FLANN Structure

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International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC2003), Sept.

2003, Kyoto, Japan

Functional Link Artificial Neural Network for Active

Control of Nonlinear Noise Processes
Ganapati Panda and Debi Prasad Das

Dept. of Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela-769008, INDIA
e-mail: rkl_ganapat@sancharnet.in, debi_das_debi@yahoo.com

Abstract – There are several situations where the to produce secondary noise to cancel the primary noise.
conventional ANC using FXLMS algorithm does not A simple feedforward control system [1]-[3] for a
perform satisfactory. One such condition is referred as long, narrow duct and its block diagram is illustrated in
the nonlinear effect in ANC. This paper proposes an Fig. 1. A reference signal is sensed by an input
efficient novel ANC structure based on functional link microphone close to the noise source before it passes
artificial neural network, which outperforms the the canceling loudspeaker. The noise canceller uses the
FXLMS algorithm. This has been demonstrated reference input signal to generate a signal of equal
through computer simulation. amplitude but 180° out of phase. This antinoise signal
is used to drive the loudspeaker to produce a canceling
Index Terms – ANC, nonlinear effect, functional sound that attenuates the primary acoustic noise in the
link artificial neural network (FLANN). duct. The basic principle of the broadband feedforward
approach is that the propagation time delay between the
upstream noise sensor (input microphone) and the
I. INTRODUCTION active control source (speaker) offers the opportunity to
electrically reintroduce the noise at a position in the
Due to the exponential increase of noise pollution and field where it will cause cancellation. The spacing
inactiveness of the passive techniques for noise between the microphone and the loudspeaker must
mitigation, particularly for low frequency noise, there is satisfy the principles of causality and high coherence,
an increasing demand of research and developmental meaning that the reference must be measured early
work on active noise control (ANC) technique [1]-[3]. enough so that the antinoise signal can be generated by
Based upon the technique of destructive interference the the time the noise signal reaches the speaker. The error
ANC is efficient enough for noise cancellation for linear microphone measures the residual error signal, which is
noise processes [1]-[3]. Filtered –X LMS algorithm is used to adapt the filter coefficients to minimize this
being used for the linear adaptive active noise controller error. The use of a downstream error signal to adjust the
adaptive filter coefficients does not constitute feedback,
Source because the error signal is not compared to the
reference input. Actual implementations require
Reference Secondary Error additional considerations to handle acoustic effects in
Microphone Speaker Microphone the duct.
The above system is assumed to be a linear system
and the standard FXLMS algorithm is effectively used
with less computational complexity. However, in some
situation the [4]-[6], the linear controller fails to
achieve the optimum performance. These are:
FX-LMS 1. The reference noise sensed by a reference
microphone is a nonlinear and predictable
noise process (chaotic), while the secondary
path transfer function of an ANC system has
Fig. 1 - Block diagram of single channel ANC nonminimum phase.

2. The primary path exhibits nonlinear behavior. where W is a ( m × N ) weight matrix of the FLANN
Section II deals with a mathematical analysis of
FLANN. Computer simulation study of the proposed given by W = [ w1 w2 ...wm ]T ,
model is presented in Section III and its performance is φ = [φ1 ( X )φ 2 ( X )...φ N ( X )]T is the basis function
compared with that obtained from the conventional
vector, and S = [ S1S 2 ...S N ] is a matrix of linear
FXLMS based linear controller. The concluding remarks
have been made in Section IV. outputs of the FLANN. The m dimensional output
vector ŷ may be given by
yˆ = ρ ( S ) = f w ( X ) (3)
An artificial neural network (ANN) can approximate Using the BP algorithm [9] for a single layer, the
a continuous multivariable function f (x ) . Let the update rule for all the weights of the FLANN is given
approximating function be represented as fW (x ) . In the by

FLANN, a set of basis functions Φ and a fixed number

W (k + 1) = W (k ) + µδ (k )φ ( X k ) (4)
of weight parameters W are used to represent the where W (k ) = [ w1 (k ) w2 (k )...wm (k )]T is the
fW (x) . With a suitable set of basis functions, the m × N dimensional weight matrix of the FLANN at
the kth time instant, δ ( k ) = [δ 1 , δ 2 ,..., δ m ( k )] ,
problem is then to find the weight parameters W that
provides the best possible approximation of f on the set
and δ j (k ) = (1 − yˆ j (k ) 2 )e j (k ) .
of input-output examples. The use of FLANN for the
purpose of multidimentional function approximation has Suitable orthogonal polynomials for functional
been discussed in [9]. The structure of a FLANN is shown expansion, such as Legendre, Chebyshev and
in Fig. 2. trigonometric polynomials are commonly used. In this
paper we have used trigonometric functional expansion.
A. Structure of the FLANN
The trigonometric polynomial basis functions given by
The FLANN consists of N basis functions {1, cos(πu ), sin(πu ), cos(2πu ), sin(2πu ),...,
{ }
φ1,φ 2,....,φ N ∈ B N with the following input-output
cos( Nπu ), sin( Nπu )}
relationship for jth output
provides a compact representation of the function in the
yˆ = ρ ( S j ); S j = ∑ w jiφ i ( X ) (1) mean square sense.
where X ∈ A ⊂ R n , i.e., X = [ x1 x 2 ...x n ]T is the
input pattern vector, yˆ ∈ R , i.e. yˆ = [ yˆ 1 yˆ 2 ... yˆ m ] is
m T

the output vector and w j = [ w j1 w j 2 ...w jN ] is the To show the effectiveness and robustness of the
proposed algorithm computer simulations are
weight vector associated with the jth output of the conducted for various nonlinear situations in practical
FLANN. The nonlinear function ρ (.) = tanh(.) . ANC system. In the simulation the secondary path
Consider the m dimensional output vector, (1) transfer function S (z ) and its estimate Sˆ ( z ) are taken
can be written as to be equal. For simulation studies one nonminimum
S = WΦ (2) phase transfer function and one minimum phase
transfer function are taken whose pole zero plot are
ϕ1(x) shown in Fig. 3. It is shown in Fig. 3 that for the
x1(k)  ϕ2 (x) W nonminimum phase transfer function one zero is out
x (k)  w1

side the unit circle where as for minimum phase

2  transfer function the all are inside the unit circle.
x = x (k)  Σ
3 Experiment I:
  Here the primary noise signal is chosen to be a
  wN logistic chaotic type [7]. For simulation the noise is
xN (k) ϕN (x)
  generated using
Fig. 2. The structure of a FLANN x(n + 1) = λ (n)(1 − x(n)) (5)
where λ =4 and x(0) =0.9 are selected. This nonlinear
noise process is then normalized to have unit signal

power. The primary path transfer function is chosen to be IV. CONCLUSIONS
−5 −6 −7
P ( z ) = z − 0.3 z + 0.2 z (6)
The secondary path transfer function is chosen to be the In this paper a functional link artificial neural
nonminimum phase as shown in Fig. 3. (a). Fig. 4. Shows network (FLANN) based ANC structure is developed
the normalized mean square errors (NMSE) achieved by for active mitigation of nonlinear noise processes.
each ANC controller versus the number of iterations. Simulation results depicts that the proposed FLANN
From the plot it is apparent that the significant based ANC outperforms the conventional FXLMS
improvement of the performance in terms of NMSE is based ANC under two situations: 1) the reference noise
obtained by using FLANN based ANC. is a nonlinear and predictable noise process, while the
secondary path estimate is of nonminimum phase;
Experiment II: 2) the primary path exhibits nonlinear behavior.
Here the primary noise signal and the primary path
transfer function are chosen to be same as those of REFERENCES
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point is generated with the same equations given in
Experiment III. The secondary path transfer function is
chosen to be the nonminimum phase as shown in Fig. 3.
(a). Fig. 7 depicts the comparative plot of NMSEs for
standard FXLMS and FLANN based ANC. It is found
from the figure that the FLANN based ANC outperforms
the standard FXLMS based ANC for nonminimum
secondary path.


1 0.8


Imaginary Part
Imaginary Part

0.5 0.4

4 3
0 0


-0.5 -0.4


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Real Part Real Part
(a) (b)

Fig. 3 (a) Nonminimum phase (b) Minimum phase





(1) -30


(2) -50 (1)


-50 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

Number of iterations Number of iterations

Fig. 4. Performance Comparison using secondary path Fig.5. Performance Comparison using secondary path
estimate nonminimum phase (1) … Linear standard estimate minimum phase (1) … Linear standard
FXLMS algorithm with µ=2×10-3 (2) FLANN with 20th FXLMS algorithm with µ=2×10-3 (2) FLANN with 20th
order functional expansion of a 11th tap system having order functional expansion of a 11th tap system having
µ=1×10-3. µ=1×10-3.







(2) -40
-60 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

Number of iterations Number of iterations

Fig. 6. Performance Comparison using secondary path Fig. 7. Performance Comparison using secondary path
estimate minimum phase (1) … Linear standard estimate nonminimum phase (1) … Linear standard
FXLMS algorithm with µ=2×10-3 (2) FLANN with 20th FXLMS algorithm with µ=2×10-3 (2) FLANN with 20th
order functional expansion of a 11th tap system having order functional expansion of a 11th tap system having
µ=1×10-3. µ=1×10-3.


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