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Dear Parents,

Enjoy this summer with your close ones, with the ones who add sunshine to your to your life.
May the warmth of this season fill your life with glee & glow and bind everyone’s heart with love &
laughter. We suggest following activities to be undertaken during summers:

1. Reduce the screen time, involve more in physical activities.

2. Read a book together.
3. Fix family time for praying, meditating and exercising.
4. Cook together.
5. Water the plants.
6. Go for a nature walk and appreciate its beauty.
7. Feed stray dogs, put water for birds.
8. Go for a cleanliness drive of the house.
9. DIY items for beautification of home.
10. Gaze at the night sky and share your childhood with them.
11. Put photographs of all moments spent together in a scrap book, to enjoy at a later stage.


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