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Passed CFA Level 1 | Awarded Special Men on at IIT Bombay | 10k+ followers on LI | Published Author
Email: M: +91 9920348798
Educa onal Details
Course & Specialization Institute Year %/CGPA
MBA (International Business) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi 2024
B.Tech (Chemical Engineering) IIT Bombay 2019 73.00
Class XII Shubhamraje Jr. College, Thane 2015 86.92
Class X Ryan International School, Mumbai 2013 92.67
Professional Experience 30 Months
Analyst JP Morgan Chase & Co. Apr 2024 - Present
Analysing individual financial statements and other relevant informa on to calculate cash flow and balance sheet ra os
Determining client's risk of default and iden fying risk and mi ga ng factors and recommending course of ac on
Analyst FischerJordan LLC Jan 2020 - Dec 2021
Domain Data Analy cs
Collaborated with the data science team to improve the underwri ng process for a US based fintech company
Assisted the sales and marke ng team to iden fy opportuni es to increase revenue using analy cs
Responsibilities Examined end to end underwri ng process to iden fy opportuni es to reduce charge-offs (bad loans)
Developed a performance tracking framework for sales brokers to take steps to increase performance
Developed a valua on model using underwri ng costs to categorize sales brokers based on their performance
Increased funding amounts by 5% by revamping the en re underwri ng process for loans
Assisted in developing a conversion model to capture 80% of the funding amount in top 50% of loan applica ons
Achievements Recommended the team to track a new metric a er a modifica on was done in the underwri ng process
Suggested 5 process changes to the team by analyzing and understanding the underwri ng process to reduce losses
Conducted Python training for FischerJordan ’21 batch to help them improve efficiency in their work
Consultant I EXL Inductis India Pvt. Ltd. Jul 2019 - Jan 2020
Domain Data Analy cs
Worked in the decision analy cs team and developed python-based capabili es for a US based bank
Developed ready to use packages in python for exploratory data analysis and model evalua on metrics
Internships 8 Months
Summer Intern Synergy Consulting Apr 2023 - May 2023
Assisted a client in transi oning $80Mn loan from LIBOR to SOFR by reviewing the head of terms and swap agreement
Iden fied and discussed nego a on points in the SWAP agreement to make the transac on cost neutral to the client
Responsibilities Researched for best prac ces to write Excel macros to improve the speed of execu on of financial models
Assisted in dra ing a proposal for a poten al client by a ending the call and understanding their requirements
U lized Bloomberg terminal to determine the suitable Credit Adjustment Spread for the transi on
Summer Intern JP Morgan Chase & Co. Apr 2022 - Jun 2022
Prepared credit risk analysis reports of clients and made recommenda ons on credit facili es and internal credit ra ngs
Developed working knowledge of allocated sectors and had ongoing interac on with bankers and credit execu ves
Decision Analytics Intern Experian May 2018 - Jun 2018
Compared Fraud and Anomaly detec on techniques for Consumer Durable Loans using Python
Achieved a 9% increase in capture rate for predic ng fraud through weights of evidence and neural networks
Trainee Yes Bank May 2017 - Jun 2017
Predicted pa ern and behavior of future cash flows of Term Deposits using seasonality and regression
Automated the analysis of Term Deposits in R program to verify the stability of pa ern of term deposits
Cer fica ons
Passed CFA Level 1 CFA Institute 2022
Posi on Of Responsibility
Senior Executive Member - Alumni Relations Committee, IIFT Delhi 2023
Spearheaded a team of three, resul ng in the successful acquisi on of three paid live projects within one month of ini a ng the effort
Collaborated effec vely with a 10-member team to streamline alumni reunion and chapter meet registra ons
Newsletter Editor - Chemical Engineering Association 2016
Awarded Department Special Men on by the Head of the Department for exemplary performance in the ac vi es of the department
Secured a 50% increase in the budget of the college magazine and ideated and designed it to distribute to 600+ students and 30+ faculty
Marketing and Media Coordinator - Techfest 2016
Onboarded 3 media partners for exclusive coverage of events during Techfest, foo all of 1,60,000+, contribu ng to a worth of INR 2 lakhs
Headed a team of 20 organisers and served as the first point of contact for 40+ media representa ves for 240+ events of the fest
Achievements & Ac vi es
Qualified as a Campus Round finalist and received PPI based on the presenta on in HSBC IB League 2023 2023
Qualified as one of the top five Campus Round Finalists in Amazon Customer Excellence (ACE) challenge 2022 2022

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