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Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794


A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled,

Parallel Study Investigating the Efficacy of a Whole
Coffee Cherry Extract and Phosphatidylserine
Formulation on Cognitive Performance of Healthy
Adults with Self-Perceived Memory Problems
Katarina M. Doma . Erin D. Lewis . Jane M. Barracato .
Lauren R. Brink . Alejandra A. Gratson . Neeraj Pandey .
David C. Crowley . Malkanthi Evans

Received: January 16, 2023 / Accepted: February 15, 2023 / Published online: March 16, 2023
Ó The Author(s) 2023

ABSTRACT problems. Plasma brain-derived neurotrophic

factor (BDNF) levels, Computerized Mental
Introduction: Cognition refers to brain func- Performance Assessment System (COMPASS)
tions including memory, learning, and thought tasks, the Everyday Memory Questionnaire
processing and is increasingly important to (EMQ), and Go/No-Go tests were assessed at
individuals. However, impairment of cognitive baseline and day 42.
function is a concern among North American Results: As compared to placebo, NeurivaÒ
adults. Therefore, effective and reliable treat- supplementation elicited greater improvements
ments are needed. at day 42 in numeric working memory COM-
Methods: This randomized, double-blind, pla- PASS task accuracy outcomes (p B 0.024) which
cebo-controlled study examined the effects of assessed memory, accuracy, and focus and
42 days of NeurivaÒ supplementation, a whole concentration, and reaction time outcomes (p
coffee cherry extract and phosphatidylserine B 0.031) which assessed memory as well as
supplement, on memory, accuracy, focus and focus and concentration. NeurivaÒ supple-
concentration and learning among 138 healthy mentation improved overall accuracy
adults (40–65 years) with self-reported memory (p = 0.035) in the picture recognition task that
assessed memory, accuracy, and learning com-
pared to placebo. No significant differences
Supplementary Information The online version
contains supplementary material available at https://
between groups were observed for BDNF, the EMQ, or Go/No-Go tests.
Conclusion: Results suggest 42 days of Neur-
K. M. Doma  E. D. Lewis (&)  D. C. Crowley  ivaÒ supplementation was safe, well tolerated,
M. Evans and beneficial in improving memory, accuracy,
KGK Science Inc, 275 Dundas Street, Tower A Suite focus and concentration, and learning in a
A1605, London, ON N6B 3L1, Canada
healthy adult population with self-reported
memory problems.
J. M. Barracato  L. R. Brink  A. A. Gratson
Global Medical Science, Reckitt, 399 Interpace
Keywords: Cognition; Dietary supplement;
Parkway, P.O. Box 225, Parsippany, NJ 07054-0225,
USA Memory; Nutraceutical

N. Pandey
Medical and Scientific Affairs, Reckitt, Turner House
103–105 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 3UH, UK
778 Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794

nervous system development [6], and supports

Key Summary Points overall cognitive function [7] is brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Aging may be
Why carry out this study? associated with a decline in BDNF levels, and
this decline may be one of the many factors
Improving and maintaining cognition are contributing to cognitive impairment [8].
increasingly important because of the Currently, interventions to manage cogni-
aging population, increase in life tive decline include pharmacological agents,
expectancy, and impact of cognitive cognitive training, and physical exercises [9].
decline on quality of life However, there are limitations to their use or
Effective and reliable options to support inconsistencies in study findings [10–18]. The
cognition are warranted brain health supplement market size was valued
at US $7.68 billion in 2021 and projections
This study investigated the effects of indicate a compound annual growth rate of
NeurivaÒ, a supplement containing 8.3% from 2022 to 2030 [3] as individuals are
whole coffee cherry extract and increasingly interested in brain health supple-
phosphatidylserine, on cognitive ments. Therefore, efficacious natural treatment
performance in healthy adults with self- options are warranted to support and improve
reported memory problems cognition with aging.
What was learned from the study? Whole coffee cherry extract (WCCE) is rich
in polyphenols which may contribute to its
NeurivaÒ supplementation was safe well potential to improve cognition [19, 20].
tolerated, and significantly improved A WCCE-containing beverage was reported to
measures of memory, accuracy, focus and improve cognition related to alertness and
concentration, and learning compared to attenuate fatigue after an acute dose in healthy
placebo in a healthy adult population adults [21]. Moreover, a post hoc analysis
with self-reported memory problems revealed significant reductions in reaction time
after 7 and 28 days of WCCE supplementation,
Future larger studies of longer duration are
compared to placebo, in older adults with mild
needed to confirm the current study’s
cognitive impairment who were otherwise
healthy [22]. Reaction time was also signifi-
cantly improved from baseline after acute sup-
plementation with WCCE in adults with
memory complaints [23]. Cotter et al. [24]
summarized findings of studies related to
INTRODUCTION WCCE and BDNF, which included two ran-
domized, placebo-controlled trials that showed
Improving and maintaining brain health and an increase in BDNF levels compared to placebo
cognition, including memory, learning, and [25] and baseline values [23].
thought processing [1], are increasingly impor- Phosphatidylserine (PS) is an important
tant among individuals and public health phospholipid in the brain that is needed for
agencies because of the aging population, healthy nerve cell membranes and myelination
increase in life expectancy, and impact of cog- and plays an important role in signaling path-
nitive decline on quality of life [2–4]. A recent ways [26, 27]. PS comprises 13–15% of total
systematic review showed a range in North phospholipids in the cerebral cortex [27]; how-
American prevalence of cognitive impairment ever, physiological changes associated with
of 7.1–28.3% among community-dwelling aging result in a reduction of PS [26]. Previous
adults aged 50 years or older [5]. An important research in animal models [28] and humans
brain protein that stimulates neurogenesis and [29–31] have shown beneficial effects of PS
is essential for neuronal plasticity, central supplementation on cognitive function.
Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794 779

While WCCE and PS supplementation have Everyday Memory Questionnaire (EMQ; a score
independently been found to improve cogni- sum of C 6 was deemed eligible as it indicated
tion, there may be differences in their potential memory problems were experienced once or
mechanisms. Therefore, research investigating twice a week or they had a deficit in one ques-
the efficacy of these active ingredients in com- tion area), and did not have dementia or other
bination is warranted. The objective of this significant cognitive impairments as assessed by
study was to investigate the efficacy of a com- the Mini Mental State Exam-2 (MMSE-2) Stan-
bination of WCCE and PS on cognitive perfor- dard Version (score C 24). Exclusion criteria
mance in healthy adults with self-reported were women who were pregnant, breastfeeding,
memory problems. or planning to become pregnant during the
trial, allergy to the study products, self-reported
confirmation of neurophysiological condition
METHODS and/or cognitive impairment that could have
interfered with participation, medical or
Study Design and Approvals chronic use of cannabinoid products, tobacco
use, alcohol intake of more than two standard
This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo- drinks per day or more than 10 standard drinks
controlled, parallel study conducted at KGK per week, alcohol or drug abuse within the last
Science Inc. in London, ON, Canada from 12 months, any unstable chronic disease or
February 14, 2020 to May 15, 2021. Participants condition, or any prescribed or over-the-coun-
consumed either NeurivaÒ or placebo for ter medications or supplements that could have
42 days and visited the clinic at screening, interfered with the study outcomes or partici-
baseline (day 0), and day 42. pant safety.
The study was approved by the Natural and Participants were instructed to maintain
Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate, their lifestyle habits including physical activity
Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario on December and diet as well as medications and supplement
18, 2019. Research ethics board approval was routines which were monitored through use of
granted on December 24, 2019, from the Insti- a daily study diary.
tutional Review Board Services, Aurora, Ontario
(Pro00040971). The study was conducted in Investigational Product and Placebo
compliance with the International Council for
Harmonization of Technical Requirements for
The investigational product, NeurivaÒ, con-
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) Guide-
tained 100 mg of WCCE and 100 mg of PS.
line for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and in
Excipients included microcrystalline cellulose,
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki
silica, water, ascorbyl palmitate, mixed toco-
guidelines and its subsequent amendments. The
pherols, titanium dioxide, pectin, soy lecithin,
trial followed the Consolidated Standards of
rice bran, carrageenan, and hypromellose. The
Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines for
placebo comprised all the investigational pro-
randomized controlled trials [32] (Supplemen-
duct’s excipient ingredients.
tary Material Table S1). Written informed con-
Participants were instructed to consume one
sent was obtained from all participants prior to
serving of NeurivaÒ or placebo daily for 42 days
any study procedures being initiated.
in the morning with water, with or without
food, and record consumption in their study
Participants diary. If a dose was missed, participants were
instructed to consume the dose as soon as pos-
Eligible participants were 40–65 years old, had a sible and advised not to exceed one serving per
body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and day.
34.9 kg/m2, self-reported memory problems as
assessed by questions 1, 2, and 18 of the
780 Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794

Randomization and Blinding attention using the Go/No-Go assessment.

Safety outcomes included incidence of adverse
Participants were assigned a randomization events (AEs), vital signs, clinical chemistry, and
number according to the order of the random- hematology.
ization list ( and ran-
domized at baseline to each study arm in a 1:1 Laboratory Analysis
ratio by a blinded investigator. A randomization
schedule was created and provided to the Blood samples were collected by a qualified
investigator indicating the order of phlebotomist at baseline and day 42 to assess
randomization. the change in plasma BDNF and safety out-
The NeurivaÒ and placebo capsules, and the comes. Plasma BDNF was analyzed using the
bottles they were sealed in, were identical in Milliplex MAP Human Myokine Magnetic Bead
appearance. The bottles were labelled according Panel (HMYOMAG-56K, Millipore) by Mount
to the requirements of the ICH-GCP guidelines Sinai Services Laboratory (Toronto, ON,
and applicable local regulatory guidelines by Canada). Safety outcomes of clinical chemistry
unblinded personnel who were not involved in (alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate
any study assessments. Investigators, other site aminotransferase (AST), total bilirubin, crea-
personnel, statistician, and participants were tinine, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chlo-
blinded to the product. ride), and estimated glomerular filtration rate)
and hematology (white blood cell count with
Compliance differential (neutrophils, lymphocytes, mono-
cytes, eosinophils, basophils), red blood cell
Participants were instructed to record daily count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelet count,
study product consumption and return all and red blood cell indices, namely mean plate-
unused capsules for compliance assessment. let volume, mean corpuscular volume, mean
Compliance was calculated by dividing the total corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular
number of capsules consumed by the total hemoglobin concentration, red blood cell dis-
number of capsules expected to be consumed tribution width) were analyzed by Dynacare
multiplied by 100. In the event of discrepancy (London, ON, Canada) using standardized
between the information in the study diary and procedures.
the number of capsules returned, compliance
was based on the product returned unless an COMPASS
explanation for loss of product was provided.
COMPASS (Northumbria University, Newcastle-
Outcomes upon-Tyne, UK) was used to assess cognition
including memory, accuracy, focus and con-
The objective of this study was to investigate centration, and learning. This tool was selected
the efficacy of NeurivaÒ on cognitive perfor- for cognitive assessment as it has been shown to
mance in healthy adults with self-perceived be sensitive to nutritional interventions
memory problems. To address the study objec- [33, 34]. COMPASS is a pre-programmed cog-
tive, two co-primary outcomes were identified nitive testing system that delivers randomized
including the difference in the change from stimuli for every assessment performed by each
baseline to day 42 in (1) plasma BDNF and (2) participant. COMPASS tasks used in the current
memory, accuracy, focus and concentration, study included choice reaction time, digit vigi-
and learning as assessed by the Computerized lance, simple reaction time, numeric working
Mental Performance Assessment System memory, computerized Corsi blocks, picture
(COMPASS). Secondary outcomes included the recognition, and word recognition. A combi-
difference in the change in (1) everyday mem- nation of COMPASS tasks and corresponding
ory as assessed by the EMQ and (2) sustained outcomes assessed the different cognitive
Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794 781

Table 1 COMPASS tasks, descriptions, and outcomes with corresponding cognitive domains
COMPASS task Description Outcomes Cognitive domains
Choice reaction time Participants were required to indicate Overall accuracy (%) Accuracy (accuracy
whether a left- or right-pointing arrow Correct reaction time (ms) outcomes only)
appeared on the screen as quickly as Focus and
possible after it appeared concentration
Digit vigilance On the right side of the screen a number Overall accuracy (%) Accuracy (accuracy
appeared while on the left side of the False alarms (count) outcomes only)
screen a series of numbers were Focus and
Correct reaction time (ms)
displayed and when the left side concentration
number matched the right side,
participants were required to respond
Simple reaction time As soon as an arrow pointing up Overall reaction time (ms) Focus and
appeared on the screen, participants concentration
were required to respond as quickly as
Numeric working Numbers were displayed on the screen Overall accuracy (%) Memory
memory one at a time and participants were ‘ No’’ accuracy (%) Accuracy (accuracy
required to memorize the numbers. outcomes only)
‘ Yes’’ accuracy (%)
Following this, numbers appeared one
Correct reaction time (ms) Focus and
at a time on the screen and
participants were required to indicate ‘ No’’ reaction time (ms)
whether or not each number appeared
‘ Yes’’ reaction time (ms)
in the previous set
Computerized Corsi Nine blue squares were displayed on the Span score Memory
blocks screen. Some squares turned red then Accuracy
back to blue. Participants were
Focus and
required to memorize the sequence of
red squares. This task was repeated five
times at each level with increasing
levels of difficulty until the participant
could not recall the sequence
Picture recognition A series of pictures were displayed on the Overall accuracy (%) Memory
screen. Participants were required to ‘ No’’ accuracy (%) Accuracy (accuracy
memorize the pictures. Following this, outcomes only)
‘ Yes’’ accuracy (%)
those pictures plus decoys were
Overall reaction time (ms) Learning
displayed on the screen one at a time
and the participant was required to Correct reaction time (ms)
indicate whether each picture was
‘ No’’ reaction time (ms)
displayed previously
‘ Yes’’ reaction time (ms)
782 Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794

Table 1 continued
COMPASS task Description Outcomes Cognitive domains

Word recognition A series of words were displayed on the Overall accuracy (%) Memory
screen. Participants were required to ‘ No’’ accuracy (%) Accuracy (accuracy
memorize the words. Following this, outcomes only)
‘ Yes’’ accuracy (%)
those words plus decoys were displayed
Overall reaction time (ms) Learning
on the screen one at a time and the
participant was required to indicate Correct reaction time (ms)
whether each word was displayed
‘ No’’ reaction time (ms)
‘ Yes’’ reaction time (ms)

domains (Table 1). The individual COMPASS reading and writing, faces and places, action,
tasks in relation to the cognitive domains and learning new things. Participants com-
assessed are mapped in Fig. 1 [35–37]. Partici- pleted this questionnaire at baseline and day 42.
pants received instructions from a clinic coor-
dinator on how to perform the cognitive tasks Adverse Events
at baseline and day 42.
Participants were instructed to record any AEs
Go/No-Go Assessment in their study diary which were reviewed at each
study visit. AEs were classified on the basis of
The Go/No-Go task, part of the Test of Atten- the description, duration, intensity, frequency,
tional Performance, is a computerized test that and outcome and were assessed for causality
assesses sustained attention and inhibitory and intensity by the qualified investigator (QI).
control, an executive cognitive process, that The Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
allows the participant to stop motor activity terminology version 23.0 was used for coding.
even after quick initiation [38]. Participants had
to react using simple keypresses to discrim- Statistical Analysis
inable non-verbal stimuli. The response accu-
racy of each No-Go trial was used as a measure A sample size calculation was completed for
for inhibitory control [39]. Both forms, ‘‘1 of 2’’ each co-primary outcome. The larger of the two
and ‘‘2 of 5’’ were used and involved partici- sample sizes computed was used to ensure the
pants responding as quick as possible to one study was sufficiently powered for each co-pri-
correct stimuli among two and two correct mary outcome. On the basis of previous studies
stimuli among five, respectively, that appeared [25, 29], a total of 138 participants (n = 69 per
on a screen in varying sequence. These forms group) were required to enable detection of a
were completed by participants at baseline and difference in mean change in memory score of
day 42. 5.64 and mean difference of 76% in BDNF
between NeurivaÒ and placebo groups with a
EMQ 5% significance level, 80% power, and
accounting for a 20% attrition rate.
The EMQ is a subjective measure of memory Baseline demographic summary statistics
failure in everyday life [40]. Questions are were computed and presented as mean ± stan-
grouped into five categories including speech, dard deviation (SD) for quantitative variables
Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794 783

and frequency with percentage for qualitative participants in the NeurivaÒ group and one
variables. Baseline variables were compared participant in the placebo group reported they
between groups using the t test and the test of quit smoking within the last 10 years.
independence. All data were evaluated for nor-
mality using the Shapiro–Wilk’s test. The Plasma BDNF
change in plasma BDNF, EMQ scores, and Go/
No-Go scores, from baseline at day 42, were There was no significant difference in plasma
compared between groups using Wilcoxon’s BDNF between NeurivaÒ and placebo groups at
rank sum test. Change in COMPASS scores were day 42. There was a significant decrease in
compared between groups using a two-sample plasma BDNF concentration from baseline at
t test. Changes from baseline at day 42 were day 42 in the placebo group (-
evaluated using a paired t test for all measures 427.7 ± 1937.8 pg/mL; p = 0.041). No signifi-
except plasma BDNF which was evaluated using cant changes in BDNF were observed with
Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test. NeurivaÒ supplementation (-
The intention-to-treat (ITT) population 480.7 ± 2296.0 pg/mL; p = 0.306).
included all participants who received either
study product, and had post-randomization
efficacy data available. The per protocol (PP)
population included all participants who con-
sumed at least 80% of either study product, did Various combinations of COMPASS tasks and
not have any major protocol violations, and corresponding outcomes assessed cognitive
completed all study visits and procedures asso- domains (memory, accuracy, focus and con-
ciated with both co-primary outcomes. Results centration, learning) (Table 1, Fig. 1).
presented are for the PP population unless
otherwise stated. All statistical analyses were Memory
completed using R Statistical Software Package
Version 3.5.2 or newer for Microsoft Windows There were 5/21 significant differences between
[41] with p \ 0.05 considered statistically NeurivaÒ and placebo groups across the
significant. numeric working memory and picture recogni-
tion tasks. Participants supplemented with
NeurivaÒ had significantly greater improve-
RESULTS ments in overall accuracy (p = 0.024), ‘‘yes’’
accuracy (p = 0.01), reaction time for correct
Study Population
responses (p = 0.031), and ‘‘yes’’ reaction time
(p = 0.016) when tasked with memorizing
A total of 205 individuals were screened and 138 numbers from a previous list compared to those
were enrolled in the study (Fig. 2). There were on placebo (Fig. 3; Supplementary Material
138 participants included in the ITT population Table S2). The NeurivaÒ group also had a sig-
and 128 in the PP population (Table 2). Five nificantly greater improvement (p = 0.035) in
participants in the NeurivaÒ group were exclu- overall accuracy in identifying whether they
ded from the PP population because of early had seen a picture in the previous display from
termination (n = 1) and major protocol devia- baseline at day 42 (Fig. 4; Supplementary Mate-
tions (n = 4). Five participants in the placebo rial Table S2).
group were excluded from the PP population The NeurivaÒ and placebo groups had 17/21
because of early termination (n = 4) and less (p B 0.033) and 11/21 (p B 0.009), respectively,
than 80% compliance (n = 1). Participant changes in COMPASS scores from baseline at
treatment compliance rates in the NeurivaÒ day 42 (Table 3). There were 11 outcomes
and placebo groups for the PP population were wherein both groups had significant improve-
99.7% ± 3.35% and 100.5% ± 2.62% (mean ± ments from baseline at day 42, with those sup-
SD), respectively. In the PP population, six plemented with NeurivaÒ having reported
784 Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794

Fig. 1 Mapping of COMPASS tasks to cognitive domains

greater score improvements than placebo for six in task outcome scores were significantly dif-
of these outcomes. ferent between NeurivaÒ and placebo. Partici-
pants supplemented with NeurivaÒ had
Focus and Concentration significantly (p B 0.031) greater score improve-
ments in all four cases compared to placebo
The numeric working memory task also assessed (Fig. 3; Supplementary Material Table S2).
focus and concentration wherein 4/13 changes NeurivaÒ and placebo groups had 9/13 (p
B 0.033) and 7/13 (p B 0.049) score
Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794 785

improvements, respectively, from baseline at improvements greater for the NeurivaÒ group
day 42 (Table 3). There were seven outcomes than placebo.
wherein both groups had score improvements
from baseline at day 42 with NeurivaÒ having Go/No-Go Test
greater score improvements than placebo in five
of these outcomes. There were no significant differences between
the NeurivaÒ and placebo groups in either Go/
Accuracy No-Go test forms (Supplementary Material
Table S3). In test form ‘‘1 of 2’’, participants
There were 3/13 significant differences between supplemented with NeurivaÒ and those on
NeurivaÒ and placebo across the numeric placebo had one significant improvement (-
working memory (accuracy outcomes only) and 1.0 ± 3.9 and - 0.8 ± 3.0, respectively; p
picture recognition tasks. The NeurivaÒ group B 0.002) in number of false alarms/errors from
had significantly greater improvements in score baseline at day 42 with a greater score reduction
change for overall accuracy and ‘‘yes’’ accuracy in the NeurivaÒ group. The NeurivaÒ and pla-
(p B 0.024) compared to placebo in numeric cebo groups had 6/7 (p B 0.022) and 4/7 (p
working memory (Fig. 3; Supplementary Mate- B 0.015) significant changes, respectively, from
rial Table S2). The NeurivaÒ group also had a baseline at day 42 for test form ‘‘2 of 5’’ with
significantly greater improvement in score greater score improvements observed with
change from baseline at day 42 for overall NeurivaÒ supplementation (Supplementary
accuracy (p = 0.035) for the picture recognition Material Table S3).
task (Fig. 4; Supplementary Material Table S2).
There were 8/13 (p B 0.033) and 3/13 (p Everyday Memory Questionnaire
B 0.049) improvements in accuracy tasks for
the NeurivaÒ and placebo groups, respectively, There were no significant differences between
from baseline at day 42 (Table 3). Of the three NeurivaÒ and placebo groups in the EMQ (data
task outcomes wherein both groups observed not shown); however, there were 26/35 signifi-
significant improvements at day 42 compared cant improvements for both groups from base-
to baseline, the NeurivaÒ group had greater line at day 42. The NeurivaÒ group reported
score improvements than placebo in one greater score improvements than placebo in
outcome. 4/23 questions wherein both groups showed
improvements from baseline at day 42. The
Learning NeurivaÒ and placebo groups had 5/6 (p
B 0.032) and 3/6 (p B 0.014) significant
There was one (1/14) significant difference improvements, respectively, at day 42 com-
between NeurivaÒ and placebo in learning-re- pared to baseline in learning new things. There
lated outcomes which occurred in the picture were significant (p B 0.041) improvements in
recognition task. The NeurivaÒ group had a all question scores of the speech and reading
significantly greater improvement in score for and writing categories for both groups from
overall accuracy (p = 0.035) compared to pla- baseline at day 42, and for 1/6 questions for
cebo at day 42 (Fig. 4; Supplementary Material faces and places (p \ 0.001). For questions rela-
Table S2). ted to actions, there were 3/6 and 5/6 significant
There were 11/14 (p B 0.022) and 7/14 (p (p B 0.042) score improvements at day 42
B 0.009) changes for the NeurivaÒ and placebo compared to baseline for NeurivaÒ and placebo
groups, respectively, from baseline at day 42 groups, respectively.
(Table 3). There were seven outcomes wherein
both groups had significant improvements from
baseline at day 42 with three of those
786 Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794

Fig. 2 Disposition of study participants

Adverse Events and Safety Measures DISCUSSION

There were a total of 72 adverse events reported Forty-two days of NeurivaÒ supplementation
by 48 unique participants, 23 participants in the was shown to improve memory outcomes in a
NeurivaÒ group and 25 in the placebo group. population with self-reported memory prob-
There was one report each of dry mouth and lems. Memory was objectively and subjectively
anxiety categorized as possibly related to Neur- assessed using COMPASS and the EMQ, respec-
ivaÒ and placebo, respectively. All adverse tively. NeurivaÒ supplementation elicited
events were resolved by the end of study. greater score improvements compared to pla-
Any clinically relevant potassium values cebo in five objective assessments of memory
were repeated and no longer clinically relevant using COMPASS. Both groups showed signifi-
except for one participant who was lost to fol- cant improvements from baseline in the sub-
low-up. All other participants’ clinical chem- jective assessment of memory using the EMQ.
istry and hematology as well as vital signs for all The improvements in memory-related COM-
participants were deemed healthy as assessed by PASS outcomes in the current study are consis-
the Qualified Investigator. tent with a previous study that showed
Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794 787

Table 2 Baseline demographic characteristics for the PP

population (n = 128)
Characteristic Neuriva Placebo P value
(n = 64) (n = 64)
Age, 53.92 ± 6.08 54.66 ± 6.95 0.53a
mean ± SD
Gender, n (%)
Female 47 (73.4) 39 (61.0) 0.21b
Male 17 (26.6) 25 (39.0)
Alcohol use, n (%)
None 9 (14.0) 19 (30.0)
Daily 2 (3.0) 0 (0.0) 0.19b
Weekly 32 (50.0) 28 (43.0)
Occasionally 21 (33.0) 17 (27.0)
Tobacco use, n (%)
Fig. 3 Numeric working memory change in scores for
Ex-smoker 14 (22.0) 5 (8.0) 0.020b (i) overall accuracy (%; p = 0.024), (ii) ‘ yes’’ accuracy (%;
p = 0.01), (iii) reaction time for correct responses (ms;
No 50 (78.0) 59 (92.0)
p = 0.031), and (iv) ‘ yes’’ reaction time (ms; p = 0.016)
Recreational cannabis use, n (%) from baseline at day 42 for NeurivaÒ and placebo in the
PP population (n = 128). Memory, accuracy, focus and
No 60 (94.0) 63 (98.0) 0.15b
concentration were assessed by (i) and (ii), and memory
Yes 4 (6.0) 1 (2.0) and focus and concentration were assessed by (iii) and (iv).
All values presented are mean ± SEM. Between group
n number, SD standard deviation
a differences were compared using a two-sample t test with
P value generated by the t test
b p \ 0.05 considered statistically significant. Asterisk indi-
P values generated using the test of independence on
cates a statistically significant difference between NeurivaÒ
untransformed data. p \ 0.05 considered statistically
and placebo

addition, working memory is a subdomain of

executive function, as defined in the Diagnostic
significant improvements in memory outcomes and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5
after 12 weeks of supplementation with [43], which has an important role in everyday
300 mg/day PS among elderly participants [29]. life including future planning, problem-solving,
In contrast, Kato-Kataoka et al. [31] found and focus attention [42]. It is possible to suggest
100 mg/day of PS, the same amount used in the that the improvements in memory outcomes
current study, significantly improved memory observed with NeurivaÒ supplementation may
after 6 months whereas the current study found help attenuate the age-related decline in mem-
improvements after 6 weeks [31]. It is possible ory and support cognition. This is particularly
that the combination of PS and WCCE in the important for individuals with self-reported
current study contributed to the favorable memory problems who may be at risk of cog-
effects on memory seen earlier. nitive impairment [44].
Improving memory is important given The current study showed no trade-off
declines in working memory have been shown between accuracy and speed, important factors
to begin as early as 30–40 years of age [42]. In in everyday decision-making, for memory or
788 Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794

placebo [25] and baseline [23], inter-individual

variation in plasma BDNF concentration and
response to supplementation could be factors
contributing to the absence of a significant
difference in the current study. This variation is
comparable to previous studies reported in the
literature [48, 49] which may be attributed to
potential confounding factors such as age, cog-
nitive state, lifestyle including exercise, and
Fig. 4 Picture recognition change in scores for overall disease state [50–54]. Genetic polymorphisms of
accuracy (%; p = 0.035) from baseline at day 42 for the BDNF gene have been identified as a con-
NeurivaÒ and placebo in the PP population (n = 128). tributor to high variability of BDNF concentra-
Memory, accuracy, and learning were assessed by overall tions [55, 56] and future studies should consider
accuracy by the picture recognition task. All values this factor when examining changes in BDNF.
presented are mean ± SEM. Between group changes were There was, however, a significant mean decrease
compared using a two-sample t test with p \ 0.05 in BDNF concentration in the placebo group at
considered statistically significant. Asterisk indicates a day 42 that was not observed in the NeurivaÒ
statistically significant difference between NeurivaÒ and group. This suggests a possible protective effect
placebo of NeurivaÒ on BDNF which may be due to the
presence of PS in the current study’s product,
focus and concentration with NeurivaÒ sup- but more research is warranted. Studies of
plementation. This was supported by a greater longer duration will further the understanding
number of improvements from baseline in the of NeurivaÒ supplementation on BDNF con-
Go/No-Go tests for NeurivaÒ than placebo. The centrations and mechanisms of action.
speed–accuracy trade-off involves either speed The current study showed 42 days of Neur-
or accuracy being sacrificed when making ivaÒ supplementation was safe in healthy
decisions, depending on which factor is more adults. Only one adverse event, dry mouth, was
favorable in a given situation [45]. Typically, reported in the NeurivaÒ group which was
decisions made quicker are less accurate and deemed possibly related to the study product
decisions made slower are more accurate [45]. but was resolved by the end of the study. Sup-
However, NeurivaÒ supplementation improved plementation tolerability was also favorable
both accuracy and speed when participants given the low rate of attrition (1.5%) and high
were challenged with a numeric memory task. rate of compliance in the Neuriva group.
Given decision-making is important for execu- It is relevant to consider the potential for the
tive cognitive functioning and declines with age placebo effect in cognition studies as it has been
[46] interventions to help support and maintain previously reported in the literature [57, 58].
factors involved in decision-making are impor- The current study showed the placebo effect
tant during the aging process. accounted for 6–100% of the response for
Despite the improvements in cognitive memory-related COMPASS tasks. This is com-
domains, there was no significant difference in parable to what has been reported previously in
plasma BDNF concentration, a growth factor the literature for memory-related outcomes
part of the neurotrophin family, between [31, 35]. Moreover, a previous study showed
NeurivaÒ and placebo at day 42. This is con- positive effects on memory and attention per-
sistent with a previous nutraceutical study [47] formance after 2-week consumption of a pla-
suggesting other mechanisms of action exerted cebo pill compared to no pill among healthy
by WCCE and PS may be contributing to their older adults [57]. Another study showed uni-
cognitive benefits. While previous studies have versity students who thought they were con-
shown supplementation with 100 mg WCCE suming a cognitive-enhancing drug had
significantly increased BDNF levels compared to improved cognitive performance compared to
those who thought they were consuming a
Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794 789

Table 3 Change in COMPASS scores from baseline at day 42 for memory, accuracy, focus and concentration, and learning
for NeurivaÒ and placebo in the PP population (n = 128)
Task Neuriva (n = 64) Placebo (n = 64)
Mean – SD Mean – SD
Within-group P value Within-group P value
Choice reaction time (focus and concentration)
Reaction time: correct (ms) - 388.8 ± 591.1 - 382.5 ± 584.0
\ 0.001 \ 0.001
Digit vigilance (accuracy, focus and concentration)
Accuracy: overall (%) 7.0 ± 13.9 4.1 ± 13.3
\ 0.001 0.049
False alarm (count) - 1.1 ± 2.9 - 1.2 ± 2.1
0.003 \ 0.001
Numeric working memory (memory, accuracy*, focus and concentration)
Accuracy: overall (%) 5.6 ± 9.7 2.0 ± 8.8
\ 0.001 0.219
Accuracy: yes (%) 8.1 ± 13.5 3.1 ± 12.8
\ 0.001 0.096
Reaction time: correct (ms) - 314.8 ± 402.7 - 170.7 ± 376.7
\ 0.001 0.001
Reaction time: no (ms) - 280.1 ± 497.3 - 220.3 ± 448.5
\ 0.001 \ 0.001
Reaction time: yes (ms) - 341.9 ± 393.5 - 166.8 ± 388.0
\ 0.001 0.006
Computerized Corsi blocks (memory, accuracy, focus and concentration)
Span score 0.4 ± 1.4 0.5 ± 1.3
0.033 0.003
Picture recognition (memory, accuracy*, learning)
Accuracy: overall (%) 1.5 ± 6.2 0.1 ± 2.6
0.012 0.994
Accuracy: yes (%) 1.9 ± 8.2 0.2 ± 4.4
0.022 0.952
790 Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794

Table 3 continued
Task Neuriva (n = 64) Placebo (n = 64)
Mean – SD Mean – SD
Within-group P value Within-group P value
Reaction time: overall (ms) - 217.6 ± 390.3 - 140.6 ± 240.2
\ 0.001 0.001
Reaction time: correct (ms) - 206.0 ± 370.5 - 144.3 ± 231.1
\ 0.001 \ 0.001
Reaction time: no (ms) - 167.8 ± 332.1 - 155.4 ± 253.8
\ 0.001 \ 0.001
Reaction time: yes (ms) - 267.4 ± 495.1 - 125.8 ± 264.9
\ 0.001 0.095
Word recognition (memory, accuracy*, learning)
Accuracy: yes (%) 5.4 ± 15.3 1.5 ± 16.1
0.012 0.716
Reaction time: overall (ms) - 179.6 ± 303.8 - 192.2 ± 453.6
\ 0.001 \ 0.001
Reaction time: correct (ms) - 156.3 ± 294.6 - 187.1 ± 427.1
\ 0.001 \ 0.001
Reaction time: no (ms) - 130.9 ± 372.3 - 144.0 ± 474.1
0.020 0.009
Reaction time: yes (ms) - 228.3 ± 419.7 - 240.4 ± 519.9
\ 0.001 \ 0.001
*Accuracy was assessed by accuracy outcomes only
ms milliseconds, n number, SD standard deviation
Within-group changes were evaluated using a paired t test with p \ 0.05 considered statistically significant
Data not shown for non-significant within group changes

placebo [58]. Therefore, it is important to con- important factor to consider when evaluating
sider the presence of a placebo effect when cognition which was not controlled for and is a
interpreting results from the current study. limitation of the current study that should be
Further, physical activity has a positive considered in future randomized controlled
impact on cognition [59, 60]; however, though trials.
participants were instructed to maintain their
usual physical activity level during the study,
detailed information on participant activity was CONCLUSIONS
not captured. The interaction between physical
activity, particularly cardiovascular exercise Results of the current study showed 42 days of
[60], and NeurivaÒ could be explored in future NeurivaÒ supplementation significantly
studies. In addition, education level is an improved measures of memory, accuracy, focus
and concentration, and learning compared to
Neurol Ther (2023) 12:777–794 791

placebo in healthy adults with self-reported Erin D. Lewis, David C. Crowley, and Malkanthi
memory problems. These findings were sup- Evans have nothing to disclose.
ported by improvements in these cognitive
domains from baseline with NeurivaÒ supple- Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. Research
mentation. NeurivaÒ supplementation was ethics board approval was granted on December
found to be safe and well tolerated in the pop- 24, 2019, from the Institutional Review Board
ulation studied. Future larger randomized con- Services, Aurora, Ontario (Pro00040971). Writ-
trolled trials with longer durations are needed ten informed consent was obtained from all
to further explore the efficacy of NeurivaÒ on participants prior to any study procedures being
cognition, and confirm the current study’s initiated. The study was conducted in accor-
findings. Moreover, research is warranted in dance with the Declaration of Helsinki and its
more vulnerable populations such as those with later amendments.
mild cognitive impairment and advanced age.
Data Availability. The data sets generated
during and/or analyzed during the current
study are available from the corresponding
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS author on reasonable request.
The authors wish to thank the participants for Open Access. This article is licensed under a
their compliance to the conduct of the study. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-
We also thank Foram Patel for her assistance cial 4.0 International License, which permits
with formatting. any non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation,
distribution and reproduction in any medium
Funding. This research and rapid service fee or format, as long as you give appropriate credit
was funded by Reckitt. to the original author(s) and the source, provide
a link to the Creative Commons licence, and
Author Contributions. Conceptualization, indicate if changes were made. The images or
Malkanthi Evans, Jane M. Barracato, Alejandra other third party material in this article are
A. Gratson; methodology, Erin D. Lewis, Jane included in the article’s Creative Commons
M. Barracato, Alejandra A. Gratson, David C. licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit
Crowley, and Malkanthi Evans; investigation, line to the material. If material is not included
David C. Crowley; data curation, David C. in the article’s Creative Commons licence and
Crowley; formal analysis, Erin D. Lewis, and your intended use is not permitted by statutory
Malkanthi Evans; writing—original draft regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you
preparation, Katarina M. Doma, Erin D. Lewis, will need to obtain permission directly from the
and Malkanthi Evans; writing—review and copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence,
editing, Katarina M. Doma, Erin D. Lewis, Jane visit
M. Barracato, Lauren R. Brink, Alejandra A. nc/4.0/.
Gratson, Neeraj Pandey, and Malkanthi Evans;
visualization, Katarina M. Doma, Erin D. Lewis,
and Malkanthi Evans; supervision, David C.
Crowley, and Malkanthi Evans; funding acqui- REFERENCES
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