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Stage 1 Physical Education - Energy Systems

AT2: Physical Activity Investigation

Modified sports can take many forms, however, each variety allows for greater focus on specific skills
with the changes in rules aiming to increase the need for skills. Sports modifications can include
anything from the field size, duration of the game, number of players, or the goal size. These changes
still hold the game's main idea while catering for a larger audience and focusing on specific aspects of
the sport. Netball is a sport played by two teams of seven with the object of scoring in a ring held 10
feet above the ground. The seven positions in netball are restricted to specific thirds they can enter.
These positions and include:

- Goal Keeper
- Goal Defence
- Wing Defence
- Centre
- Wing Attack
- Goal Attack
- Goal Shooter

Figure 1

Fast 5 Netball is a modified version of traditional Netball. As the name suggests, Fast 5 Netball contains
2 teams of 5 players eliminating the wing defence and wing attack. The game's duration is also altered
to six-minute halves compared to the fifteen-minute quarters played within traditional netball. The
role of substitutions also changes as they are allowed unlimited substitutions in and out of the game
if there are only 10 players on the court at a time. These modifications mean the games are quicker
and more fast-paced. This is especially true for the goal defence, goal attack and centre as they need
to fill the spots of the wing players for the ball to move quickly toward the goal shooter. This requires
more movement and skill on their part during both offence and defence as there is more free space
on the court. Added to these modifications, fast 5 netball offers different scoring zones including a
two and three-point zone. This modification allows for high-scoring games and thrilling highlights
increasing the speed and enjoyment of the game.


Participation is the act of participating as part of a team. Another word for this is involvement. A
person can enjoy participation in many forms, however, participation in sports often means involving
yourself in a game. Active participation and teamwork are crucial in sports as everyone must fulfil their
role in a team so everyone can succeed.

There are a variety of sports each suited to different individuals which can affect their participation.
For example, older people may experience decreasing flexibility, strength and general fitness and find
it harder to recover from injury. This affects their choice of activity, often gentler lower-impact sports
such as golf, bowls and cycling are popular with the older age group.
Stage 1 Physical Education - Energy Systems
AT2: Physical Activity Investigation


Your body composition can also impact participation in certain sports. The three main body
compositions include ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

An ectomorph refers to an individual with long, lean muscles, arms, and legs. The ectomorphic body
type is characterised by low levels of fat storage and an overall inability to gain weight and develop
muscle mass. This body composition means they are best suited to sports relying on aerobic
endurance such as cross country and marathons.

Mesomorph refers to body types with a naturally high muscle-to-fat ratio. People with this body type
typically respond well to weight training, finding it easier than other people to build and maintain
muscle. This body composition is more versatile and mesomorph characteristics are shared by athletes
playing basketball, boxing, strength training, and swimming.

Endomorphs have a wide waist and hips and large bones, though they may or may not be overweight.
Their weight is often in their hips, thighs, and lower abdomen. Endomorphs often have lots of body
fat and muscle and tend to gain weight easily. This body composition means they are best suited to
sports requiring pure strength including powerlifting.

Figure 2


An individual’s childhood influences, and cultural values can also determine their participation in
specific sports. In some cultures, family and community responsibilities take priority over recreational
activities including sports. The University of Alberta recognises that taking time to exercise could be
viewed as selfish in some regions. However, many families support each other to better themselves
through exercise, even making it a family event. Friends and peer interactions can also affect sports
participation as exercising with friends can boost morale and make it more enjoyable. Having support
from friends and family can be an enabler in bettering sporting capabilities.

Understanding the rules and goals of a sport is the best facilitator in helping an individual excel in any
sport. Having previous exposure to any sport helps individuals work well as part of a team and
improves hand-eye coordination and movement/strength skills. It can also have a positive effect on
social identity, by becoming part of a club or community and playing with people who share similar
interests and hobbies.
Stage 1 Physical Education - Energy Systems
AT2: Physical Activity Investigation


The effect modified sport has on participation among players is clearly shown when the data collected
from each of these games is analysed. In both games, I played Goal Defence; however, the
modifications meant my role was constantly changing.

The Data – Traditional Netball

Volume Intensity
Distance – 1.54 km Top Speed – 4.63 m/s
Sprint Distance – 0 metres Distance/Minute – 36.93 m/min
Powerplays – 0 Power Score – 2.68 w/kg

Figure 3

The Data – Fast-5 Netball

Volume Intensity
Distance – 2.47 km Top Speed – 5.7 m/s
Sprint Distance – 22.61 metres Distance/Minute – 38.84 m/min
Powerplays – 1 Power Score – 3.07 w/kg

Figure 4

As a Goal Defence, I played in the defensive third and centre third, including goal semi-circle. As a
defensive player, my movement, speed, and distance were largely affected by the offence. Fast-5
Netball removes Wing players, meaning the offence has more open space, which means I must be
more vigilant in defending these open areas. This is shown on the heat maps as I cover a larger spread
of area which contributes to a higher overall distance travelled while playing Fast-5. This differed from
traditional netball in which I was limited mostly to the goal circle. Covering more ground while playing
Fast-5 Netball meant my speed and sprint distance also increased. Every statistic and data collected
during the modified netball game rapidly increased. The distance I travelled increased by 1km, my
sprint distance increased by 23 metres and my top speed increased by another metre per second.
Stage 1 Physical Education - Energy Systems
AT2: Physical Activity Investigation

Without the wing players, I was also able to have a greater impact at the beginning of the game. Often,
I was the player who received the inbound pass from the centre. This is also reflected on the heat map
as I spend more time around the centre of the court. This movement often worked well as I was then
able to pass the ball back to the centre player and make more ground quicker.

One of the modifications in Fast-5 Netball is the 2- and 3-point lines which drastically altered the
defensive structure of each team. This change challenged players to play outside the goal circle
meaning the defence was further spread out making it difficult to intercept passes between
teammates. This modification also meant centres were able to shoot 3-pointers adding movement to
the game as seen through the additional distance travelled and powerplays within the data.


The modifications incorporated through Fast-5 Netball have a positive effect on teamwork,
participation, and inclusion between players. Fewer players on the court resulted in more movement
by each position to fill or create open space. The positions remaining on the court also must adapt to
fewer players which improves ball movement resulting in increased participation. Everyone must
catch and pass the ball multiple times to effectively get it to the opposition's goal circle. The limitations
in the length of each pass and the boundaries of each position also restrict cherry-picking and instead
increase participation and teamwork. 2- and 3-point shots also allow the centre position to participate
in scoring and defence adding to the inclusiveness of the game.


The ATP-PC energy system would predominantly be used in exercises that require high intensity over
a short duration. Within Netball this may include a Centre sprinting toward an open space to receive
the ball or a Goal Shooter scoring a long-distance 3-pointer over the defence.

The Anaerobic Lactic energy system is used in high to medium-level intense exercises that last under
90 seconds. Within Netball this could include the Wing Defence chasing after the Wing Attack for a
prolonged period to intercept the ball or the Goal Defence moving around to create open space and
receive the inbound pass.

The Aerobic Energy system focuses on endurance in low-intensity and long-duration exercises. Within
Netball this could include the Centre returning to the middle circle for a centre pass to begin the game
after a goal has been scored.


There were very few examples I could find of the Aerobic energy system being the focus during Fast-
5 Netball. Its modifications make each game fast-paced which centres on the medium- to high-
intensity ATP-PC and Anaerobic Lactic energy system. Fast-5 Netball consists of two six-minute halves
that focus on high-intensity gameplay over a short duration rather than a game revolving around
endurance and longevity. The role of substitutions also changes the game's dynamic as they are
allowed unlimited substitutions in and out of the game. This creates a nonstop flow of gameplay which
minimises breaks and eliminates timeouts. With these added modifications participation excels as
each player is assigned a role that is vital to the team's success. In these examples, participation can
be seen through increased heart rate, use of high-intensity energy systems, voice while playmaking,
Stage 1 Physical Education - Energy Systems
AT2: Physical Activity Investigation

and general involvement in the game. Netball is a prime example of a sport that promotes
participation as a single player cannot run the ball up and down the court. The key modifications
highlighted within Fast-5 Netball only add to its inclusiveness while building on its overall enjoyment.

Participation could be improved by adding a minimum number of passes before scoring. This would
maximise the involvement of each player to ensure they can catch and pass the ball. The defence
would also benefit by being given more occasions in which they can intercept the ball and read the
offensive structure of the opposing team. Adding a minimum number of passes both teams should
make before scoring would greatly benefit both the defensive and offensive capabilities of everyone
while promoting teamwork and active communication.


Duquette, S., Marco Walker-Ng, Bhs. and Shane Duquette and Marco Walker-Ng, Bhs. (2023) The male body
types: Ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph, Bony to Beastly. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2023).

What is sport? (no date) Australian Sports Commission. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2023).

Reliable Player Statistics. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2023).

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