avoid using excessive force or rough physical contact when tagging or
Assign one player as the "sekyu" or guard of the base, while evading the guard.
the other players try to evade being tagged.
Don't engage in cheating or breaking the rules of the game, as it can spoil
the fun for everyone.
Establish rules for how players can be tagged, such as
through physical contact or within a certain distance. P Avoid overwhelming the guard with too many players trying to reach the
base at once, as it can make the game unfair.
Encourage teamwork and strategy among the players to
Don't force anyone to participate if they are not comfortable or willing to
outsmart the guard and reach the base safely.

Rotate roles so that everyone gets a chance to be the guard Avoid playing in areas with obstacles or hazards that can cause accidents.
and the players trying to reach the base.

Have fun and enjoy the game while promoting good

sportsmanship and fair play.

Protect the base from the Tease the opponent strategy to
opponent team. destruct the opponent team.

The players try to catch the other Protect the prisoner in order for the If the opponents successfully save their
player in order to be their prisoner. other team not to save their team and step on the other team's
teammates. home, then they receive a point.


Taguan is the Filipino version of America’s hide and seek. There will be a player who will be the “taya,” he will be the one to search for the other players of the game.

Objectives: Rules, Technique and Strategy:

The seeker will find the hidden players. Rules:

Classification of the game: • Designate Roles: Decide who will be the seeker and who will be the hiders.
You can rotate roles for each round if desired.
Outdoor Game
Indoor Game Boundaries: Set clear boundaries for the playing area where players can hide.
Make sure everyone knows the limits of where they can go.
Skills needed:
• Countdown: The seeker counts aloud with their eyes closed or covered while
• Stealth and Camouflage the hiders find hiding spots. The countdown can be to any agreed-upon number.
• Quick Thinking
• Spatial Awareness • Seeking Phase: After the countdown, the seeker tries to find and tag the
• Endurance and Stamina hiding players.
• Patience and Focus
• Observation Skills (for the seeker) • Tagging: When the seeker finds a hider, they must tag them. The tagged
player usually becomes the seeker in the next round.

Equipments: • End of Round: The round ends when all hiders have been found and tagged,
• NO EQUIPMENTS NEEDED or a time limit expires.

• Winner: The game can have different winning conditions:
• Be Patient: Hiding sometimes requires patience. Even if the seeker comes close,
Last Hider Standing: The last hider to be found try to remain calm and wait for them to move on before making any sudden moves.
• Stay Aware: Keep an eye and ear out for the seeker's movements. Listen for
Most Rounds Won: Keep track of who finds the most hiders in each
footsteps or other sounds that indicate they're getting closer, and be prepared to
round. The player with the most rounds won is the overall winner.
adjust your hiding spot if necessary.
Team Victory: If playing in teams, the team with the most
members remaining hidden at the end wins.

Fair Play: No peeking, cheating, or leaving the designated playing

area. Players must also avoid dangerous hiding spots.
How to start and end the game:

Techniques and Strategies: • Player will determine who will be the it or taya through jack n'poy, Pompyang.
P • The seeker or it closes their eyes or turns away from the playing area and counts
• Choose Your Hiding Spot Wisely: Look for hiding spots that offer good
cover and camouflage. Consider spots that are out of direct sight and offer aloud while the other players scatter to find hiding spots.
concealment from all angles.
• Stay Quiet and Still: Once you've found your hiding spot, minimize noise • Winner: The game can have different winning conditions:
and movement. Avoid making unnecessary sounds or sudden movements that
could give away your position. • The last hider to be found wins or the it finds all the hiders.

• Use Distractions: If you're playing with multiple hiders, coordinate with HOW TO END:
others to create distractions for the seeker. This could involve making noise or • This could be the last hider standing.
leading the seeker away from your hiding spot.
• If everyone feels like they've had enough or if there's a need to stop, you can
collectively decide to end the game.

How to play the game:

• Gather Players: Round up friends, family members, or whoever you'd like to play Repeat: desired, play additional rounds with new
with. Make sure everyone is willing to participate.
seekers and hiding spots.
• Designate Boundaries: Choose the area where the game will be played and
establish the boundaries. This could be indoors or outdoors, depending on the space
available and safety considerations. Make sure everyone knows the limits of where
they can go.
Values of the game:
• Select a Seeker: Decide who will be the seeker for the first round. This can be
• Decision making- in times that you need to select a strategy
determined by volunteering, random selection, or any other method agreed upon by
and a move you will demonstrate the ability to think fast and
the players.
decide properly.

• Countdown: The seeker closes their eyes, covers them, or turns away from the • Patience and determination- success is not gotten overnight.
playing area and counts aloud while the other players find hiding spots. The You sometimes need to wait for the moment to come and show
countdown can vary in length, depending on the agreed-upon rules. P that you really desire to succeed.

• Hiding Phase: While the seeker counts, the other players hide within the
designated boundaries. They should find hiding spots where they can remain
concealed until found.

• Start Seeking: After completing the countdown, the seeker announces that they're
ready to start seeking. They then begin searching for the hidden players

• Tagging: When the seeker finds a hider, they must tag them. The tagged player
usually becomes the seeker in the next round.

• End of Round: The round ends when all hiders have been found and tagged, or
after a time limit if you've set one.
• Rotate Roles: After the round ends, roles typically rotate, with a new seeker
chosen for the next round. This ensures that everyone gets a chance to be both a
seeker and a hider.

Safety Protocols:

Do's Dont's

Establish clear boundaries for the playing area to ensure Don't hide in dangerous or off-limits areas that could pose risks
that all players stay within a safe zone. to your safety.

Encourage players to find creative and safe hiding spots Avoid hiding in small, confined spaces where you could get stuck
within the designated area. or have difficulty getting out.

Ensure that the playing area is free of hazards or Don't push, shove, or engage in rough behavior while hiding or
obstacles that could cause accidents. seeking other players.

Use teamwork and strategy to outwit the seeker and Avoid hiding in areas that are off-limits or private property
successfully hide until the end of the game. without permission.

Have fun, enjoy the thrill of hiding, and celebrate the Don't cheat by moving from your hiding spot once the seeker
excitement of being found. has started looking for players.

Avoid playing in areas with potential hazards such as sharp

objects, steep drops, or heavy

The "IT" counts from 1 to 10, and Found you! Pointing and tagged the
the other player look a nice area to hider, says his/her name and going back
hide before 10. to the home.

The "IT" runs back to the home to If all hiders have been
officially caught the hider. found or tagged the games ends.


Tatsing is a Hispanic-originating game. It was performed by Tagalog people from Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. Tatsing is derived from the English word "touching".
This is a game with individual targets. The game improves the accuracy, muscle endurance, and coordination in striking the target.

The objective of the game is to hit the bottle caps out of the square Bottle caps ortosan (target objects): Perfectly suited for the grid-based dynamics of the
with one's stone or “pamato” from the toe line. Tatsing game and their prevalence helps make this casual outdoor game very accessible

Pamato (This can be a flat stone/coin used to hit the target object):allows players
Classification of the game: to go on the offensive and actively remove their opponents' bottle caps from the
Outdoors game Team playing grid.
Skills needed:
Rules, Technique and Strategy:
Accuracy The class must divided into two groups.
Muscular endurance
Eye hand-coordination
The player should not step over to the toe line.

Equipments: The player must strike it correctly, and the caps come out of the square.

Playing field: A marked playing field ensures that all players have an equal The player who strikes the many bottle caps from the square win.
distance to the targets and playing conditions remain consistent throughout the
game. The player will step backward first and take an adequate momentum and throw his flat stone or
Chalk/charcoal: Defining the tatsing grid fulfill the need for clear and

How to start and end the game: How to play the game:

TO START: The players will decide on how big the square would be based on the number of bottle caps they
Prepare the playing Area: use chalk, charcoal or paper tape to form a square of what have.
players decide on how big the square.
Several bottle caps are placed inside the square which is about 6-8 feet away from the toe line.
Several of the bottle caps are placed inside the square.
To start the game, each player throw his pamato/ near to the toe-line. The player whose pamato
Make a toe-line about 6-8 feet away. lands to the nearest the toe line plays first.

Each group member will have to toss his pamato on or near the toe line. First player steps on the toe-line and will try to hit the bottle caps of the square without leaving
the pamato inside the square.
The player whose pamato lands on or near the toe line goes first, and so on
If the player did not hit the bottle caps out of the square, he will then give his turn the next
TO WIN: player.
The players should all the bottle caps are out of the square.
The player with the most bottle caps at the end of the game, win.
The game will continues with the players trying to hit the bottle caps out of square.

If the player did not hit the bottle caps out of the square, he will then give his turn the Values of the game:
next player.
Teamwork- in order to the team to work well, each member must cooperate with the co-
The Group who has greater numbers of collecting bottle caps will announce as the players.
Discipline- you will try to avoid things that might affect your performance and try to abide by
the regulations of the game.

Humility- if one play the game properly.

Safety Protocols:

Do's Dont's

Find a suitable playing surface with enough space to comfortably Don't play in an area with obstacles or hazards that may cause
play the game. accidents or injuries.

Use a set of five small stones or similar objects as the playing Don't use sharp or dangerous objects as playing pieces.
Don't throw or toss the stones aggressively, as it may cause harm
Familiarize yourself with the rules and techniques of the game. to yourself or others.

Start with simple moves and gradually increase the difficulty as Don't cheat or use unfair tactics to gain an advantage.
you become more skilled.
Don't play in a crowded or confined space where there is a risk of
Play with a partner or in a group to make the game more colliding with others.
enjoyable and competitive.
Don't get frustrated or discouraged if you don't succeed at first.
Have fun and enjoy the game! Practice and patience will improve your skills.

The player throws the pamato towards
The player must throw the "Pamabato" near
the bottle cups.
to the toe line.

Focusing on hitting the Until, some or all bottle cups went out
bottle cup. the drawn box. 41

One of the old games in the Philippines. Rural kids were playing it for as long as our folks can remember. But, the game was officially acknowledged only in 1969 during a local sports event.
Kadang-Kadang or karang (in Bisaya), and Tiyakad (in Tagalog) means Bamboo Stilts game in English. This game originated in Cebu, Central Philippines.

Objectives: Rules, Technique and Strategy:

The two teams should successfully traverse a 100-meter course. Choosing the Right Stilt: Select bamboo stilts that are strong and of appropriate height for better
control and balance.
Classification of the game:
Outdoor Game Mounting the Stilts: Start by standing the stilts upright and stepping onto them from an elevated
Racing Game position like a step or a low wall. You can also have someone hold the stilts while you climb onto them.
Competitive Game
Balancing: When practicing balancing, it's helpful to start near a wall or with assistance, and use your
Skills needed: arms to maintain equilibrium and keep your body upright.

Leg Strength Walking: To move, lift one stilt slightly and push it forward, then shift your weight onto it and bring
Balance the other stilt forward in the same manner. Keep your movements smooth and steady.
Walking: To move, lift one stilt slightly and push it forward, then shift your weight onto it and bring
Equipments: the other stilt forward in the same manner. Keep your movements smooth and steady.
Four pieces (or two sets) of bamboo poles with equal heights, 10 feet
Turning: To turn, reduce the stride of one stilt so it can pivot around the other. Gradually practice
making sharper turns as you become more proficient.
Each pole must have a foot-size stepladder.

Falling Safely: Learning to fall safely is crucial. Try to land on softer surfaces like grass when
practicing, and always bend your knees to absorb the impact if you feel yourself losing balance.

Conditioning and Practice: Regular practice will improve your balance, strength, and confidence on
stilts. Also, engage in exercises that enhance core strength and balance, like yoga or Pilates.

How to start and end the game:
Values of the game:

The first player of each team stands behind the starting point, while the second player stands Confidence- by playing target game, you will be used to the game and will have a belief in
on the 25th-meter mark. The third player waits at the 50th-meter mark and the last player on yourself that you can do it.
the 75th mark.
Discipline- you will try to avoid things that might affect your performance and try to abide by
At the signal of “Get set”, the first players must stand ready behind the starting line holding
the regulations of the game.
their respective stilts.
Overcoming difficulty- winning the game is not easy and goes through a hard time. You will
At the signal of “Go”, the players mount their stilts and start walking towards the 25th-meter
be able to surpass any challenge that will come your way.
mark. Then, they get off the stilts for the second players to continue the course to the 50th
mark. This process is repeated until the fourth players reach the finish line (or the 100th-
meter). Patience and determination- success is not gotten overnight. You sometimes need to wait
for the moment to come and show that you really desire to succeed.
The team that completes the course first is the winner

How to play the game:

● At the starting line, the first player of each team mounts their stilts at the signal of "Go."

● Each player walks on stilts towards the 25-meter mark.

● Upon reaching their designated mark they carefully dismount from the stilts.

● The next player in the team quickly mounts the stilts and continues from where the previous
player left off.

● The first team whose final player crosses the finish line while on stilts wins the race.

Safety Protocols:


Find a suitable and safe playing area with enough space to move Don't play in an area with obstacles or hazards that may cause
around. accidents or injuries.

Use sturdy and well-maintained bamboo stilts that are appropriate for Don't attempt risky or dangerous stunts on the stilts that could lead to
your height. falls or other mishaps.

Wear proper footwear that provides grip and stability. Don't use damaged or unstable stilts that may break or collapse during
the game.
Start with shorter stilts and gradually increase the height as you gain
confidence and skill. Don't engage in rough or aggressive behavior that may harm other
Maintain balance and coordination while walking or running on the
stilts. Don't ignore safety precautions or instructions provided by experienced
players or instructors.
Play with a partner or in a group to make the game more enjoyable and
competitive. Don't overexert yourself or push beyond your limits. Take breaks if
needed and listen to your body

Attempting to go Mounding the bamboo poles.
up on the bamboo poles.

Focus and maintaining balance. Racing towards the finish line.


Tumbang Preso
Tumbang Preso, also known as "tumba lata" or "bato lata," is a traditional Filipino children's game with a rich history in the Philippines. The exact origins of Tumbang Preso are not well-
documented, but it is believed to have originated during the Spanish colonial period. The game likely combines influences from both the culture of the colonizers and indigenous Filipino games.

Objectives: Rules, Technique and Strategy:

Players aim to knock down the can with their slippers while the 'It' There must be five (5) or more players, but less than ten (10).
guards it.
A rectangular field is marked with a ratio of 16:9, divided into four sections with the center line
Classification of the game: removed.
Outdoor Game
Shooting and Running Game The 'It' must not enter the player zone unless tagging a player without slippers.
Non-Competitive Game
Players must not enter the 'It' zone unless they are throwing slippers.
Skills needed:
If a player does not throw their slipper, they become the 'It' in the next round.
Throwing Accuracy
Speed and Agility
The guard of the can is chosen by a game by throwing the slipper on the line, who the farthest is
the It.
Strategic Thinking

Equipments: The hitters should be ready to hit the can using a stone or a slipper but they will never cross the
Empty can
This serves as the preso or prisoner. The slippers could retrieve if they could knock down the can. The It should be fast so to put the
can inside the circle and tag one of the hitter.
Slipper or any throwing object
Used to knock over the can or also known as “Pamato”

Chalk, charcoal (any marking tool)

Used for the line indicators.

How to start and end the game:
Prepare the playing area: Use chalk, charcoal, or a stick to draw a rectangular field. By rounds: The game can be played in rounds, and it ends when all rounds are completed. Each
Divide the field into four sections and remove the center line. round finishes when the 'It' or 'Taya' successfully. tags a player or when all players have had their
turn to throw their slippers.
Select the It or Taya: Use the can to turn it and the team to make it stand first will
play first. By agreement: Players may agree on a certain number of rounds or a time limit before starting
the game. The game ends when these conditions are met.
Position the can: Place an empty can (the 'preso') inside a small circle drawn in one
section of the field. Last player standing: If playing with the rule that the last player to retrieve their slipper
becomes the It', the game could end when there is only one player left who has not been 'It'.
Starting the game: The 'It' guards the can while other players stand behind the toe-
line, at least 6=8 meters away All players tagged: In some variations, if the 'It' manages to tag all other players, the game
ends, and a new 'It' is chosen for the next game.
As a player: Knock down the can with your slipper and retrieve it before the 'It' can
How to play the game:
stand the can back up.
The one to guard the the tin can (preso) is called it, and he/she is chosen by all the players
As the 'IT': Successfully tag any player who fails to retrieve their slipper after throwing throwing the pamato to the toe-line the one who throws the farthest from the toe-line becomes
it, or stand the can back up before they can retrieve it. the it.

The game continues with players trying to knock down the can and the 'It' trying to The other players will then get at the back of the toe-line, and the game starts at a signal from the
protect it. The roles change when a player is tagged or if the 'It' fails to protect the can. it

Immediately the milk can is knocked down, and the pamato is retrieved the it then starts putting it
up inside the circle, and the tagged player becomes the new it.

In any case, the can is hit and fall outside the drawn circle but remains. To stand, then the it has
all the rights to tag the hitter once he/she leaves the toe-line.

The can may be kicked or knocked down under when it is outside the circle

Supposing a hitter is unable to retrieve his/her pamato, the other hitters can save him/her by
hitting the can.

Values in playing this game:

• Teamwork and Cooperation- In team variations of the game, players work together to
knock down the can, fostering teamwork, coordination, and cooperation. This encourages
participants to communicate and strategize as a group.

• Strategy and Planning- players develop strategies to knock down the can while
avoiding being tagged by the guard. This element of strategy and planning enhances
cognitive skills, quick decision-making, and adaptability.

• Sportsmanship- Tumbang Preso encourages sportsmanship as players take turns being

the guard and respect the rules of the game. It promotes fair play and good behavior
among participants.

• Community Bonding-The game is often played in community settings, bringing people

together and fostering a sense of community bonding. It provides an opportunity for social
interaction and shared experiences among neighbors and friends.

• Creativity and Imagination- Participants can showcase creativity by devising different

strategies to knock down the can or avoid being tagged. The game allows for imaginative
play, encouraging participants to think outside the box.

• Communication Skills- Communication is vital, especially in team variations of the

game. Players need to coordinate their efforts and communicate effectively to strategize
and execute plans, enhancing their communication skills.

• Resilience and Adaptability- Players learn to be resilient in the face of challenges,

such as evading the guard or overcoming obstacles to knock down the can. The game
promotes adaptability, quick thinking, and resilience.

Safety Protocols:

Do's Dont's

Find a suitable playing area with enough space to set up the tin cans and throw the ball. Don't play in an area with obstacles or hazards that may cause accidents or injuries.
Set up the tin cans in a pyramid or stack formation. Don't use excessive force or throw objects in a way that may cause harm to others.
Take turns throwing a ball or object to knock down the tin cans. Don't aim for people or other unintended targets.
Aim carefully and use proper throwing technique to improve accuracy. Don't cheat use unfair tactics to gain an advantage.
Play with a fair and friendly competitive spirit. Don't get too close to the tin cans while others are throwing to avoid getting hit by the ball.
Have fun and enjoy the game! Don’t play in a crowded or confined space where there is a risk of colliding with others.

Flipping the can. The hitter aims for the can from a distance,
while the defender attempts to safeguard it.

The rival player successfully used a slipper

to hit and knock down the can. The "IT" trying to reach the
runner or hitter going back to the line.

Chinese Garter
Chinese garter is a well-known game that is enjoyed by Filipino kids, particularly young girls during their elementary years. This traditional game has its roots in China and has been played for
centuries, often during the Chinese New Year celebrations. Over time, it has spread to other countries and has become a popular pastime. The game involves two people holding both ends of a
stretched garter horizontally while others try to cross over it without tripping. It is a fun and challenging game that promotes physical activity and teamwork among children.

Objectives: Rules, Technique and Strategy:

The goal of this game is to jump over the garter without holding it as it Rules:
progressively rises on the game posts and succeed.
Players are divided into at least two groups, with a base number of two individuals for every
Classification of the game: .
Amid the game, two individuals from the "it" group will fill in as "game posts" as they remain
Outdoor Game inverse each other and hold each end of the garter.
Jumping Game
Competitive Game Once a colleague either contacts the strap or neglects to seize a specific level, the Mother can
even now spare her group by taking her colleague's turn.
Skills needed:
Inability to do as such will prompt the group's end by making them the new “game posts” and
Leg Strength
will take the game back to the primary level.
Players must jump over a stretched garter without touching it or falling.

The player who successfully catches the garter is believed to receive blessings of luck and
Equipments: fertility.
Garter / Rubber Bands - serves as a obstacles.
Two person- Serves as two poles to hold the garter.

Techniques and Strategies:
How to play the game:
With the higher levels you can do cartwheel or magic as tricks and savers.
Initially, there ought to be two individuals holding the two ends of the garter which is
Choosing a mother leader is a must.
extended on a level plane while others are attempting to transfer over to the opposite
side of the garter.
Start with lower rope heights and gradually increase.
The primary objective of this game is to crosswise over the garter without being
Bend your knees and use your legs to jump.
tripped. In each round, the stature of the garter increases.

Land softly to maintain balance.

The garter by and large begins from the lower leg – level and after that knee – level,
et cetera until the point that the garter is situated overhead.
Stay focused on the rope and minimize distractions.
Higher rounds request agility since players jump with their feet first noticeable all
Practice regularly to improve your skills.
around and they traverse the strap and wind up arriving as an afterthought. •This
implies players ought to be dexterous, rationally gifted and should have beauty
Keep relaxed and fluid in your movements.
P keeping in mind the end goal to complete the game.

Wear supportive footwear for comfort and traction.

Also, doing cartwheels (to cross the strap) in higher levels is allowed.

How to start and end the game: Values of the game:

TO START: • Players divided

into two groups Dependability, save the caught individuals from your team; nobody gets left behind.

• Toss coin or jak n' poy, or clean/dirty TO WIN AND Tirelessness, if at first you don't succeed, try and attempt once more.

END: Sportsmanship, win or lose you acknowledge both with affableness, at any rate
• The group that finishes all the levels are declared winner. everybody had a considerable measure of fun!

Safety Protocols:

Do's Dont's

Find a suitable and safe playing area with a flat Don’t play in an area with obstacles or hazards that may cause incidents.
Don’t use excessive force or rough movements that may lead to injuries.
Have a clear understanding of the game rules and
Don’t step on or touch the garter when it is not your turn.
how to play.
Don’t cheat or use unfair tactics to gain an advantage.
Stretch and warm up before playing to prevent
injuries. Don’t play in a crowded or confined space where there is a risk of
colliding with others.
Communicate and coordinate with your
teammates to perform the jumps and moves. Don’t overexert yourself or push beyond your limits. Take breaks if
Start with simpler levels and gradually increase
the difficulty as you become more skilled.

Have fun and enjoy the game!

The jumper must jump over the garter If successful, the jumper proceeds
without touching it. to the next level.

The garter is raised progressively higher, The players may do a cartwheel when the
typically from ankles to knees, thighs, waist, level get's higher and higher.
and sometimes even armpits or
shoulders and so on.

Luksong Baka
Luksong-baka is a Philippine folk game that has a very long history. It is a type of tag game that is mostly played by children and frequently throughout the Philippine countryside. This game
is both fun and competitive and it is often used by families to bring everyone together. The origin of Luksong-baka dates back to the pre-Hispanic era of the Philippines. According to the
legend, during a time of unrest, the Tagalog tribe led by Datu Buyung Buaya would often go to war against the Kalanguya tribe. Tired of his tribe fighting, Datu Buyung Buaya used the
opportunity of the war to teach the younger generation how to outsmart and outrun their opponents. He used the game of Luksong-baka to train the children and teach them how to be swift,
agile, and intelligent.

Rules, Technique and Strategy:
The objective of the game is for the
players to Jump over the cow or the Rules:
At the start of the game there should be one player that should be called "Taya" (It') or in this game
Classification of the game: the "Bakang lala" (Cow).
Outdoor Game
The players should avoid contact or falling over the "Baka" player while jumping over.
Skills needed:
The "Baka" player should start with a bend-down kneeling position (A "Baka" player bends over with
Mobility his hands placed on his knees).
Strength All players are to jump over the "Baka" until all the players have jumped. Once the 1st set of jumping
Leg Power over the "Baka" is done, the "Baka" player's position will slowly rise-up after jumping over the "Baka"
NO EQUIPMENTS NEEDED Only the hands of the jumper may touch the back of the person who is bent over. If a player fails to
avoid contact or fall over the "Baka", he/she will replace the "Baka " player with a ben-down kneeling
position (3), and the game continues until the all players decides to end the game.

Tec hniques and Strategies: How to play the game:

• Have a good take off, keep your arms firm. Luksong-baka is played with two teams, each having an even number of players.

• You must be "fit" to play this game so you can jump as high as you can. The team that has its members in a line or row acts as the “Baka's” or jumper, while
the other team stands in a circle and serves as the “Lukso” or runner.
• Be energetic, because this game requires it, specially after a long succession of
successive jumps over the "Baka" player. The players in the Baka's team have to stand in a straight line, with each player
standing side by side.
• Be cooperative with other players.
The players in the Lukso team have to stand in a circle with feet apart.
• Ne confident to yourself, as high as you can, but not too high that may cause
injuries. Ask the "baka" or "taya" to put his/her head down so that your foot The game begins with the Lukso team trying to run outside the circle.
won't hit their heads.
At the same time, the Bakas team has to try and catch them by jumping over them or
using their hands or feet to tag or catch them.

How to start and end the game: ⅖ Whoever gets tagged by a player from the Bakas team automatically becomes a
Bakas and joins their team.
The other players will take turns jumping over the "Baka." The goal is to clear the
"Baka" without touching them. If a player touches the "Baka" or fails to clear them,
Values of the game:
they become the new "Baka."
TO WIN: Sportsmanship and camaraderie - this is the time for socializing, making friends
and having a healthy connection with colleagues.
The game continues until only one player remains who hasn't touched the "Baka"
or failed to clear them. That player could be considered the "winner" of that round.
Discipline- you will try to avoid things that might affect your performance and try to
TO END: abide by the regulations of the game.
Decide as a group how long you want to play or how many rounds you want to go
Honesty- you enjoy playing a fair game. You do not like a victory that is achieved by
through before ending the game. This could be a specific number of jumps, a set
amount of time, or when everyone has had a turn being the "Baka."Once you
reach the agreed-upon end point, announce that the game is over.
Cooperation- demonstrates the ability to work effectively and respectfully with
diverse shared responsibility for collaborative work, and value the opinions and
contributions of individual team members, from a position of firm self-identity.

Safety Protocols


Choose a safe and open area to play the game, Don't play luksong baka in a crowded or dangerous area
preferably with a soft surface like grass or sand. where there is a risk of colliding with objects or people.

Make sure all players are aware of the rules and Avoid playing on hard surfaces like concrete or
understand how to play the game. pavement, as it can increase the risk of injury.

Start with a lower height for jumping and gradually Don't force anyone to participate if they are not
increase it as the players become more comfortable. comfortable or willing to play.

Ensure that the person playing the "baka" (cow) is in a Avoid rough or aggressive behavior during the game, as
stable position and ready to be jumped over. it can lead to accidents or injuries.

Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship among the Don't attempt to jump over the "baka" (cow) if you are
players. not confident in your jumping ability, as it can be
Have fun and enjoy the game!

The first jumper runs towards the "baka" After each successful round, the "baka" The jumpers continue taking turns to jump
and jumps over. gradually raises their position. over the "baka" at the new height.


Luksong Lubid
Jump rope or "luksong lubid" is a beloved childhood game and a part of the rich culture of the Philippines. It has been played since the 1700s, mostly by girls in their homes or outdoors. It is said
that this game was inspired by the ancient civilization of Egypt. As time went by, jump rope or "luksong lubid" became increasingly popular, with both boys and girls playing it in the early 1900s. In
modern times, people have added music and different ways of counting to make the game even more fun. Over the years, it has not only become a form of exercise but also a competitive sport. Let
us appreciate the beauty of this traditional game and cherish the memories it brings back to us.

Objectives: Rules, Technique and Strategy:

The objective of the game is for the players to o
jump over a swinging rope without getting Rules:
touched by it until the song ends.
Two people will hold the end of the rope swinging it in a circle.
Classification of the game: While the rest of the players will fall in a single line.

Outdoor Game One person must go first then all of the people must follow what the
person did.
Indoor Game
Verbal and Jumping Game They should keep jumping until the song end.
If a player is out to the rhythm of the steps hereby hitting the rope, the
next team will take turn, while the losing team will be one to swing the
Skills needed: rope.
Leg Strength
Good timing
Quick reflexes

LONG, STURDY ROPE- that is swung in a horizontal
motion by two players or tied to fixed objects, such as
posts or trees.

Techniques and Strategies: How to play the game:

• Time your jumps to match the rope's rhythm. • Begin by swinging the rope horizontally with two players.

• Adjust your jumps forward and backward, use alternating foot and double • Participants alternate jumping over the rope without being touched.
• Initially, set the rope at a lower height and gradually raise it to increase difficulty.
• Start with lower rope heights and gradually increase.
• Conclude the game either by reaching a predetermined number of jumps or when a player
• Bend your knees and use your legs to jump. fails to clear the rope.

• Land softly to maintain balance.

Values of the game:
• Stay focused on the rope and minimize distractions.

• Practice regularly to improve your skills.

• Teamwork- in order to the team to work well, each member must cooperate with the co-

• Keep relaxed and fluid in your movements. P players.

• Discipline- you will try to avoid things that might affect your performance and try to abide by
• Wear supportive footwear for comfort and traction.
the regulations of the game.

How to start and end the game: ,• Decision making- in times that you need to select a strategy and a move you will
demonstrate the ability to think fast and decide properly.
Toss Coin, Jack n' Poy, Pompyang. • Patience and determination- success is not gotten overnight. You sometimes need to wait
for the moment to come and show that you really desire to succeed.
The team that accumulates the highest number of jumps will emerge as the • Camaraderie and sportsmanship- playing games, whether individual or with a team, will
winner, or the team that successfully completes the entire song without make you value the company of other players. If your game is unsuccessful, you regard them
stepping or touching the rope will be declared as the winner. and still like playing the game.

• When a player(s) stepped on the rope.

Safety Protocols:

Do's Dont's

Choose a safe and open area to play the game, preferably with a flat surface. Don't play luksong lubid in a crowded or dangerous area where there is a risk of
colliding with objects or people.
Make sure the rope is long enough for all players to jump over comfortably.
Avoid playing on uneven or slippery surfaces, as it can increase the risk of
Coordinate with the rope holders to establish a steady rhythm and height for injury.
the rope.
Don't force anyone to participate if they are not comfortable or willing to play.
Start with basic jumps and gradually increase the difficulty as the players
become more skilled. Avoid using a rope that is too short or too long, as it can make jumping difficult
or unsafe.
Encourage teamwork and coordination among the players.
Don't attempt advanced jumps or tricks if you are not confident in your abilities,
Have fun and enjoy the game! as it can lead to accidents or injuries.

Two players hold the ends of the rope The first player in line jumps over the rope
swinging it in a circular motion, when it reaches their position.
close to the ground.

Maintaining focus on the song and the The exchange of players.

rhythm of the ropes.


Luksong Tinik (jumping over thorns) is a popular game in the Philippines. It involves players sitting on the ground and other players jumping over parts of their body. The
game's history includes its origination in Cabanatuan city.

Objectives: Rules, Technique and Strategy:

The game is for all players in a team to jump over the • Players are divided into two equal teams.
height of the piled hands of the opposing team.
• Players are chosen as mothers of each team.
Classification of the game:
Outdoor Game P • The rest of the remaining players are the children.

• Mothers are supposed to be the high jumpers.

Skills needed:
• Objective of the game is for all players to jump over thorns.
• Vertical jump
• Endurance
• Flexibility


• A grassy field with lots of room to run and tumble

How to start and end the game: Values of the game:
• Helpfulness- Helping others is thought to be one of the ways that people create, maintain, and
Jak n’ Poy strengthen their social connections.

Toss Coin • Cooperation- demonstrates the ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse shared
responsibility for collaborative work, and value the opinions and contributions of individual team
Clean Dirty or Tossing of Slippers members, from a position of firm self-identity.

TO WIN: • Getting along with others- shows sensitivity and respect, and makes it more likely that other
The team who jumps over high thorns simultaneously people will behave the same way.
will win the game

•The game will end after a team wins the game

How to play the game:

• To start a game of luksong tinik, you'll need two teams with an equal number of
players. Decide which team will be the "jumpers" and which team will be the "tinik"
(obstacles) through Toss coin, Clean Dirty, and jack ń poy.

• The jumpers will attempt to leap over a series of tinik formed by players from the
opposing team. The tinik players will crouch closely together, with their hands
clasped behind their backs.

• The jumpers take turns leaping over the tinik without touching them. If a jumper
touches any part of the tinik, they're out, and it's the next jumper's turn.

• The game continues until all jumpers have completed their turns or until only one
jumper remains. Then, the teams switch roles, and the game begins again.

Safety Protocols:

Do's Dont's

Choose a safe and open area to play the game, ensuring there are no sharp Don't play Luksong Tinik in areas with sharp objects, uneven surfaces, or other
objects or hazards on the ground. hazards that could cause injuries.

Arrange the obstacles in a crisscross pattern at varying heights to provide a Avoid setting the obstacles at unsafe heights that could lead to accidents or
challenge for the players. falls.

Start with lower obstacles and gradually increase the height as players become Don't force anyone to participate if they are not comfortable or willing to play.
more skilled.
Avoid rough or aggressive behavior during the game, as it can lead to accidents
Encourage players to use agility, coordination, and timing to successfully jump or injuries.
over the obstacles.
Don't attempt to jump over obstacles that are too high or challenging for your
Support and cheer on fellow players as they attempt to clear the obstacles. skill level.

Have fun and enjoy the game while promoting good sportsmanship and Avoid overcrowding the playing area with too many players at once, as it can
camaraderie. increase the risk of collisions.

Representatives from each team face off Two players act as the "thorns"sits on the
in a "Jack n' Poy" match to decide which ground facing each other, with their feet
team goes first. touching to create a low obstacle.

The jumpers take turns attempting to jump

If a jumper fails to clear the obstacle
over the obstacle without touching it.
(touches the "thorns" or fails to jump high enough),
they are out of the game or may take the place of one
of the "thorns".


This is a traditional game played with a garter or an elastic band, stretched at varying heights by two holders. The game's name comes from the scoring system; 'ten'
points for jumping over the garter at a lower height and 'twenty' points at a higher height.

Objectives: Rules, Technique and Strategy:

The primary objective of this game is to crosswise
over the garter without being tripped. • The “taya” will put the garter on their ankle and stretched it to a rectangular shape.

Classification of the game: • There is no cheat or magic’s or savers to pass the levels of this game.
Outdoor Game
Indoor Game There is no father role in this game.

•The following are the tips on how to make the jumpers exhaust themselves for your
Skills needed:
turn to jump.
• Agility
• Flexibility a) Faster- no pause when jumping
• Coordination
• Rhythmn b) Dead Mother, Dead All- if the mother fails on her/his jump the other
• Timing players are also dead. But when the babies are the one who fails on his/her
• Balance jump the mother can save them.
• Strategy
• Endurance c) Dancing- the jumpers will jump while turning through a rhythm.

Equipments: d) Tinikling- jump over the garter the “tinikling” way.

• RUBBER BAND LOOP: A large, sturdy rubber band or
garter loop is essential.


Spread Legs. Not more than 24-inches or 12-inch ruler. Wide feet. You can do a split here, goal is that to make the jumpers difficult to
jump at wide distance.
Level 1: Ankle Height
Level 2: Knee Height Level 1: Ankle Height
Level 3: Under the butt Height Level 2: Knee Height
Level 4: Waist Height Level 3: Under the butt Height
Level 5: Armpits Height Level 4: Waist Height
Level 5: Armpits Height

Closed feet. Do a side view to make the space narrow for the jumpers.
Level 1: Ankle Height
Level 2: Knee Height
Level 3: Under the butt Height P
Level 4: Waist Height
Level 5: Armpits Height

Single-foot. Use only one foot as the posts of the garters.
Level 1: Ankle Height
Level 2: Knee Height
Level 3: Under the butt Height
Level 4: Waist Height
Level 5: Armpits Height

How to start and end the game: Values of the game:

TO START: • Teamwork- in order to the team to work well, each member must cooperate with the co-
• To start the game everyone must do “maiba taya” to know who goes first. players.

• After knowing who goes first the others will do “bato-bato pik” to know who goes • Discipline- you will try to avoid things that might affect your performance and try to abide by
second and so on and so forth. the regulations of the game.

• If it’s a team game the two group can do “clean dirty” to know whose group must • Decision making- in times that you need to select a strategy and a move you will
go first. demonstrate the ability to think fast and decide properly.

• Each group must assign whose going to be the babies and the mother. • Patience and determination- success is not gotten overnight. You sometimes need to wait
for the moment to come and show that you really desire to succeed.
• The team to finish all the levels without failing each rule of the levels are declared • Camaraderie and sportsmanship- playing games, whether individual or with a team, will
the winner. make you value the company of other players. If your game is unsuccessful, you regard them
P and still like playing the game.

How to play :

Order of Play:

I. Make sure that one foot enters between the garters. - TEN

II. Jump again landing of the other half of the garteru. - TWENTY

III. Refer to number 1. - THIRTY

IV. Repeat number 2. – FORTY

V. Jump and make sure that both foot are outside the garter. - FIFTY

VI. Jump again and make sure that both foot are inside
the garters. - SIXTY

Safety Protocols:

Do's Dont's

Find a suitable and safe playing area with a flat surface. Play in an area with obstacles or hazards that may cause accidents.

Have a clear understanding of the game rules and how to play. Use excessive force or rough movements that may lead to injuries.

Stretch and warm up before playing to prevent injuries. Step on or touch the garter when it is not your turn.Cheat or use
unfair tactics to gain an advantage.
Communicate and coordinate with your teammates to perform
the jumps and moves.
P Play in a crowded or confined space where there is a risk of colliding
with others.
Start with g levels and gradually increase the difficulty as you
become more skilled. Overexert yourself or push beyond your limits. Take breaks if
Have fun and enjoy the game!


I. Make sure that one foot enters II. Jump again landing of the other half III. Refer to number 1. - THIRTY IV. Repeat number 2. – FORTY
between the garters. - TEN of the garter. - TWENT

V. Jump and make sure that both foot VI. Jump again and make sure that both VII. Jump a little and spread your legs VIII. Jump and make your feet near to
are outside the garter. - FIFTY foot are inside the garters. - SIXTY to make a diamondshape. – SEVENTY each other refer to number 6.- EIGHTY

IX. Jump and step on both garters- X. Jump out of the garter. - ONE HUNDRED

Make sure that one foot enters between the Jump once more, landing on the other side
garters. of the garter.

"Jump again, landing gracefully on the other Make sure both feet are steeping on the
half of the garter." garter in order to proceed to the next level.

When we were young, most of us used to sneak out of our house and play with our friends and kids that are outside. We don’t mind if it’s hot or not.
Gadgets do not exist back in the day, there are but a few and we are not yet used to those things until it appeared in our late childhoods. Traditional
Filipino Games used to be our entertainment and that helped us a lot when we were young, Physical activities has supported our body to become
healthy unlike kids these days that are locked inside their rooms using their gadgets

With Traditional Filipino games, children develop the virtue of sportsmanship, as they will learn to accept responsibilities when called out. Playing
traditional games with peers involves following the rules of the game. Children are required to admit blunders and take responsibility when making
mistakes. It will also train children to control their impulses when under pressure and display patience, respect, and cooperation with playmates.

Traditional Filipino games require each player to contribute to the team’s success. As a result, a sense of

responsibility, teamwork, and cooperation is

developed at an early age. They will also learn what it means to follow directions and adhere to guidelines, enabling them to practice the discipline of
following the rules. Considering all the behavioral issues children face today, let’s make traditional games part of their daily routine to shape them
into the person we aspire them to be.

Beyond mere entertainment, Filipino traditional games are essential components of the country's cultural heritage, embodying its history, values, and
way of life. These games often reflect aspects of Filipino society, such as community cooperation, respect for elders, and the importance of physical
activity and outdoor play. They serve as platforms for social interaction, bonding, and learning, fostering camaraderie and mutual respect among
participants. Moreover, these games contribute to the preservation of indigenous knowledge and traditions, ensuring that future generations remain
connected to their cultural roots.

Instructional Materials Link:
https://youtu.be/S8v4ay-x_1w?si=ABc4jcLj4xfWtfK9 https://youtu.be/hpCa43u0hYA?si=A8lXv-Fy2dvQZ1R1



https://youtu.be/fwY45uaqZnk?si=5D5d72qJ4ZwJbWGP https://youtu.be/u-Y9BlaGr-o?si=vyN0SqCKMFjGQvN_


https://youtu.be/auUmU-1vAbw?si=wY0cLbIPnTSLJFpf https://youtu.be/PwgQjsElfMg?si=b99JmjVZLRLucjGw


https://youtu.be/6qrV0Iu6a8E?si=_Bq4_g7kZ_86_f5n https://youtu.be/rP-roBWTX88?si=SY5lS9MFLzVn0QD5


https://youtu.be/jl7mrZTGz30?si=kQF0P1t5H3KUwCID https://youtu.be/GfT8BwIqX8U?si=sa3YimScEG95Q8aL
https://youtu.be/vUbspu5ISHg?si=YwExJ3oIqMnHd53S https://youtu.be/2PokOw6rewo?si=2OflVw0roSMjpA1K

Instructional Materials QR CODES:






Traditional Games Reference

Traditional Games Reference

Instructional Materials Reference

https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=YlsWz8jWIKQ
https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=hmptOoKVZ9s
https://www.discoverthephilippi nes.com/10-most-played -




https://www.coursehero.com/file /p7f81sa/Pinoy-Henyo-is-a-word -guessing-game-popularized-by-a -
television-show-Eat-Bulaga/#:~: text=Pinoy%20Henyo%2D%20is %20a%20word, forehead%20of
https://eatbulaga.fandom.com /wiki/Pinoy_Henyo

Instructional Materials Reference





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