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Dear pen-friend,

I`m really worried about you. I totally get why you're feeling embarrassed about
your mom adding you on social media and commenting on your posts. It can be a
bit overwhelming when family members join in unexpectedly.

First of all, you need to calm down and try to look at the situation from another
side. It`s really great that your mother tries to be on the same wavelength with you.
You can communicate with her in a long distance. Moreover, she will know how
you are, with who you are. It`s really important for our parents to know that their
children are okay. Your mother loves you so much that’s why she likes every your
photo. She`s so glad that her child live such a fascinating life. Your mother feels
happy that you have a lot of friends and have fun with them. That`s why she writes
a lot of comments under your posts.

In my opinion, you have two choices what you can do with such kind of situation.
Try to understand that your mother doesn`t want to offend you or to shame, instead
she wants to show how she is proud of you. So just accept this and don`t pay much
attention for a large number of comments. But, if it`s really annoying for you just
talk to your mother about it. I know that you are close people so I`m sure there
won`t be a problem. Your mother a fantastic women which always supports you
that why I`m sure she`ll understand you and won`t make such kind of thing again.

When my mum joined Facebook, I immediately added her to my friends. It`s

pleasure for me to read my mother`s comment. Moreover, I joined my grandma in
Facebook and don`t regret. Social networks are really great opportunity to
communicate, especially with your family.

Well that`s all for now. I hope my advice will help you. Just try to understand your
closest person in the world. I`m looking forward to your response.

With best wishes,

Your pen-friend.

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