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Dr. Willy Sandhika, dr, MSi, SpPA(K)

Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

 Spiritual care has been associated with

positive patient outcomes.
 Although nurses want to provide spiritual
care, many have difficulty conceptualizing
spiritual care outside of religion and religious
 The Faith-Hope-Love Model of Spiritual
Wellness, can help nurses provide spiritual
support to patients and families from
multiple faith traditions or those
without a faith background.


 High levels of spiritual well-being resulted in

lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression
 Less spiritual care reported more depressive
symptom and less personal meaning and peace

 It is not about religion

 It is about the spirit; the seat of emotion
  caring one’s spirit
 Roma 8:5 “Sebab mereka yang hidup menurut
daging (physical), memikirkan hal-hal yang
dari daging (physical); mereka yang hidup
menurut Roh (spiritual), memikirkan hal-hal
yang dari Roh (spiritual).


 Roma 10:10 Karena dengan hati orang

percaya dan dibenarkan, dan dengan mulut
orang mengaku dan diselamatkan.
 Titus 3:7 supaya kita, sebagai orang yang
dibenarkan oleh kasih karunia-Nya, berhak
menerima hidup yang kekal, sesuai dengan
pengharapan kita.
 1 Yoh. 4:16 Allah adalah kasih, dan
barangsiapa tetap berada di dalam kasih, ia
tetap berada di dalam Allah dan Allah di
dalam dia.

 Ibrani 11:3 … apa yang kita lihat telah terjadi

dari apa yang tidak dapat kita lihat.
 Spiritual wellness leads to physical wellness
 Spiritual care has been associated with
positive patient outcomes.
 support of spiritual needs is associated with
improved coping, higher quality of life,
less aggressive interventions, greater
hospice use, and decreased medical care


 Material self: cells, tissue, organ  Body

 Non-material self: Spirit  organ function,
homeostasis, autocrine – paracrine –
endocrine signalling
 Amsal 18:14 Orang yang bersemangat dapat
menanggung penderitaannya, tetapi siapa
akan memulihkan semangat yang patah?


 Just as nurses need to understand the

anatomy and physiology of the human
body before providing physical care,
they need to understand the essence of
the human spirit
 Human spirit is the seat of his/her
emotions: fearful, sad, or troubled.
 Joy can be found in the midst of sadness or
suffering, and is not an emotion per se,
but a gift from God (John 15:11).

 The character of a person is grounded in the

spirit: honest, steadfast, unfaithful,
excellent, humble, or proud
 The character of the spirit influences a
person’s actions and behaviors.


 the spirit can either move a person to

action or that a person can ignore spiritual
urges toward action.
 Haggai 1:14 - after the spirits of the
Israelites were stirred, they came and
began to work on the house of the
 Deuteronomy 2:30 - a king’s spirit was
stubborn, and as a result he refused to let the
Israelites pass through his land
 A person can ignore the stirrings of his/her

 a person’s spirit can be broken and/or grow

 Proverbs 18:14 - human spirit can endure
physical sickness
 A person’s spirit can be broken from harsh
treatment (Exodus 6:9); a hope unfulfilled (1
Samuel 1:15); by sorrow (Proverbs 15:13); by
God’s anger (Isaiah 57:16); from distress
(Psalm 77:3.


 a person’s spirit can be revived or refreshed.

 a person’s spirit can be revived
by good news (Genesis 45:27), or by
food and water (Judges 15:19; 1 Samuel
30:12); and a person’s spirit can be
refreshed through interaction with the
spirits of other believers (1 Corinthians
16:18; 2 Corinthians 7:13).
 Although the human spirit is invisible
(nonmaterial), it is a real entity that can be
healthy or unhealthy.

 a reciprocal relationship between the spirit

and spirituality. Spirituality also influences
the basic nature of the spirit
 Spirituality is the relationship of our
embodied selves to God, others, the
environment and self, which results in a
search for meaning and purpose
 a spiritual relationship with God can change
the basic nature of the spirit


 The spirit has basic needs that must be met

in order for a person to be considered
spiritually well (just as the body has basic
needs for oxygen, food, and water)
 1 Corinthians 13:13 - three things remain
after physical death: faith, hope, and love
 Spiritual needs: F – H – L

 A belief or trust in someone or something.

 However, when we lose faith in the person or
product in which we’ve placed our faith, we
experience fear (Matthew 8:26)
 Fear/anxiety, Helplessness/losing
control, Dread, Asked “Why me?
 Reassurance


 a person’s confidence that his/her faith has

not been misplaced. People hope
to care for themselves and their families, to
be free of pain and injury.
 Hope flows from faith in God (Romans 5:1-5)
 People have a need to be confident that what
they believe will come to pass. When this
need is not met, hopelessness results.
 Concerns/questions about life after death,
despair, depression.
 Positive outlook.

 every person’s greatest spiritual need.

 while faith, hope, and love are all important,
the greatest of these is love.
 People have the need to receive love from
others through expressions of patience,
kindness, forgiveness, humbleness,
truthfulness, endurance, selflessness, and
protection from harm.
 When the need for love is not met, loneliness
results; anger with God.


 The overall health of the human spirit is

dependent on the types of relationships that
it develops, and whether these relationships
meet the spirit’s needs for faith, hope, and
 When a person’s spiritual needs are
met, they can be described as spiritually
 Spiritually healthy people can find
meaning and purpose in their life.

 It is important to state that the

FHL model does not propose that patients
must have a relationship with God in order
for the nurse to provide spiritual care.
 Christian nurse can foster faith,
hope, and love in temporal ways, such
as showing compassion (faith and love),
providing adequate pain management
(faith and hope), allowing family to
visit (love), and providing health
education (faith and hope).


 Efesus 6:12. “… karena perjuangan kita bukanlah

melawan darah dan daging, tetapi melawan
pemerintah-pemerintah, melawan penguasa-
penguasa, melawan penghulu-penghulu dunia
yang gelap ini, melawan roh-roh jahat di udara”.

 Spiritual warfare is the Christian concept of

fighting against the work of preternatural evil
forces. It is based on the biblical belief in evil
spirits, or demons, that are said to intervene
in human affairs in various ways

Nurses can use the F-H-L model to

better understand the spirit and
spirituality, while
providing spiritual care in a culturally
appropriate way that is nonoffensive
and meaningful to each patient.


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