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Fandom of the Future

Streamline your
creative processes
The dynamics of sports viewing have changed and how! From watching pixelated with Gen AI
matches on TV to influencing outcomes of live matches, technology has brought sports The modern era requires constant and consistent churning out
of high-quality content. Luckily, you don’t have to do it all alone.
fans a long way SIDDHARTH RAMAN, CEO at Sportz Interactive, tells us all about it.
ly. This efficiency boost is re-
flected in the AI-powered
video-editing software market,

which is expected to grow at a
you’re watching it live. There is also a commu- CAGR of 6.3% from 2023 to
BY TSUNAMI COSTABIR nity element which makes it very engaging. 2032, reaching a valuation of
USD 1,032.0 million by 2032.

ports fans will pull all-nighters on game When did the sports industry begin to realise BY NEEL PANDYA
night and turn best friends with the importance of fan engagement and interac- Transforming cross-platform

strangers just because they support their tion? enerative AI is quietly creative optimisation
favourite team. They are a breed in themselves. The nature of how technology has evolved is orchestrating a para- Generative AI excels in adapting
Fans aren’t mere spectators. They're a passion- what caused the change. It answered the ques- digm shift in marketing, content and this capability en-
ate force at the heart of every sporting experi- tion: ‘How do we enable great fan experiences proving itself to be an indispen- sures that content is not only vi-
ence. And leagues, teams and broadcasters have for viewers who have an internet connection?’. sable ally in a world where preci- sually appealing but also opti-
come to realise their value. There are also certain phases when viewership sion and efficiency drive suc- mised for engagement on indi-
goes into a trough. That’s when creating good cess. A recent Salesforce survey vidual platforms. Key function-
Excerpts from the interview viewer experiences and interaction can help mentions the momentum behind alities include:
make the sport more enjoyable. this trend, revealing that 55% of ● Tailored Content Formatting:
Tell us about sports viewership and how it has Today, you can choose on your OTT platform marketing professionals already AI systems resize and format
evolved over the years. which camera angle you want to view your leverage these technologies, content, from images to
The '70s and '80s were all about the passive match from. You can select to see various charts with another 22% planning to videos, ensuring it meets plat-
consumption of sports over radio and graphics whenever you want – and not follow suit shortly. This signifi- form-specific requirements
or television. In the ‘90s, broad- based on when the producer chooses to air it. cant shift underscores the criti- without compromising on
cast quality started to im- And the numbers it brings in is why platforms cal role of Generative AI in mod- quality or aesthetics.
prove, and the commentary like Netflix, Apple TV, YouTube and Prime ern marketing strategies and its ● Engagement Optimisation: By
and storytelling got better. Video are investing in sports broadcasting. potential to redefine industry analysing data from past per-
But a big change came in standards and practices. formance, AI can predict what
the early 2000s when pas- It is said that sports broadcasting is moving adjustments will enhance en-
sive consumption started from B2B to D2C. What are its pros and cons? Generative AI's role in gagement on platforms by cus-
to turn into active inter- From an India perspective, it is going to be post-production tomising content to resonate
action. B2B for a long time. So an organisation like the In post-production, Generative more effectively.
As internet penetra- BCCI will end up selling their media rights to AI has been streamlining cum-
tion grew and we had Disney, Star, Jio Cinema etc because India is an bersome tasks, easing complex Continuing impact of
the ability to consume ad-supported market. editing processes and ensuring Generative AI in the creative
content on a second Subscription is still a very Western concept content meets required stan- field
screen, active partici- and as Indians, we are used to getting content dards of consistency and preci- Widely regarded as the corner-
pation got a lot more in- for free. D2C is where a lot of Western markets sion. This automation extends stone of future digital content
tense. Through polls that are right now because over there, people are to: creation, Generative AI epito-
let you select ‘who you used to paying subscription fees for multiple ● Post-Production Analysis: Af- mises unparalleled efficiency
think the next bowler services. ter content is created and dis- gains and adaptability, promis-
should be’, fans were given tributed, Generative AI tools ing significant strides in concep-
the ability to influence live Are there other key differences between the analyse various metrics such tion, production and delivery.
matches. Indian and international markets? as view counts, engagement Witnessing the evolution of Gen-
Today, with Dream11 and The sheer volumes you can get in India make it rates and user interactions. erative AI, it's evident how rap-
My11Circle, we’re talking fan- an area of focus for sports organisations. A lot This data helps to understand idly this technology is progress-
tasy. But the 2000s was when of international federations and teams are look- what resonates with audiences ing with each passing month.
ESPN Super Selector came up for ing to build fanbases in India. The logic for that and can inform future content As we journey forward, Gener-
the first time, and people started to is you can show a larger fanbase to potential creation. For instance, AI can ative AI is reshaping the future
understand what fantasy was - sponsors and give international brands a identify patterns in which of content creation and delivery
where they could create their own chance to connect with the Indian audience. As types of videos retain viewers' across diverse sectors, from digi-
teams and compete with experts. for broadcasters, your numbers for daily and attention longer or what fea- tal marketing to entertainment
Formula E even had something monthly active users can essentially double or tures of an image lead to high- and beyond. By integrating Gen-
called the ‘FanBoost’, where driv- quadruple. er engagement on platforms erative AI now, businesses can
ers could get a nitro boost through like Instagram versus Twitter. not only streamline operations
votes from their fan base. What are some engagement solutions your com- ● Automated Editing and En- but also provide invaluable in-
In Europe, fans are also consulted pany has implemented this IPL season? hancement: AI algorithms sights that enable smarter, more
on certain big decisions, giving We work on multiple levels - from teams to swiftly edit video footage, opti- strategic business decisions.
them an implicit sense of owner- broadcasters. Our goal is to help them develop a mise sound levels, and en-
ship. Often, fans are also actual better understanding of their audience and fan hance visuals, reducing hours (The author is the CEO - EMEA
stakeholders. While India is still behaviours. Through detailed ‘fanalytics’, loyal- of manual labour significant- and APAC at Pixis)
in a relatively early stage, leagues ty programs and content can be curated. Teams
want to see that high level of fan and brands can also make smarter marketing
involvement. and business decisions. Today, sponsors want to
know exactly whom they will get access to. IN BRIEF
What are some interesting As for solutions, we provide analytics on
trends in sports viewership in games, automate the generation of highlights JioCinema announces premium
India? and short clips using AI/ML, and curate web-
In terms of both TV and digital, sites and apps to provide a high level of cus- subscription plans
cricket is the largest driver of tomisation. We create quizzes and predictors JioCinema Premium plans start at a market-
consumption in India. The num- and modify games like housie, bingo, snakes defining Rs 29 per month for a single device and
bers that turned up on JioCine- and ladders, and Wordle with sporting content. a family plan at Rs 89 per month for up to any
ma for MI vs CSK peaked at 71.5 We also curate digital marketing solutions by four devices. The premium plans offer an ad-
crore views. And viewer concur- having people travel with the team throughout free experience delivered in up to 4K quality
rency, which is the number of the IPL, meet their favourite players, showcase and offline viewing options.
people watching at the same time, BTS content, and satiate fans’ appetite for con-
has peaked at 2.2 crore views, tent through that.
which happened last year when WhatsApp puts its foot
Dhoni came out to bat the final What does the future of sports viewing look down on encryption
over. There is also TV viewership like?
At an ongoing hearing at the Delhi
data for the IPL, which is any- Going forward, I think the importance of the
High Court, WhatsApp and its par-
where from 400 to 600 million fan in the ecosystem is only getting more criti-
ent company Meta are challenging
viewers. cal. Leagues and brands are realising that fans
the IT Rules 2021 that undermine
Sport, unlike any other enter- are important stakeholders and should be in-
encryption. WhatsApp has asserted
tainment, has a certain level of volved in the governance and running of the or-
that end-to-end encryption is at the
unpredictability - especially when ganisation.
core of its services and if undermined, they will have to leave India.
With 400 million users, India is WhatsApp’s largest market.

HUL rebrands 'health

India’s FMCG landscape is evolving

food drinks' to 'functional
nutrition drinks'
Following directives from the Min-
istry of Commerce and Industry, Hin-
dustan Unilever has removed the
son & Johnson has gone through, Man-
MANISH ANANDANI of Kenvue spoke at the ‘IAA & ISA ish said about regaining consumer
‘health’ label from Horlicks and
Boost. The label has been rebranded as ‘functional nutrition drinks'.
Retrospect and Prospects’ event held in Mumbai’s trust, “Brands need to proactively com-
municate with consumers.” Rather
The FSSAI has also instructed e-commerce portals against labelling di-
ary-based or malt-based beverages as 'health drinks'.
BKC. The talk revolved around the increasingly vigi- than staying quiet as vigilant social
bodies and consumers spark debate
lant consumer and what brands need to focus on to with their revelations and claims, the Meta establishes itself as
stay relevant. brand, too, should have a share in the
conversation. a leader in AI
come under the radar for promoting Consumer behaviour has seen a big Meta has released ‘Llama 3’ - an open-
BY TEAM BRANDSUTRA their products in unethical ways - aimed shift with sustainability, purpose, and source large language model that can
at leveraging the ignorance of a cus- transparency being prioritised. Further, be downloaded, run, and built on by

he India Chapter of the Interna- tomer. In such a world, brand trans- in a majority of households, decision anyone. The model enables developers
tional Advertising Association parency and trust come to the fore- makers lie between the 15-27 age to deploy it in most commercial apps
(IAA) together with the Indian So- front. group. These aspects will continue to and services. Experts opine that it
ciety of Advertisers (ISA) hosted the He elaborated on the evolution of shape the marketing agenda. beats models like Google Gemini and Mistral 7B on various parameters.
‘IAA & ISA Retrospect and Prospects’ the classification system. Earlier con- Purpose-driven marketing that fo-
with Manish Anandani, Managing Di- sumers were segmented into three cuses on causes like women’s empow-
rector in India at Kenvue (erstwhile income stratas - lower, middle and erment, scientific information and en- Spice brands MDH
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health). upper. But today, a ‘Many Indias’ ap- vironmental consciousness resonates and Everest face
Manish was the keynote speaker at the proach with many consumer co- with consumers. There is also value
event and brought to light how the Indi- horts has come about. From high- for quality information of what
international bans
an FMCG industry has been a key driver income value-seekers, to lower-in- goes into products that can be com- Singapore and Hong Kong have
contributing to India’s buoyant economy. come dreamers, each segment municated well through social me- banned the sale of Indian spice
This is attributed to factors like the dy- needs to be treated differently. “It dia and influencers. brands MDH and Everest for
namic youth, increasing urbanisation is imperative for brands to design The presentation showcased containing the pesticide ethyl-
and a rising middle class. All these fac- personalised, customised and im- the massive opportunity and ene oxide in several spice mix
tors present a tremendous opportunity mersive campaigns to better engage possibilities that lie ahead in In- samples. Ethylene oxide has
for the industry. with specific audiences,” said dia driven by the positive GDP, demo- been classified as a group 1 car-
Like event attendees pointed out, of Manish. graphics, digitalisation and consump- cinogen by the International Agency for Research.
late, a number of FMCG brands have In retrospect of the controversy John- tion behaviours.

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