Big Data - Practical (Logbook Submission)

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Name: Osman Adam Student Number: 30465935

Big Data- Practical (Logbook Submission)

Step 1: Cleaning the Data

1.1. Remove Top Row: removing the top row as it doesn’t contain any necessary information.

1.2.Removing “/ROWS/ROW/@”: it contains irrelevant information to the database, by using

replace, we will replace the data “/ROWS/ROW/@” by nothing to be removed.
Name: Osman Adam Student Number: 30465935

1.3.Format Event Date to Date: ensuring that the Event Date is formatted as a proper date to make
it easier to be filtered and analysed.

1.4.Delimit (Text to Columns) Event Date to MDY Data: Use the "Text to Columns” feature to split
the Event Date column into Month, Day, and Year columns.

1. Selecting Delimited
Name: Osman Adam Student Number: 30465935

2. Selecting MDY

The result:
Name: Osman Adam Student Number: 30465935

1.5.Only Leave Selected Columns: Filter and keep the columns: Airport Name, Event Date, Latitude,
Location, and Longitude. Remove other irrelevant columns.

Step 2: Filter the Data

2.1.Apply a date filter to retain data entries where the Event Date is after 31st December 2017.
This step narrows down the dataset to recent events.

2.1.1. Selecting the filter feature to all the columns.

Name: Osman Adam Student Number: 30465935

2.1.2. Filtering the date to dates after the 31/12/2017.

2.1.3. Results. The last date is the 01/01/18.

Name: Osman Adam Student Number: 30465935

2.2.Filter Cessna or Piper Models

2.2.1. Selecting Cessna of Piper

2.2.2. Results. All the makes show only CESSNA & PIPER
Name: Osman Adam Student Number: 30465935

Step 3: Model of Date

3.1. BatchGeo: Using BatchGeo to geocode the filtered data, converting location data into
geographical coordinates.

3.1.1. copy/paste the data in BatchGeo.

3.2. Group By Make

The results of the data in the BatchGeo Website.

Name: Osman Adam Student Number: 30465935

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