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Examples of questions in previous examination papers

Work through the examples of questions posed in previous examination papers in order to gain an
understanding of what type, format and nature of questions you can expect in the examination. The
exact same questions will however not be asked in your examination.

Question 2.1 (20 marks)

What is corporate governance and why does corporate governance matter?

Question 2.2 (20 marks)

"However, if management was the focal point for the 20th century, corporate governance is said to
be the primary focus for the 21st. Almost all advanced and advancing economies have introduced
corporate governance codes or enacted new disciplinary laws as in the United States following the
Enron debacle”. (Tricker: Corporate Governance)
Why does corporate governance matter? Substantiate your answer with actual events or
occurrences as examples. Also explain the difference between corporate governance and

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