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This is me
Complete the sentences with true information about yourself. Use a gerund or an
infinitive in each sentence.

On the weekend, I love .............................................................................................................

Tomorrow, I must ......................................................................................................................

After class, I want .......................................................................................................................

I can’t stand................................................................................................................................

When I was a child, I enjoyed ....................................................................................................

One day, I would like .................................................................................................................

I sometimes forget ....................................................................................................................

Once, I helped ............................................................................................................................

I have never tried ......................................................................................................................

I wish people would stop ...........................................................................................................

I dislike .......................................................................................................................................

I would never refuse ...................................................................................................................

My teacher often tells .................................................................................................................

On holiday, I like .......................................................................................................................

In the future, I hope ....................................................................................................................

Now discuss your sentences in groups of three or four.


A: On the weekend, I love waking up late. How about you? What do you love doing on the

B: On the weekend, I love visiting new places. What about you?

C: Me too.

Written by Michael Clarke for ©20I4

This is me
In this interesting teaching activity, students complete sentences about themselves using
gerunds and infinitives. The students then compare their sentences in small groups.

Before class, make one copy of the worksheet for each student.


Tell the students that they are going to complete sentences with true information about

Hand out a copy of the worksheet to each student. Ask the students to complete each
sentence using a gerund or infinitive.

When they have finished writing, divide the class into groups of three or four. Tell the
students to discuss their sentences.

Encourage them to ask each other questions, e.g. What do you love doing on the weekend?

Go around listening, helping and correcting as necessary.

Have a class feedback session. Ask students to tell you interesting things they found out
about their classmates.

As an extension, complete the sentences as a class, but this time change the I to We and try
to find something that everyone agrees on.

Written by Michael Clarke for ©20I4

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