Calibration of Weighing Instruments

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Calibration of Weighing
A guide to the practical considerations of calibrating weighing instruments is presented here

hroughout the chemical process in- ments or measurements used as basis for Ned Espy and
dustries (CPI), weighing instruments monetary transfer. These are part of a legal Roy Tomalino
find a range of important uses and or statutory verification program based on Beamex, Inc.
are often a critical piece of equip- legislation. Often the calibration of weighing
ment for many processes. Monitoring feed instruments is based on a quality system,
rates of raw materials by weight, ensuring such as ISO 9000 (standards for quality
that exact amounts of chemicals enter final assurance in manufacturing; Internantional IN BRIEF
product formulations, dispensing materi- Organization for Standardization; Geneva,
als for packaging and conducting research Switzerland; There are dedi-
and development work all depend on ac- cated regulations for weighing instruments
curate and consistent weighing of materi- and their calibration [1–3]. In this article, CALIBRATION TESTS
als. Weighing instruments with high accu- the main focus is on the practical consid- LINEARITY
racy are positively associated with good erations and required tests for calibrating
product quality control, through meeting weighing instruments. MINIMUM WEIGHT TEST
industry standards; reduced downtime, REFERENCE WEIGHTS
by maintaining continuous operations; and Preparations before calibration FACTORS AFFECTING
good environmental compliance, through Proper calibration of weighing instruments CALIBRATIION
avoidance of overfilling and spills. requires some information gathering and
Various types of scales and balances are special preparations before beginning, in- SUBSTITUTION LOADS
used for a range of operations across the cluding assembling information about the CALIBRATION
CPI, including the following: analytical bal- technical characteristics of the weighing CERTIFICATE
ances for extremely precise measurement; instrument — such as maximum weight, d
precision balances for weighing chemicals value (ratio of scale capacity to increment
with tight tolerances; industrial scales for size) and so on — as well as the accuracy
heavy loads in bulk chemical production; requirements for the measurement (maxi-
and hazardous area scales in potentially mum error allowed and uncertainty). Also,
explosive environnments (Figure 1). those calibrating weighing instruments need
To maintain accuracy and ensure valid a plan for adjusting the scale, if necessary.
measurement results, weighing instruments Typically, the entire measurement range of
should be calibrated regularly. A proper, the instrument is calibrated during a calibra-
metrologically traceable calibration is the tion session and the calibration should be per-
only way to know how accurately weighing formed in the same location where the instru-
instruments are measuring. Some weighing ment will be used. Before beginning, ensure
instruments are used for legal measure- that there are sufficient calibration weights
availiable for the calibration procedure.
The weighing instrument should be
switched on at least 30 minutes before start-
ing the calibration. The temperature of the
calibration weights should be stabilized to
the same temperature as the area where the
instrument is located.
The weighing instrument should be level
horizontally. This is especially true for small
weighing instruments designed for high ac-
curacy. Before starting calibration tests,
Shutterstock perform a few pre-tests by placing weights
FIGURE 1. Different types of weighing instruments are used close to the maximum of the measurement
in various ways across the CPI range onto the instrument to confirm that it


and the weigh- use the same load throughout the
ing result is ob- eccentricity test. If the eccentricity
served. Next, test is also used to determine the
the load is errors of the measurements, then a
placed in four calibrated load should be used.
different sec- The procedure for the eccentric-
tors of the load ity test is as follows: The indication
receptor offset is zeroed before the test. The test
from the center. load is placed at location 1 of Fig-
The diagrams ure 3 and the indication is recorded.
in Figure 3 show The test load is then moved to loca-
FIGURE 2. Multiple calibration tests, including eccentricity and repeatability, are rectangular and tions 2 through 5, and the indication
performed for comprehensive calibration
round load re- is recorded for each location. Finally,
Shutterstock ceptors, but in the test load is returned to location 1
practice, there again to check that the result has not
may be many drifted from the earlier measurement
different shapes taken at location 1.
of load recep- The zero may be checked between
tors, so the lo- measurements at each location to
cations of the see that it has not changed. If neces-
load can vary. sary, the instrument can be zeroed in
Guidelines for between each test. Alternatively, the
load placement instrument could be tared when the
using alterna- load is placed at location number 1.
tively shaped This may make it easier to observe
load receptors any differences between locations.
can be found Repeatability test. Like almost any
FIGURE 4. Calibration repeatability tests measure the variation in results when
in Standards instrument, weighing instruments
the same load is weighed multiple times OIML R76 and may suffer from repeatability issues,
EN 45501 [3, 4]. which refer to variations in measure-
working normally. The calibration procedure should ment results when the same load is
In case the weighing instrument specify where to place the load dur- measured multiple times. To assess
fails in calibration and it is adjusted, ing the test and the calibration results the repeatability performance of a
you should make an “as found” cali- (in certificate format) should docu- weighing instrument, a repeatability
bration before adjustment and an “as ment the locations where the loads test is conducted (Figure 4).
left” calibration after adjustment. were placed. A repeatability test is performed
The test load used in an eccentric- by measuring the same load at the
Calibration tests ity test should be at least one third of same place on load receptor (to
The following section outlines the the maximum load for the weighing avoid any possible eccentricity error)
different tests that should be under- instrument. If possible, an eccentric- multiple times. Repeatability tests
taken as part of the weighing-instru- ity test should preferably be carried should be carried out under identi-
ment calibration (Figure 2). out using a single test load for all the cal and constant conditions and with
Eccentricity test. During normal use measurements. That way, it is easier identical handling protocol.
of a weighing instrument, loads being to be sure that the load’s center of The load used for repeatability
weighed are not always located per- gravity is in the specified location. For calibration should be close to the
fectly on the center of the load re- a weighing instrument with multiple maximum load of the instrument.
ceptor. Sometimes the results of a ranges, the eccentricity test should Often a repeatability test is done with
weighing instrument can vary slightly be done at the highest range. one load only, but it can be done
depending on the exact placement of Because the aim of the eccentricity also with several different load val-
the load on the load receptor. In order test is to quantify Beamex
to determine the extent of the effect the difference in
that the location of the load has on measurement re-
the measurement results, the eccen- sults caused by
tricity test is performed. differing locations
In an eccentricity test, the refer- of the load, it is
ence load is placed in a few different not necessary to
specified locations on the surface of use an accurately
the load receptor. First, the load is calibrated test
placed in the center of the load re- load. However, FIGURE 3. The locations of the load for calibration measurements in an eccen-
ceptor (the load’s center of gravity) it is important to tricity test are shown for a circular and rectangular load receptors
ues separately. The load does not Linearity linearity errors, in the middle part of
necessarily need to be a calibrated In a weighing test, using multiple the range.
load, because the aim of the test is points throughout the measurement Figure 5 represents a general il-
to determine the repeatability of the range of the instrument helps to re- lustration of nonlinearity. The instru-
measurements. If possible, the load veal issues with linearity. Linearity is- ment’s zero and full range are ad-
used for the test should be a single sues refer to those indicating that the justed correctly, but there is error in
load, rather than several small loads. instrument does not measure with the midrange due to nonlinearity of
A repeatability test is normally equal accuracy throughout the mea- the instrument.
done by repeating a measurement at surement range. Even if the weighing Hysteresis is the difference in the
least five times in a row. For instru- results for zero and the full span are measurement result when a test
ments with a high range (over 100 correct, there may be errors, termed point is approached with increasing
kg), at least three measurements
should be taken.
In the repeatability test, the in-
strument is first zeroed, then the
load is placed on the load receptor
and the indication is recorded once
the instrument stabilizes. Then the
load is removed and zero indication
is checked. Zero the unit again, if
necessary. Then the load is placed
again, and so on.
For a multi-range instrument, a
load that is close to, but still below,
the maximum of the first range is
often sufficient.
Weighing test. The purpose of the
weighing test is to check the accu-
racy (calibrate) of the weighing in-
strument throughout its whole range
in several steps, with increasing and
decreasing weight.
The most common for a weighing
practice is the following: start by zero-
ing the instrument without any load.
Set the loads of the first test point,
wait for stabilization, then record the
indication. Continue increasing the
loads through all the increasing test
points. Once the maximum load is
recorded, start decreasing the loads
through the decreasing test points. In
some cases, the weighing instrument
may be calibrated with increasing
loads only or decreasing loads only.
Typically, five to 10 different loads
(test points) are used for this test.
The heaviest load should be close
to the maximum capacity of the in-
strument. The smallest test load can
be 10% of the maximum load, or
the smallest weight normally used.
Generally, the test points are se-
lected so that they are equally dis-
tributed throughout the range. More
test points can be used within the
typical usage range for the instru-
ment. For multi-range instruments,
each measurement range needs to
be calibrated separately.
For details visit


Beamex smaller, typically only authorized personnel have ac-
the relative error cess to them. Very large weights
of the reading should be covered and stored in sta-
becomes higher. ble environmental conditions, where
The weighing in- situations like moisture condensing
strument should on the weights’ surface, for example,
not be used to are avoided.
measure any For reference weights, a distinction
loads smaller between nominal mass and conven-
than the mini- tional mass is made. Nominal mass
mum load. is the designated mass of the given
M i n i m u m weight. When the weight is accurate
weight tests enough, it is sufficient to use the nom-
FIGURE 5. Nonlinearity shows that an instrument does not measure with equal are not always inal mass as the true value for legal
accuracy across the entire measurement range
required, but verification. The conventional mass
Beamex are common in is the actual calibrated mass of the
some industries, weight that has been corrected with
such as pharma- any required local corrections. To
ceutical manu- make traceable calibrations, conven-
facturing. tional mass should always be used.
Reference weights should be
Reference traceably calibrated regularly using
weights an accredited calibration laboratory
When calibrating or a national calibration laboratory.
weighing instru- Typically, the calibration period for
ments, it is rec- reference weights is 1 to 5 years.
ommended to For more information on standard
use classified ref- reference masses used for weigh-
FIGURE 6. Hysteresis refers to differences in measurement results depending erence weights ing calibration, see Chem Eng., July
on whether the test point is approached with increasing or decreasing weight from metrologi- 2023, p. 24.
cal organizations
or decreasing weight (Figure 6). Hys- such as NIST (U.S. National Insti- Factors affecting calibration
teresis issues in the instrument need tute of Standards and Technology; There are several factors to note that
to be determined with both increas- Gaithersburg, Md.; may have an affect on the calibration
ing and decreasing points. When or OIML (Organisation Internationale of weighing instruments — especially
instrument is calibrated, the results de Métrologie Légale; Paris, France; smaller and more sensitive devices.
are different with increasing and de- Local gravity. Gravity is slightly dif-
creasing calibration points. Reference weights should be ferent in different locations around
In a weighing test, when increasing handled in such a way that it does the globe. This is due to many fac-
or decreasing the load, it is important not change the metrological charac- tors, such as altitude (lower gravity
not to overshoot or undershoot — teristics of the weights. The weights at higher elevation), latitude (lower
meaning that when the load is in- should kept off surfaces that could gravity closer to the equator), local
creased, you must approach each cause scratches and dirty surfaces geology and other factors.
test point with increasing weight. If that could introduce foreign materi- Although gravity does not affect
too much weight is added and then als. When cleaning weights, special the mass of the weight on the scale,
removed, the hysteresis information attention should be paid to proper it does affect the force of the mass
will be lost. Likewise, with decreasing cleaning methods. on the weighing instrument (Force =
points, make sure that each point is Smaller reference weights should mass × acceleration due to gravity,
approached with decreasing weight. always be handled with gloves, g). And since a weighing instrument
Obviously, in order to accomplish rather than with bare hands, to avoid is measuring the force, the gravity af-
this, the test loads to be used should any depositing grease or dirt from fects the instrument’s reading.
be well planned in advance. fingers onto the weights. Touch- Local gravity differences may
ing only with gloved hands will also come into play if a weighing instru-
Minimum weight test help avoid warming the weights to ment is moved to a new location. In
The purpose of the minimum weight a higher temperature than the sur- that case, it might need to be ad-
test is to find the smallest load that rounding environment. justed, depending on how accurate
can be measured while still achiev- When not in use, all reference the instrument is and how much is
ing reliable measurement results and weights should be stored in their it moved. Often, reference weights
fulfilling the accuracy requirements. own designated storage boxes. are calibrated in a different location
When the measured value gets Weights should be stored so that than where they are used. There-
fore, the gravity difference needs to by adding the existing reference and the indication of the instrument).
be considered when use the refer- weights to the load surface that is The certificate should also include
ence weights to calibrate and adjust still holding the substitution load to the total uncertainty of the calibra-
your weighing instruments. reach 1,000 kg target. tion. Measurement values without
Air buoyancy. When weights are related uncertainty do not tell very
being used, air buoyancy results in Calibration certificate much about the measurement. The
a small force that reduces the force An essential part of calibrations is certificate should also include a clear
of the mass. So, in effect, air buoy- to document the results with a cali- description of the instrument being
ancy lifts the weights up very slightly. bration certificate. The certificate calibrated and the weights being
The effect of air buoyancy depends includes the measurement results used as reference. The calibration
on environmental conditions and on of the calibration (that is, the mass procedure that was followed should
the differences of the density of the of the weights placed on instrument also be included. Environmental con-
weights compared to air density. Be-
cause the effect of air buoyancy is
relatively small, and does not change
that much from day to day, it is not
always considered.
Effect of convection. If the temper-
ature of the weight differs from the
environmental temperature, there
will be an air convection around the
weight. The wider the temperature
differential, the larger the air convec-
tion will be. This convection will have
a small effect on the indication of the
weighing instrument.
Engineered valve solutions coupled with through-life service for
For example, if the weight is colder
than environment, the air convection your seamless downstream plant operations.
around the weight will move down-
ward facing the weighing instrument
and cause small additional weight to
the weighing instrument. The effect Blakeborough® Red Point® -
of convection is more relevant with XStreamTM Severe Service Angle Type Globe Valve
high-accuracy instruments, although
it is still relatively small.

Substitution loads
Substitution loads are items that
can be used for help in calibration
if the available weights are insuffi-
cient for the calibration. An example
is the case where the calibration of
a 1,000-kg weigh scale is required,
but only one weight of 100 kg and
two weights of 200 kg (total 500
kg) are available. To address this,
the procedure would be to calibrate
the first points up to 500 kg using
the weights you have, then read the Meet our valve experts at the Nitrogen & Syngas Conference - stand 33
exact indication of the weighing in- March 4-6 2024 - Gothenburg - Sweeden
strument with the 500-kg load. The
weights would then be removed
and a substitution load would be
placed on the weighing instrument
until the indication matches read-
out when the 500-kg weights were
on the scale. When the substitution
load has the same measured weight
value as the available accurate refer-
ence weights, you can then continue For details visit


more detail. strument may have changed
There are sev- Standard and expanded uncer-
eral sources tainties of weighing results are cal-
of uncertainty culated using technical data of the
for the error in weighing instrument, its calibration
weighing instru- results, knowledge of its typical be-
ment calibration, havior and knowledge of the con-
including the fol- ditions of the location where the
lowing (Figure 7): instrument is used. Calculating the
• The masses of uncertainty of the weighing results
the weights are assists in deciding whether or not the
only known with accuracy of the weighing instrument
a particular un- is sufficient and how often it should
certainty be calibrated. n
FIGURE 7. Several factors can give rise to uncertainty when scales are used • Air convec- Edited by Scott Jenkins
for normal weighing tion causes extra
force on the load References
ditions during the calibration should receptor 1. EURAMET e.V. Technical Committee for Mass and Related
Quantities, EURAMET Calibration Guide No. 18, Version 4.0,
also be included in the certificate. • Air buoyancy around the weights EURAMET e.V., Braunschweig, Germany, November 2015.
In summary, a calibration certifi- varies according to barometric pres- 2. Butcher, T.G. and others, NIST Handbook 44 (2023 Edition)
- Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements
cate should include the following in- sure, air temperature and humidity for Weighing and Measuring Devices, National Institute of Stan-
formation: • A substitute load is used in cali- dards and Technology (NIST) Office of Weights and Measures,
Gaithersburg, Md., 2022.
• Measurement results brating the scale 3. International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), OIML
• A unique certificate number • Digital scale indications are Standard R76-1, Non-automatic weighing instruments Part 1:
Metrological and technical requirements – Tests, 2006 edition,
• User company name, address and rounded to the resolution in use OIML, Paris, France,, 2006.
identification • Analog scales have limited read- 4. BSI Group, EN 45501:2015, Metrological aspects of nonauto-
matic weighing instruments, British Standards Institution, 2015.
• Name, signature and company of ability 5. European Co-operation for Accreditation (EA), EA-4/02, rev. 3,
the person who did the calibration • There are random variations in the Evaluation of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration, EA,
Paris, France,, April 2022.
• Detailed information on the instru- indications as can be seen in the re-
6. International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), JCGM
ment that was calibrated peatability test 100:2008, Evaluation of measurement data: Guide to the ex-
• Identification of the reference • The weights are not in the exact pression of uncertainty in measurement, BIPM, Paris, France,
weights being used center of the load receptor Additional resources:
• Identification of the calibration pro- The use of weighing instruments • OIML, OIML R111: Weights of classes E1, E2, F1, F2, M1,
M1-2, M2, M2-3 and M3,
cedure being used during routine operation can differ
• Council of the European Union, Directive 2009/23/EC,-Non-
• Calibration date from use of the instrument during the automatic weighing instruments, 2009.
• Environmental conditions calibration process. This also gives
• Measurement uncertainty and its rise to additional sources of uncer- Authors
coverage factor tainty. Examples of these differences Ned Espy, technical director, has
• Mention of the case when only a include the following, for example: been promoting calibration man-
agement with Beamex Inc. (2152
partial calibration was done • Routine weighing measurements in- Northwest Parkway, Suite A, Mari-
• A graphical representation of the volve random loads, while calibration etta, Ga.; Email: ned.espy@bea-
calibration results if possible (useful is made at certain calibration points; Phone: 770-951-1927)
for over 20 years. Espy has helped
visual component) • Routine weighing measurements develop best practices for calibra-
If the calibration is accredited, then are not repeated, whereas indica- tion, with a focus on pressure, tem-
perature and multivariable instru-
the regulation will stipulate the con- tions received through calibrations ments. He is a consistent editorial contributor to leading
tents of the certificate. may be averages of repeated weigh- industry publications, and has received significant recog-
ing measurements nition within the automation industry. Today, Espy teaches
calibration best practices and provides technical support
Uncertainty • Finer resolution is often used in to end users and the Beamex sales team.
In weighing instrument calibration, the calibration than normal weighing Roy Tomalino has been teaching
uncertainty of the calibration should • Loading and unloading cycles in calibration management at Beamex
be known. Knowing the error of the calibration and routine weighing may (same address as above; Email: roy. for over
scale indication at each calibration is be different 20 years. He has taught on four dif-
not sufficient. Users must also know • A load may be situated eccentri- ferent continents to people from
the uncertainty about the error found cally in routine weighing over 40 countries. His previous
roles include Technical Marketing
at each point of calibration. This sec- • A tare balancing device may be Engineer and worldwide trainer for
tion will discuss uncertainty at a more used in routine weighing Hewlett Packard and Application
general level, rather than providing • The temperature, barometric pres- Engineer with Honeywell. Today,
Roy is a Beamex Calibration Evangelist. His primary mis-
the details of how to carry out un- sure and relative humidity of the sur- sion is to demystify calibration and teach best practices.
certainty calculations. Refs. 5 and 6 rounding air may vary
cover the uncertainty calculations in • The adjustment of the weighing in-

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