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J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod 50 (2021) 102208

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Original article

Role of ultrasonographic parameters for predicting tubal involvement in

infertile patients affected by endometriosis: A retrospective cohort study
Anna Katarzyna Stepniewskaa,*, Roberto Clariziaa, Paola De Mitria, Anna Pescib, Carlotta Zorzia,
Mara Albanesea, Giamberto Trivellaa, Massimo Guerrieroc,d, Francesco Paolo Improdae,
Marcello Ceccaronia
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gynecology Oncology and Minimally-Invasive Pelvic Surgery, International School of Surgical Anatomy (ISSA), IRCCS
Ospedale Sacro Cuore - Don Calabria, Via Don A. Sempreboni, 5, 37024 Negrar (Verona), Italy
Department of Human Pathology, IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore − Don Calabria, Via Don A. Sempreboni 5, 37024 Negrar (Verona), Italy
Department of Cultures and Civilizations, Unversity of Verona, Verona, Italy
Clinical Research Unit, IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore - Don Calabria, Via Don A. Sempreboni, 5, 37024 Negrar (Verona), Italy
University of Naples Federico II, Department of Neuroscience, Reproductive Sciences and Dentistry, Naples, Italy


Article History: Introduction: Transvaginal ultrasound is fundamental for the mapping of endometriosis, and the imaging cri-
Received 15 June 2021 teria have been clearly described for different organs study. However, no specific ultrasonographic signs of
Revised 26 July 2021 tubal endometriosis have been reported, with the exception of hydrosalpinx, which is the expression of an
Accepted 16 August 2021
extreme tubal damage and obstruction. The detection of tubal pathology in infertile patients is fundamental,
Available online 18 August 2021
therefore the aim of the study was to evaluate incidence of tubal endometriosis in infertile patients, and to
Keywords: analyze ultrasonographic signs useful for detection of this condition.
Endometriosis Material and methods: It is a single-center, retrospective cohort study. All 500 consecutive infertile women
Fallopian tubes who underwent laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis were included. The preoperative workup included
Laparoscopy transvaginal ultrasound and was compared to intraoperative findings and histologic study.
Infertility Results: The incidence of tubal endometriosis in our study was 8%. Using hydrosalpinx as the ultrasono-
Salpingectomy graphic marker for tubal involvement the overall pooled, sensitivity and specificity of TVU were 12% (95%CI,
5−23%) and 99% (95%CI, 98−100%), respectively.
If at least one ultrasonographic parameter like hydrosalpinx, periadnexal adhesions or ovarian cyst was con-
sidered as a sign of tubal endometriosis, a sensitivity, VPN and specificity were 94% (95% IC, 85−98%), 97%
(95%IC, 93−99%) and 31% (95%CI, 27−36%), respectively.
Discussion: Hydrosalpinx as ultrasonographic sign alone is characterized by a high specificity but low sensi-
tivity for detection of tubal endometriosis; its sensitivity can be improved by the addition of other markers
such as endometrioma and/or periadnexal adhesions.
© 2021 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

Introduction According to a widely accepted theory of retrograde menstruation

[1], the fallopian tube plays a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of
Endometriosis is a chronic disease of women in the reproductive endometriosis. However, even if the retrograde menstruation blood
age, characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue implants flowing through the fallopian tube gives origin to different endome-
outside the uterus. triosis sites, tubal involvement is present only in a few number of
Transvaginal ultrasound is fundamental for the mapping of endo-
Abbreviations: TVU, Transvaginal ultrasound scan; VAS, Visual analogue scale metriosis, and it is characterized by a high sensibility and specificity
Institution at which the work was carried out: Department of Obstetrics and for the detection of lesions affecting different organs such as the ova-
Gynecology, Gynecology Oncology and Minimally-Invasive Pelvic Surgery, Interna- ries, bladder, rectosigmoid tract, vaginal wall, ureters, and the imag-
tional School of Surgical Anatomy (ISSA), IRCCS Ospedale Sacro Cuore - Don Calabria,
ing criteria have been clearly described for this purpose [2].
Via Don A. Sempreboni, 5, 37024 Negrar (Verona), Italy
* Corresponding author at: Via Rondinella 108, 37015, Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella However, actually no specific ultrasonographic signs suggestive
(Verona), Italy. for tubal endometriosis have been evaluated, with the exception of
E-mail addresses:, hydrosalpinx, haematosalpinx or sactosalpinx [3]. In these cases, a
(A.K. Stepniewska).
2468-7847/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
A.K. Stepniewska, R. Clarizia, P. De Mitri et al. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 50 (2021) 102208

fluid filled distended structure is observed as the expression of an In the present study, in line with other reports [16], the definition
extreme tubal damage and obstruction, which implicate an indication of tubal endometriosis consisted of a clear macroscopic tubal damage
to tubal removal, to enhance the pregnancy rate [4]. Therefore, the due to tubal wall infiltration by endometriosis confirmed on histol-
detection of tubal pathology in infertile patients is fundamental [5]. ogy. All endometriotic implants or deep nodules, present on the sur-
In a recent study, performed on a heterogeneous population of face of the tube, which were removed without salpingectomy, were
patients who underwent salpingectomy for different gynecological not considered for this purpose.
pathologies, the diagnosis of tubal endometriosis was more fre- The primary outcomes of the study were to evaluate incidence of
quently reported in patients who presented endometrioma during tubal endometriosis in patients with endometriosis-related infertility
surgery [6]. Another possible marker of endometriosis in the adnexal and to analyze sensitivity and specificity of hydrosalpinx as an ultra-
region, could be represented by periadnexal adhesions, which can be sonographic marker of tubal endometriosis.
suspected on ultrasonographic study [1,7,8]. The secondary outcome was to analyze whether the addition of
Therefore, we wanted to focus attention on women with endome- other ultrasonographic markers such as ipsilateral endometrioma
triosis-associated infertility and the aim of the present study was to and/or periadnexal adhesions may be useful to enhance the sensibil-
assess the prevalence of tubal endometriosis in this selected popula- ity and specificity for the detection of tubal endometriosis.
tion and to analyze ultrasonographic signs useful for the detection of IRB approval was not required as the clinical management rou-
tubal endometriosis. tinely performed in our center was not influenced by the study.

Statistical analysis
Continuous variables were expressed as mean and standard devi-
This was a retrospective cohort study conducted at a single center ation or median and interquartile range for the asymmetric variables.
in Italy, referral center for endometriosis (Sacred Heart Hospital− Categorical variables were expressed by their frequencies distribu-
Negrar, Italy). All consecutive infertile women, who underwent lapa- tion.
roscopic surgery for endometriosis, from within 5 years were For detection of tubal pathology, the overall pooled sensitivity,
included in this study. Patients who underwent surgery because of specificity, positive predictive value (VPP) and negative predictive
signs of acute PID associated to endometriosis were not included, to value (VPN) of ultrasound was determined for different ultrasono-
avoid a possible bias related to the presence of acute tubal pathology. graphic aspects like the presence of hydrosalpinx (which included
All women underwent detailed transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) diagnosis of hydrosalpinx, sactosalpinx and hematosalpinx), ovarian
scan in ten days before surgery. TVU examinations were performed cyst or periadnexal adhesions on the preoperative ultrasound.
by gynecologists with a high level of expertise in gynecologic sonog- Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and the related areas
raphy (range, 15 − 40 years). In our institution, TVU protocol is stan- under the curve were calculated. A p-value less than 5% was consid-
dardized and performed as previously reported [9], and in line with ered to be statistical significant.
international recommendations [2]. Preoperative study on TVU Statistical analysis was performed by STATA vers.15 (StataCorp
included an accurate study for the presence of hard and soft markers LLC, 4905 Lakeway Drive, College Station, Texas 77845, USA).
of endometriosis and examination of the uterus, adnexa, anterior and
posterior compartment, according to steps previously described by Results
other authors [2,7,10-12].
The sonographic characteristics of endometriomas were described 500 infertile women who underwent laparoscopic surgery for
using the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis terminology [2,13]. endometriosis were analyzed.
Ovarian mobility on ultrasound was verified by a bimanual approach, The characteristics of patients are reported in Table 1. The mean
with a combination of gentle pressure with the probe in the posterior age in the group was 33 years old (range 22 to 42). The mean
vaginal fornix and abdominal pressure with the examiner’s free
hand, and lateral and medial sliding sign of ovary was verified. Peri- Table 1
adnexal adhesions to the surrounding structures were suspected if Characteristics of 500 patients included in the study and intraoperative findings dur-
ing laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis.
lateral or medial sliding sign was reduced or absent. Other signs con-
sidered suspected for the presence of periadnexal adhesions were: Age: mean (range) 33 years (range 22−42)
loculated peritoneal fluid adherent to the ovary, signs of periadnexal Duration of infertility: median (range) 31 months (range 14
peritoneal psedocys, and “kissing ovaries” [2,7,10]. to 100)
Previous surgery for endometriosis: 165 patients (33%), 75
The study of the fallopian tubes included examination in the number (percentage) cases in laparotomy
adnexal region for signs of hydrosalpinx, hematosalpinx or sactosal- and 146 cases in
pinx [11]. If a fallopian tube was not visualized on ultrasound, it was laparoscopy
considered normal. If any dilatation of the tube was detected, the More than one previous surgery for endometriosis 76 patients (15%)
(from 2 to 5 previous surgeries)
presence of adhesions to the surrounding organs was evaluated with
Severe dysmenorrhea (VAS score ≥7) 281 patients (56%)
the bimanual ultrasonographic approach. Severe dyspareunia (VAS score ≥7) 110 patients (22%)
No preoperative hormonal therapy was given for at least four Severe dyschezia (VAS score ≥7) 99 patients (20%)
months before surgery. Severe chronic pelvic pain (VAS score ≥7) 82 patients (16%)
Preoperative evaluation included a detailed personal history and I stage r-ASRM (minimal endometriosis) 79 patients (16%)
II stage r-ASRM (mild endometriosis) 55 patients (11%)
an assessment of pain using a visual analogue scale (VAS; 10-point III stage r-ASRM (moderate endometriosis) 100 patients (20%)
rating scale: 0=absent, 10=unbearable) for four components of endo- IV stage r-ASRM (severe endometriosis) 226 patients (45%)
metriosis-related pain: dysmenorrhea, non-menstrual pelvic pain, Bowel endometriosis: number (percentage) 175 (35%)
dyspareunia and dyschezia. Bladder endometriosis: number (percentage) 14 (3%)
Right ovary endometriomas: number (percentage) 172 (34%)
Surgical procedures were performed laparoscopically by surgeons
Left ovary endometriomas: number (percentage) 192 (38%)
with extensive experience in laparoscopic surgery for deep endome- Douglas nodule: number (percentage) 81 (16%)
triosis (range, 10−25 years) [14-16]. Periadnexal adhesions: number (percentage) 180 (36%) on the right,
Evaluation of endometriosis localization was based on surgical 180 (36%) on the
description and successive histology. left side

A.K. Stepniewska, R. Clarizia, P. De Mitri et al. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 50 (2021) 102208

Table 2
Tubal pathology in the study: previous surgery and intraoperative findings on the right and left tube in a population of 500 patients, preoperative ultrasound of adnexa in 42
patients who underwent salpingectomy and histological findings in 44 tubes removed during surgery.

Previous surgery and intraoperative aspects of adnexa in 500 women Right Side: N° (percentage) Left Side: N° (percentage) Together: N° (percentage)

Previous adnexectomy 10 (2%) 15 (3%) 25 (5%)

Previous salpingectomy 2 (<1%) 0 (0%) 2 (<1%)
Salpingectomy performed during surgery in the study 5 (1%) 39 (8%) 42 (8%) y
Tube with occlusion but apparently normal aspect 1 (<1%) 5 (1%) 6 (1%)
Completely retroperitoneal adnexa 8 (2%) 12 (2%) 20 (4%)
Tubes with suspected aspect on surgery, not removed 14 (3%) 10 (2%) 24 (5%)

Preoperative ultrasound in 42 patients who underwent salpingectomyy

Ultrasonographic aspect of adnexa on the side of the tube removed Number (percentage)y

Endometrioma on the same side 17 (40%)

Endometrioma and suspect of adhesions 8 (19%)
Periadnexal adhesions 4 (10%)
Hydrosalpinx (in 2 patients bilateral) 8 (19%)
Not suspected 5 (12%)

Histology in 44 tubes removed y

Histology of the fallopian tube Number (percentage)

Total number of tubes infiltrated by endometriosis 40 (91%)

Endometriosis of the left tube only 33 (75%)
Endometriosis of the right tube only 3 (7%)
Endometriosis of both tubes y 2 (5%)
Chronic inflammation 2 (5%)
Salpingitis isthmica nodosa 2 (5%)
in two patients a bilateral salpingectomy was performed.

duration of preoperative infertility was 31 months (range 14 to 100 (involving more than 1/3 of ovary or the tube) in our group was 36%
months). 165 of the included women, already underwent prior sur- for both sides (180 cases), endometriomas were present in 38% of
gery for endometriosis. Among them, 75 women underwent more patients (192) on the left ovary, and in 34% (172) on the right.
than one surgery in the past (range 2 to 5 previous surgeries).
More than half of women involved in the study (56%, 281
patients) reported severe dysmenorrea (VAS score ≥7), while severe Ultrasonographic findings
dyspareunia (VAS score ≥7) and severe dyschezia (VAS score ≥7)
were recorded in 110 (22%) and 99 (20%) patients, respectively. Among 42 women who underwent salpingectomy, only eight
25 (5%) women underwent adnexectomy during previous surgery (19% of all women who underwent salpingectomy, 50% of 16 women
(10 on the right side, 15 on the left side), 2 women (<1%) underwent with hydrosalpinx or hematosalpinx), presented an image which was
a salpingectomy in the past, both on the right side (Table 2). suspected for hydrosalpinx (2 patients) or hematosalpinx (6 patients)
on the preoperative ultrasound (Table 2), in two of them the pathol-
Intraoperative findings ogy was present in both tubes.
In 25 (60% of 42 patients who underwent salpingectomy) cases, an
On the day of surgery, 82 women presented menstrual bleeding, endometriotic cyst was present on the side of the affected tube, mak-
so they did not undergo the dye test. Among the remaining 418 ing the diagnosis more difficult. In eight patients (19% of 42 women),
women, 289 (69%) presented bilateral tubal patency, only one tube pericystic adhesions were suspected on the ultrasound. In four
was open in 98 (23%) of them and bilateral tubal occlusion or absence patients (10%), the adhesions were the only suspect of adnexal
of tubes was reported in 31 (7%) patients. Salpingectomy was per-
formed in 42 (8%) patients, two of them underwent a bilateral salpin-
Among 42 of our patients who underwent salpingectomy, the
removed tube had the clear intraoperative aspect of hydrosalpinx
(Fig. 1) in eight cases (in two of them-bilateral) and a monolateral
hematosalpinx in six cases. In 28 patients, the fallopian tube after
removal of adhesions presented a significant thickening of the tubal
wall (Fig. 2) and absence of the fimbrial tract with the impression of
important organ damage, even if the tube was not completely
occluded or dilated by fluid accumulated inside of it. On palpation
with laparoscopic forceps, a hard consistence of the tubal wall was
noticed, and the color was whitened like some other infiltrating
endometriosis nodules, giving the impression of tubal wall infiltra-
tion by endometriotic or fibrotic tissue and low functional capacity of
the organ. Other sites of endometriosis present during surgery, and
those confirmed on histology, are reported in Table 1.
Fig. 1. Intraoperative findings of bilateral tubal endometriosis before salpingectomy.
In the study population, bowel endometriosis was present in 175 Bilateral hydrosalpinges with severe adhesions, irregular and thick wall, dilated and
(35%) women. While the incidence of periadnexal adhesions tortuous salpinges with distal occlusion.

A.K. Stepniewska, R. Clarizia, P. De Mitri et al. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 50 (2021) 102208

were present causing the thickening of the tubal wall. The macro-
scopic aspect did not allow for distinction of which layer of the tube
was infiltrated by endometriosis.
For the analysis of tubal endometriosis in the present study we
did not consider superficial endometriosis on tubal sierosa treated by
coagulation or endometriotic peritubaric nodules of endometriosis
removed during surgery without tubal damage.


Ultrasound has been shown as a useful diagnostic tool in the sus-

pect of tubal endometriosis, with a high specificity, VPP and VPN for
detection of hydrosalpinx; however this marker was characterized
by low sensibility. Its’ sensibility could be improved with the simulta-
neous consideration of an endometrioma or pelvic adhesions or both.
The population of patients included in our study was affected by a
recurrent and aggressive disease, as one-third of them (165 women,
Fig. 2. Intraoperative findings of the left tube endometriosis (confirmed on histological 33%) have already been operated on for endometriosis in the past,
examination and not suspected on preoperative study). After adhesiolysis, thickening
of the tubal wall in the proximal tract is evident.
and 76 (15%) underwent already more than one operation. Infact, 27
women already underwent salpingectomy or adnexectomy during a
previous surgery. If we exclude them from analysis, the percentage of
tubal endometriosis in our population was 8%. In some cases, how-
ever, the patient did not give the informed consent for salpingec-
pathology on the ultrasound, and in five (12%) cases, no adnexal tomy. In fact, in 24 (5%) cases, even if its’ aspect was questionable, the
pathology was detected in the preoperative study. For the detection tube was not removed. If we consider the same incidence of tubal
of tubal alteration in endometriosis-associated infertility in the over- infiltration by endometriosis in these cases, as in other tubes
all pooled, sensitivity and specificity of TVU were 12% (95%CI, 5−23%) removed, the possible incidence of tubal endometriosis in the ana-
and 99% (95%CI, 98−100%), respectively, using the presence of hydro- lyzed population could be as high as 13%. In the present study, super-
salpinx as a parameter. The overall pooled sensibility, specificity, VPP ficial endometriosis on tubal sierosa and nodules of endometriosis
and VPN of different ultrasonographic parameters like the presence removed during surgery without tubal damage were excluded from
of hydrosalpinx, ovarian cyst, periadnexal adhesions, for the detec- the analysis of tubal endometriosis.
tion of tubal alterations are reported in the Table 3. If the presence of Tubes may be affected by endometriosis in two main ways:
at least one ultrasonographic parameter (adnexal alterations) like serose-subserose (from the outside) and intraluminal (from the
hydrosalpinx or periadnexal adhesions or ovarian cyst was consid- inside) [17-21]. In our series, tubal endometriosis was present in 8%
ered as a ultrasonographic sign of possible tubal involvement, a sen- of infertile patients with endometriosis. The affected tube may pres-
sitivity equal to 94% (95% IC, 85−98%) and VPN equal to 97% (95%IC, ent as hydro or hematosalpinx and may take part of a complex mass
93−99%) were obtained. Specificity and VPP for the presence of any together with endometriotic cysts or peritoneal nodules (Figs. 1, 2, 3).
ultrasonographic parameter (adnexal alterations) were 31% (95%CI, In fact, only in 15% of our cases the tubal damage evidenced during
27−36%) and 17% (95%CI, 13−21%), respectively, with a ROC area of surgery was related to the image of hydro or hematosalpinx evi-
62%. denced on the preoperative ultrasound. In some cases, there was evi-
dence of adjacent ovarian endometrioma or suspect of adhesions,
Histologic aspects while in 29 cases (43% of study group) of 68 tubes with intraoperative
aspect with significant damage (together 44 tubes removed and 24
In the study group, in most cases (91%) histological examination not removed), the preoperative ultrasonographic study was not sus-
reported tubal infiltration by endometriosis (Fig. 3), in 40 of 44 tubes pected for tubal pathology. However, when the fallopian tube was
removed (Table 2). Other histologic findings on the removed speci- damaged on macroscopic intraoperative inspection, the main reason
mens were chronic inflammation (2 cases, 5%) and salpingitis isth- for the alteration in our study was endometriotic infiltration on his-
mica nodosa (other 2 cases, 5%). Most frequently, the left tube was tology (40 of 44 tubes, 91%), and in most cases (60%) it involved the
infiltrated by endometriosis (35 cases, 83% versus five cases, 11%, muscularis layer and this may be related to the possible serose-sub-
p<0.05). In 24 (60%) of 40 tubes with endometriosis, the disease infil- serose way of tubal infiltration.
trated the muscularis layer, in four cases (10%) it infiltrated serosa The diagnosis of “tubal endometriosis” on pathology is complex as
and fimbrial tract, and 12 (30%) cases, multiple localizations on serosa different inflammatory and reactive changes may influence the

Table 3
Different ultrasonographic aspects of adnexa as a preoperative marker of tubal involvement by endometriosis: sensibility, specificity, positive and negative predictive value.

Parameter ROC SENS IC95% - SENS SPEC IC95% - SPEC VP+ IC95% - VP+ VP- IC95% - VP-

hydrosalpinx 0,557 12,1 5,4 22,5 99,3 98,0 99,9 72,7 39,0 94,0 88,1 84,9 90,9
endometrioma 0,602 78,8 67,0 87,9 41,7 37,0 46,5 17,0 13,0 21,7 92,8 88,2 96,0
periadnexal adhesions 0,684 90,9 81,3 96,6 45,9 41,1 50,7 20,3 15,9 25,4 97,1 93,7 98,9
hydrosalpinx or adhesions 0,691 92,4 83,2 97,5 45,9 41,1 50,7 20,6 16,1 25,7 97,5 94,4 99,2
hydrosalpinx or adhesions 0,623 83,3 72,1 91,4 41,2 36,6 46,0 17,7 13,7 22,5 94,2 89,9 97,1
endometrioma or adhesions 0,617 95,5 87,3 99,1 27,9 23,7 32,4 16,8 13,1 20,9 97,6 93,1 99,5
any of above (adnexal alterations) 0,624 93,9 85,2 98,3 30,9 26,6 35,5 17,1 13,4 21,4 97,1 92,7 99,2

A.K. Stepniewska, R. Clarizia, P. De Mitri et al. Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction 50 (2021) 102208

Fig. 3. A-cross section of the tube involved by endometriosis. Multiple foci are present involving the serosa and wall. B-C: H&E endometrial glands and stromal component are pres-
ent the latter one highlighted by CD10 immunostatin.

histologic aspect [22]. Therefore, all histologic findings in our study In conclusion, even if hydrosalpinx diagnosed on preoperative
may be compatible with endometriosis-induced tubal pathology. ultrasound is actually considered the only indication for salpingec-
A higher prevalence of the left-side tubal infiltration by endome- tomy, among women with endometriosis it is insufficient alone for
triosis in our patients is in line with the data of other studies [19]. detection of all patients who present tubal infiltration by the disease.
The prevalence of hydrosalpinx in tubal pathology among infertile Tubal endometriosis was not a frequent finding, however if intra-
women, based on ultrasound, has been reported in the literature to operative aspect of the tube was suspected, histology confirmed
be about 15%, while the incidence based on tubal evaluation during endometriotic infiltration in quite all cases.
hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy or laparotomy is even as high as Ultrasonographic signs suspected for tubal endometriosis should
30% [23,25]. include the presence of at least one of markers such as hydrosalpinx,
Two meta-analyses [25,26] demonstrated that the presence of an endometrioma or periadnexal adhesions, therefore infertile patients
hydrosalpinx is associated with a lower implantation, pregnancy and who present any of them should be informed that during surgery
delivery rate, and a higher incidence of spontaneous miscarriage after important tubal damage may be diagnosed and salpingectomy could
IVF. The possible mechanisms include embryo toxic proprieties of the be indicated.
fluid, altered endometrial receptivity and mechanical hindrance
(with dysregulated epithelial barrier function and altered endome- Declaration of Competing Interest
trial peristalsis) [27]. The meta-analysis of four surgical trials demon-
strated that the average pregnancy rate was 21,7% higher if The authors declare that they wave no conflicts of interest and
salpingectomy was performed prior to IVF [28]. Therefore, the pres- nothing to disclose.
ence of hydrosalpinx in women considering IVF treatment is an indi-
cation for surgical treatment [4].
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