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Table of Contents
Parameters Page Number

Overview 3
Domain Statistics of Website 4
Crawl Statistics of Website 5
Website Loading Time 6
XML Sitemaps 7
Robots.txt 8
HTTP Status Code 9
Content Overview 10
URL Structure 11
Meta Title Tags 12
Meta Description Tags 13
Header Tags 14
ALT Tags 15
URL & IP Canonicalization 16
Internal Linking 17
Structured Data Markup 18
Google Analytics Tool 20
Google Search Console 21
Bing webmaster 22
FAQ Page 23
Blog Page 24
Social Media Visibility 25
Call To Action 26
Conclusion 27
Domain Statistics of Website

Page Authority 14/100

Domain Authority 9/100

Backlinks 11

As per the analysis performed above, we have noticed that the website
Page Authority of the website is 14, as per third party tool. Backlink
score of the website is 11, and the Domain Authority of the website is 9
only. So overall stats are below average.

We need to create quality of off-page backlinks to enhance the trust rank
and domain authority. This will help in getting improved results for domain
statistics and create a stronger identity for the website in the Search
Crawl Stats

5 Pages 0 Pages 0 Pages

Indexed Indexed Indexed

5 pages are indexed on google and 0 pages are indexed both in yahoo
and Bing. So we can see that Index status of the website is average on


We need to Submit the website to Google Search Console and Bing both
for better indexing of all pages.
Update the XML sitemaps and submit them to Google/Bing.
Submit the website to business listings and directories.
Create High-Quality backlinks on medium to high-DA websites.
Website Cache & Brand Mentions

Website Last Cache: 07 December 2023

Brand Searches: Yes

As per analysis, the last cache appeared on 07 December 2023 and
the website comes on Google on brand search, which is good.

No Action Required
Website Loading Speed
This audit is done through a GTMetrix tool. This is an overview of how
users are currently viewing your site when it comes to both Mobile and
Desktop site speed.

The website is taking 3.0s to load, which is lower than the average
loading speed i.e. 5s, so it is good from SEO point of view. Please have
a look at this link:


No Action Required
XML Sitemaps
A sitemap is a file that contains an
index of all the pages within your
website, which in turn tells Google
and other search engines about the
organization of your site’s content.

By implementing and maintaining

proper sitemaps, you can set
priority for the URLs according to
their importance.

As per analysis, XML sitemap is present on the website.

No Action Required
The Robots.txt file on a
website is used to instruct
crawlers about the exclusion
of Web Pages.

This file is used by your

website to communicate with
Search engine crawlers.

As per analysis, robots.txt file is not present on the website. Here you can
check with the URL:

Need to add Robots.txt file in the website because, It tells search engine
crawlers which URLs the crawler can access on your site.
HTTP Status Code
HTTP status code handles web page response and either displays the
requested page in your browser, shows an error, forwards or redirects it as

Response codes – A 404 indicates a page was not found. A 301 tells the
client that the resource they asked for has been permanently moved to a
new location. A 403 status code indicates that the client cannot access the
requested resource.

As per our analysis, HTTP Status code is present in the website.

No Action Required
Content Overview
One of the most important aspects of a
website is good content and it is the primary reason
people visit your site - information
about your products and services.
However, properly constructed web content is also
important to Google and should contain the right
keywords, metadata, etc.
Google's goal is to show content that answers the
user's query during a web search.

As per our analysis, we did not find any duplicate content in the website.

No Action Required
URL Structure

A site’s URL structure is

extremely important to both
users and search engines.

Poor URL structure can

hurt rankings, prevent
pages from being indexed
and lower your click-
through-rate (CTR).

As per analysis, the website is using correct URL structure on the web

No Action Required
Meta Title Tag

After the URL, the second most important place on a page to have the
keyword is within the Title tag.

The Title tag is the first description on a page that search engines read.

This will not only help to improve rankings, but can significantly improve
your click-through-rate as well.


As per the analysis, 11 pages have too much text within the title tag.

We need to write unique and keyword rich title tags and update on the
website. Meta title convey's search engine and users the document's primary
topic and purpose
Meta Description Tag
Meta descriptions shows in the Search engine results as small snippets of
your web page.

Meta descriptions should adhere to the following guidelines:

• Be unique and relevant to that page.

• No more than 165 characters in length including spaces and punctuation.
(160 is ideal, but no less than 80 characters.)

As per the analysis, some pages have too much text within the meta

Need to write meta descriptions according to the Google length
requirements and also need to target the keywords that need to be
implemented in order to search engine rankings.
Header Tags
H1 and H2 Tags are the
Main headings within the
content of a page,
readable by the user.

These headings are

HTML tags that can help
emphasize important
topics and keywords of
web pages.

As per the analysis, 2 pages don't have h1 headings and 22
pages have duplicate H1 and title tags in the website.

We need to add H1 tags in the required pages in the website. Heading
tags improve the readability and SEO of a webpage.
ALT Tags
For the benefit of search engines, code compliance, and visually
impaired users, every image MUST have an ALT tag.

ALT tags should accurately describe the image, and contain a

keyword - but only if the keyword is relevant to that particular


As per the analysis, 0 images don’t have Alt attributes.

No Action Required
URL & IP Canonicalization

URL Canonicalization: occurs when Homepage of the website is

accessible via multiple URLs.

IP Canonicalization: refers to website URL. Both domain name and

hosting IP address must resolve to the same URL. When not done
properly, canonicalization leads to duplicate content issue.

Canonical tags are a powerful way to tell Google and other search
engines which URLs you want them to index. They can prevent duplicate
content issues if you have different versions of the same page.

As per analysis, There is canonical tag present in the website and website
is working fine.


No Action Required
Internal Linking
Internal linking is used for better navigation of the website. This
means linking a word or phrase within the content of a web page to
another page on your site.

Benefits of internal linking are:

Improves navigation for the site
visitor (good user journey.)
Establishes Hierarchy for the
pages within your website.
Provides link juice within the
website, creating good Page

As per analysis, we did not find any internal linking issues in the

No Action Required
Structured Data Markup
There are two types of structured data markup:

1) Schema Markup
2) Open Graph Markup

Markups are helpful as they provide a description of elements on your

site to the major search engines. In other words, “Structured data
markup" is a standard way to annotate your content so that machines
can understand it.

When your web pages include structured data markup, major search
engines can use that data to index your content better, and present it
more prominently in search results.

As per our analysis, schema tag is not present in the source code of the

We need to add all the major schemas in the website for better visibility and
understanding for search engines
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Secure abbreviated as HTTPS is
a secure version of transferring
data between a browser and a

HTTPS adds authentication and


Using an SSL certificate creates

an encrypted connection between
your visitor's browser and your
website's server adding an extra
layer of security.

Using an SSL certificate creates an encrypted connection between your
visitor's browser and your website's server adding an extra layer of
As per the analysis, website is SSL secured (HTTPS).


No Action Required.
Google Analytics Tool
Google Analytics is a valuable tool for monitoring traffic and also tracking
the efficiency of your online campaigns.

As per analysis, Google Analytics code is present in the source code.

No Action Required
Google Search Console
GSC code on your site ensures that you are running a healthy website
with the utmost efficiency.

Basic Benefits:
Access to search statistics on Google.
Latest data regarding incoming links and internal links.
Sends notification if your site has any crawl errors (misdirecting)
and/or malware (spam, viruses, etc)
Shows keywords you are targeting and how effective they are.
Insights into crawling and indexing activity on the site.

As per the analysis, GSC code is present in the source code of the website.

No Action Required
Bing Webmaster Tool

Bing Webmaster Tools allows you to

monitor the overall health of your
website and helps you see how your
customers are finding your site. You can
use tools and reports to find the
keywords driving traffic as well as the
impressions and clicks of those terms
and find websites linking to you.

As per our analysis, Bing webmaster code is not present in the


We need to verify and connect Bing Webmaster to the website. Let me

know if you have verified Bing Webmaster from another way.
FAQ Page

Nowadays, FAQ page plays a very important role as it helps the business
to appear in voice search by targeting the long tail keywords.

Frequently Asked Questions, page allows for visitors to find answers to all
their questions in one place. Not only does it make life easier for your
website visitors


Frequently Asked Questions page is not present in the website.


No Action Required
Blog Page
The purpose of a blog is to provide content on your website that
answers your prospective customers' questions and helps them learn
about your product or service. It expands your brand's visibility by
giving Google and other search engines content to index and serve
up in search results.


As per the analysis, Blog page is available on the website but the
Blogs are not updated.


We need to write web blog for the website that helps to increase organic
traffic from SERP. Blogs are a great way to keep a website updated with
fresh content. Readers want to know how to solve problems, and blogs
can also tie in advice and a business service or product.
Social Media Visibility
Today, Social Media plays an important role
in marketing.
You can stay connected with people and
keep your brand top of mind.

It is important to link to your business social

media profiles from your website. Typically,
this is done in the global header or footer,
and often on the Contact Us page.

During the analysis, all the Social media channels is connected with website.

Instagram Connected

Facebook Connected

Linkedin Connected

No Action Required
Call to Action (CTA)

Call to action (CTA) is the chance to motivate your audience to take real
steps toward becoming a customer or client. It can be the determining
factor between a lead and a conversion. Many argue that the call to
action is the most important part of your site.

As per the analysis, a call to action is available on the website

No action required.
Overall, we found that the SEO situation of is average. We first
recommend fixing the given onsite optimization issues and then move quickly
into publishing backlinks to help increase the rankings of targeted pages.

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