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Ry TUE U uC i) INTRODUCTION tn an endeavour to promote access to creait by individuals, the coroorate sector as well as small ‘to mecliur enteroises, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the Government have taKen measures to enhance the creat infastrctare in the country through the establishment of @ ‘contra erat re istry ane private erect ret bureaus shall support an tfectve information sharing mechanism among crest providers to lransform eresit reporting systems and instil a good credit culture among citizens “The credit reference infrastructure facilitates the collection, reporting and sharing of inform con individual borrowers and business" borrowing story ane repayment patterns CENTRAL CREDIT REGISTRY The credit registy, which will be operational ‘uring the second half ef 2016 wll be housed at the Reserve Bank It shall seve asa databank for banking institutions and leenced private creel reference bureaus ‘Tre operational mechanism — andthe infrastructural arrangement for the enhanced coat reference system are illustrated in the siagram below. aa” KEY PLAYERS IN THE CREDIT REPORTING SYSTEM BENEFITS OF TIPS ON MAINTAINING ‘CREDIT REFERENCE SYSTEM AGOOD CREDIT HISTORY reonony FINANCIAL StcTOR CONTACT DETAILS Telex 26085

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