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University of Sargodba thvernatles mission F O19 2-40 Tienes 2 Hours Man. Marks: 100 41-60 \ Name.t inmmnten | g1cgo | Note: Encircle the correct answer, Vou can use back alde of each page sr00 \ for rough work. Total \ 1. Let Su be the group of permutation of degree 3 and 11~ {1,(12)] be a subgroup of Sx then number of distinet right cosets oF H in Ss are @ 2 oy 3 6 @ 5 2. Let G bea group and C, (for i 1, 2...) be equivalence elasses of conjugate elements of G, then the equality [Gl=|G|+{C[+..4|C fis called (a) Partition (6) Class equation —(e)—-Conjugation. (W) None of these 3. Ifall the automorphism of a group G except identity automorphism are outer automorphism, then G is (ayabelian (b) normal (e) finite {d) none of them 4, The number of proper nontrivial subgroups of Dy are : @ 2 4 (el w@ 8 5. The ing having charecteristic 6 is wz we w XE 6. The root of polynomial equation ever ths field of ratbonal mambers is called (a) Rational integer (b) integer —(€)_—_Azobrac integer (a) Atgebrate mummber 7. Which of the following pair of vectors form a basis forthe Luelidean space RP? (a) ( ©) (0,000) EVM GY AO.ML899} $8. IFVisa vector space over a field F. Then its dual space is (ayHom(v.w)()F (e) Vitsel? (Hom (VF 9. Let T: RR? be a lit 5)~ (0,1, Le then, TOD (2) Q,2.-5) (1,0 LOT: V— W isa fir dimension |. Then dimension of Vis (a2 H Let T= (X.g ) be . @ oA 12. The cofinite topal (a) Comparable Scanned with CamScanner De telewann intewrabe ” “Sew (oains toy cons te ata woutien rence Ie Cauchy Sequence, 31. In metrie space, (a every (by hounded () convergent (dy divergent 2 isthe incomplete subspace of real line R. (a) (0.1) won fer 10.0 (ud) non of theses 233. Ever normed space isa smace, (a) Hilbert (b) Banach (6) inner product (a) metric 34. Every normed space is complete. (a) finite dimensional (by infinite dimensional ——_(e) Bounded (¢) Connected 38. Let Vand ¥ be two normed spaces and T':.1 —> is a linear operator then Tis continuous if and only if itis (a) open (b) closed (¢) Bounded (@) non of these 36, The sequence space f, is Hilbert space for . (ai2 (t) peo V1. The swith one vector kept fixed defines a functional /':R? —> R. @) an () difference (©) dot product (2) cross product 38. The dual space of RY ie owe oe wr 44) none of these 39 Kass) forall x.y RY is cated, (a) triangular inequality (b) parallelogram law (¢) Pythagorenn law (@) Schwarz inequality 40, A subset M ofa veetor space X's said 10 be iffor every x,ye Mf the line sement joining x and yis contained in M. (2) open (b) closed (e) bounded (a) conves 41. The central difference operator J is equivalent to erspor=s{x+8}-s(-4} w srey=s( +4) @) spta)m s(x 42. Shifting the or (a) Bessel's formula None of these. 43. A fixed point for a gi (@) 2(p}=p 44. Relation between divi (Wary, bye Scanned with CamScanner sjually spaced nodes by a poly normal of degree two then tt nterpolined. 45 In Newton-Cuts formula, os Cr represents (b) Sempson’s mute te) Traperoidal mule (1) Meot"s rule (a) Three- eight rule 46. The ...of Gauss’s formula and backward formula i known as. (ey Harmonic mean ering’ s formuly Ad) Nang of these (a) Arithmetic mean (b) Geometrig mes 47. Relation between central, backward and shift «perat , ' BV (bi ee VEE ee -V fe) 62 V4 EH E + Y Uy Both (a) and (e) (a) = VE! 48, For the polynomial of n-degres the nth difference in fb) Constant (¢) Linear polynomial (dy Quadratic polynomial (a) Zero 49. Chebyshev's formula for thind order is not (eeetT icy ger Hoth th and Ce} tebe - POY Zr] $0, Gauss-seidel iteration method 1s called {hy Suevessive displicement (dy None of these (a) simultaneous displacement tey Thoth (a) and (by Sh. tn Fourier series fx) =a,4 3. (a, cose +b, sinvix) , Euler formala is * fleysinneete thie, @ nalf fAxveos! whe Scanned with CamScanner 55. For me idepensent sat sotatioy We way) ODE Ft =O Winualizedes Surtees ‘mid calle (o) Differential surfoce (6) Integral sutface (6) An wall surface (1) 600% (4) and chy 56 QuaseLincar PDF orivative of the unknown function, (8) IF Linear in any derivative of the unknown function (6) Both (a) and (by (a) None of these. 57.8 onder tinear PDE of he form Fp + Qy = Ris called Lagranye’s Equstion has subsidiary equation seeded yee POR pow (dh both (a) and (b) o $8, The fundamental period of f(x) is (9) Largest period p >0 (b) Largest period <0 (c) Smualtest period p>0. (dl) both a ande. 59. Fourier cosine transform of cosy’ iy fa ! \2 wo Jbet a {2 2] ® Nea’ i “ Gar da 4)” 60, Fouticr transform of fx) exist if (a) IF SC) is absolutely integrable on positive x-axis, (b)If f(x) is piecewise continuous on finite interval, (Both (3) and (by (4) Nene ofthese. OL AE (2) = © bay FUcbe bey) smnnalytic then abe € are eqs 10 ferke= ch anton ob tebe he Whanb,et 62 A pointat whiet a function woes to be analytic i elle (4) Singular point (b)nom-singulsr point) regular point (a) non-regular point 63. Ie cosy ts huronic, then a is at iby 0 tort WW) 2 64 Integral curve ulong simple closed curve 4s called a (a) Mulripte curve (6) Jordan curve () connected curve (d) muli-connected 4S. The pole forthe function f(z) = "is ti) oroner tao (by 2 (eo) undefined (a) none of these, 66. For w(x) = (x) +A J? kx.t)u(t)dt if mits of the integral are vonstat shen itis known as (a) Fredholm integral equation (cl Volterra integral equation {(b) I kind Fredholm integral equation (d) 1 kind Volterra integral ‘equation oss 67. Integral equation given for wu (2) 1 hind F (b) I kind of VE (6) 2" kind Fr (4) 1 kind of Vg 68. For the equation u(x) ealled (e) Singular i (6) Fredholm Scanned with CamScanner 69 We fla) = fst uCde «then FCO) Is given for (oy sFu(a) tb) rue + a7Ue) 0 (i) none of these F isthe eonvoluwon (G*P), where Gis (e) Fredholm function 70. The solution of the aitial ealue probe | (ehdstea function (a) Gueen function (b) hernel funetion ction of TASC = GL) G(x OEE, where Gis green (a) Fredholin of I" kind (b) Volterra of I kind Fn). Ess nw), uses. (c) singular equation (d) none of these TL n(x) == J) GO. OF OME, where GO) = The green function ic symmette when () GE = GEA (YEG. = GE) ECC%E) = ZL) (€) none ofthese 13. Wh an = f(x) where Lis (a) Linear operaior (b) self joint operator 74, The non-degenerate kernel k(s.t) is approximated fora hemel by a deesasrate which is expressed for the partial {(¢) binomial series {c) convolution operator (d) none of these sum of (0) Taylor series 75. The condition for Eigen function of the synin orthogonal is (a) Ruud =0 aq = Aw tb) fPuy(Cug (dt = 0 2p tA (6) Pu u(t vay A (by Maclaurin series (6) Taylor or ethers ric Kesnel corresponding to two distinct Figen values to be (d) none of these 76. The locus of a point whose position vector related to. fixed origin expressed as a single variable is called (a) Curve (b) regular curve (e) spave curve (a) unit curve 77 The equation of nosial plane is wO-DL=0 © (rn a0 (e-Dw =o on (8 78 me 1 carvanice Is denote as wi wet w HI 79. Forthe specified gcometry, ¢ = Kit, if k = Oat all points then the curve is (d) Radius of circle (a) Straight line (b) Crete (6) Parabola ‘80. The curvature of the spherical indicatrices of the binormal is, =e (yes -/S wo k= @k= S* $1. The given ondinary differential equativn| [) +2) I iso (e) Order Land degree 2 (cl) Order 2 and degree 2 (2) Order Land degree 1 (b) Order 2 and degree 1 82. A differential equation of the form F(x)G(y)dx + /(x)g())dy = O is called (a) Is called an equation sit (b) Is called an {e) Is called (a) Both (6) 85. Consider the sui my and my are () real and equal 84, The roots of the: ta) -24t 85. The Laplace Lj eu ky = 'b? — dac > 0, then the roots (a) Both (a) and (c) —2F 4 wort Scanned with CamScanner fen condition that Ate yebe + NCE YY BE aM EACLE CE Ra so A pocontary aad wl wie wits = wary L(G) = 0, bs said to be oring operator (0) An unnbidator uperator (6) Undetermined cveicient (4) Hot (a) an tb) seetoting Fatorof yt = —2e + 103? is (ary cyt woyss (6) None of ese $9. The pata inca oF (02 = 30 + Dy = ‘a we 90 Which is the lavar differential equation ) 2+ yeose = sine (6) None ofthese 91, Two vectors sland H are parallel if a only if (@yAxieo (dx Feo wea 92, For vectors 4, Band C. the fundamental vector trinfe product d x (Bx €) ‘H(A By (0) (A-C)F-(A- BYE (d) None of these the point PC2,0, 3) ara parallel tothe vector 37 + f+ 2R wai 93, The parametric equations of the line passing throw (ax =2-3uy=2t2= 3420 (br =243ny=02= 9420 (lx s2—ty ahzo9 420 (jx 2+ 3ny=h2=3—20 94, The vectors A, Band € are coplanar, if A+B xe (2 3 wos (a) None of these 95, The work done in moving an object along 2 vector F = 31 + 27 — 5A for the applied force Fm 21—/— Kix ws (9 we wn ‘Yo. the distance fon the polit @CL 1.5) tte line passing ay F(1,A,0) wa gaat othe weston = A= 3 26 in v7 cov wy tay None of ese 97, Wa = Pat — 2y?2f + xy%ak, tren TA at the point PO,— 1.2) is (bs 7 [d) None of these $22 = 9.antz = x8 + y? 3 athe point 21,2) is jest" ws" (a) =3 isa tensor of order then their product A,B Gx (Uf. = 1,23) (3 (as (b) Ge = Aa — Bi (4) None of these Scanned with CamScanner

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