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Almost all people in our country knows about VPN as we are using it in
our daily life to browse things on the internet. VPNs comes with the software
which we need to download it on our devices when we use internet. VPNs are
supported by third-party service providers which protect our network when
we use public networks. VPN keep our data secure by using a range of
encryption algorithms like IPsec and SSL. VPN ensure that the data transferred
from our device is secure on the internet and cannot be access by the
attackers. It is widely used by normal internet users and organizations to
protect sensitive data.

Remote Access VPN, its functions, feature and usages

Users can use a VPN for remote access to connect to a private network
from another location. It creates a secure and private connection between the
user and the private network through the internet. This type of VPN is widely
used by workers who must securely connect to a private network from a public
place or by individuals who must access their company's network from other

Remote access VPN encrypt the data sent between the organizational
network and external network. It creates the tunnel between the
organization’s network and remote user regardless the location between the
two. Because of the encryption process the remote user can safely access the
company information from the public network. It is mostly used by the
organization when they want their employees to access remote work when
they want to access the organization data from home or when in a business

Site-to-Site VPN, its functions, feature and usages

Organizations with multiple physical sites need a single corporate WAN
for secure cross-site communication without being affected by geographical
separation. Site-to-Site VPNs are important and used by many organizations
to connect their company branches.

Site to site VPN perform like a tunnel to encrypt the information when
they cross one location to another, thus the transferred data is only seen by
the user who are connected to the network. Every location of the VPN has
gateways, and every piece of traffic that passes through them is encrypted.
Once the data is transmitted to the target location the data then decrypted
and the sensitive information can be received by the targeted user. Because
of the encryption and decryption process, the cybercriminals cannot take
advantage on the sensitive data since the data is uncrackable and the tunnel
is unreachable. (Impact Networking, 2023)

VPNs are used by organizations or individual person to secure their data,

there are two types of site-to-site VPN which are different based on the uses.
Intranet based VPN is used when several offices of the same company in
the same location are connected using Site-to-Site VPN. Extranet based VPN
is used when a company wants to share certain resources but keeps those
sensitive ones with other companies. (Fortinet, n.d.)

Impact on Misconfiguration of VPN

- Using a VPN can encrypt our activity till the endpoint of the services but
choosing the right VPN is very important because the service providers
still can see the data and can be monitored by them. Thus, the data
cannot be secure in their hand. Also, VPN providers often require the
installation of their VPN clients on our system, which can potentially
contain malware and can harm our system. (Drexel, 2019)
- Some of the VPN vulnerability can cause potential data breaches of the
organizations which means the information can be accessed by the
unauthorized persons.

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