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Plan of Action Report

We have examined your website. The model of your business is direct to the customer. Here we
will share the strategy and plan for pro uniform to get sales and conversion and boost the Woo-
commerce store to the next level.

Google Ads
Plan of Action

What trend says about top selling products:

We have done thoroughly researched all the products and found Uniform pants and shirt’s
volume usually increases at the month of June. And it goes up to the September. If we take these
things into consideration, we can surely get the majority of the sales during this period of time.

So here is the line graph of uniform shirt query. Between June to September, we can see higher
search volume of this query and expect this duration, there are sideways.
Also, the results are same with uniform pants. The search volume usually increases between the
mentioned time period. So we can take the advantage of this thing.

Apart from that the search term on baton signifies that the upcoming searches might be in
uptrend. So we can make a plan of this particular category and grab the conversions over
Shopping Campaign:

We will mainly focus on Uniforms pants and uniforms shirts. We will make a winning a
products feed in google merchant center.
Search Campaign:
We will target on these keywords:

Keyword Search volume low range high range

uniform pants 1K – 10K $0.65 $3.42
tactical pants 10K – 100K $0.52 $1.53
long sleeve uniform shirt 1K – 10K $0.76 $4.19
security guard uniform 1K – 10K $0.54 $3.43
security pants 1K – 10K $0.47 $3.35
security uniform 1K – 10K $0.45 $3.23

We will create search campaign with different ad groups and we will use different type of
keyword in each ad groups according to products. After 2 or 3 weeks we will see how keywords
will be performing.

Apart from this, We will utilize the winning keywords and make different ad group for those
RLSA Campaign:

Remarketing has always been magical whenever it has been practiced. One of the main
recommendations under this point is to use remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) with our
Google shopping campaigns.

Once we start getting good data and sales from search campaign then we will create RLSA
campaign in which we will use keywords best for audience

Here is audience which we will use in our RLSA campaign:

cart abandonment
checkout abandonment,
product audience
time spent on website
other popular audience

Also, we will adjust our bids for groups of people based on previous website activity, for
example, cart abandonment, loyal customers, and frequent visitors.

After this finally, when data from our ad campaign takes place, we can adjust our bids to
optimize for ROAS inside each of these groups.

Only the intended users will be there and our chances of sales will be very high.

Set Up Remarketing Lists

Google Analytics: we will use Google Analytics to track user behavior and create custom
remarketing lists based on specific actions or pages visited.
Create Remarketing Lists: we will set up the various remarketing lists in Google Ads based on
the audience segments. This can be done using Google Analytics or by setting up the custom
audience in Google Ads.

Campaign Setup

RLSA Targeting: the campaign setup will be the same as we do for the search campaign but we
will apply the relevant remarketing lists to your campaign/ad groups as RLSA audiences. This
allows us to target specific segments of our past website visitors.
Ad Groups and Keywords

Ad Group Segmentation: we’ll divide the campaign into different ad groups based on audience
segments and keyword themes. This allows for more relevant ad copy and better targeting.

Keyword Selection: Also, we will choose relevant and targeted keywords that align with our
audience’s search intent and Leverage the insights from past website behavior to refine the
keyword selection

Ad Copy and Extensions

Ad Copy: we’ll create ad copies that are tailored to each audience segment to maximize
relevance. Highlight special offers, promotions, or exclusive deals to entice returning visitors.

Ad Extensions: Utilize ad extensions, such as sitelinks, call extensions, and structured snippets,
to provide additional information and improve ad visibility.

Monitoring and Optimization

Regular Monitoring: we will keep a close eye on the performance of your RLSA campaign.
Monitor metrics like CTR, conversion rate, and ROAS to identify areas for improvement.

Bid Adjustments: we’ll adjust bids based on the performance of different remarketing lists and
ad groups and will Increase bids for high-value segments and decrease bids for less-engaged

Display Campaign:

Audience Research

Audience Segmentation: First, we’ll identify the target audience for your Display campaign.
Like, demographics, interests, behaviors, and any remarketing lists we want to include.

Custom Affinity and In-Market Audiences: we’ll explore Google's Custom Affinity and In-
Market audience targeting options to reach users with specific interests or purchase intent.
Ad Creative and Assets

Design Eye-catching Ads: we will Create visually appealing ad creatives that align with our
campaign objectives and target audience.

Targeting Options

Keyword Targeting: we will utilize contextual targeting by selecting relevant keywords that
match the content of websites.

Placement Targeting: we will choose specific websites or placements where we want our ads to
appear. Or we can test and use automatic placements to let Google determine the best locations.

Audience Targeting: Implement audience segmentation to reach the most relevant users.
Facebook & Instagram ads
Analyzing the business and considering all the points, targets, USPs and Goals mentioned by
you, we have come out with a plan of action to target the audiences and push sales on uniform
and clothing.

We will be following the Facebook advertising funnel to aware, acquire, activate and retain the
audiences for the business

Talking about budget, we will allot 70% of Budget at the Top of the Funnel, 15% at the Bottom
of Funnel and rest 15% for the Bottom of funnel so that we can attract the more audiences to our
business and at the same time convert them by retargeting them through our ads.

Here is the structure of the campaign:

Stage 1: TOFU – Turn Strangers (Cold audience) into Prospects

At top of the funnel, Our goal will be to aware the cold audience about the products which we
are selling.
As our major objective is to get sales as faster as we can, therefore along with awareness we will
also focus on conversion at this phase.

A) Audiences targeting at TOF

As per the points shared by you and the business niche, our target demographic is the persons
and agencies that are willing to buy uniforms.

 Interest based (Detailed targeting): We will be targeting users based on their

demographics, location, interests & behaviour
 Lookalike Audience: we will target lookalike audience from existing customers or site

We will give the budget at Campaign level so that the best performing audiences will allot more
budget in order to get more interaction rate and conversion.
We will test different single interest based so that we will be able to find winning interest and the
winning interest will be narrowed down in the Lookalike audiences of different variation which
is 1-3%, 3-5%, 5-7% and so on so that we can make the audience relevant with winning interest
in order to increase the sales flow.

We will test types of ads with different text and CTA so that we can find which one is working in
terms of KPIs and then we will scale accordingly.

Once we find the winning Ads then we will run "POST ENGAGEMENT" campaign for those
ads with same Post Id so that we are able to increase the trust factor and will get more
engagement on that post and this will help in ranking up our ads among all the competitors

B) Type of ads used in TOF: Ad types that are proven to work the best in the Awareness
stage are:

 Video ads: Video ads are very engaging Videos are better for driving Facebook views,
engagement (Likes and comments) I’ve tested both image & video extensively and have
always found that images perform better than video. That’s not to say that video doesn’t
work with Facebook Ads because it definitely does; I’ve had Facebook Video Ads that
have generated over 50,000 views in 3 months, spending just a few pounds/dollars per
day, which is some pretty strong brand building going on there.

 Image ads: Facebook image ads or photo ads feature a still image and catchy ad copy and
a call to action (CTA). For advertising uniforms and clothing , image Ads have beaten
video Ads hands down. We will be using USPs in primary test, Call to action and

 Vast collection.
 Best Quality Fabrics
 New and unique designs

Phase 1 scaling:

For the first 1-3 days of your Campaign going live, your Ad Sets will be in what Facebook calls
the Learning Phase. This is a process every single Ad Set must go through as Facebook learns
how it can generate the best possible results based on your Campaign Objective.

During the learning phase, your CPCs (Cost Per Click) are likely to be higher than they will be
after the learning phase has completed.

We will be considering the following 5 metrices to analyse the campaigns in phase 1. We will
analyse against these KPIs and eliminate the non performing ad sets and I will replace it with
another Ad Set and test another audience using the Ads that have been the most successful over
the past 7 days.

 Impressions
 Clicks
 CTR (Click-Through Rate)
 Cost Per Click (CPC)
 Frequency
Stage 2: MOFU – Turn Prospects into Sales

In this stage we will be targeting the Engaged audience with goal of conversion with using sales
magnets. We will be re-targeting warm audience, that are still far away from making a buying

*Audiences targeting at MOFU

 IG & FB Engagers
 We will retarget the audience who has engaged with the post

We can use offer magnets to pull audience for taking purchase action.

 We can offer extra discounts on coupons

 We can offer Free cap/ badge @ $19.99 on certain minimum purchase amount and we
can advertise as “Buy uniform at $ 19.99”
Similar more offers for acquiring more audiences.

Stage 3: BOFU – Purchase

Under this stage we will convince warm audience to complete the purchase action.

Under this stage we will be creating catalogue sales campaign. Catalogue sales campaign is
dynamic product advertisement under which we can show the cloths collections that audiences
had already interacted with. Dynamic Product Ads automatically show the right products to
people who have expressed interest in them.

*Offer magnets:

 We can offer Free Bees on minimum purchase

 Discount for limited time frame
 We can offer new launch products (if any)

Call to Action: Hot audiences are close to making the final purchase. We just need to give them a small

 we will use the following CTAs at this stage:

 Free Gift
 Price (especially if it’s an attractive price)
 Shipping options (i.e. free shipping, fast delivery)
 Special deals and discounts
 Offer available
 Amount saved

Stage 4: Post Purchase – Increase ROAS and Retention

We will build a new Custom Audience based on your previous buyers. We will be retargeting the
audiences that have already completed purchase actions on website.

 We Will be using Upsell audience or cross sell, under this we promoted the add on
product to audiences who have already added other product from website.

*Offer Magnets

 We can offer extra discount for second purchase.

 We can offer cash back for second time purchaser
 We can offer new launch product (if any) , As these are loyal customers and probably
they can make purchase for getting new launch designs

Thus we will create campaigns and ad sets following the initial plan of action. Later on
the basis of the performance and KPIs we can make required changes in the plan for
getting best results out of Facebook and Instagram advertisement.

**Note: - First two weeks would be the testing phase where we will test different KPIs and
metrics in order to find the winner one and once we will be able to find the winning KPIs we will
scale accordingly. Once we have some winning KPIs we will try to reach our breakeven point
and from there we will try to increase the conversion per week. Rest, advertising is all about
testing and finding winner and after that we can scale to get more conversion at low CPA.
Plan of Action

We have analyzed your website and have come up with a strategic plan that can help us in
promoting our business and get the desired results. Please have a look at the points below.

*Best-performing keywords:
We will find out the best-performing keyword from our already running campaigns in which we
are getting good ROAS, sales, and less ACOS. we will make a separate campaign for them it will
help us to increase the sales

*Sponsored Product Campaign:

We have analyzed your website and we saw that you are having different product categories
related to t shirts, security patches, uniforms and caps

So in order to grab maximum sales for the product we will start advertising with sponsored
product ads

In order to launch and get sales with sponsored product ads, first of all we need to list our
product categories with the amazon product listing
Once we are done with the product listing we can start advertising for the sponsored product ads
where we need to select product category for which we want to advertise

We need to create ad groups on the basis of the product categories for which we want to
advertise and further we can target the audience who are interested to buy the products

There are 2 ways to advertise for sponsored product ads first is with automatic targeting and one
is with manual targeting option

In the automatic targeting option amazon automatically selects the keyword variations for the
products which we want to advertise and the products which we have listed first in our product

Another is with a manual targeting option where we can select the different product categories
and we can add and use our custom variation of keywords on which we want to show our ads . In
manual targeting select targeting option we can also bid on the particular keyword on which we
want to show our ads and increase or decrease the bid accordingly to the suggestion.

We can further also increase the bid on the top of the impression page for the products which we
want to show first on the top of the search page

In the initial phase we will first start with automatic targeting option because of its ability to
target the right audience and drive sales effectively

*Time Saving
automatic targeting saves time by eliminating the need for manual targeting and campaign

*Cost Effective
The automatic targeting option helps to lower the cost per acquisition by reaching the right
customers with high relevance. This results in better return on investment compared to other
targeting methods.

*Product Display Ads Campaign:

Amazon Sponsored Display Ads are a type of advertising that allows brands to display their
products to Amazon customers across the Amazon platform. Sponsored Display Ads are
designed to reach customers at different stages of the purchase journey, including the product
detail page, shopping pages, and even outside of Amazon.
Some key features of Amazon Sponsored Display Ads include:

Targeting: Sponsored Display Ads use Amazon's machine learning algorithms to target the right
audience based on factors such as customer behavior, purchase history, and other relevant data.
This helps to reach the right customers with high relevance and increase conversion rates.

Customizable: Sponsored Display Ads can be customized to meet the specific needs and goals of
each brand, including targeting options, budget, and ad format.

Re-Engagement: Sponsored Display Ads can be used to re-engage customers who have shown
interest in a brand's products in the past, helping to drive repeat purchases and increase customer

Cost-Effective: Sponsored Display Ads offer a cost-effective way to reach customers on Amazon
and achieve marketing objectives, providing a better return on investment compared to other
advertising methods.

Data-Driven Insights: Amazon provides valuable insights into customer behavior and
preferences, which can be used to inform future ad campaigns and optimize targeting strategies.

*Competitors’ listing
We will also run ads in the competitors listing by doing that so we can steal their customers.

To accomplish this, we will find a few of our target keywords where we can place our ads. We
will pick up some of the products in which listing we want for our ads.

We will then find the products’ ASIN numbers and will target them in our ads.
*Dedicated campaign for performing products
We can make a separate campaign for the best-performing product.

We will find the product which has good metrics and sales and will target them by making a

separate campaign. This will help us to increase the ROAS, and sales, and lower the ACOS.

*Single keyword ad groups

Also, we will use the Single Keyword Ad Groups strategy. Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs)

are ad groups with just one keyword in them.

They help us gain more control and a cleaner account structure. Improving your ROAS,

increasing your sales, reducing the ACOS and ad spend without compromising results
LinkedIn Plan of Action
Creating a plan of action for LinkedIn ads for involves a strategic
approach to maximize the platform's potential for reaching our target audience effectively. Here's
a comprehensive plan to get started:

1. Define Objectives and Target Audience: Clearly outline the objectives of our LinkedIn ad
campaign. For example, it could be increasing website traffic, lead generation, brand awareness,
or product promotion.

We will run ads to generate sales and for that we will create campaigns with these objectives

 Brand awareness
 Website visit
 Website conversion

2. Optimize LinkedIn Company Page: Make sure our LinkedIn company page stays up-to-
date, engaging, and complete.

Include an exciting company description, promote our goods and services, and emphasize
customer reviews. Many people who are viewing ads will come to this page.
3. Audience Targeting: Determine the target market's characteristics depending on the goods
we provide. Think about things like job titles, industries, firm size, location, qualifications,
education, and degree of seniority.

Use LinkedIn's Audience Demographics: Leverage LinkedIn's built-in audience demographics

and insights to understand the composition of potential audience.

Lookalike Audiences: LinkedIn allows creating lookalike audiences based on our existing
website visitors or contact lists.

Interest-Based Targeting: LinkedIn offers interest-based targeting, allowing us to reach users

based on their interests and activities on the platform.

Job Experience and Seniority: Depending on offerings, we can target specific job titles or
seniority levels.

Company Targeting: If our product caters to specific companies or industries, we can narrow
our audience by targeting employees of those companies or people in related industries.

Education and Degrees: For certain industries, education and specific degrees may be
important criteria.
4. Choose Ad Format: LinkedIn offers several ad formats like Sponsored Content, Sponsored
InMail, and Display Ads.

The ads that we would be using to promote our products are

 Single image
 Carousal
 Video
 Text
 Spotlight
5. Budgeting and Bidding: Determine ad budget for the campaign. Start with a reasonable
daily budget and adjust based on the performance of ads.

We have three types of bidding strategies on LinkedIn

 Maximum Delivery
 Cost Cap
 Manual bidding

We will choose the best bidding strategy according to the performance and goal of each

6. Landing Page Optimization: Ensure that the landing page ads lead to is relevant, user-
friendly, and optimized for conversions.

Use consistent messaging from ad to landing page to enhance the user experience.

7. Create Compelling Ad Content: Craft visually appealing and persuasive ad content. Focus
on value proposition, clear CTA (Call to Action), and using eye-catching images or videos that
resonate with your target audience.

Craft a Compelling Headline: Ad headline is the first thing users will see, so make it attention-
grabbing and relevant to your target audience. Use compelling language and a clear value

Write Engaging Ad Copy: Keep ad copy concise, yet informative. Highlight the benefits of
product, and use a strong call-to-action (CTA) to encourage clicks.

Choose Eye-Catching Visuals: include high-quality images or videos that resonate with your
target audience.

Add Relevant Ad Copy Links: include relevant links to landing pages or website. Make sure
the landing page matches the ad's content and offers a seamless user experience.

8. Retargeting: Implement LinkedIn's retargeting feature to reach people who have previously
interacted with website or LinkedIn ads. This can help reinforce our message and increase
conversion rates.

9. Continuous Optimization: Based on the data and insights gathered, continually refine and
optimize ad campaigns. Be willing to adjust strategy as needed to improve performance over

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