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OXFORD 7th NEW SYLLABUS “MATHEMATICS PX A ayy :-? PREFACE oxronn, New Syllabus Mathematics (NSM} 19 a series of textbooks specially designed 1 provige valuable learning experiences to engage the tearts and minds of students sitting for the GCE 0 level examination in Mathematics, Included ia the textbooks are Investigation Class Discussion, Thinking Time, Journal Writing, Performance Task and Problems in Real-World Contexts ‘0 support the teacting an learing of Mathematics, Every chapter begins with a chapter opener which motivates Students in learning the topic. Interesting stories about ‘Mathematicians, es-lfe examples and applications are used to arouse students’ interest and curlosty eo tha they can appreciate the beauty of Mathematics in thet surronaings. ‘The use of ICT helps students to visualise and nanipulate ‘mathematical objects more easily, thus making the learning of Mathematics more interactive, Ready-to-use interactive ICT templates are avaliable at htipv/ StudentResouces! (CHAPTER OPENER cn chapter bain with a chapter ope o wouse Students ites and cszeyn ewan he oe LEARNING OBJECTIVES Loring objets hp stent be are aware of wa hey ae abou osu 0 ta ey can nr tel own rogess, RECAP WORKED EXAMPLE inal. stale heading cided in trachea detnguah between the cferent Woes Exams. PRACTISE NOW ‘SIMILAR QUESTIONS EXERCISE Te qustons re canis oe rele fit Bese, tomate ond Advanced. SUMMARY REVIEW EXERCISE “Tiss nce th dc eae crepe tort onset ofan of ences CHALLENGE YOURSELF rate por REVISION EXERCISE “Tis nck ed ater evr few cnaters ol stsesesess nr brag. oxen, Preave ~ taming experiences heve been infused into Investigation, Class Discussion, Thinking Time, uenal Writing and Perfonrance Task S Investigation a e Activities are included to guide Class Fen enearaT wTEHE TE Discussion ontooye, tok material, roe ‘nar ease ard orl corimu:aion sis ‘Thinking Time Journal Writing = gs ‘enter Seon nee ekg ‘Susenteoimpovec ta amy. Performance Task z= haveleunt prevousy, £2"? Contents os Direct and Inverse Proportions 4.4 Diest Proportion 00a 4.2. Algebraic and Graphical 08 Representations of Dect Proportion 4.8 Other Farms of Dect Proportion O12 4.4 Inverse Proportion org 445 Algebraic and Graphical 2s Representations of Inverse Proporton 4.6 OtherFornsof hversePropenticn 029 Summary 034. Review Exarcise 1 036: ERS Expansion and Factorisation of 089 ‘Quadratic Expressions 3.1 Quadratic Expressions 09 3.2. Expansion and Simpiication ct O97 (Quadratic Exoressions 8.3 Factorisaion of Quadratic 105 Expressions Summary 1 Rleviw Exercise 2 a Linear Graphs and Simu Lincar Equations 2A Gradent of astraight tne 22 Further Applications of Linear Grapns in Real-World Contexts 28. Horzonta ard Vertical Lines 24 Graphs ofLinearEquatonsin the formay-+ he =k 28. SoWvng Smutaneous Linear 062 Equations Using Graphical Method 26 SovingSmutaneous Linear 087 Equetons sng Agere Methods 2.7 Appications of Simultaneous O77 Eautionsin Real-World Contents Summary 083 Review Exercise 2 084 Further Expansionand Factorisation 113, of Algebraic Expressions 44 Expansion and Factonsation 15 Algebraic Expressions 42. Expansion Using Special i Algobraic Idenities 43 Factorsation Using Special 1 igre denies 44 Factorsation by Grouping 128 Sumnay 132 Review Exercise 4 133 Revision Exercise A 189 —— TER Quadratic Equations and Graphs 137 BAA Solving Quadratic Equations 139) by Factorisation 5.2 Applications of Quadratic Equstonsin Rea: World Contexts 53 Gravis of Ouauratic Functions 147 ‘Summary 158 Review Exercise 5 159 Relations and Functions, 181 TA Relations 183 7.2 Functions 188 ‘Summary 189, Roview Exercise 7 199 ERD Geometrical Transformation BA Rellection 92 Rotation 93° Transiation Summary Review Exercise 9 251 Revision Exercise B 253 bap AER SG Algebraic Fractions and Formulae 164 ‘Algebra Fractions 63 Mutipication and Dwision of 165, Algebraic Fractions 63 Adcstion and Subtracton ot 168 Algebraic Fractions 6.4 Manpuaton ot Agobroic Formulae 171 Summary 78 Review Exercise 6 178 — CHAPTER S__ Congruence and Similarity 191 BA Congtuent Figures 193 82 Simier Figures 203 83. Simlaity. Enlargement and Scale 213 Drawings Summary 228 Review Fxercise ® 220 Pythagoras’ Theorem 257 40.1 Pythagoras! Theorem 259 10.2 Apoications of Pytnagoras’ 269, Theorem in Real-World Contexts 10.8 ComeseofPythageras' Theorem 276 Summary 278 Review Exercise 10 278 ae ee Trigonometric Ratios 14.1 Tegonometic Ratos 283 41.2. Applications of Trigonometiic 289 Ratios to Find Unknown Sides of RightAngled Teangles Applications of Tigonometric 296 Patios to Find Unknown Angles a ight-Angled Triangles 113 14.4 Appications of Trigonometric 302 Patios in Real-World Contexts rnmary 310 Review Exerc an Symmetry 355 134 Line Symmetry 357 182 Potational Symmetry in 368 ane Figues 133. Symmetry in Triangles are ‘Qvadriaterals and Polygons 134. Symmetry in Tree Dimensions 379 ‘Summary 384 Review Exercise 13 384 Revision Exercise 387 Volume and Surface Area of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres 424 Volume and Surface Aes of Pyramids Volume and Surface Area of Cones 4123 Vokme and Surtace Area of Spheres. 124 Vourne and Surface Area of Composite Sol 122 ‘Summary Review Exercise 12 Sets 44.4. Introduction to Set Notations 442 Venn Diagrams, Universal Set ‘and Complement of a Set 4143 intersection of Two Sets 144 Union of Two Sets 145 Combining Universal Set Complement of a Set. Subset Intersection and Union of Sets, Sunmary Review Exercise 14 317 328 338 399 399 406 408, 409 416 47 Probability of 419 8.1 ntioduction to Probabity 22 15.2 Sample Soace 422 15.8 Probabity of Single Events 425, 415.4. Further Esamples on Probabiity 435, (of Single Events ‘Summary Review Exercise 15 440 LZ Averages of Statistical Data 489 ATA Mean 494 472 Median 501 173 Mooe $08 174. Mean, Median and Mode 508 Summary 817 Review Exercise 17 518 Revision Fxercise D Problems in Real-World Contexts Practise Now Answers 29 Answers 95 onto Statst Dot Diagrams Scatter Diagrams ‘Stemand-Leat Diageams 446 408, Histograms for Ungrouped Data 465, 166 Histograms (or Grouped Data 469 Summary Review Exercise 16 484 485 Investigation Direct Proportion In Singapore, f we oto oks fram a pulic Wary and ae late in returning the books, we wil be fn 15 cents pr dy foreach overduehoo, Table 11 shows the fines for an verde book Numberofdaen) 12 [3 | 4 | s | w TFneoeent) 15 4S 75 wos /i0 | ras 180 Tables 1. tbe numberof daysa books verduetnc raze, wlth line ncaa decrease! 2. the numberof days book s overdue it double, how wil the fine change? ‘Hot Compare the fines wien a book s overdue fr 3 days and fr 6 dys 2 the numberof days hook verde’ ipl, hat wil happen he fine? 44. heuer of dys 2 book is overdue is halved, how wil the fine change? ‘Hin Compare the ines when 3 hooks overdue for 10 days and foe $day 5 the aumbr of dys a ok s oer edie ole oil mune ‘var happen tthe ine? Frere the insestigtion, we notice that asthe numberof days, a book is overdhe irons the ine. x cents, sncreasespropetonaly, be due, then» Tyee 8 wiped, thea sil he pled Sina, a6 the number of days, 2 book is overdue decreases, the tine, yr eents, decreases proportionally, ke. isis halved, then + will be halved ifsisraticadn | torgal ale hen vw breast Lofts ale “Tic relationship fe known 35 direct propartion. We say thatthe fine,» eats. ive operon the numer ud. book eter eo 1 oxron Class Discussion [Real-Life Examples of Quanities in Diret Proportion ‘Workin pais. 1 Give a few more reat ie amples of quantities ha ane in cect portion, 2. Explain why hey are directly proportional oe Complete Table 12. [roma] | TI we | _j 1 . —t cy ws) | msm» rate. aa i | | ij | Table 1.2 what can we user about he ate #7 what docs represen? What docs the Contant“ mean inthis cates? ‘dec proportion the ate 6.9 constant. ths ease = 15 Let the numberof days a bak semen be « naas Then the coresponding fine is Let the numberof days 2 book is owerdue be x, = 6, Then the corespondng fine From Tale 1.2 Sand toe Bais ~zw. ° Bee Bes (conta, te.thetworates and Sar ual coe romp 98 2, Ley teaches oe ‘ 28-2. Ley fede when si dol nd are equal This can aloe aan by " “earanging the equation ’ nk ce, 94) To conclude, we have ‘sempre bea Nis crety proportional x then = 8 of Worked Wot ties co ck cost of of Example tise “ Solution: van woe ath cs fs haus cy peor othe ma he Sheu feted : Uy Method perenne igo bic co. Et Vege cons 2 vag fsa con SP _Methed 2: Proportion Method Lat the cost of 13 kg of ists be Se wees =s5450 Altesnately, 4 IY ae Re: Baa =ss80) “12 kgf hiseuits cost S49. (2) 150g of sweets com $210, find the costo 30 of sweets, ving your amawer eye IAs 8 ‘comet othe nearest cen (0) eves meta toes mas of She. What mst Fat pice feat ee Algebr. Graphical 1 D Representations of | Direct Proportion Nlarssneensrivesnsesenineseean ine nieetemememennsiitm tS which and Inthe example on cwerdue hooks in Section 11, we have found we represent this constant by & thon =k or y= ky where & 0 Hence we hive | whores constant and #0 (Thinking 4 Time Hve substitute £0 into x=, what cam we say about the reltionsip between « andy @® Investigation phi Repesaton of ret Proportion sider he example on vee books in Seton Table 1.3 shows the face ents fr areas» ok Sve where {= ISarv ese ‘at des.= 1 Stmeanin this conto? Oi; 15) 304 6 15 9 WS 10 HS 150 Table 13 1, Plotthe pooh oy aginst in Fig, 11 Firsts cents) oS 1} wet _1_} | +108 +— + 7 | | 15 -« Last tt ot—1++4 wt} I | l [7 ibs 9 1p Namba atdaysio) 2. What isthe shape ofthe graph? 2. Doss the graph pss ough the ongine “To-concade, wo hve: 1. fy isdvety proportional exe proportional to? Explain your answer. 2. Suppose vis recy woponinaal to. ve pl the graph against x, will we seta sail line tha paseo through the eign? Bxpaia your answer. 3. yislictty poostinal to then the gop ov gant «passes trou the ‘ig, the graph fv agains doesnot pass tough the eign is x ietly roportinnal 0.47 Explain your ans. 4, Asx increases, abe ines, Cw we conclude that ely propio to. Explain your answce © oe ‘ coe Worked Example) \iyaumomein cate et th ities atone Solution: Since islstl peporindt 8, The = where £8 constn. Wher 2 bas GH Wher x=, fedek Alternativ when eet 9 cube p22 12 nabbed is a oH G Suitoy 24 nw sre 1. liye diecty proportional sand v= 10 when 4 an gation connecting andy 4 tne valavoty when =H the vale of «hon = ei Qua 2 Hh relly proportional av andy = 5 when « 1 find he value fv hen 4. Given that rs eich peponionl tn, copy and cumple the abe eS Se ae eel | oxsoRp a oo @ Worked be sca ae pennies Sk of tea pany ne dec peoponal Example tert gusts, presen When thee ag Mes reste atthe por, te exposes incurred 3 $210 {Fan equation cere tin at ) Caleta expermes incre tn there goes present atthe tea party Draw the rapt against Solution: zw. 4) Since be clirctly proportional 0% {Wed ample Lc an be npeevary scion N when N=, bet =) The expenses incur ate $540 2 s)e)»e «lw wo | fe {™| | awe Ts fotze i) alel ostosp 4. Plt the graph of gals in Fig. 15. 01 002 Of3 04 ONS OD ODT OOF OD9 0.4 ig 15 ‘Deseribe the yaph obtained What can we say about the relationship tween and x? ‘Athough.s inversely proportional what she relationship between and x {Write down an equation connecting. and X, What does itll you shout the ‘elationshipetsean and X? In general, iy is verse: proportional to then i fo aysheey ssa const and 1 teapot against ond of omaon s=# sa hyperbole, 4) + the gaph of agit isa sigh fine oe Fg 1 © owes Think fp mass ‘isisinversely roprtoma is inversely proprational a Explain your answer Example sea find @ the walacor ewhena = 8, Ai an equation connecting «end (eho value of s when ¢= 38 Solution: When 18,1 i uli erative Wi eyyory 1. ify isinversty pronotiomal 4 andy 28 when = the vlueoty when Aneypnion connecting, 2d Gipthese of hen 9 = 10 fin baa 2. iy sweep to sae 9 she 22, Find he vale oy when 3. Giventhot is overly proportional cps del complete the ale Example maas yas at constant tenperature i intl ppropotiooal tis pressure, P pastas (Pad. Te press To 3 gos aii canting S02, Assuming athe temperature inthe container is consign cleat the volame ofthe ge when ts rescue 1250 Ps Solution: Since Vi jverselypropatianal we B, thon ¥= hr comin when Pan Ve When P= 1250, ve ‘The wae ofthe gos 4024 dn “The cure, #amperes (fing through a wie i isersey proportional ty is fre ses HL enistance Rong) Given tht he curent lawing trough wire wih aesitance F055 12 A, find the cutent losing thug the wire wn is esistane is 32, {the resstace ofthe wire when the current wing though it. © vw stort Exercise = (Which of he iain nstten a ene proportion Statethe ssumporsmade i ech ese G@) The umber of pencils FoAan ys id the {ofa cost the pen ‘Tho rumberof tps filling tank and he time faker il he tank, The umber men aying et andthe tne taken to ish ying theron 1) The numer cate oe el andthe amon of fore The muumber of cate toe fd al the tne ‘ken to fins certain aunt the ade. Cy © © ght men cam bl a bidet 12 cays Fi the time taken or 6 em tou the sae rage, Stale ‘ho assumption made, Ics inversely proportional wane = 40 when £5, fine {the value vwheny=25, Aidan equation snneting vant, Gi the valves whens =e, 1 Qisinvessely pepeionalts Had Q=.28When 6) express Qintrme off, 4) find the alas of Q when i calculate oval of Posen @=02 8 workorsarcempioyel to complete aconsrcton oct in toys Bee projects. eae fof the company i toil that he aes to complete the pojectin Hcy. Asuna he ake, wore athe soni ens many menor does he nod temple in ort compte the projet oxrorp consigment of cde eH 12 cate foe 50 days: Gisen that all he cattle consis the Fodder atthe same rate, fn © the number of cate an equ coosigament of foeker can fed to 75 dy, (iy the nar of days a0 equal consent of foe can lst tus fel 1575 cate [AL a sports camp, there is slfcent fod for 72 auhletesto ast dys FEW athletes ne abet rom the eamp, heww many more cys can het! ast forthe other athletes? State the assumption made = is tversely propoional to x and X27. fed the value of hen <= 70. = Shen Ws inversely protons ard A =2. fed the value of B when A= E For exchofhefiloing sisters propia to Copy and complete the aes, @ = + Seta ‘The frequency, filer (hHL) of a oo wave © inserstypropotioal a tk wavelength, 2m, The frequency of a radio wave that as 3 wavelength oft i 1 Ae Fit (0 the fequency of a radio wave that has a wavelength of 50, the wavelets of rain wae hat ae reaper of 900 He cones @ 12, The ie, «hours aed 40 complete a jo i inversely. praportnnal to N-sehere W 6 the number ol en emplyed or the je. 3 men C0 Compt the jb 8 Hout, {Find an equation connecting # aN Ai) Fine the mr hours nde by 6 me to complete the jb Gay wine vs oben in 3 or mony en eed tn he employed? 13, 12 glashlowers can make 12 idomtica ase in 9 emnutes. Assoming that al the glasblowers svark a the same rte, bow long will take 14. 8 comsigoment offer ea fe 108 sheep Hr 2 lay: Aouring tht ll he shsgp consume he Sera he same te, bow ab consigaees| iodine ond S80 ste or 0 NSE fay A takes 6 einates wo fill a tank and Tap takes? mines fil the same ark, Pipe Can fam the tank in 1S mines, Ho hn, wil take to fil up the tank the pipe isin ase when bth tps ae tuned on? 16. A contractor ages tay ma 308m in 30 days for ¥ hours per day. Alter 20 working days, he is that only 1200 mf he roa! competed. Hin ‘many mote men des fe nes empl inorder tofinish the projet on time eich man now works hours a day? me are empl al they ork We have le tht fs inversely proportional 10, than where ie constan and k 20 where 6 constant and & #0, ‘oxen, ‘oriales hit ace vere proportional 1 eat other ana expan your ans ord wed ‘olution: Sincey= 2 je.c'y=2i¢ constant thon sits protons to ) Since v= Ze, i.e. yF=3 fea costal thea vis averse opal 10. AF seach of teflon equations athe ne arabs which ae neory Fi) ane ‘portional to each ther an explain your answe ied > ond z= Nerked 13 cite, meee {@) cakeulae he value y when v= 16, tly tan 2 Hm 4) find an equation connecting x and Deion sata He Ai find the valve of «when: ee rte a olution: When (2 1624346 i tino 2 3 t Since vere papain tf, then 9 a, where & is cmt 1. vis inversely propaninal a an Find an equation connecting x and» (ycakte te ales of en v= % 2. isimverely propertional io JF an so38 sven 24, een ID Quon fin the salve of ywhen sehen 9, find the value of ewhen 3. Giventhat ee inversely peopontional to VF. cap and compete the le olan 14 “ % ks, wah conti is ours, 1 ound thatthe ammount ot Inatera lel» units, inser pu (1-2) hers, name sk there let ater Shes, Cau thea inthe other ak ao 7 Solution: Since vis inversly proportional r= there k ca const ‘The amount of ace etn the oer flask ater 7 huss 6 ais The force, F newtnns 9, between fw particles i inversely proportional ta the square ofthe distance, dm, essex them. When the panies ate 2 apt the force heen then 6 UN, Fine 6 the force betwcen the pts sty ae 4 Gi the stance berween te particles hen the are betwen them is 25 8 ~ Exercise 1D fers prop y= (©, fo the vale of whan y= find am equation connecting «ad (Gealculse the aloe a y when = 32. sehen inversely praportonal to and (0. nd an equation connecting w a= (i fi the value of = when w= 16, Gi calculate the value of when PoE 3. For exch ofthe following equations, sae the to variables whch are inversely proportional to teach ater ad explain your answer 4A. Hsisinveeely proportional to YE and = $when 126 find the vale of = when v= 216 5. WePisinversely prpontionalio pe Sand g=Suhen 122; ind te values of when p= 17 {6 Given at isinversly proportionate copy and ‘amp he table TpL2 ps ] mr om ‘Thefoxceofrepulion, Fpewtors IN between te pamicles is n-exsly proportional tothe square of “he distance, om, betwen the prices, (0, Wit down 3 oreula connecting Fad {i When he pits ara een dance apart the once of repulsion #20 N. Find the foece wn the distance shale Fora fixed volume, te height, em, of cone i insersly proportonal to the square of the base rads, rm. Cone A has a hase ‘adie of § em and a height of Sem, The hoger of Cone 8 is} em an the height of Cone © 6 125 em, fall the comes have the same volume, fin (the height of Cone 8, (lh she se aus of Cone C % If inversely propoational to 2e+ ¥ and the dierence he aloes of when «=0.5 and <=2 1509, finde yale ay ehen 4 = D2, 4 inversely proportional and y= B for particule value of. ind an expression in Teams of hor vhs ths value of x pled. The fore of aration Hwee 10 magnets is inversely proportional to the square of the since heveen them. When the Magnes ‘rem apart the force of aration betwen ther TF mentns (SI he distance between the Imogaets + increased! by 4005, the force oF Stenctin betwen them Focomes & N. Find the ile oxorn diner property + Laker sto then 1, where kis a constant and �, 1 the graph of y gaint xis 2 staigh line that pases through the origin 2 yis meres propa ory + the graphot y agains 2 hyperbol, a volt then 3 A here 9 constant and k #9, + the anh ofr asin ss sag ire that sas roth gn oxtorn | Review... 1. Wy ety propio tea (expres vintems oc {iy find the sale of von 4 1 suse the valde of «on = 2 GG cae the apo pint 2. WA;sdvcty proper an (© thesaiue al awh () thevalue of when. a {set portional tan = 18 hen {it a equation connecting a (fn the vale fy when v= 7, ) caeulate the val ox when = 400, (Gv) da the apo vans 4. rise proportional a 8 sad what = 2.5, i {0 thevalas of when = 3, Gi the wakes of machen w= INI, 5. tr isietly propatimal we JF aad = 126 find (the value of rvhen = {i the value oben 1 =2 ss iversely prportiona ad when (expos cin terms of (@ find the valu of y when = 6 Gy ealelae the wale a eho 2. Waisinversey proportional wp and y= 3 when 5. {0 anexpation connecting p ant g ) the vale of y when p= 1, {Gy he sega value ofp wheng = '8, sis iersely proportional + Land when = fa 40) the val of = when 9, 1 the vale of when z= 24 9. ven hat vis incre propotons 102° copy and complete the tale 10. Theol nly charges. Sora fed phoning consis oF ted ant of $9 wl wna mount which pans om the usage. For every nat se, SOAS chard (0 Hthe dation of usages 390 mutes, find the total moh charges foe the fed pane ine (Ath otal monthly cages ore fse phone Fine are'S2.56, eeu the dai of usage. {i Wate afro connecting and, where nthe mumbo of mines of usage. Hence, State the two vaiables which ate cect Prepon wach er 11, The grovitational penal energy G joules >, (of a0 object is dretly propstions! tts height Fe, shoe the surface of the Eath. When the fbject 6 at eight of 4m above the surface ft the Earth, ts gravitational potential energy 1 2200. Fd @ amexpaion connecting Gai {the yovitational pont ene ofthe object cohen te aa hehe of 2m ahve the srt the Eth, Gib the Height of the objoct above he surface of the Earth when i hoe a grovitationa potenti een of MDS). 12, ate makes dation harubleeryistion 14, Seren anehired ts compktwa jb. Wone mone man ‘namibia Herel deaenteiecty i ie he jh cam be proportinaltoshesqureother manfysvigs- IW Asgaming that al te she saves SN an 1200 is fans ane ebay a respectively, her eanationaneresves by S88 ore bean eamplte 8 days eaten Fanuary to Febnias Find the aman tnency she dlnateste there gonsaen in whe he 13, Boyl'Law satesthar the press PnP oF fice mossof asa censtontempetire inven Proportional 4 te volun, dn The presse $x oo man aight ean 280 Pa Assuming thatthe keperature inthe eoetaine eons, {@ the peewore ofthe gos ae its volume is y the volume of the as wher is presse is Challenge, Yourself 1. Ais ciretly propatanal 1 Cand is recy peeprtionl tC, prone that each of the follwing is diectlypropotional tC @ate ane van 2 tis given that: is decely proportional to and merely propartiona oi {© Write down an equation connecting». y and: We +29, Sind the vale os when v= Sandy The time, T days, needed to paint some hiltings is rectly propentional othe nut + of vilings, tha need to be patel and inversely proportional othe suber of painters enplae.. 18paitrs can paint $ uilelings in 20 days, (0 Find an equation conecting 7 a Ai Fi the number ys ec iy 16 pants o pine useing. (G10 bseings are we pate in 24 days, how many painters ned to be employs? oxtoK owes @ erg ei stone pot sy tai and reawes. WNen StoRpINg or if me doom cur git croes two tans and we Ne how do me determine te number ofeach item o buy? Chapter Two LEARNING OBJECTIVES Al the endl his chapter, you shouldbe ble to: * td he grant of stan, + satatheimeroapt oa sagt ine, + sate ne equation of a haraoraline arco! 8 erica in, + cam gras of tear equations inte fom at +b = + sovesiutango.s ner equations two variates using (a) tne apie mod, (©) te aminaton met, (@) tte sdsttaion meod * formate par of ine ecuations in two variates to sve mathemati! arc e-e cdans. ‘The equaion ofa straight Hine inthe form y= se; where mandi are constants Naw, we shal ake 3 lnk at he changing te ale of mal ffl th ine © fe Investigation Equation of Staiga In this investigation we shall explore how the graph ofa sagt ie in the orm y= me + changes when either Go to htysfaww shingles com sy/StudentRescurces! ant pen the spreadhet Equation ofa Staight Line’ 1, Change the vale of «from —3 1 3 ja stops of 1 by clicking onthe scroll har, What happens to the Hine? Sate the coordinates of the point where the ine cuts he 2x 2. Change the ve of rom Ot Sn steps of. What happns tothe nat Change the vale of roto $n steps of 1. What happens the fine? 44. What isthe difrenceheiicen fine with 9 postive value form and a line with 2 negative vale fr © oun oxvoun Gradient of a Straight Line Look at tte roads around yen. Some roads are steeper than thers Te sep 9 mad isthe hard i twa the on. Gradient rears ofbmw seep sbpe From he inesigtin on the previo pe fon + ohare the bah intercept Note:The rinterept eles to dhe x cooinate of he pin of intersection of the line with he yan The equation of 2 seat nei it for consis the gradient oftheir the cons From the lovesigtion, we have diconered tha the yowient oa ne em be ether postive or gate Fig, 2.20) sha 9 pratont spas, + Fig, 2.2m she 9 fine that slopes fro the est 1 ght and adient isnt tine that spe tr the et th ight al pnd brats en reer irae (2) Positive groin Regatve warden Fig. 22 In real ie, can the paket ofa slope he aeative? From the investigation, we can alo sa hat asthe able vale othe raion ‘ners the slepnessof the ine craves For example, Hine wih pati of 3 issteoper than ane wth a gant of? since 3> 2: ta line witha grace of Isako ‘hana line with agent of although -3 <2. How do we find the gradient of 3 ne? ‘The grader ofa straight lines the messi ofthe aio ofthe vertical changer ise) to the horizontal change (oe rnb. wetialchange se Gratiet = Faaralckangs ‘otoRD &~» a othe rather ofeach of thong es on / \ Solution: @ oy “Take tuo poin's and B00 the lise and daw dotted Hes te he cgh angled angle ABC Vertical ehange or rise) BC «5-1 Hotizowal change (or un) AC =2-0 2 Since th ine tapes ups roam the et tothe right its packet postive Graont = vertical change oxtone @D csserz Take two points P and @ where the line cuts the s-axis ad rans respectively Let 0 be the iin, 0) Verical change ior rc) OF = 6 Horizontal change or un} OQ = 2 Since the line slopes downwards fram the left to the ght ts acon negative Gratin = HE Find the gradient uf eal othe flowing nes snc 24 Quin 24 @ Lior Gaps ond Sentai Une eutons Caner? ‘oxroen, as Gradients of Straight Lines Work in pasts Consider the points D3) and 12.8, 6) onthe Hin in Wenked Example (© Find he laden of DE i) kaon’ of DF = yathen of AR? prec, we can choose any two points ona ine to find its gratien becouse the gration ofa suaigh lie is ‘Altes learning howto find the gradient ofa straight ine, we need to Rave» sense of| ‘thermagrite af the steno one Class Discussion Gradients inthe Real World 1. How snp nd ih ont of 17 2. ows ine wih nc of 1, Measure the angle of inclination between the ie and the bot onl zw Fig.233 2. How stoop isa road witha gradient of 22 Make an accurate drawing of| 8 fine wih a grocent of 2 and, idiate the vertical change an horizontal ‘change clearly Measure the angle of inclination. 2. Reet gp 2 ora oth pet of 4 yu consid wad with natn! step or gol? Disc wth yout lnm ide se any asm Plana nes tot of 5. Dovou coir nad wih panto | weep or ol Di th jour loans wer the allen af mov in ian ae pte tan cores than a oes @ § Horizontal Line Investigation Gradient of Horizontal Line Ine Fig. 2.4 shows a horizon ine. Fig. 2. ‘There ae points onthe line, The coordinates ofA and Cave given ite dawn the coordinates of B and of D. 2. In theline segment AC, vise = andeun = 3. Inthe line segment RD, tise —andvun =. 4. What can you conclude about he gradient of horizontal line? Lin a westigaton, wr cal find aut what the gradient of a horizontal ine i zw OXFORD te Vertical Line Investigation Gradient of Vertical Line In this investigation, we shall find out what the gradiert of a vertical line Is Fig. 25 shows a vertical ine Hig 23 1. There ate 4 points onthe He. The coordinates of and fate gen Wte down the coorinates & @ and ofS. wz, 2. inte ine segment ‘ snd run 3. Inthelinesegment Qs, re actin als % and = Sonia caste “4 What can you conclude about the gadint of» vertical line? ee 2A Quet | t ewer @ Line t ptt | 2. | “Write done he gradent of each of the ve ines 2. Given that the equation of the fine representing each of the following Linear graphs is 49 the form vs find the gradient wan sae the intercept os oxtonn oxyonn 3. The figure shows ive line segment. In the figure, tine 1 16 parallel te the v-axis and Line 3 is parallel to the y-axis. Line Further Applications of Linear Graphs in Real-World Contexts tn this section, we wil eam howto apply the cones of aden an -inercept to sole near graphs use diy stations, oxzorp ° Worked Jy essa many 0 Example pee relate ee eles ta (O900 hours, his hiyele he sullered a puncture ad the spent hall an fur epaining i, He then continued! bis journey al rch his destination at 1130 hous (a) Haw far did te oyeis tavel before his bicycle tyre stored a yuncture? (0) Find she gradiont of each of the Following line sym, satin cay wha on (iy aw sich gain sens. Digance reveled tn) ‘Solution: 4) 2040, 0) 0) Gaaoar oa = The eels traveled 20 kn a1 ou, be, is average sped sas 20 Ione his bicycle ye sos pnetone Gi) Goto of 820 Hesingped cycling, i his average sped was Ze Gatiom of n= 2 18 “The average speeding th st paths ney ws 1S Ranh Ow SPORD A techsician ia a computer fm ce fron his works t separa customer's “Lomputer. On his way ack be opp to eepair anther camer computer “The etance time grap shows nis ete yarn, Digance evaled ead | | a i LL PTPe ee ch compute? (a) How long he ke rei. {&) How for irom hs workshop was hist customer? 4) Fiod ho gyda of exch ofthe fling line sees, sting clay what ‘each gradient presents 0% ae wc be ie 2H eatin 1 iourmey he topped iat 1, The yep saws Kai tt 9 ica in Fon Daring breaks at efter, after which he coatinucd to drive to Town C Distance srscled km) ime thous) woo 10301190 1301200 {@) Atha time did he leave home? 1) How far did he tae hefore he ached te eater? 4) Fi the grades of each ofthe follwing fine segments, stating clearly what each gradient represents. 08 an i) ac 2. than eyes rm home ta pot office. On his way back, he topped at hawker centre to have is breaks, The distances raph shuns his env journey. Distance ran home (em ‘9600 0700 0800 0900 1000 17100 1200 4) How far fom bis tome was the pos office? 1) Find the ttl time he stayed 3 the post afice and atthe hawker cont © Find the gratin of each ofthe following ine segments, stating clearly what each gant rejesents. aan ac i De ») Horizontal and ertical Lines ln section 2. we have lero thal the equation ofa staght line is inthe form 6 re he const efine afd he canst the Consider the aqution ofthe stat line y "20-1 Foreach value «there sa comesponing value of When {ewe plot hee points on a sheet oprah paper, we oan a te theteb sd, Hoon he the conn se pre say he ‘Does the point 10 ie onthe ine with equasin We replace shy-4and ry Hin the equation y= 2.4 1 tas RH: Since the coortnates of 4, 10) do ot sty the equation fat le thee What arethe equations of horizontal line and a vertical tine? Investigation “Equation ofa Horizontal Fine Fig. 24 shows a horizon y AaB 60.8) © cour one. 1. What isthe root of the honzont ine? 2. There are 4 poins on the line. The coordinates of A and of € are given, Write dow the coordinates of and oD. 3. What do you notice about the y-coordinates ofall he four points on the bhorizontal ine? 4. What do you think the equation ofthe horizontal line is From the investigation, since he gradient m of horizontal ine 0, the equation of| | horizontal ines a — = Teun 2st 4 fel: | 2 ta —h +. Line 2 ay 19 Write dn the equation each the given hoizontal ines. 2) Inthe graph, craw each fhe le seth the allowing equations. ee fis20 cone area at Op Investigation Equation ofa Verial Line fig 27 stows aver re Fig. 27 What the gradient of the vertical ine? 2. There are 4 points on the fine. The coordinates of # and of R are given ‘write don the coordinate of @ and ofS. 3 What do you patice shout the secoordinates ofall he four posts on the sett line? 44, What do you think he equation ofthe vera ne? Fram the investigation, since the gradiont m of @ vertical ine # undeined er cannot seit thee Tine im the form = me + ¢ Das the verano al he pitseon veri Hine ane equa to he same coma alae the exation ofa vert nan ver (a) Wate down the equation of ech of the gen vertical lines. (6) tothe graph. caw each of he lines with he flowing equations. Describe the tines, Graphs of Linear Equations in the O A where Tinea equations in th ‘ot liseer euatons Inthe form y= mx #6 section, we shal take 3 look atthe gaps of Im ae + bk have, ban ate conan Investigation, Graphs ofax by 1, Consider he equation 2+ y= 3. Using» graphing sotteare, daw the graph of 34 = 3. othe points A, 1) and 2, 5) leon the graphin Do theconrnats ofeach ofthe point sai the equation 204 Explaia your answers (6%) The pnt (1, hese the graph in @). Determine the vale ofp (Gs) The pit (, 7 fies on the yap in @). Determine the value of (9) On thesame axes in (0, draw te graph of r= -2¢+ 3. What do you notcee Hence. shaw algbically hat s=—2e +3 cam be obtained from 24 =3. 22 Consider te equation 36 Using» graphing software, daw the graph of 3¢—48=6. The pei @ Hes on the graph in @, Determine the value of. (Gi) The pei; -15) es onthe graph in @). Determine the value of. (Gv) Site the coordinates of tw other points that sais the equation &x—4y=6 What do you notice? (0) Onshe same aes ia, draw the prphofr= 3-3 Hence hapa tha = 33 con eosin fom = 6, Worked rg Conan ‘The variables «and 8 comes y te eatin Example Be= r= 2 Some vakes of an the coxesponding vale of are yen ne ae fa fest » ei? () Caleulte the value op, (6) On a sheet of graph paper, using a seale of | em to represnt | unto te vanisand 2emto represent unit an the y-axis, kaw the graph of 2¢— 3-= 2 for-aere. {0 Thepoint Hes onthe rophin Find the value ofa 18) G@ On thesome axesin teow th raph of {Sate the scredinate of the point onthe graph (of 243692 that asa ycooninate a1 &~» ‘extn: Solution: 6) Wyn x8, sei y yes pt LI Seger tine ‘The variables andy are connected by the equation 4+ += E, Some values of and the coresponling values are given i the tle. (a) Find he vale of. (@) Ona sheet of graph paper wing a sca fem to represent | nit on the vais and [em to present f uniton the janis, dae the graph af 3's y= 1 or 2a 182, ©) The point (1, Hes on the raph inh. Find he va of 4) Gn the same anes). athe graph os = 0.5, Sate the teonatiate ofthe point nthe graph 3+ Scoorinate 05 ‘hat has ena Qui owe @ Line 1 (a) We dane the equation ofeach ofthe piven hovzontl tes. (hy Inthe graph, caw each ofthe lines ith the folowing equations. Ore esr ths tins (a) wee down the equation of e3ch ofthe given wet ins. (4 Inthe graph, crave each of the Hines with the folowing equations o Describe the lines 2. The vaiahles + and y are connected by the equation -¥ 4 2y = 4. Some values of «and ‘hecorespunding voles of saree inthe ble {) Find the vakre of» and fg (6) On a sheer of raph paper, using a sale of 1 emo represent! unit on the vais and 2 te repeseat unit on the ani, dai the Bophol-=20=4lor-Senes. {© The point (0.5) lies on the graph in Find the value of (@ (On the same axes int), draw the graph eed Sia the sceoedinate ofthe pot om the sph of c+ y= hal hasan scorch =) E We ave fear a graphs of 9-929 Simultaneous Linear quations Using Memod 48. Consider the equation -2c +9 =-3, (a) Copy and comple the tle i (8) On a sheet of graph paper, ising a scale of 44cm to represent | unit on the axle and 2em to represen | unit on the van athe aph of 20 + r=-3 for 2 (©) On the same axes in (h),daw the graph (i) Find the are ofthe tapeziam bounded by the ines -2c-45"*-3, 9-1, and the sand \Wwhat che elaanship ten the graphs of two nea equations when we cea theme the same anes? What she connection hetwoen the coors ofthe pint fof tection af the hx raps al the i wala of dnd that ssa oth TS smvenigion J ‘Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations Graphically 1. Consider the ear equations 2+ 34=8 and 34- ¥=2 om he Usinga gyaphing sttwara, daw the graphs 24 +36 Sand (What are the coordinates ofthe point of intersection of the two graphs? i) Five pits of values of «ands are given in Table 2.1 able 21 Determine the pair of values of and that sates beth the equations 2c v5 and Sey 22. What do you notice? 2. Consider the linear equations 3¢—4y= 1 ad $+ 773. (© Using graphing stare, draw he graphs of the sae axe, (8 Whatare the coordinate ofthe pont of intersection ofthe wo graphs? (i) Hence, sate the por of values of «and that satisfies both the equations Bi-4y= Wand Se 783, ‘what can we concidle about the coordinates ofthe point of irtersction ofthe ‘wo graphs and the par of values of «and « that satisfies bot the equations? Explain your answer (snd 546 7¢=30n In he investigation, the graphs of 26-4 = 5 and Be — #2 intesect a the paint (1, 1).«2 1 and y= 1 satisfies the nwo linear equations simultaneously. We say thatics Vand y= 1 is the soln of the smaltanea linear equations 24 3y28 and 3x ¥=2, ‘Can we say the same forthe linea equations $e Choice of Appropriate Scales for Graphs Belorewe proceedio kaw arp, wehaveta dows stale scale. The filling guidelines may be vf “+ Usea Camenient Onihesane avesin 0, wth raph ues pee ive bend toc {e Honce, sclve the simultaneous equations Mn Beye Bands dye 8 Using the graphical method, solve each of the following pairs of snuhancous equations 44 Using the graphical method, solve each of the Get 2a0 bey 290 following paso sonarus equations este aeoy-3=0 a ceae3 th oes Cee @ devde4s=0 devaree ac Bea care! =0 @ me 3.44) Consider the equation y= 20-49. {Copy eel complete the tle 5. Using the graphical metho, solve each of the follosing pisos mulianeous equations : @ ya8-3e boven Gi On » sheet of graph pape, using » scale (oF 1 xn to represen | unit on the exis fant to represent units the 985, raw the graphol y= 2049 ork 4, Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations Using Algepra Metin In Book 1, we have leant how to sole inca exustions in ane variable such 35 Rede H angle 1s “To solve linear equation is ane arable x means fad the value of «0 Rat the sales on sss the cutie tee esas the equation, Thinking ¥ Time What 26 the slusons 10a linear equation tn We varlables, eg. 204s = 132 Do you obtain the me solutions a your clasmites? In Seaion 2.5, we have leamt that fom the graphs of wo linear equations. the = eo trae Tnear= 13 @ Ae5re7 Seek 2. Using the elimination metho, solve the simultaneous equatcns Ici sometinns wecossiryf© manipulate one of the equations before we can eliminate a variable iy akon ox subtraction. Worked , ae ‘ Example Using the elimination med, salve the simultaneous spats ieo2ves Solution: Ses thet ~w®,. aieyn?——n <0) si cn aw Veena ze (8-29 SC tg tn ral Sulsivte c= 2 to $2) ‘The solution sx #2 and y= Using the elimination mod, sve each of the fllawing pies of simultaneous ewe een 20h equations ‘s (a) 2e+3e= 08 deepen aoe Reode=7 11s sometimes necessary 10 manipulate hath the equations before we can liminate a varable Worked Example Using the etlinaton met, sve te mutans equations rere Yeashe Th Solution: Det abe raya Sesotho dee st ' #0 GU N14 Ble + Baw SE ano 12? Sib 2) ED = 20 InWorked Example 7, ft easiertciminae first Explain your anserby showing haw Came elimina Using the elimination method, sake each of the following pais of simliancous Fenn 6 ‘quations. hae Go 25 ) S45 =17 wowed he peor Tinian set Example Ong esto nh be he sintanous tes Solution: Method 1 Subtle y= Rint is = nn “The ction Kiem andy = 18 Method 2: 9xits6e (y= i64 Gun eS ra? Subae x= 12 a 4 cats ‘The solution is v= Land Using the clinination method, solve the simultaneous equations 2 ation a pag 22 eal sae Solving Simultaneous Li Substitution Method ‘sav, wal at ook thw we Cn sa pio smukancous eons ‘Sg te stinon mead tnt met fe ronan co oon son eines slinebr ra, est we nts epresion intr aon Sebtanan epaton nao mie ear Equations Using Worked ‘ Example Using the suttution method, solve the simultaneous see Ia -2ye 21, eee Solution: From), y=57~4s » rearange 2a expeess in en Sobetiote 1 nwo 76-2087 replace in 1) wth expression into . oasis} vohetheogaen en zp Subsite y= ino 3.925749) sue Hessian vn the epson lenin ym inking & Time in neo pint A al. Using the usin nthod sole the ninllaneons erations 1 a Emote 10 Solution: Betee7——0 from Subsite into ave EAE 96447 30) de BN 126 Salsas = ito ‘the sation f= Dancy = Using te sittin tod sole the sinlacons epions lyre # on at We dee She thio Betyeb mil ‘what sas rong Explain yur ans. Worked : eatin Solution: From tues Deed From 2 .Me=2bay-t hoyes Sebtiute ino Substitute Sinie 210266) The slong = 5a oxtorD 1 Using the dimination method, sol each af tho Using the elimination method, solve each ofthe follenting prs of sinshoneous erations following pars of simultaneous exutions, fy cesels res was UW) dredeas - ora ten 3s Bro 2vead wire a reser | Seedell Srate=o frases o sme Sioare23 doaes ee 4. Using the substution method, solve each ofthe @ ate @ 5-429 folosing pas of simultaneous equations th 5a=9 deaadeT etre? mh to yeah o 3 toes ae Hagel res HS heed Bea2ee29 5 ination mated solve each ofthe @) SHAAN ACHES IO following pairs of simultaneous equations deere wae? Te del) lore seat @ ee (hy Seeaee8 Medel? e331 Senta so42 6 overs @ Kove aesye7 mae me O ose? Roped Beye 10 | Using the elimination method, solve each of the folowing pase cmallaneons equations fceye0s th 2 s0e=8 85d) Ges Beas 1S Sear © cows oxtoRe, Using the liminatian metho, sole each ofthe folosng pas of simutnsout equations. a ee720 hy Wee2h- 3x0 Wheto Spnte-t7a0 Fo) See-200 dy Santee =O ee5r-6: Te=by-2080 (@2e-He0 — BeeSee8e0 ed M=0 dee Dy 0 7. Using the elimination method, solve each ofthe following pies of smtaneous uations, Using the sbtiution method, salve each of the folowing pais of simultaneous enuations @reSe12 hy ara sen2s fede fea s=9 foaerer vanes Bose Taira fe 2-$e225 ose? aeeted tomes Using the substation method solve each of he foloeing pi of smutaneous stone @ feye2e0 ote oxroun 10. Using liber the climiaation the substation method, solve each of the following pairs of simultaneous equations aes 1 isthe soltion ofthe sinatancous Swreqve find the value ofp and og. 12, iy=-LHandy=Sis the soln the simlancoes equations pees a teen find the value pando g 13. 4 computer animation shows 3 ea! avi in a Stag ine. ts height, 4 mete, above the sound. Js given hy As ~ n= -9, shove wis the te i seconds ater tstans meving Inthe sane animation. 8 mouse sbrtsto move at the sme ow asthe eat ded ite movernent is given hy "29+ Idk = 16, Find the height shove the ground and the ime when the cat meets the mouse Applications of Simultaneous Equations in Method 1 So SSeS me PPD-1« Teams of colee pieces toast Wo shall ike une we can Sle the pd hy wig he aga mobo Method Let the castor 1 cap ofcece he Sal ths cont piece at he Dyed = NG Sule v= Hin 2h St) +4) = 86 sr on6-s Cost oft eup ofc Cost of I piece eas = 00 Werke LD. seserrsemes linen Example 2 Fn the fo ume Solution: Letthesmler nner adhe eter sumber he (ye 2ea=70 as into Ne 64 38697 Subsite ‘The two nanbor ate 32 an 38 ap Ts « yu sve orkel Example 12 by using aly one variables? “The sum of two numbers i M6 and thee dfeence is 9. Fin the wo numba. 02° 2. One tied ofthe sum of two argh is 60" and ne quater of thee flan 2. The figure shows a retangle wit is longth and breath as indiate. Fin the perimeter of he rectangle ceryre pf S aren} |ecr2ien orien Worked 3 esinabcnamientsp ican Example ofa action, he alucabcinedis 2.11 isubaced from ts numerator and | from its denominator, the resulting value is Find the frecion. Solution: Lethe numerator ofthe fraction be x al its denominator hey; let the fraction be From), e+ 1)=20°42) Beaded seared 5 2 “the factionis 3. 11 sad the umerator ant he denominator a action the value obtained Save ston i641 Seatac fom names om omit te ein values Find action @ omer Example “wo years ago, Jun W's mother was tae ies a8 old as jun Wei Caleulate {0 Jun Wels presen 290 (the age of un Weis mosher when hewas bon, Solutio (Lettne present age ofan Wer's maser be yeas al tha Jun Wet be syeas. “Then wo yes ago, Jan Wee's mtr sas (2) yet ole at Jun Wei was (9-2) years ol. Poms Jun Vieis present age = 16 years 8) Subainte y= 16into 1: = 3(16)—4 Age of un We's masher when he wagon == 16 = 28 years 1. tn five yea tine, Kate's ater wll be themes as las Kate. For years go, Foe soe ber ater was sk times sold as et. Find hei resent aes as 2. To vist he non consenateras t Garden y the fay, 11 as ad chien fave to pay $280 wheres 14 adits and 9 chlden Rave top SK Find het amount ay 2 ats and 3 lees has tayo vst the wo onsets, : eT ome: @ We When the digits ofthe number are reverse! and the number is subracted tro the original numer, the west obtained is 18. Find the ial numer Solutio {Let the tens digit oF the original number be and it ones iit he ‘Ther the original aumber i 105+ the number ohiained! when the digs of the orga number ave eoversed is y Schone et oe From (2), Wore y= toy 18 Seng Ov wa tne Oy 918 te pened yeu == ive be 9 tenet eet i et te ‘A sort numbr i soc thatthe sum of ts digit LL When the digits of etme ean the numer ate reversal andthe number He subtracts eign nmi, the rest band 4 Fn! the exiginal number Exercise In each of he following questions formulae a pair af linear equations in two vnables to soe the problem. 1. Thesumoftwwnumbursis 1 Wandthee difrence 3, Abeta a wallet cost $42.7 els an wallets 1s 8, inl the te ours, Cont 213. Find the cont ofeach ie, 2, The difrence between two numbers is Wand 4. 8 Ag of potatoes and $ kp of carte cost $25 their sum is four tines the smaller number, whexeas 2 ky of pales and 3 kp wf aerate Hn he te mabe est 11.20. Find the cost of Thy ot cach tam, ‘Tw umber see ach that 7 sade othe est number. a number twice the second nue i Dotaned W 20 is added 4 the second muster, treAumber abianel is four tes heist name Fit the nwo numbers 6. Thesum oltsonumbers iss tthe sller nner isene ith lth ner numb, find he wo nas, 7. One fith of the sum of two angles i 2° aed hl ‘hei diferenceis 1. iad the two angles 18. The tgure shows am equilateral angle with it. sidos 35 indeatd,Fid the length of exch side of the triage, ODay cere em een 9, The figure shows a rectangle wit its length and Ihren ae indiate. Given that the perimeter of the retry 13m, ind the aren the rt Grsyem ex-3)em Gene 10, Thefigreshowsa horus wth sides init. ind the perms the figure eye Dem foe en em OXFORD 11.1014 state io the suns a om the denominator aa Faction, ho vale nin ie EH eared tots praatnadf ts dlsminatr the esuing vale is 2. Fn tho 12, The giant pandas Kai Kai and fia fia reside at the River Sf. The sam of thei ages when they fis arrived in Singapore in 2013 was M1 yoars. {In 2022, Kai Kai will he the tines a old 35 Jig fa wasin 2013, Fined heir age in 2014, 156 adults and 4 senior etzens have to pay S228 ‘while 1 adults and 7 senior citizen have to pay ‘ts9tovistan exon atthe AnScence Museu, Find the total amount 2 als ane senor tien hve o pay 0 vst the exi 14. Lixin intends to uy ether Gil A, hich costs S10, Git hich cuss, as Crstmaspitsiorcach a her parents, 2 slings. 13 relatives ad 10 end, Given that she intends 10 spend 523, find the numer of each gt she shoul buy. 15, There are come chickens and goat an a oem Given tht the animals have a tol of 8) heals and 140 legs, ow many mre chickens than pnts ace thee 16, Sat is vided enwoen Ethan and Michael such that one qunter of Ethos share is equal to sith of Michael's shoe, How much das ech of ‘ham receiser 17. Rai Feng cpt ttl of $25 in Bank A and Bank # atthe beyening of 2085. Bank A ane Bank 8 pay simple intrest 3 ates of DS aock 165% per arm respectively. He with all his money ftom the two hanks a he nd 20°3- {the amount of interest he eared rom ech hank isthe same, find the amount af money he deposited in cach bank 18, Two numhers aro such that when the lager number iscsi by the smalier umber, th the «inten and the remainder ate ex 10 2 I tive tines the smaller number is divided by: the larger number, both the quotient and the reminder ae aso uunlta2.Fedtho tan aves, [A tort oumber i suet thatthe sum of is digs fof he number. Whar the dg of the number are reversed andl the number is subtracted fom the original number, the sult ‘bvaine ie 4S Fin the erga number. 20, Raj has S10. he buys # pears al § mangos, he wil be shor of $1.10 he bas S peas ane 4 mangoes, he wil rceive $1.75 in change Fiche price of pea and mang (s (en) AL The equation of 9 straight line ist the form nu, hee the constant ms the gradient Aelia! he camsant the yntereept. Summary 2. The gradient ofa saght line i the measure of the fat of the vereal change (or ese 0 the horizontal change or 1 Geis ~ Gonzont change run W sre andy betsy each othe pvosinaltarenus equations into varia, than ym and v= bs Known 3 pluton of he heaton. 4A pir of simultaneous linear equations in we ‘atlas enn be sey = thogaphical method, + thoatimination method, + tnosubsttution method 21. Muixian’s mother buys some shares of Company en Day 0. On Day 7. te shave price of Conny $400, be sell ll Ber shares fof Company and buys 2000 shares of Company # an Day 7, she would receive $7400 {On Day 12, the share price of Company A is $9180 andthe shave price of Company # Is SDS les than that oo Day 7-H shesllsall hee shares ‘of Company A and buys 5000 shares of ‘Company 80a Oay 12, she out havet pay $800, Find (0 the uber of shires of Company A Muixan’s tthe hs (the share rice of Company # 00 Day 12 5. Thesoldion of paiaf simultaneous linear eqations iegivenby the cnelintesothepoin ofintenetion ‘of the rags of he te equations, 6. Apirofsimultancous lines equatins has aniline umber ofsolutins ihe rah ofthe wo epaions sree 7. A paie af simullanaous linear equations has 0 ‘olan the graphsothehsoequstions areal 1, Focmathematical anal problems that vole ‘Simultaneous equations weformuhte spare nese ‘equatens in to variables before solving th ‘kaon in the probes oxtoRn Review, ~~ the fom hf he falling ine graphs isn 2 The lg-down fae of tal is $n The tox charges Se foreach kilometers, Use the aphex Ain he val fo 0 Charges(8) Distance aveled on) {& Two mobile phone companies, and i, offer plans with alltime rate 35 shonin the ap. Charges s) a © owe (How mock ds Company A nang for 20 minutes tak (How auch des Company 8 charge for SO minutes of talk ie? (jar We uses les than Sih minutes of alte per month, which company ‘would be able to offer hem A eter rice? Explain your Gi) Which company hasa eater tate of merense n charges? Explain your answer, (Michael wants pay only fora tlk ime plan pr month ‘which company should he chose? Explain your answee 4. Consider the cation 20+ (@) Copy arel complete the tbl. ~ +]0]4 (©) On 2 shetof graph paper, esng a scale 2 cm to represent 1 nit the svanis and 1 em to eepeesent | unit on the sanis. daw the graph of erethedersd (6) The poin (2) ison he graph in by. Find he vale ofp. 1) @) Oninesame aes in), cea the graph of =-05 ) State the coordinates of the point of intersection of the graphs of 5. @) The varias and yane conte hy the equation $= 3+ 2, Some valves ‘of andthe comespondiog values of y ae given in the abl et [aTe Fit ihe value of pal fg 6) On a shee of raph paper, using a scale oft cm 4 represent | unit com both aes, daw the graph of St tee 2 or -$ 2-89. (6) Consider te equation fr 44s = 7, (6) Copy aud complete thet, On the same axes a, caw the graph of #427 for -$-< 9 <7, (6, Hence, soe the simultaneous equations Sx v= and Ae+ y=, 5. Soe each ofthe fallosng pie of nulls equations. (a) Feo 26= 10 ( Yerden8 S42 4c (© 25022? ()6r-F=16 dete ls Bestest a 0 Se-tyed "Tow numbers ve such thot if 1 added to the fist nae, a numer tice thesceond number i aba 20s added othe second numb, the number htnnod ses heft murah. Fant te mbes 18. The igure shows a paralelogram with ts sles as indcated. Find the prime ofthe pillar, (eee tem re ; Gem 9.161 nace fom the mamta 2 sai he demir of 2 fc the ae oie. 1 aed ois mart and 2 sumac fom ts desing wal Fd he facto, 10, A tori number such thatthe sum oft digas is 12 andthe ones cg {sti is tes dig Find the number {tn four yeas’ time, Khaicu's mother will he tree tis as old as Khair ‘Six yes ago, his mother wns seven times a8 od as him. Fd Khai’ presen age, i tho age of Khas maser when hewas horn 42:1 Shire gives $310 Piya hiya will ave wie a much ae Si. Priya gives 35 0 Shivey, Sle will have hice a¢ much as Priya. Hew much cos cach cofthem hier 43, A vendor buys 36 smonphones and tlle Computes for $28 068. Given that ‘a sranphore coss $895 anda tablet computer cess Sb find the number ‘of exch temthe vendor buys 14, 5 cups of ice-cream milk tea and 4 cups of ctton fea cost 2680 whereas 2 cupsof icecream nik andl Gcupsoctron te cost 3K Fad tedileence hte the cost of 1 cup of caer mien and t cup of eivon te 15. Vishal mixes ellce power that Coss $2.8 por kg with coffe ponder that costs $8.50 per kp. Given that he sold 20g ofthe mitre at $2.80 pe Such tht he does not make any profit oc incur any bss, find the mass of ‘ech ype of cofle power hat he uses forthe mur. 16, A motile company charges a fixed sate of « cents pee miu for the fst 0 minsesof talk ine and another ate cents per mt for ech additonal inate tale, Ethan paid S250 and $320 75 minutesand 210eninutes ‘ofa time on hvo diferent aecasions respective. Fd the amount he hast payit he oss la mints of ak time. Ina Mathematics fs, the average score ohained by Class 2A is 72 and the average soare eine by Css 2B i 75, The average score tained by the two classes is 714X. Given tha there a tocal of 75 stadents iy the hwo lates find fe numbe students in each lass. oxroen 3) Challenge, 1. Consider the simultaneous equations poses, R24 Determine th condtions that p and g mus sty the simultaneous xyutions have 40 an inte number of slutions, Ai) no solution, unique eolton i. only one solution 2. Solve the simultaneous equations 3 Two positive numbers are such thatthe sum of 11 times the squste 0° the fest ourer and 13 times the cube of the second number is 395, #218 |s subtracted from 26 times the cube of the second mumbo, the number ‘btniners 121 times the square ofthe fist number, Find he two mes 4 Some spiders, dragons and houslig are kept in thre spent enclosures They have a total of 20 heads, 136 legs and 19 pits of wings. Given that 8 spider has 8 legs and © pais of wings, 9 dragonfly has 6 legs ant 2 pats ‘of wings. and a housefly has 6 legs and I pai of ngs, find (6) the numberof per, {ithe numbor of ago, (idthe numberof houses. 5. A rooster coms $8 andl a hen cose $3. Chicks are soldat 3 for SI. A fare bought 100 bie ofthese thee types for $100. How many of each type of bie ie yt Hint Tete ae tee posible set of answers. Expansion and Factorisation of Quadratic Expressions ‘Ateacrer 28 stunts hears of rectangle (+ K+ 2h anaits thaw to factorse quacat expressions, you ibe ale to ear how the stud arr ats ane Chapter Three Recap (Algebraic Expressions) tn Book 1, we hve lent that an algebra exprein isan expression hat Coif alge terms dpeatony ais, or track Anaae xpos 0 equal ‘We have aso Faun that i the agebre expression 3x5, shew ae: + tems 3-5 # variable: #1 constant tm: -S ‘The coaficient of is 3 “The algebraic expression cS isan exampleota linear expression o te fxm far Phere x the only variable, ane ane Bare const ‘Now, we shall lea howto manipulte quadratic expressions in one sarible “The general orm of 3 quadeatic expression none vardleisae’ + bee where Stethe vase, band eae Contant anda #0. Representation of Quadratic Expressions tn Bock, we ave ant ta an al dics 0 ees fron back ® e front back Simian, for an alga dise where ne sideshows the variable the othr sid will how. ® front bck To oan the negative of «, weflip she dis with # shown: Qatar ‘eae ‘To obtain the oegaive of efi So ae copie We put nodes an! together, ne will get a ze pai: Ox Fee © cassers : Ove Exei ostonn, We use nee @ elses to represen OOO wervere We ie tee iss a represent “Ae WE Be KUIEL ~ To obtain the negative of 3.0. (4, we flip te three discs a8 show: @@0 oo oe ee Be) “oon the negative of-2e be. (0, we phe thee asa shown eve P+ OOO reyes ‘changes ‘What happens if we pu thee Dales and thre “dss together? O- ® ae eeae=0 Ow We wil get 20 as wecan abe use alge discs to represe quadkatic expressions Example:20 403 OOO AD wey sere eccnseneen Example:-20°= 4-41 OP ae et tecerreascort ‘What tthe quadratic expression represented ty Gi @) GQ 1 1? # Addition and Subtraction of Quadratic Expressions ‘We will show how cat out addition and subtraction of qudaticenpressons sing algebra ccs, ‘ramples 4 420° ©2000 ao DOOOOO Thais 262 oxtoxn sample te 41-20), @ ® 2 ® e @ O22 lo Same ia ers Thera, he = 20 = Example: 40-26-40) 4442 20 ae 2@0 +@6 eo ~QN@L = DED “AP 2430442 pa aetst2 ov ined — wins? Theron, te 20 CHI]e ee 2= eRe 204/42 up heres) he tte at hve eee Deccan Simpliy each of the following expressions by using algebra discs. Alematively you may visit biip/ syStalentResources! to access the AlgeTonl software Co to aged siQuadatic Expeesions Activity 1) @ ee ) tes (26) (@ 40-28 av (263-841 SEFC (24 © owes : owsoes Negative of a Quadratic Expression | Book 1, 6 have lent how to fine the negative of i 664224 =2, sig aa ccs

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