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In the beginning of the lessons, we discussed about the different interactions of life, the food

chain and how it affects one another. The relationships of predators and prey, the different trophic levels
that is passed from the bottom to the top level of life, food web, food chain and etc. We discussed about the
relationship between population growth and resource sustainability. The more population there is, the
harder it is to sustain our resources. I learned that we must manage our resources properly because if we
continue doing bad things we might run out of resources or shortages that can cause hunger and
malnutrition which will lead to death.

Studying Environmental Science has been like exploring a whole new world. It's not just about
learning facts, it's about understanding how everything in nature connects. One big thing I've learned is
that everything in nature has a job to do. From the tiniest bug to the tallest tree, each living thing plays a
part in keeping our planet healthy. It's kind of like a giant puzzle, where every piece is important.

Learning about things like climate change and pollution has been eye-opening. It's scary to think
about how much humans are hurting the planet, but it's also a wake-up call. As a student, I feel like I have
a responsibility to do something about it – even if it's just spreading the word or making small changes in
my own life.

Studying Environmental Science has also made me appreciate nature more. I notice things I never
did before, like how the sun shines through the leaves or the sound of birds singing. It's like discovering a
whole new world right in my own backyard. But along with this newfound appreciation comes a sense of
urgency. The more I learn, the more I realize how fragile our planet really is. It's a scary thought, but it's
also a reminder that we need to take care of the Earth – not just for ourselves, but for future generations
too. The most important lessons that I learned from that is how important our environment is in
managing earth resources. Sometimes we downplay the bad effects that we are making without realizing
that we are making a lot of damage in our environment. Environmental ethics is very important in order
for us to know how to treat our environment properly without making any harm because at the end of the
day we are the one who will suffer for it.

In conclusion, studying Environmental Science has been a journey of discovery and reflection. It's
shown me the importance of understanding our impact on the environment and taking action to protect
it. And it's inspired me to be a better steward of the Earth, both now and in the years to come.


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