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Thanks for writing to me Lee, I was born in Italy and moved to the US with my Folks

when i was 16. Join the military when I was 21 move been a Special Ops at 23. I
work for an Elite branch of the Army and i am currently stationed in Afghanistan. I
have been here for 8 months and my tour will be over in 4 months. I also plan on
retiring at the end of my tour as i want to have time for myself and love again.
I'm seeking a happy, healthy, loving relationship, full of passion, play, and
contentment with a beautiful woman whom I adore and respect. I don't 'date around'
and would prefer to find one special person to spend my life with. I'm determined
to find the right woman for me, but I dearly miss the intimacy, sharing, support,
and companionship that two people can give to each other. Looking for that woman
that makes our home a great place to be. I am looking for that last call of the
day, for that special someone to say goodnight to, and rest in the security that
our love will grow stronger the next day, and the day after that, and the day after
that, and i am looking for the right lady who I'm willing to spend the rest of my
life with... I'm looking for a friend, a lover, and hopefully a lifetime partner,
and someone who is curious about everything, likes to explore and try new things. I
want someone who is layed back and doesn't need to go out to a club every weekend.
I'd like to find a cuddler, a weekend window shopper, and someone who enjoys the
outdoors as well as a quiet evening in. I would like to meet someone who is caring,
fun,and wants to try new things. Fun can be in the snow, on the beach hiking in the
mountains, or traveling. Hmm yeah where do I call home Long Beach California.

I like to cook. I am a good cook. That comes from having an Italian mom and growing
up there. I like almost all genre of music depending on my mood. My favorite is
"making love out of nothing at all by Air Supply", I could maybe pick my favorite
song by different artist. "When you you say nothing at all" Keith Whitley...but I
also love "I'm no stranger to the rain" but "Memories" Barbara Streisand

I'm not into games and hope for the same in a potential mate that we will be
relating to each other with tender love and emotional nurturing in the future.
Enjoying the gift of Life... By celebrating one another in words, deeds, and
contented smiles. I enjoy best the simple pleasures of life. I am a confident,
articulate, educated, successful professional that is seeking an exceptional
partner in life. I am good looking, adventurous and a romantic individual that
enjoys walking out, music, movies, laughter, dining out and spontaneous travel.

I want a woman that I can trust without question and who can trust me the same,
love me for me and I will Love her for who she is. A woman who will love me from
the bottom of her heart, Someone that we would be like two vases of water poured
into one larger and more beautiful vase, in which we would be one. Holding each
other, breathing in each other, tasting each other as we watch the sun rise and set
in each others arms. Laughing, crying, singing, praying, going to Church together,
playing, working together to make life fun and safe for each other, and most
especially someone that will fill that vacuum in my heart infinitely. Tell me about
you and what you are looking for in a man of your dreams?? Here are a few more
questions for you, and would love to develop a heart to heart relationship with you
but we can be friends that's fine with me.

1. What do you for fun?

2. What are some of your inexpensive gift to give?
3. What are your favorite meals and seafood's?
4. Whats your favorite color?
5. Do you love flowers and which is your favorite?
6. What are your favorite movies?
7. What are your favorite songs you love to listen to?
8. What are your expectations in a relationship?
9. What are your greatest fear in a relationship?
10. Do you believe in destiny?
11. Lee you are a beautiful woman.. Love your photo on the site please tell me why
would a beautiful woman like you be single??
12. Coffee or tea?
13. Night owl or morning riser?
14. Fairs or restaurants? Do you believe true love can happen online?
15. How long have you been on the site precisely ?? what are your experience
16. Could you share some photos

Till i hear from you be safe

Sorry for my lengthy message Lols


I am looking forward to meeting someone that is thoughtful and kind and I admire
integrity and honesty.

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