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ask around: hỏi nhiều người để biết thêm thông tin

Ex: If you ask around I'm sure someone there can give you directions to the museum.
2 ask for : hỏi thêm về ai/ cái gì
3. Ex: I call them to ask for more information
4. ask back : mời ai đó trở lại
Ex: I hoped he wouldn't ask me back.
ask sb in: mời ai đó vào trong nhà
5. break away : trốn thoát
Ex: The prisoner broke away from his guards.

♥ ra khỏi ( đảng, nhóm , hội ) để lập cái mới

Ex: The people of the province wished to break away and form a new state.
drive down : to make something such as prices fall quickly
Ex: The company's primary concern was to increase competition and drive down prices.
break down: stop working
Ex: The telephone system has broken down. /
to fail
Ex: Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.
/ lose control of your feelings and start crying
Ex: He broke down and wept when he heard the news.

break in: to enter a building by force

Ex: Burglars had broken in while we were away.
to train somebody/something in something new that they must do
Ex: to break in new recruits
break in (on something) / break into : to interrupt something
Ex: She longed to break in on their conversation but didn't want to appear rude
get around/ round to : to find time to do sth
Ex: get round to doing something I hope to get round to answering your letter next week.
get away with : steal and escape
Ex: Thieves got away with computer equipment worth $30 000. to receive a relatively
light punishment
Ex: He was lucky to get away with only a fine.
to do something wrong and not be punished for it
get away with doing something Nobody gets away with insulting me like that.
get round: persuade sb to do sth
Ex: She knows how to get round her dad.
deal with a particular problem
Ex: A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause.
get over yourself : stop thinking that you are so important , to stop being so serious
bring down : make sb lose power or be defeated
Ex: The scandal may bring down the government.

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