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For Vocational Purposes

Level 03
Safety Officer
Unit 1
Unit 2
Construction-site safety Personnel
Unit 3
Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights
Unit 4
Vehicle Safety Forklifts, Cranes and
Dump trucks
Unit 5
Unit 6
Hierarchy and Communication
Unit 1
Unit 1

Read the following introduction

Hello! My name is Abdulla. I’m a safety officer. My job is very important. I take
care of personnel and machinery at the workplace. ‘Safety First’ is my motto.
A safety officer works all eight hours a day, and more.

We say “I am” to express ‘who’ and ‘what’ I am and ‘what I feel’.



I am a safety officer. He is a safety officer.

I am responsible. MY JOB is important.
THE JOB is important.
IT is important.

Choose: I (am –is) a safety officer. My job (am –is) important. I (am –is) re-

Unit 1 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1


These are my responsibilities:

plant personnel machinery

equipment tools

Repeat after your leader:

- Safety is my res/pon/si/bi/li/ty. - res/si/bi/ ……………………………..
- Plant safety is my responsibility. pon/li/ty

- Per/son/nel safety is my responsi- - nel/per/ ……………………………..

bility. son

- Machi/nery safety is my responsi- - ment/ ……………………………..

bility. equip

- Equip/ment safety is … …………… - chi/nery/ ……………………………..

Ma tools
- Tools safety …….. ………. …………

Exercise: (trainees should refer to the pictures above) insert the suit-
able word into the correct blanks:

plant –personnel –equipment –machinery –tool -responsible

1- A hammer is a …………………………. .

2- Two of the ………………………. are absent.

Unit 1

3- A good worker should clean the ……………… every day.

4-Every machine has ………………………. to fix it.

5-A safety officer is ………………………..for personnel and equipment.

Read the following about what you do as a safety officer

Accidents happen or take place because of mistakes .A safety of-

ficer’s job is very important because he prevents accidents. To prevent
an accident, a safety officer should inspect and monitor the workplace.
He/she should monitor personnel, machinery and vehicles.

Put the following responsibilities in order:

Assess hazards –monitor the workplace –write reports –inspect the work-
place –prevent accidents
-Why did you choose this order? ………………………………………………………….. .
-Why is (1) the first task? ……………………………………………………………………………….. .
-Why is (1) before (2)? ……………………………………………………………….. .
-Why is (5) the last one? …………………………………………………………………………………. .

Match pictures with words:

1 2 3 4 5

d) Assess
b) Monitor hazards
a) inspect c) report e) prevent

Unit 1 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1


Replace the underlined parts with phrases in the box:

inspect the workplace - monitor the workers -prevent accidents - assess
hazards - report mistakes

Safety officers work all the time. They are responsible for everyone and eve-
rything. For example, a safety officer watches the workers. He does his best
to stop accidents before they take place. To protect workers and machinery,
he visits the workplace. He studies dangerous places and writes about them
to his managers.

Finish the following sentences from what you remember:

1-A safety officer’s job is ………………………………………… .

2-A safety officer ………………………. the workplace all the time.
3-When something is wrong, a safety officer’s job is to …………………it.
4-A safety officer has to do his/her best to ……………………….. accidents.

Grammar Note:


Have HAS

I have to report this. He has to report this.

I have to leave. He has to leave.

Create sentences using has to/ have to

Ahmed feels sick. He ………………………… leave.

There is an accident. I …………………………report it.

My head hurts. I …………………see the doctor.

My watch is broken. I …………………repair it.

His equipment is broken. He ……………………get another one.

Unit 1


A clean workplace makes it a safe 2. Clean light fixtures improve

one for sure. In 2012, 3 million lighting efficiency. There should be
workplace injuries were reported enough light in at the workplace,
by private industry workers. Inju- especially in the afternoon. Dim
ries can be prevented by making light is difficult and unsafe for
the workplace clean and tidy. employees to complete their daily
tasks. Stairways and aisles

1. Clean, dry floors prevent slips should be clear to prevent accidents

and falls. and keep the work environment
Make sure the floor is clean, clear safe. Put away your tools and
and dry. A clean floor will not allow equipment
germs grow on it. This will prevent
Do not leave anything after you use
it. Put it away where you found it. If
A clear floor will prevent tripping. you do this, you will always find it.
A dry floor prevents slipping. In Cover machines so that they will not
emergency, if the floor is not clear, hurt others.
many will not be able to leave. Dispose of litter regularly
Litter can be recycled and this will
kill the germs, and make the work-
place clean and clear.

( 10 )
Unit 1 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1


Speaking: After reading the above passage, do you think you can an-
swer the following questions?

1. Dim light is good for the eyes. T F

2. Why is cleaning the floor important?


3. What is wrong with this picture?

……………………………………………………………………………. .

4. A floor should be clear to prevent ………………………………

5. If the floor is wet, you may ………………. .

a- slip b. trip c. prevent

6- If there is something on the floor, you may ………………over it.

a- slip b. trip c. leave

7. Throw ………………………into the basket.

a. floor b. litter c. tools

8- Poor housekeeping results in t……………., s………………., and f…………. .

9- Broken switches can cause e…………… sh…………. .

Put each of the following words into the blanks:

Clean –clear –injury –trip –slip –unsafe –litter
1. Be careful! The floor is wet. You might ………………if
you walk there.
2. do not leave anything on the floor. Someone
might ……………..over it and break an arm.
3. when you keep the machinery guarded, this will
prevent ………………. .
4. Throw ……………….into the basket.
5. Working in …………….. places will cause accidents.

( 11 )
Unit 1

What is WWSP?
A Written Workplace Safety Program (WWSP) identifies, evaluates, ana-
lyzes and controls workplace safety and hazards.

identify analyze evaluate control

First you will need to develop a safety policy statement.

It should consist of short, clear instructions each employee can say.
Explain the goals of your safety policy statement.
Repeat that safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Safety Policy Statement
“It is essential to our employees, customers and workers that we maintain
a safe and healthy workplace.

Safety Policy Statement
“The personal safety and health of each employee of this
company is of primary importance.

Let’s start with the president. His/her responsibility will be as follows. Write it
down as you hear it and let your fellow employees recite them:
The President will:
- Promote a safe and healthy awareness throughout the organization.
- Set a high standard for safety and health practices and lead by example.
- Ensure that the needed financial, material and personnel resources
are provided to achieve the goals and objectives of the safety and health
- Ensure that the program is fully implemented and effective.

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Unit 1 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1


Listen and then speak about this situation: What went wrong?
Identify at least 3 mistakes that turned the fun at work to a

Abdulla, Ramos and Ziad had to move a toolbox from the top of a scaffold to
the ground. Ramos had an idea . He said that he would climb the scaf-
fold and throw the box down. Both Abdulla and Ziad should try to
catch it. Ramos climbed the ladder quickly. He did not use the safety equip-
When he was on top of the scaffold, he lifted the heavy toolbox with one
hand. He said ‘ready?’ Ziad’s mobile phone rang. His friend Ali was asking
about the results of the football match the day before. He did not see the
heavy box flying down. But, he felt a heavy blow to his head. He fell on
the ground.
First mistake was ……………………………………………………. .
Second ……………………………………………………………………….. .
Third …………………………………………………………………………. .

(1) A spill, (2) a slip, (3) a hospital trip

Put the pictures below in order:


Read the following instructions. Then tell your colleague each one to
see if he understands it.
Once you find spilt liquid on the floor:
- Immediately, notify both: workers and supervisors.
-Evacuate the area or fence/seal it.
-Report or clean any liquid spill on the floor.

( 13 )
Unit 1

-walk, do not run.

-Wipe your feet when you come in from rain.
-Walk slowly on slippery surface.
-Remove any object in the aisles, or near exit doors.
-Fix, remove, and avoid hazards in any path.

Listening: Listen to this interview with a Safety Officer about his daily
work routine:

Interviewer: What time do you start work?

Safety Officer: I start work at _____ a.m.
Interviewer: What is the first thing you do?
Safety Officer: Firstly, I check that the workers have the correct
___________________________ for their jobs.
Interviewer: What do you do after that?
Safety Officer: Secondly, I monitor the ____________________________
_____ at the plant to make sure that it is at a safe level.
Interviewer: What else do you do during the day?
Safety Officer: I supervise the workers at the plant to make sure that they
are keeping all the ____________________ for their jobs.
Interviewer: What other things do you do as a safety officer?
Safety Officer: Well, sometimes I organize __________________, to tell
the workers about health and safety issues.
Interviewer: Okay, thanks for telling me about your duties at work.
Safety Officer: No problem at all.

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Unit 1 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1


Study the following safety report form and see how much you can fill it

( 15 )
Unit 1 2
Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Unit 2
Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

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Unit 12 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1

Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

In this unit, we are going to study the different safety

instructions a safety officer should know about different
jobs on the construction site
A safety officer should know that the Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) come last in safety, but it is essential.
Personal Protective Equipment is very important because it protects the
body from hazards. When workers make mistakes, PPE prevents, or reduces,
1-Injury 2-Reduce 4-protect 5-prevent

Personal Protective Equipment

At the workplace, you will find these signs:

.................... .................... .................... .................... ....................

a helmet It will protect your head and face.

ear plugs They will protect your ears.

safety glasses They will protect your eyes.

gloves ……. will protect your hands.

You should wear
safety shoes …………………protect your feet.

A coverall ……………………………………your body

( 17 )
Unit 1 2
Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

What PPE will protect you from

Falling debris /debri/: tools, nails, gravel

Helmets will protect your head from falling debris. Falling debris can be small
to medium pieces of gravel, wood or hard cement. Tools can be hammers,
nails, pliers , etc.

Flying debris from welding and from construction

can enter into the eyes and hurt them. You should
wear protective glasses at the workplace.

Construction means high-level noise from trucks

and dozers concrete mixers.

Noise can hurt hearing It can make you deaf.

Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:

Falling debris –flying debris –gravel –Noise–hearing–plugs–safety glasses


1- You should wear a ………………to protect your head from

f……………… g………………… .

2- S………………… g……………… can keep your eyes safe from

f……… d………… near a welding site.

3- G……………. can hurt your head.

4- N………………… from trucks and dozers can hurt your hearing.

You should wear ear …………….. .

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Unit 12 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1

Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Other PPE: Gloves

What are gloves for?
Gloves protect the hands from breaks when they lift heavy objects.
They protect the hands from cuts when they touch sharp objects.
Gloves protect the hands from electrocutions when they touch electrical
They protect the hands from burns when they touch hot or
corrosive objects.

( 19 )
Unit 1 2
Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Can –may –will –might –could –would –must (not)–should (not)

When you leave work at the end of You …………………litter.

the day, you …………switch off lights

Switch …..when
………… Do……………………

You ……..use your cellphone in class. But if it is an emergency phone call,

……………………… you ……………take it.

If you do something wrong, When your manager ……… see

you when you want,

You ……………apologize. He……… busy.

( 20 )
Unit 12 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1

Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Test modal verbs - English - Modal auxiliaries

Choose the correct modal auxiliary:

1.You (should –should not) touch live wire. It’s dangerous.

2. (Needn´t/ May) I have a work permit, please? I’m ready to go.
3. We (can´t/ must) service the fusebox because we don’t have our tools.
4. The crane operator (should/shouldn’t) load under the power lines.
5. The manager (can/ can´t) hear our machines. They are so loud!

Decide where to use should, shouldn’t, must, can, can’t

1- You ………………………..walk under a load suspended by a crane.

2- You ………………………smoke near a gas or oil pipe.
3- You ……………wear your PPE fully.
4- Everyone ………………………take care of passing vehicles.
5- You……………….. always go to the doctor if you have a health issue.

Give some safety instructions to those who do wrong:





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Unit 1 2
Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

You must wear gloves to protect your hands.

You will cut your hands if you don’t wear gloves.
WRITING: Write similar instructions using the following prompts:

You must wear a helmet.

Safety glasses/
Flying debris/

Ear plugs ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Gloves ………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Unit 12 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1

Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Job Hazard Assessment (JHA)

Complete this form before the start of each task or with any change in conditions.

Job:____________________ Date:____________________
Review the following with the work crew. List tasks and hazards, and identify controls.
High-risk tasks need a Safe Operating Procedure.
Personal Hazards Activity Hazards Environmental Hazards
__ clear instruction provided __ welding/grinding __ spill potential
__ able to perform the task __ burn/heat sources __ climatic conditions
__ trained to use equipment/ __ compressed gasses __ MSDS reviewed
tools __ energized equipment __ ventilation required
__ distractions in the work __ electrical cords condition __ heat stress/cold exposure
area __ equipment/tools inspect- __ other workers in the area
__ working alone ed __ lighting levels
__ aware of weather condi- __ lockout procedure in place__ housekeeping
tions __ airborne particles
__ noise levels Access/Egress Hazards
__ have all the correct PPE Working at Height Hazards __ scaffold inspected and
__ barricades, flagging, and tagged
Ergonomic Hazards signs __ slip/trip potential identi-
__ working in a tight area __ hole coverings in place fied
__ parts of body in the line __ protection from falling __ required permits in place
of fire items __ excavations
__ working above your head __ powered platforms __ confined space
__ pinch points identified __ fall arrest __ other
__ working without being __ ladders
__ repetitive movements
Identify and prioritize tasks and hazards, then identify plans to eliminate or control
the hazards.

*All hazards must have action plans to eliminate or control them. Plans must be in place
before starting a task.
Name:__________ Name: __________ Name: ____________
Supervisor Signature: ___________ Reviewed by: __________

( 23 )
Unit 1 2
Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Safety shoes

High heeled waterproof

These are essential for personal safety. They will protect your feet from all
the above hazards.
They will protect you from cuts by sharp objects.
WRITING: Now you can use the vocabulary describing the hazardous materi-
als and possible injuries in the same way:

Hot/ burns/

Hot/ burns/ Sharp/


Electric/ electrocu-

( 24 )
Unit 12 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1

Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Speak and write: Your fellow workers make mistakes. Give them the right
instructions: Who can say it faster?

-Some workers are not wearing helmets on a construction site. Advise them:
You must…………………………………………………………………………
If you don’t …………………………………………………………………...

- A worker says that safety glasses are not important.


- Describe the meaning of the following sign to a fellow worker.

- This sign says that ………………………………………..

- This sign means that …………………………………..

- Corrosive materials can ……………………your hands.

- Noise at the workplace can make you ………………..
- You must ………………………………………………

- A …………will protect your head from …………….

- You …………………wear it at the ………………..

A coverall is important at the construction

It protects the whole body from harmful
dust and liquids. Cement dust
can irritate your skin. The dust mixes with
sweat to form a corrosive
solution. Cement dust is also
dangerous if it gets into your eyes, or if
you inhale it. The coverall will also Level D protection
protect the body from heat and cold. Most Basic work uniform, i.e.,
coveralls have bright colours. The colours longsleeve coveralls, gloves,
help drivers see workers from a distance. hardhat, boots, face shield
or safety glasses.

( 25 )
Unit 1 2
Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Choose the correct answers:

1-Coveralls are important at (home –the workplace)

2- Cement dust can (irritate –burn) your skin.
3- Coveralls have bright (helmets –colours) to help drivers see workers from
a distance.
4- Cement dust and water can form a (burning –corrosive) material.

Answer the following questions about the workplace:

-Is it hot at the workplace?


-Are there any poorly lit areas in the

work space?
-Are all machines guarded?

-Is there a proper disposal of toxic


-Are all chemicals labeled?

-Are all workers wearing their PPE?

( 26 )
Unit 12 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1

Construction-site safety
Listening safety
Unit 2 Safety Listening exercise: Listen to a safety officer talk about
the importance of PPE at work. Select the correct words and phrases
for each audio track:

1- PPE stands for _____________________________.

a) Personal Protective Equipment
b) Personal Proactive Equipment
c) Personal Projection Equipment

2- Workers not working on heights don’t need to wear …………………….

a) glasses
b) hard hats
c) ear muffs

3- Workers use eye protection in places with _________________.

a) flying pieces of metal only.
b) flying pieces of metal and chemical fumes
c) flying pieces of metal, chemical fumes and bright flames

4- IF you don’t wear ear and hearing protection in noisy areas

____________________ .
a) it’s okay, but you might not hear what the managers are saying
b) it’s okay, but you might get a headache from the noise
c) you can have hearing problems later, or you could even go deaf!

5- Workers who do not wear their respirators and masks in contaminated

areas, may have ________________________________________ .
a) breathing difficulties only.
b) breathing difficulties and damage to their lungs and nervous system.
c) breathing difficulties and damage to their lungs.

6- High visibility clothing has bright colors such as green, orange and yellow
a) to make the worker’s clothing the same color as the machines in the work-
b) to make it easy for workers to be seen.
c) to make the clothing look nice to wear.

7-Wearing Safety Harnesses is very important for workers, as falls can _____
a) result in serious injury and even death
b) result in serious injury only
c) result in sprained ankles only

8- Workers who don’t wear their Safety gloves can _________________

a) get their hands dirty
b) suffer injuries such as burns
c) suffer injuries such as burns and cuts

( 27 )
Unit 1 2
Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

9- Safety shoes have steel toecaps and rubber soles to_______________

a) stop your toes from getting crushed
b) stop your feet getting crushed
c) stop your ankles from getting crushed

Personal Protective Equipment

On the left there are HAZARDS. On the right, advise others to
wear the suitable protective equipment piece:

Falling objects You should wear a ………………………………………………………. .

Flying debris ……………………………………………………………………………. .

Noise ……………………………………………………………………………. .

Electric hazard ……………………………………………………………………………. .

Slippery floors ……………………………………………………………………………. .

Sharp objects ……………………………………………………………………………. .

Hot sun ……………………………………………………………………………. .

Trucks and forklifts ……………………………………………………………………………. .

( 28 )
Unit 12 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1

Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Speaking exercise: Pair work: Look at the photos below. Take turns asking
and answering questions about different types of PPE.
Use the following prompts in your answers:

.......breathing difficulties and damage to their

lungs and nervous system.

.........Personal protective equipment

.........from falls if you work at heights and to

protect you from falling objects if you work
on the ground

.......chemical fumes, bright flames welding

areas and flying pieces of metal can have hearing problems later, or

you could even go deaf!

Q: Can you tell me what PPE stands for?

A: PPE stands for __________________________.

Q: Why must you wear a hard hat at work?

A: You must wear a hard hat, to protect you __________________________

( 29 )
Unit 1 2
Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Q: Why must we wear eye protection like goggles and safety glasses?
A: We must wear eye protection to protect our eyes from ______

Q: What can happen if you don’t wear ear protection in the machine
A: IF you don’t wear ear protection you can _________________

Q: Why is it important for workers to wear respirators and masks?

A: Workers who do not wear their respirators and masks, may suf-

Q: Why must we wear high-visibility clothing at work?

A: High visibility clothing makes it easy for __________________________

Q: Why do we wear safety harnesses in work?

A: Safety Harnesses protect workers from ___________________________

Name what each sign means:

( 30 )
Unit 12 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 1

Construction-site safety
Personnel safety

Unit 3
Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

( 31 )
Unit 3
Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

This unit highlights the safety instructions

related to scaffolds, Heights and ditches

Read and listen to the following story by a worker:

At the workplace, we build up ,dig down and clean the

site. When we build a wall, we use cement, bricks and iron The site
is full of small pieces of iron, cement dust and parts of bricks. Safety officers
are always there to help us. Their job is to make the site safe.

Builders have to use scaffolds to build high walls.

Safety officers make sure that a scaffold is used ONLY after inspection by a
scaffold supervisor.

A safety officer should inspect the scaffold before use. He should see the
reports by scaffold supervisors. He should test the different ties of the scaf-
fold. He should check the edge protection.

Now check the following

1-Inspected means (tested – built).
Say if you think the following instructions are True (T) or False (F)

(1) A scaffold supervisor should test it before use.

(2) Leave everything on the scaffold at the end of the shift.

(3) Overload the scaffold with all the material you are using.

(4) After bad weather, windy and hot days, check the ties and bolts.

(5) Get additional training when new hazards present themselves.

(6) the ground should be tested before the base plates are fixed.

( 32 )
Unit 3 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

Reveal tie edge protection


through tie
The following instructions should be followed:

-scaffolds should stand on rigid ground. They should not stand on loose
bricks, concrete blocks , boxes , etc.

Grammar Note: Should be done

inspect inspected inspected

test tested tested

examine examined examined

fix fixed fixed

assess assessed assessed

( 33 )
Unit 3
Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

Change the verbs in bold to the format: should be done:

1-Safety officer should test the scaffold.

The scaffold ……… be ………… (test –testing –tested).
2-Safety officers should assess hazards.
Hazards………………………………………. assessed.
3- They should inspect the ties.
The ties………………………………………………………
4- Engineers should install ladders.
Ladders……………………………………………………. .
5- Safety officers should monitor the workplace.
The workplace……………………………………………………….. .
Beware of Trenches
Trenches should be protected.
An unprotected trench is an early
death. There are hazards in and
about a trench. Falling is a hazard.
It can break human bones, or break
down vehicles or equipment. Work- …………… ……………
ers and safety officers should be
careful while working in or about
trenches. Employers and safety of-
ficers should protect workers from
cave-ins. They should slope and
support the sides. …………… ……………
Find a meaning in column A that matches a word in column B

Column A Column B

Keep safe from hazards Cave-in

Unsafe place, equipment, etc. Support

Fall into a hole and can not get out Slope

Danger protect

The ground goes down or up, Trench

A big hole in the ground Hazard

( 34 )
Unit 3 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

Working at heights
A height is a place we can reach with the help of equipment, vehi-
cles. or scaffolds. Falling from height that is a serious hazard.
To use a ladder safely, follow the rules below: (repeat after your
- Do not use broken ladders.
-Some ladders have missing rungs.
Never use them.
-Ladder should be secured.

- Vertical ladders should not be longer than 3 meters

unguarded vertical ladder guarded vertical ladder

-Vertical ladders should be guarded

Harness helmet lifeline

- Safety nets should be used, and tested every week.

The drop-test: The safety nets and safety net installa-

tions are to be drop-tested at the construction site.

( 35 )
Unit 3
Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

Let’s revise this part: if you know the meanings of the following boxed
words, complete the sentences below:
Vertical –guarded –drop-tested –safety net –fall arrest systems -secured
1- A s…………….. n……. should be installed to save the life of falling workers.
2- Before using a ladder, it should be s……………….. on rigid ground.
3- Safety nets should be d……………-t……….. after installation.
4- ……………… ladders are more hazardous. They should be g…………. .
5- ……………. A…………. S…………….. can prevent falling.

…………….. …………….. …………….. …………….. ……………..

Match and repeat after your leader:

1- What is wrong with this ladder? a- because it is a vertical ladder.

2- What is wrong with this net? b- will prevent a worker from falling.

3- This ladder needs trained workers c- It has a broken rung.

4-The net has been installed. d- It is torn ; not safe.

5-The fall arrest system e- Now, it should be tested.

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Unit 3 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

Ladder inspection

1-Check for cracks

2-Ensure the rungs do

not turn.
tag twist
3- Ensure the stiles do
not pull apart.

4- Ensure stiles are not

Pull apart stile
5- Ensure stiles do not

6- Tag defective lad-

ders. rung dented

( 37 )
Unit 3
Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

Listening: Never Use Damaged Equipment

Glasses –kill – responsibility –fingers –defective

Some construction workers will simply use ……1……. tools to do their work.
They think they will save time. This is wrong. One of these tools can hurt
them and even ………2…….. them. A defective hammer, for example, might
break your……3…... It could hit one of your eyes, especially if you are not wear-
ing your safety ……4…... As a safety officer, it is your ……5……. to replace those
defective tools. If you don’t do that, you will have to take care of their emer-

( 38 )
Unit 3 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

We are an Equal Please print or type. The

Opportunity Employer and application must be fully
Application For Employment committed to excellence completed to be
through diversity. considered. Please
complete each section,
even if you attach a

Personal Information

Address City State Zip

Phone number Email address

Are you legally eligible to work in the US? Are you a veteran?
Yes No Yes No

If selected for employment are you willing to submit to a background check?

Yes No

Position you are applying for Available start date Desired pay

Employment desired
Full time Part time Seasonal/Temporary

School name Location Years attended Degree received Major

References (business and professional only)

Name Title Company Phone

This job application form was downloaded from Betterteam.

( 39 )
Unit 3
Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

Employment History
Employer (1) Job title Dates employed

Work phone Starting pay rate Ending pay rate

Address City State Zip

Employer (2) Job title Dates employed

Work phone Starting pay rate Ending pay rate

Address City State Zip

Employer (3) Job title Dates employed

Work phone Starting pay rate Ending pay rate

Address City State Zip

Employer (4) Job Title Dates employed

Work phone Starting pay rate Ending pay rate

Address City State Zip

Employer (5) Job title Dates employed

Work phone Starting pay rate Ending pay rate

Address City State Zip

Signature Disclaimer
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview
may result in my e�p����e�t��ei���ter�i��te�.

Name (please print) Signature


( 40 )
Unit 3 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Scaffolds, Ditches and Heights

Unit 4
Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

( 41 )
Unit 4
Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

Every construction site has vehicles. These vehicles can be hazardous due to
human error. This unit highlights what a safety officer should check to make
the place safe.

A forklift lifts, stacks, carries
and moves objects around the
workplace. Lift Stack
Some forklifts move fast.
Some carry too much that the
driver can’t see.

Carry Move
As a safety officer, make sure the forklift is parked safely.
It should have a mechanical park brake to
keep it from rolling .

1- Separate forklift traffic and other workers.

2- Use the horn when a forklift is nearby.

3- Install reflective mirrors at blind corners.

4- Assess intersections

5- Use flashlights in areas where noise is high

6- Use dockplates for anti-slip.

7- Never allow forklift drivers to carry workers

( 42 )
Unit 4 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

Maxine Curry
Dayjob Limited
The Big Peg
120 Vyse Street
Birmingham B18 6NF
T: 0044 121 638 0026

Maxine has a successful track record of minimising employee expo-
sure to hazardous levels of chemicals, light, dust, heat, radioactive
materials and bacteria. She is an expert at encouraging employee
participation in safety and health issues, promoting health and safety
awareness in the workplace and creating a system that works for the
company. As a true professional she always keeps up to date with
changes in the law and does everything in her power to ensure that
people have a reasonable amount of comfort during their working
hours. With her present employer she is responsible for establish-
ing a clear system for reporting hazards, injuries, illnesses and close
calls. One of her key strengths is her ability to write up health and
safety policies that list the specific responsibilities of individuals and
the company. Right now she is looking for a suitable position with a
company that wants to recruit talented and ambitious people.

Safety officer – Start Date – Present
Employers name – Location
Responsible for driving forward a positive culture of health and safety
and for ensuring that there is the correct amount of light, ventilation
and temperature in the workplace.
• Making sure that personal protective equipment, such as hearing
protection, safety glasses, footwear and safety helmets are being
worn in the workplace.
• Ensuring that dangerous chemicals and equipment are properly
stored away.
• Making sure that footrests are available for seated staff who are un-
able to place their feet on the floor.

( 43 )
Unit 4
Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

• Ensuring that a source of clean drinking water is easily available for staff
via chilled water dispensers or nearby taps.
• Helping to rehabilitate staff who have returned back to work after an ill-
ness or accident.
• Delivering a variety of training courses to managers and employees
within the company.
• Working closely with government Health Inspectors and Trade Unions.
• Making sure that mechanical ventilation systems are properly maintained
to an appropriate standard.
• Posting safety bulletins in highly visible areas such as canteens and lob-
• Putting appropriate safety controls in place.
• Ensuring that there is sufficient light to enable people to work and move
about safely.
• Responding to employees’ safety concerns.
• Listening to employee concerns and responding to them.
• Setting safety goals and hold people accountable to them.
• Ensuring right amount of space for workstations.
• Attending safety meetings.
• Conducting employee surveys.
• Investigating the root cause of HSE complaints put forward by staff mem-
• Providing recommendations for emergency response improvements.
• Conducting both face-to-face and online safety training.
JOB TITLE – Start Date – End Date
Employers name – Location
JOB TITLE – Start Date – End Date
Employers name – Location


• Giving advice on legal as well as technical issues.
• Monitoring levels of noise pollution.
• Using blinds and shades to reduce glare on computer screens.
• Making sure the workplace temperature is just right so that it’s not too
cold or too hot.
• Ensuring staff are given enough breaks during their working day.
• Mild mannered and easy to get along with.

Able to deal with stress full situations.

( 44 )
Unit 4 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

University name – Degree details Study Dates
College name – Qualifications Study Dates
School name – Subjects / Grades Study Dates

Available on request.
Writing a Resume
A resume contains certain information an employer might be interested in.
Copy the following sample and fill it in:

NAME (1ST & 3rd)


Skilled safety officer with experience in ………….,………………..and…..……………… .

Trained at NCTC schools for safety officers.


Expert in …………………
Reading ………………………….
Knowledge of ……………………………………….

1-Al-Ajmy Contractors:

( 45 )
Unit 4
Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

Read the description on the left, write the missing name, and match it
with the right picture:

Dock plates –flashlights –reflective mirrors –horn –blind spots

1-These are strong lights. They are used to

attract attention to a hazard. They are called a
………………………………. .

2-These are heavy metal objects. They are

used to keep vehicles in place. They are called b
……………………… .

3-Places where the road turns are called

…………………………. .

4-Mirrors installed at corners to show vehicles

coming from the opposite direction are called d
………………………… .

5-The sound made by a car to warn walkers and

other drivers is called …………………………… .

( 46 )
Unit 4 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

Crane and hoisting safety



not stable unstable

the crane operator should ensure that the crane is stable on the ground.

Correct placement of steel plates for outriggers

( 47 )
Unit 4
Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

Lifting areas
Around a crane, the area should be marked
with signage. Minimum clearance
of 600 mm between the crane and any
fixture or other machinery.


* Be sure your load is secure.

* Ensure that nothing can slip out and cause damage or injury.

• If a chain block can not lift a load, do not help it.

• check the wire on the drum. wire

• Change the rope if it frays.

• Never leave a suspended load unattended.

• Never get, walk or stay under a load yourself, or let anyone else

• Never lift people with a hoist.

Use the following words to complete the sentences below:

lift – check –get –fray –chain block –ensure –people

Do not …………., walk or stay under a suspended


Change the wire if it …………….. .

( 48 )
Unit 4 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

………………the wire on the drum.

Do not leave a suspended load ………………………. .

Do not use a ………… ………… if it cannot lift a load.

…………the load does not slip out and fall.

Do not lift …………..with a hoist.

3- suspended
1- wire hoist 2- unattended 4- lift with a hoist
a b c d

Truck safety at the workplace

Trucks drive around the workplace. They carry loads of dirt, gravel and debris.
It is dangerous to be around a truck. Safety officers should ensure the safety
of the workers and equipment near operated truck paths. The following haz-
ards are related to trucks when workers are nearby:
* loading and unloading could be hazardous .
* trucks could hit nearby walkers .

( 49 )
Unit 4
Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

How can safety procedures be applied?

*Safety officers should keep inspection records for each truck.
* Truck paths should be guarded with warning signs.

*workers should stay out of the truck paths.

*Workers should wear high visibility vests so that truck drivers can see them.

Now match the two columns. Can you guess the missing words?

High visibility vests –truck paths –warning signs –inspection records

a- These are used to p…… accidents and

1 ................
warn of hazards.

b- These are worn by workers so that

2 ...............
v…….. drivers can see them.

c- These are reports that m……….. trucks

3 ...............

d- these are lanes that trucks ………… fol-

4 ...............
low and workers should avoid.

( 50 )
Unit 4 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

Participial Adjectives: Study the following table:

Verb Participial Adjective

break broken

write written

store stored

need needed

insulate insulated

detect detected

use used

What can be added from one column to the others?

Forklift Crane Truck

lift –
check – Load –
Dock plates
get – unload –
fray – High-visibility vests
reflective mirrors
chain block – –truck paths –
ensure – warning signs –inspec-
blind spots
hoist up – tion records
hoist down

Duties of the safety officer

Here are some of the things every safety officer has to do as part of
their job:

1. Tell workers about hazards and dangers in the workplace and show them
how to work safely.
2. Make sure workers follow the law and the workplace health and safety poli-
cies and procedures.
3. Make sure workers wear and use the right protective equipment.
4. Do everything reasonable to keep workers from getting hurt or sick on the

( 51 )
Unit 4
Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

Duties of the worker

Now here are some of the things every worker has to do as part of their

1. Follow the law and the workplace health and safety policies and proce-
2. Always wear or use the protective equipment.
3. Work and act in a way that won’t hurt them or any other worker.
4. Report any hazard they find in the workplace to their supervisors.

Speaking exercise:

( 52 )
Unit 4 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Vehicle Safety
Forklifts, Cranes and Dump trucks

Speaking practice:
Pair work: Look at the photos above. Take turns asking and answering
questions about different types of signs.

Q: What type of sign is this?

A: That’s a _________ sign.
Q: What does this _________(Type of sign) mean?
A: It means that (you must wear/ you must not / there is a danger of / there
is (a) _____________.

Listening: Listen to the following statements and say if they

are True or False:






( 53 )
Unit 5
Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!
Your choice!

Unit 5
Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an
Awful Master! Your choice!

( 54 )
Unit 5 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!

Your choice!

This unit highlights causes and effects of fire, and ways to prevent it to pro-
tect personnel and equipment.

Reading: Read the following and then think about it.

A. What is fire?
Fire is a good servant; when it serves you and serves work. You control it. It is
under control. But, when it is out of control, and it starts burning
people and objects, it becomes the master. It is a monster.

B. What are the causes of fire?

Fire is a combination of the following:
Flammable material (wood –cloth –gas) + oxygen + ignitor
Fire results from overheat , or an electric spark or sparks from
welding works near a flammable substance.
Overheat can melt metal objects. For example, a car engine will become so
hot first. This will show on the gauge. Then, flammable material (rub-
ber/gas) will start burning in the presence of oxygen.
a b c d e

1- heating 2- leak 3- spark 4- flammable 5- cut

*All hoses should be checked for cuts, and cracks. These

cause gas leaks. You can discover gas leaks through sight, smell and sound.

Say whether the following statements are True or False

1- Fire breaks out in the absence of oxygen. (T) (F)

2- A gas hose with leaking cracks is not a hazard. (T) (F)
3- Gas leaks can be seen and heard but not smelt. (T) (F)
4- Flammable materials burn easily. (T) (F)
5- Gas cylinders should be stored near radiators. (T) (F)

( 55 )
Unit 5
Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!
Your choice!

Match words from A and B and write the combinations in C


flammable cracks ………………………………………........................................

gas gauge ………………………………………........................................

Hose materials ………………………………………........................................

heat spark ………………………………………........................................

electric cylinders ………………………………………........................................

*All gas cylinders should be kept away

from radiators and all sources of heat.
Gas cylinders should be stored away from
electrical equipment, and sparks of fire.

Flammable substance stored at

designated storage area away from
sources of heat.

( 56 )
Unit 5 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!

Your choice!

Radiators –kept from –gas cylinders

Gas cylinders

check –cracks –
cuts -hose

Gas leaks – ………………………………………….

check -repaired ……………………………………………

gas cylinders –
store –
electric sources

( 57 )
Unit 5
Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!
Your choice!

Grammar: Comparatives

An electrician needs to compare between the equipment, materials and

tasks he has.
For example:
A wire can be 50 centimeters. A
You need a piece of 100 cm:

(5 cm) (5 cm)
short short
(10 cm)
You can say: I need a LONGER wire.

A is short.
A is shorter than B. (10 cm)
B is longer than A. long

2003 2008
(very old) (old)

Nokia is older than Samsung.

( 58 )
Unit 5 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!

Your choice!

The black extension The white extension

6 slots 3 slots

(Big): …………………………………………

Detects 10 things Detects 1 thing


Wooden ladder Aluminum ladder

(Safer) …………………………………………..

( 59 )
Unit 5
Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!
Your choice!

Accident Investigation Report Form

EMPLOYEE DETAILS Name: ____________________________

Address: __________________________________________

Date of accident: ___________
Time: ________
Date Reported: __________
Time: _________
Date ceased work: __________
Time: __________
Supervisor: __________________________
Time lost (to date): ___________________
Time lost (anticipated overall) __________________
Medical Treatment required: ___________________________________

Nature and extent of injury Part of body injured Head Trunk Mul-
tiple Eyes Arm General Neck Leg Unspecified Nature
of injury Sprain Laceration Burn Fracture Concussion
Superficial Multiple Dislocation Amputation Contusion
Other Type of incident Flying object Manual handling Electric-
ity Struck by Poisons Fall Caught in Temperature Other
Describe the events leading up to the injury and how the injury occurred
(witness or injured person’s statement). Accident Investigation - Supervi-
sor’s Report Witness Details How did the accident happen? What caused
the accidents Ineffective guarding Lack of protective equipment
Lack of training Lack of maintenance Safety rules not followed
Inexperience Unsafe work methods Misconduct Workplace
design (equipment, design, layout) Weather Poor housekeeping
Language difficulties
Explain How can a recurrence be prevented? Supervisor’s name:

Signature: _____________________________________
Date: ____________________
Appropriate Government/insurance bodies Advised? (If applicable) Yes/No
Is this a Work-related injury? Yes/No Accident Investigation

( 60 )
Unit 5 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!

Your choice!

A- Reading “Fire Evacuation Drill: (Trainees should read this as in a

declaration to get excited)

A fire evacuation drill is performed/done at all workplaces. It trains employ-

ees to evacuate a building on fire in time. Safety officers act as leaders; they
show the personnel the emergency exits to the assembly point.
Effective steps shall be taken to ensure that all the persons at work are famil-
iar with the means of escape and the routine to be followed in case of fire.
In-house emergency exercises and drills shall be conducted on a quarterly
basis, exercise on a half-yearly basis, while drills on a yearly basis.
Everyone must take these drills and exercises seriously. Seriousness will save
lives when the act is real. The fire alarm bell will go off at a certain/
designated hour. Then, the process begins.

Try to answer the next quiz, then proceed to the next info about fire
1- For a fire to start, oxygen should combine with (fuel –carbon dioxide –hy-
2- The best way to remove heat from a fire is with (water –sand –oil).
3- Fire extinguishers should be checked (once –twice –three times) every six
4- To use a fire extinguisher, the first thing you need to do is (open the safety
valve –shake it –pull out the pin).
6- Fire extinguishers are rated by the (type –size –intensity) of fire they can
put out.

( 61 )
Unit 5
Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!
Your choice!


Most fire extinguishers have CO2 gas baked with SODA BICARBONATE baked
in them. They cut the cycle of fire by reducing and stopping heat and cut the
oxygen supply. The correct type of extinguishers depends on the type of fire.
The best fire

extinguisher is water. Fire extinguishers have pins that must be pulled first.
Then, the nozzle should be aimed at the bottom of the fire. The holder
should sweep from side to side.

Comment on each of the above two pictures:

1- What are they doing? ………………putting out…………………….. .

2- Who is doing it? A safety officer …………………………a trainee.
3- What are they using? ………………….a fire extinguisher to ……………

Fire point complete

with sand bags,
shovel, and water buckets.

( 62 )
Unit 5 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Fire is an Awesome Servant, but an Awful Master!

Your choice!

Fire safety

Fire is always a hazard at the workplace. Vehicles use fuel. Fuel is flammable.
Machines use electricity. Electrocutions take place. Oxygen is everywhere.
Most materials are flammable.
A safety officer has an important job facing all these hazards:
1- He/she has to spread awareness of these and other hazards.
2- He/she has to see that the environment is safe.
3-He has to prevent accidents and disasters before happening.

Listening: Instructions for fire breakouts











- Can you remember 2 important commands and 2 prohibitions?

- You should walk on the left side of the stairs and corridors to …………………..
……………………………. .
- If you remember anything you left in the building, (go back for it –forget
it). -
- In case of heavy smoke, (walk upright –crawl).
- (Open –Do not open) a door if the handle is so hot.

( 63 )
Unit 6
Hierarchy and Communication

Unit 6
Hierarchy and Communication

( 64 )
Unit 6 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Hierarchy and Communication

Read the following and answer the following questions:

To work effectively, safety officers have to communicate with different
departments. They have to report problems to their superiors. They have to
contact those who can offer help.
Toolbox Meetings
Why do them?
To communicate with workers. There are always hazards at the con-
struction site. Safety officers must make must make sure that everyone is
aware of aware of them. It is your responsibility.

I. Tripping, slipping and falling:

-Clean corridors and paths. Do
not litter. Do not leave tools or 1
equipment on the floor. 4

-Do not leave spills on the floor.

Clean the floor or send for someone to
clean it at once.
-Always use fall arrest systems ……………&
………… v……………….
while working at heights. s
Can you remember two of the s………………
above instructions? &
What are they?...................................................................
How much can you say without looking
at the text? l………… un………..

Electricity and Fire:

Do not keep electric equipment in damp areas.
This might give you an electric shock when you
even touch the equipment.
Live wire can electrocute a wet hand. You must wear thick
cotton gloves when you touch those wires. Ask an electri-
cian if you are not sure the place is safe and the
wires are insulated well.
Never store flammable material near electric equipment Fire ex-
tinguishers should be easy to reach (accessible). Always check fire extin-
guishers expiry date. Make sure that emergency exits are clear. Make sure
everyone can hear the fire alarm.
Mark each of the following statements right ( ), or wrong ( )

- Store flammable material near electric equipment.

- Fire extinguishers should be locked in rooms.
- Everyone should be able to hear the fire alarm.

( 65 )
Unit 6
Hierarchy and Communication








Hussma - Vendor
Quantity nn Part # Part # Model # Serial # Notes

In order for Aftermarket Parts to serve you better, we are asking for as much
information up front as possible. Help us, help you, by providing the follow-
ing information on all Aftermarket part inquiries, quotes, and purchase or-
ders. Doing so will save time, emails and phone calls required now to extract
missing, much needed, information. Giving us this information will allow us
to serve you and your customer better and faster.

• Case Model
• Sales Order Number or Case Production Order Number
• Case Serial Number
• Detailed description of requested part(s); include dimensions, colors, etc.
(the more information, the better)
• Electrical information - volts, amps, phase, horse power, etc.
• Color of painted parts
• PO requests should include a copy of the part inquiry/quote
• Warranty parts need to have the reason for part failure/replacement on the

( 66 )
Unit 6 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Hierarchy and Communication


-Maintain good posture by keeping your back straight

-Lift slowly by straightening hips/knees, not your back

-Hold the load close to your body at your belly button

-Use your feet to change directions

-Never twist your body.

Moving vehicles:

Large trucks, forklifts, Bulls, cranes,

are all heavy vehicles in the construc-
tion site.
Heavy trucks and loaded forklifts
might over-run careless workers.
Standing under suspended loads
lifted by cranes is dangerous.
-Decide WHO is at risk. Who works

Decide WHO is at risk. Who works near

any of these vehicles and where and when these
accidents take place.

- Always separate pedestrians and vehicles.

-Make any obstructions (humps) visible hump

-Make sure all warning signs are there.

-Make sure vehicles operators do not exceed the

speed limit.

- Workers should wear high-visibility vests.

( 67 )
Unit 6
Hierarchy and Communication

Listen to/read the following sentences and choose the right answer:

1- a- hats b- safety shoes c-high-vis vests

2- a- Shouldn’t b-should c- can
3- a- aren’t b- are c-isn’t
4- a- Far from b- near c- on
5- a- safe b-good c-unsafe

E-mail: Reporting an electrical problem with a machine

Subject Reporting a short circuit with the wrapping machine
Dear Technical Manager,
Start with a greeting
I hope this e-mail finds you well. and a wish.
I am writing this e-mail to report a safety
problem with the wrapping machine.
The employee refuses to wear his proper The reason for the
PPE uniform, and is careless about the e-mail
machine guard. I gave him a warning.

I think he deserves some deduction from solution

the salary. I hope you can find a solution.

Best Regards. Signature

Abdulla Alqahtani
Fresh Safety Officer

( 68 )
Unit 6 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Hierarchy and Communication

Unguarded machines:

Unguarded machinery can cut or crush body parts. Electric saw

should be properly guarded . special gloves must be used.

From safety officer up

When an accident occurs, a safety officer is responsible for the following

actions. He/she has to be at the site immediately. He/she has to call the
ambulance in case someone is injured.
Then, he/she has to assess the situation to find out what happened. For
example, if a truck runs over a worker, why didn’t the driver stop in time? Why
didn’t the injured worker step out of the truck’s way in time? What depart-
ment did the worker work for? What is his job title? Did the driver over-speed?
Was he drunk? Did the worker have the high-visibility vest on? Are the warn-
ing signs in their places? Were the truck lights on (at night), or not?
Can you guess the meanings of the words in bold from the context?
The following is an accident report. Find out how much you can understand.

( 69 )
Unit 6
Hierarchy and Communication


This form must be completed by the School/Department Head, Chief

Technical Officer, or Departmental Safety Officer as soon as possible after
any accident has occurred. This is a requirement under the College’s Em-
ployer & Public Liability policies.

Name: ………………………………………………Staff  Student  Other 

Department: …………………………………………………………………………

Job Title: ……………………………………… Hours of Work: …………………………

Date & Time of Alleged Accident: ………………………………………………………

Place/Building Name: ……………………………………………………………

Grade of Accident: Minor  Moderate  Severe
Brief Particulars: ……………………………………………………………………
(Continue overleaf if necessary)

Nature of Injury: ………………………………………………………………………

(If to limb or eye, state whether left or right)……………………………………….
What action was taken to treat Or minimize injury or damage?
In cases or moderate or severe accidents please state the names & ad-
dresses of any witnesses:
(1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Are you satisfied that an accident occurred
At the time, date and place stated? Yes 
No 
Was the person authorized to be in that place at that time for the purpose
of his/her work? Yes 
No 
What was the person doing at the time of the accident? ………………………………

Was this something authorized or permitted to be done for the purpose of

his/her work? Yes  No 
To whom was the accident reported? …………………………………………………

When was it first reported? …………………………………………………………

Signed: …………………………………………………….. Date: ………………………

( 70 )
Unit 6 English For Vocational Purposes BOOK 2

Hierarchy and Communication

*Minor = Onsite treatment; Moderate = First aid and referred for

medical attention; Severe = Ambulance called.

Print Name: …………………………… Ext No: …………………………


Use “I DO” when you speak about:

1- A repeated action
Every day, I maintain the electric
Use “I am doing” to speak about:
An action at the time of speaking:
Every week, I take Friday off.
I do not maintain computers. This is
Now, I am installing a light.
not my job.
I do not take Mondays off.
Abdulla is watching me.
My manager monitors the place.
My manager does not monitor the
Ali and Saleh are helping me.
I am not watching TV now.
2- A fact
German wires are good.
The electrician’s job is hazardous.

( 71 )
Unit 6
Hierarchy and Communication

Now decide whether you do these actions every day or at the time of


Punch in at 8 every day


Run-because I am late.

Manager monitor work-
place –always


Install a circuit –Now.


Talk on the phone, now.

Every day at 4 p.m., I …………………………………. .

Leave work at 4 pm

( 72 )
Notes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Notes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Notes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Certified Professional
Training & Consulting

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