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Investigation Summary

Complaint Information
Program : Child Care Program Credential # : 892
Name : TINKER TOWN LEARN & PLAY Complaint Received Date : 11/13/2018
Intake Type : Complaint Complaint Closed Date : 10/08/2019
Complaint Number : 2591
Complaint Description :
injury to child, supervision

Allegation Type Category Allegation Description
Lack of Supervision UnSubstantiated NAC 432A.520 ( Supervision ) ±Based on investigation and
communication with Director and staff, this complaint is
determined - unsubstantiated - It was determined that
supervision was adequate on the playground. Staff stated that
they were interacting with children and circulating the
playground when incident occurred.
Ratios Substantiated NAC 432a. 5205 (Ratio) ±Based on investigation and
communication with Director and staff, this complaint is
determined - substantiated ±Surveyors could not prove the
facility was in ratio due to inaccurate sign in sheets.
Incident reporting Substantiated NAC 432A.378(incident reporting) Based on the information
provided from the reporting party and surveyor investigation this
was found to be substantiated. The facility never made the
parent aware of the incident.
Other Substantiated NAC 432A.280.5 (inaccurate sign in sheets) Based on record
review and interview this was found to be substantiated.


09/10/2019 Investigation Summary Page 1 of 1

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