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“Training and Development at 1T9 Technology”


Submitted in partial fulfilment of requirement for the

award of the degree of BBA of Sri Sri University, Cuttack



Under Guidance of:


Faculty of Management Studies (UG)

Sri Sri University
Sri Sri Vihar, Ward No.-3, GodiSahi
Cuttack – 754004
1.1 Need for the Study
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Scope of Study
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Limitations of the Study
2. Review of Literature
2.1 Importance of Training
2.2 Need of Training
2.3 Training Methods
2.3.1 On the Job Methods
2.3.2 Off the Job Methods
2.4 Need of training in 1T9 Technology


Introduction to Study:
Investing in training and development is essential for organizations to succeed and for
employees to have positive work experiences. Training and development is a process of
helping employees learn and grow, both personally and professionally. It is an essential part
of human resources management, as it can improve individual and group performance,
leading to a more successful organization.
Training is often thought of as a way to teach employees new skills or knowledge, but it can
also be used to help them develop their existing skills and abilities. It can also be used to help
employees grow as individuals, by helping them to develop their self-awareness,
communication skills, and problem-solving skills.
Well-trained and developed employees are a valuable asset to any organization. They are
more productive, more engaged, and more likely to stay with the company. They are also
more likely to be innovative and creative, and to provide excellent customer service

Need of the Study:

To provide training schedules to staff and other workmen. As such the economics and cultural
attitudes of the people differ from one region to the other. There is a need for regional level studies
and demands especially for raw materials.
There is a need for conducting training due to the following reasons:
● To prevent obsolescence.
● To prepare employees for higher level tasks.
● To ensure smooth and efficient working of a department.
● To ensure economic output of required quality.
● To prepare the employee both new and old to meet the present as well as changing
requirements of job and the organization.

Objectives of the study:

● To study the difference kinds of training methods adopted in the organization

● To know the performance level of employees after training
● To understand the guidance given by trainers while training.
● To identify the training methods given for employees.
Scope of the Study:
This study will bring out the perception of employees towards their training programs. It is
confined to the feelings of employees and it analyses the factors needed to be improved in
order to get maximum satisfaction in their training programs.
The study focuses on employee training in organization. A training needs analysis (TNA) is
the process of identifying the areas where both individuals and groups in an organization it
would benefit from training in order to become more effective at achieving their own
objectives and the objectives of the organizations.

Research Methodology:


Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research is defined as a "Scientific and

systematic search for information on a specific topic". The purpose of research is to
discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedure


The data used for analysis & interpretation is received from the responses of employees for
the questionnaire. Comparison of response is used for interpreting the data the project is
presented by using pie charts with their interpretation. A survey is undertaken to know the
facts about the training Data collection sources:

● Primary data: The primary data is collected through questionnaire which would be
used as schedules involving mostly few questionnaires given directly to the target
sample and taken back on response.

● Secondary data: International, National Articles, publications and books are taken
as secondary source to identify the gap.

Limitations of the Study:

● The study is done in only one organization hence it cannot be generalized to the
whole industry.
● The study is limited to 1T9 limited only.
● The busy schedule of officials restricted me to collect the complete information about
● The accuracy of the study was based on the information given by the respondents.
● The study is limited of Human Resource Department only.
Review of literature
● Formal training programs are an efficient means of imparting the organization's
beliefs and aims to a large number of individuals at once (Shen, 2006: Harzing, 2004).
At all levels of management, appropriate training can help them acquire the
competencies needed to manage organizational change in any type of corporate
setting (Stewart, 1996; John, 2000). Training helps foster a sense of shared values
among employees in international corporations and makes it easier for headquarters
and branches to establish networks.

● According to Heimigel et al. (2001), employee training boosts productivity in an

organization by improving job performance, making better use of human resources,
helping to meet goals and objectives more successfully, lowering costs from lower
labour turnover, reducing errors, accidents, and absenteeism, and increasing the
ability and mobility of the workforce while retaining current employees. Similar to
this, Echard and Berge (2008) claimed that efficient training methods can yield major
economic benefits, particularly in the areas of product development, customer service,
and the ability to pick up new skills. Many organizations now have the necessary
competitive edge in today's global market because to this connection between training
and company strategy. Furthermore, according to Echard and Berge (2008), efficient
training and development enhances the personnel, business culture, and final product
(Huang, 2001) ...the preservation of a business firm's competitive advantage in a
global economy is seen to need an educated and skilled personnel.

● The training and development procedures of Human Resource Management (HRM)

lead to the improvement of employee skills, knowledge, and ability. This, in turn,
improves individual task performance and ultimately boosts organizational
productivity (Huselid 1995). While (Asgarkhani, 2003) contends that the success of
training is dependent upon the efficacy of performance planning and measuring,
Wood (1999) contends that HRM practices are universal across organizations or
whether the effectiveness of human resources management is contingent upon factors.
In actuality, process classification, method selection among suggested options, and
delivery are the three core components of this methodology

● We could also take a closer look at Shandratilek (1997) and Dessler (2005), who
highlighted the fact that having top-notch staff gives an organization a competitive
edge over others, even in the same industry, and that a major barrier to such
organizations taking significant concrete steps to organize training programs is a lack
of expertise. The performance management process reflects the outcomes of training
programs that are correctly implemented. Employers use this integrated procedure to
ensure that workers are making progress toward organizational objectives

● Lee Li, and Chin (2008) The training and development process is an ongoing one.
Training and development are vitally necessary if one is to accomplish the
organization's goals of increased productivity. These goals include the requirement to
lead others and do one's job effectively.

Training and Development

Training is concerned with imparting developing specific skills for a particular purpose.
Training is the act of increasing the skills of employees for doing a particular job. Training is
the process of learning a sequence of programmed behaviour.
In earlier practice, training program is focused more on preparation for improved
performance in particular job. Most of the trainees used to be from operative levels like
mechanics, machine operators and other kinds of skilled workers. When the problems with
supervision is increased, then the step were taken to train supervisors for better supervision.

Importance of Training:
The importance of Human resource management to a large extent Depends on Human
Resource development. (Training is the most important technique of Human Resource
development. As stated earlier, no organization can get a candidate who exactly Matches with
job and the organizational requirements. Hence. training is Important to develop the
employee and make him/her suitable to the job.
Job and organizational requirement are not static, they change from time to time in view of
Technological Advancement and change in the awareness of the total quality and productivity
management (TQPM). The objective of the TQPM can be achieved only through training. As
training develops human skills and efficiency. Trained employees would be a valuable asset
to an organization. Organizational efficiency, productivity progress and development to a
greater can also be Achieved through training. Training is important as it constitutes
significant Part of management control.

Need for Training:

Training is essential for organizations to solve specific problems, such as those caused by
new product lines, design changes, competition, and economic conditions. This is because
training can help employees to develop the skills and knowledge they need to adapt to change
and meet new challenges.

For example, if an organization is introducing a new line of products, it may need to train its
employees on new equipment and procedures. If an organization is changing its design
process, it may need to train its employees on new design tools and software. If an
organization is facing increased competition, it may need to train its employees on new sales
and marketing techniques. And if an organization is facing economic challenges, it may need
to train its employees on new ways to be more efficient and productive.
In all of these cases, training can help employees to be more successful in their jobs and to
contribute more effectively to the organization. To increase productivity. To improve quality.
To help a company to fulfil its future personal needs. To improve organizational climate. To
meet technological advance.

Training Methods:
The training Programs are classified into two types are
● On the job methods.
● Off the job methods.
On the Job Methods:
This type of training also known as job instruction training, It is the most commonly
used method under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job and taught the skills
necessary to perform that job. The trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a
qualified worker or instructor. On the job training methods include job rotation, coaching, job
instruction, and committee assignment.
● Job rotation: the type of training involves the movement of trainee from on job to
another. The trainee receives job knowledge and gains experience from his supervisor
or trainer in each of the different hob assignments.
● Coaching: the trainee is placed under a particular supervisor functions as a coach in
training in individual. The supervisor provides feedback to the trainee on his
performance and offers him some suggestions for improvement.
● Job instruction: This method is also known as training through step by step. Under
this method, trainer explains the trainee the way of doing the job, job knowledge and
skills and allows him to do the job.
● Committee Assignments: Under this method, group of trainees are given an asked to
solve an actual original problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly, it develops
team work.

Off the Job Methods:

● Vestibule Training: - In this method, actual work conditions are simulated in a class
room. Materials files and equipment those are used in actual job performance are also
used in training
● Role Playing: - It is defined in imaginary situations. This involves realistic behaviour
in imaginary situations. This method of training involves action. doing and practice,
the participations play the role of certain characters such as the production manager,
mechanical engineer, maintenance engineers. quality control inspectors, foreman,
workers and the like.
● Lecture Method: - The lecture is a traditional organizer the material and instruction.
The instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the form of
a talk. An advantage of lecture method is, it is direct and can be used for a large group
of trainees.
● Conference of Discussion: - It is a method in training the clerical, professional and
supervisory personnel. This method involves a group of people who pose ideas,
examine and share facts, ideas and data, test assumptions and draw conclusions, all of
which contribute to the improvement of job performance.
● Programmed Instruction: - In recent years this method has become popular. The
subject matter to be learned is presented in a series of carefully planned sequential
units. These units are arranged from simple to more complex levels of instruction.
The trainee goes through these units by answering questions or filling the blanks.

Need of Training in 1T9:

The purpose of training in 1T9 COMPANY industry is to develop the abilities of the
individuals and to satisfy the current and future manpower needs of the organization. The
goal of providing training to employees at 1T9 COMPANY is to:
Ensure that all employees have the skills and knowledge they need to stay up-to-date with the
latest technology and developments. And Enable employees to do their jobs more effectively,
reducing time, supervisory time, waste, and spoilage of raw materials. And also, to prevent
the industrial accidents which ultimately leads to safer work environment. Another main
reason is to improve the quality and avoid the operational mistakes. And finally, to meet the
needs of human resources within organization when the need arises.
In other words, 1T9 COMPANY believes that training its employees is essential for its
success. By investing in training, 1T9 COMPANY ensures that its employees have the skills
and knowledge they need to be productive and efficient, and to produce high-quality products
and service. To increase the employees’ level of performance through instructions, which
directly leads to increase in productivity and company's profit.
● Managerial Training:
Training is given to all managers in order to give them a wide in plant experience like
holding of staff meetings. Visits to other industrial units. Participation in work with
other departments. And they are generally given training in leadership qualities,
appraisal of employees and their rating and the maintenance of personal records.
● Apprentice Training:
Apprentice training is provided to the workers in order that the employment
opportunity is enhanced. And the Duration of apprenticeship training is once in a year
and the fields offered are electricians, welders, machinists etc.
● Sales Department:
Training is given to all the employees of sales department to know the nature and
quality of product and also in handling the customers.
The process of training the employees in 1T9 COMPANY involves six steps and it maintains
the records regularly to continue the process these records are maintained by the HRD &IR

Management development is nothing but all those activities and programs which are
recognized and controlled that have substantial influence in changing the capacity of the
individual to perform his assignment better in order to increase his potential for future
Thus, management development is a combination of various training programs, though some
kind of training is necessary, it is the overall development of the competency of managerial
personal in the light of the present requirement as well as the future requirement.
Development is an activity that is designed to improve the performance of existing managers
and to provide for a planned growth for managers to meet future organizational requirements.
Management development:
● Management development is a continuous process. It is not one-shot program but
continues throughout the career of a manager.
● Management development is any kind of learning, it can be personal or professional
and is based on the assumption that there is always an existing gap between an
individual’s performance and his potential for the performance.
● Atmosphere of Management development requires clear setting of goals.
● Management development requires conducive environment.
Industry profile

Automobile Industry:
The Indian automobile sector has been a significant contributor to the country's economy,
accounting for about 7.1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 49% of industrial
production in 2022-23. It has experienced notable growth, with a sales growth rate of 21%
projected for 2022-23. Here are some of the factors that have contributed to the growth of the
Indian automobile sector in recent years:
The Indian automobile sector is also expected to benefit from the growing trend of electric
vehicles. The government of India is targeting to have 30% of all new vehicles sold in the
country to be electric by 2030. However, before independence, India's automobile market was
primarily focused on assembling vehicles manufactured by companies like General Motors.
This sector faced challenges, including limited manufacturing capabilities due to licensing
restrictions, which persisted for some time after independence. In the early years, there was a
lack of expertise, research, and development in the industry. The production of vehicles like
the Ambassador and Premier Padmini was indigenous by the 1960s.
The last three decades have seen substantial changes, with various global car manufacturers
entering the Indian market. The sector has evolved, with a significant increase in production,
resulting in a boost in the sale of vehicles and the demand for raw materials.
Today, the Indian automobile industry is a crucial part of the nation's economic growth, with
the government's focus on quality, customer feedback, and electric vehicles. The sector
reported a substantial growth rate in 2022-23, and the government launched the Automotive
Vision Plan 2026 with ambitious goals, including increasing the share of electric vehicles in
new car sales to 30% by 2030. However, in recent months, the growth rate has slowed
slightly due to global supply chain disruptions and rising inflation.
Despite short-term challenges, the industry's long-term outlook is promising, with rising
incomes, growing urbanization, and untapped markets offering opportunities for growth. The
electric vehicle segment, in particular, is expected to see significant growth in the coming
In the early 21st century, India, along with countries like China, has become a focal point for
global economic transformation and innovative activities. India initiated economic reforms in
the 1980s, which expanded in the 1990s, leading to significant liberalization, increased
imports, and foreign investments in the automotive industry.
In conclusion, the Indian automobile industry has come a long way, and it plays a significant
role in the nation's economy. It has evolved from a slow-paced growth to a dynamic and
promising sector, with India being a major player in various segments of the global
automotive industry. The growth of India's automotive industry has evolved through distinct
It began in the 1940s when the first automotive industry emerged in pre-independent India.
However, significant progress came in the decades following India's independence, primarily
during the 1970s and 1980s, despite the nation's overall slow economic growth during that

India’s Automotive Growth

The Indian government initially imposed strict restrictions on global automotive production
through licenses, trade barriers, and regulations. However, demand for cars began to surge in
the 1980s, leading to changes in the industry. Japanese manufacturers started partnering with
Indian firms to build car and commercial vehicle factories during 1980-1985. Concurrently,
component manufacturers entered joint ventures with European and US companies.
The period of economic reforms from 1985-1990 saw the entry of Maruti Udyog into the
passenger car segment. High import tariffs were relaxed, enabling more production and
exports. Liberalization gained momentum, and by 1990-1995, Hero Honda became a major
player in the motorcycle market, while Maruti Udyog established itself as a leading passenger
car manufacturer.
Between 1995-2000, leading international carmakers entered the Indian market, introducing
advanced technology to meet competitive pressures and environmental requirements.
Companies invested in service networks, and auto financing became a driver of demand.
Since 2000, India has removed trade and investment restrictions, boosting the liberalization
of the automotive industry. Domestic car production began to meet both domestic and
international market needs. Investments in research and development improved efficiency
and environmental standards. As a result, global companies increasingly view India as a
source for high-quality components.
The Indian automotive industry is a vital component of the manufacturing sector, contributing
to economic growth and technological capabilities. It comprises a wide range of vehicles,
including two-wheelers, passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and agricultural tractors, as
well as their components. India is a significant player in motorcycle and scooter
manufacturing and ranks as the second-largest producer of tractors globally.
In conclusion, the Indian automotive industry has undergone significant growth and
transformation, from its early stages to becoming a key driver of economic growth and
technological advancement in the country.

Company Profile

1T9 Technology Private Limited is 5 years 6-month-old Private Limited Indian

Non-Government Company incorporated on 09 Apr 2018. Its registered office is in Mumbai,
Maharashtra in The Corporate is engaged in the business of rental and leasing of motor
vehicles. The Company's status is Active, and it has filed its Annual Returns and Financial
Statements up to 31 Mar 2022 (FY 2021-2022). It's a company limited by shares having an
authorized capital of Rs12.05 Lakh and a paid-up capital of Rs7.95 Lakh as per MCA.
Two Directors are associated with the organization. Harshvardhan patiar and SUMIT
CHHAHED are presently associated as directors.

About Us
The Company Check is a leading business information provider that provides real-time data
and tools that makes it easier for companies of all sizes to see the bigger picture when making
sound decisions. We deliver reliable and relevant insights for improving sales efficiency
within your organization with just one access to one comprehensive platform.
“Our mission is to empower every organization with intelligent software that revolutionizes
the way we all work. To help organizations from different sectors and industries seamlessly
incorporate business intelligence into their operations."
What we do
Gather and capture relevant company and financial information in real-time from
reliable and authentic sources.
Using our natural language processing and machine learning technology, we clean and
organize the data so that it can be used more effectively. Our quality assurance team piece of
data before it reaches you, ensuring that you never receive anything but excellence from us!

Our Values
We hold our values deeply and make trade-offs to pursue.
● Focus on impact.
● Crazy passion.
● Think different. Think 10x.
● Work smart. Work hard. Work long.
● It’s best to do one thing really well.
● Empathy.
● Ownership
Sumit Chhazed, director with ENELEK POWER PRIVATE LIMITED, is registered with the
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), bearing DIN 03300948. He is an Indian staying in
Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Sumit Chhazed is currently associated with 2 Companies and is
director with 1T9 Technology Private Limited. As a Managing Director with Enelek Power
Private Limited.
The total paid-up capital of all companies where Sumit Chhazed holds active positions is
Sumit Chhazed was previously associated with 3 companies, Incredible Technologies Private
Limited, Jumpstart Innovations Private Limited, Edcast Asia Private Limited.
OTO provides the customer with an affordable and convenient financing option to own a
two-wheeler. The company aims to provide clients with the hassle-free option to own a
vehicle without much commitment. OTO Capital envisions redefining two-wheeler
ownership and financing in India. This platform enables customers with the most affordable
and flexible financing plans to own a vehicle in partnership with various banks and NBFCs.
With OTO, customers can get instant approval and buy their brand-new vehicle in under 30
minutes with zero paperwork along with paying up to 30% less EMI. At the end of the chosen
tenure, customers have the flexibility to walk away, or upgrade to another brand- new
vehicle, or make a bullet payment to retain it.
Understanding OTO's business model
OTO Capital Company is a company that helps people buy two-wheelers. They offer
affordable and flexible financing options, as well as a full range of services related to the
purchase and ownership of two-wheelers, including research, test rides, insurance,
maintenance, and resale.
OTO is powered by a proprietary technology platform that helps them to streamline their
operations and provide a better customer experience. They have raised over $20 million in
funding from investors, and are currently operating in 12 cities across India. OTO has a team
of over 500 employees, and has helped over 100,000 customers purchase two-wheelers.
OTO is also committed to promoting the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in India. They
have partnered with a number of EV manufacturers to offer their financing and other services
to EV buyers. OTO also offers a number of incentives to customers who purchase EVs, such
as lower down payments and interest rates.
OTO's target is to finance 10% of all new two-wheeler sales in India by 2025. They are also
targeting to finance 20% of all new EV sales in India by 2025.
As of October 15, 2023, OTO has secured reservations for over 10,000 electric vehicles. This
is a significant achievement for the company, given that the EV market in India is still in its
early stages of development. Thus far, OTO has secured reservations for almost 30,000 bikes.
By 2025, this one-stop shop hopes to have partnered with over 2700 dealers in 50 locations,
having already established relationships with over 500 dealers.
The start-up has been leading the way for electric vehicles in the Indian auto industry and
has seen a 19X increase in EV sales over the last financial year itself by providing
cutting-edge financing options including cheaper EMIs because of alluring interest rates and
the freedom for clients to opt out of buying EVs within 12 to 24 months of purchase.
Among the top EV companies in the industry that OTO has partnered with are Hero Electric,
Okinawa, Ampere, and Bounce. The goal of their initiatives, such as the OTO Rider
Empowerment Program, is to help the delivery fleet and the last-mile logistics industry. By
reaching EV sales of RS 250 crore the next year, it hopes to raise the bar and upend the
electric transportation sector.
Overall, OTO Capital is a well-positioned company with a strong focus on affordability,
flexibility, and customer service. They are well-positioned to capitalize on the growing
demand for two-wheelers in India, especially EVs.
1. What kind of training methods do you prefer?
a. on the job training methods
b. off the job training
c. Both


1 24 44%
2 11 20%
3 20 36%

Training method used in organization

Information investigation: 44% of the representatives’ state that they lean towards on the job
training methods and followed by 20% of the workers state that they incline towards off the
job training methods and finally 36% said that they lean toward both kinds of training

2. Does the organization provide training for present employees or new employees?
a. present employees
b. New employees
c. Both


1 13 24%
2 25 45%
3 17 31%

Providing training for present or new employees

Information examination: 24% of the representative's state that organization offer training for
present employees, followed by 45% of people who say that organization offer training to the
new employees and finally 31% of people who say that Organization offer training to both
present and new employees.

3. The induction training is a well -planned exercise in the organization?

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree


1 21 35 %
2 25 45 %
3 09 20 %

Introduction training is a well-planned exercise in organization

Firstly, starting off with 35% of workers unequivocally concur the induction training is a
well-arranged exercise in the organization. And then followed by 45% of representatives who
concur, and finally 20% of the workers who disagree with the statement.
Elucidation: The above examination clarifies that the organization gives a proper induction
training to its employees.

4. How often the training programs or conducted in your organization?

a. Every month
b. Every quarter
c. Half yearly
d. Once in a year


1 15 27%
2 7 13%
3 10 18%
4 23 42%

Training methods used in organization

27% of representatives state that the training program conducted every month, followed by
13% of people who Say that training program directed every quarter. And 18% of people says
that the training program led half-yearly. Then finally 42% of people say that the training
program led once in a year.
Translation: The above investigation says that the organization gives preparing relying upon
need and circumstances.

5. What kind of training methods does the organization provide to train the employees?
a. on the job training methods
b. off the job training methods
c. Lectures
d. Audio visuals
e. All of the above


1 18 33%
2 09 16%
3 11 20%
4 10 18%
5 7 13%

Training methods provides to train the employees

Information investigation: 33% of workers state that the organization gives them on the job
training methods. And followed by 16% of people who say that the organization provides off
the job training methods to its employees. Which is followed by 20% of people who Say that
the organization gives lectures as a form of training to its employees, which is followed by
18% of the people who say that the organization gives sound visuals as a form of training,
and finally 13% who say that organization give every single above technique to its

6. Training is done at all level of organization on a continuous basis?

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree


1 22 40%
2 17 31%
3 10 18%
4 6 11%
Training done at all the level of organization on continuous basis
Information investigation: 40% of representatives unequivocally concurred, 31% concurred,
18% disagree and 11% strongly disagree with the statement that organization training is done
at all levels of management.
Understanding: The above examination clarifies that the organization gives training to every
level in the organization.
7. Are you participating in training actively?
a. Yes
b. Agree


1 45 82%
2 10 18%

Employees participating in the training program actively

Information investigation: 82% of workers state that they effectively participate in the
training program. 18% says that they take part in the training program.
Translation: The above examination says that the large portion of the workers are effectively
talking an interest in the training program.

8. Are you satisfied with present method of selection of candidates for training?
a. Yes
b. No


1 46 84%
2 9 16

Employees satisfaction with the present method of selection of candidates for training

Information examination: 84% of the workers say that they are happy with the present
technique for choosing the pool of applicants. Followed by 16% saying that they are not
happy with the present strategy for determination.
Translation: The above examination says that most workers in the organization are happy
with the embraced strategy for determination of possibility for preparing.

9. Training program helped to increase the productivity of both quality and quality.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree.


1 28 51%
2 17 31%
3 7 13%
4 3 5%

Training program helped to increase productivity of both quality and quantity

Information investigation: 51% of the workers unequivocally concurred that preparation
program helped Increment the creation of quality and quantity, followed by 31%
representatives concurred, and then 13% of workers who disagree and 5% of people who
strongly oppose this idea.
Understanding: from the above investigation it is obvious that the training program in the
organization helps in the expansion of efficiency of both quality and amount.

10. Does the training help you to upgrade soft skills like communication skills,
leadership, team building etc.?
a. To a great extent
b. To some extent
c. Very little extent
d. not at all


1 24 44%
2 19 35%
3 7 13%
4 3 8%
The training program help to upgrade the soft skills of employees
Information examination: 44% of the workers unequivocally consented ,as it were 35% of
representatives consent somewhat , followed by 13% of people who agree to the statement
“very little extent” and finally 8% of people who say that in any way training does not update
delicate aptitudes like relational abilities , administration and group.
Understanding: The above investigation says that the preparation in the organization
redesigns the delicate abilities of the representatives.

11. Did the training policy of your organization help you in your career development?
a. To a great extent
b. To some extent
c. Very little extent
d. Not at all
1 19 35%
2 24 44%
3 7 13%
4 5 8%

The training policy of the organization helps in career development

Information examination: 35% of the Representatives agree to the point of saying to a great
extent, followed by 44% of workers who says till some extent, and 13% of people who say
that to a little degree, and finally the 8% of representatives say not in any manner the training
program redesigns their abilities .
Understandings: The above investigation says that the organization's preparation program
pushes the workers in their profession improvement somewhat.

● The report on preparation and advancement in 1T9 Technology Ltd has brought into
light the all-out image of the representative’s frame of mind towards preparation and
● Most of the respondents have communicated that they are keen on on-the-job training.
● Most respondents communicated that input is gathered from every one of the
members in the program.
● The worker in the association is very much taken an interest in the preparation
● The preparing is being given to the representatives at customary interim.
● Most of the representatives are particularly satisfied with the choice of the possibility
for preparing.
● Most of the workers are communicated that the preparation program is giving the
most recent innovation in the market.
● Most of the workers concur with the preparation program meet pre- determined
● Most of the representatives react positively with the preparation program led in the
● It was discovered that a portion of the workers don't know or the preparation approach
in 1T9 TECHNOLOGY P.v.t. Ltd. Thus, they are made to know.
● Most of the representatives concur with the preparation help you to update delicate
aptitudes like relational abilities, initiative, group building and so on
● Most of the workers concur with the association give preparing to both present and
new representatives.

portion of the recommendations made by the representatives are:
1. Bring in experts who have mastered their subjects and make sure they demonstrate their
knowledge effectively.
2. Training should focus on achieving specific results and should be people-oriented.
3. Plan training programs in advance and offer them regularly at all levels.
4. Ensure that training is convenient for both employees and the organization.
5. Make sure all employees apply what they learn in training in their daily work. This should
be an ongoing process at all skill levels.
6. Select the best trainers for the programs based on their success in the corporate world.
7. Improve the quality of training programs with a focus on quality-based approaches in
Heritage Foods Ltd.
8. Collect feedback from employees daily during the training period, and distribute feedback
forms regularly during breaks.
● Books referred:
Manager, Robert (1997), Analysing Performance Problems, (3d edition), Atlanta,
(Georgia: Centre for Effective Performance.
Memoria C.B. (2011). Personnel Management, Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing louse.
pan (2011). Industrial Relations and Personnel Management. New Delhi; Himalaya
Publishing House.
● Journals:
American society For Training and development (2008). State of the Industry Report
European Industrial Training Online from: (2012). Subject area: HR, Learning and
Organization studies.


News papers
● Business standard
● Inside Business
● The wall street journal

1. What kind of training methods do you prefer?
a. on the job training methods
b. off the job training
c. Both
2. Does the organization provide training for present employees or new employees?
a. present employees
b. New employees
c. Both
3. The induction training is a well - planned exercise in the organization?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
4. How often the training programs or conducted in your organization?
a. Every month
b. Every quarter
c. Half yearly
d. Once in a year
5. What kind of training methods does the organization provide to train the employees?
a. on the job training methods
b. off the job training methods
c. Lectures
d. Audio visuals
e. All the above
6. Training is done at all level of organization on a continuous basis?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree
7. Are you participating in training actively?
a. Yes
b. Agree

8. Are you satisfied with present method of selection of candidates for training?
a. Yes
b. No
9. Training program helped to increase the productivity of both quality and quality.
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree.
10. Does the training help you to upgrade soft skills like communication skills,
leadership, team building?
a. To a great extent
b. To some extent
c. Very little extent
d. Not at all
11. Did the training policy of your organization help in your career development?
a. To a great extent
b. To some extent
c. Very little extent
d. Not at all

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