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MAY, 2024
First of all my deepest thanks goes to the Almighty Allah for his endless help and make me to stay in
life to this day and enables me to complete my internship program. Secondly I would like to thank
My supervisor Mr.TESFA , for his advice and guidance for my internship report preparation. Also l
want to express heartfelt thanks to branch manager for his enthusiastic support for my internship and
for his great advice from the preparation until the final discussion of this internship with frequent
follow up my activities and guide me. Finally l would like to acknowledge all individual and
institutions that have helped me materially and morally during the preparation of this paper.


TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................................II

EXCUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................................................IV

PART: - ONE......................................................................................................................................................1

1. DESCRIPTION ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION.........................................................................................1

1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE ORGANIZATION (BANK OF TSEDAY)................................................1

1.2. Mission, vision and core values...........................................................................................................2

1.2.1. Mission.......................................................................................................................................2

1.2.2. Vision.........................................................................................................................................2

1.2.3. Core Values................................................................................................................................2

1.3. THE OBJECTIVE OF INTERSHEP PROGRAM................................................................................3

1.3.1. THE GENERAN OBJECTIV INTERSHIP PROGRAM...........................................................3

1.3.2. THE SPECIFIC OBJIECTIV OF INTERSHIP PROGRAM......................................................3

1.4. SCOPE OF EXPLORATION...............................................................................................................3

PART: TWO.......................................................................................................................................................5

2. METHODS OF THE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM:.........................................................................................5

2.1 OBSERVATION METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION......................................................................5

2.2. Interview...............................................................................................................................................5

2.3. Document analysis................................................................................................................................6

PART: THREE....................................................................................................................................................7

3. THE RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS...........................................................................................................7

3.1 The management hierarchy of the Tseday bank;....................................................................................7

3.2. THE OPERATION PHILOSOPHY OF TSEDAY BANK...................................................................9


PART: - FOUR..................................................................................................................................................15

4. SWOT Analysis of Tseday Bank's Arbaminch Sikela Branch.......................................................................15

4.1 Strengths..............................................................................................................................................15

4.2. Weaknesses.........................................................................................................................................16

4.3. Opportunities......................................................................................................................................17

4.4. Threats................................................................................................................................................18

PART:- FIVE...................................................................................................................................................19

5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................................................19

5.1. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................19

5.2. RECOMMENDATION......................................................................................................................20

6. REFERENCE................................................................................................................................................21


The purpose of this internship is to assess mainly the organizations management hierarchies and
technological adoption aspect of bank of Tseday. But it does not mean not to assess others
organizational aspects of Tseday bank. I have also point out some objectives of internship or
practical attachment. Also I try to describe scope of exploration, on specific coverage of my
internship program conceptually on the title the management and technological aspect,
geographically, my scope is limited to bank of Tseday Arbaminchi town Sikela branch,
Methodologically, also I used primary sources like interview and observation and secondary sources
document analysis. In part three I have discussed about the core issues like basically management
hierarchies of the organization. In my internship case area, there is only single management control,
and horizontal departmental structure. The bank is standing to satisfy its customers by providing
services like credit service money transfer service and virtual banking service and also it sells
products like saving account, fixed time account and mobile banking. The organization is highly
adopted technologies with in opportunities and challenges in order to take new business
opportunities. Finally, l have tried to describe the organizations strength, weakness, opportunities
and threats. By analysis those aspects, I would like to express my conclusion like it enable me to
acquire practical knowledge and try to suggest the organization to adopt and implement banking
technologies in their service delivery to be effective competent among banking industries.




The Bank of Tseday, established in 2001, is a leading financial institution headquartered in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. Named after the Tseday flower, which symbolizes renewal and resilience, the bank
has grown to become a significant player in Ethiopia's banking sector. The institution offers a
comprehensive range of financial services, including personal and corporate banking, investment
services, and digital banking solutions.

The Bank of Tseday was founded by a group of Ethiopian entrepreneurs and business leaders who
identified a need for a customer-centric bank that could drive economic development in the region.
With an initial capital of ETB 500 million, the bank opened its first branch in Addis Ababa. The
founding vision was to create a bank that combined local expertise with international best practices,
ensuring financial inclusion and innovation.

In its first decade, the Bank of Tseday focused on expanding its branch network across Ethiopia,
prioritizing underserved areas to promote financial inclusion. By 2011, the bank had established over
50 branches, serving both urban and rural communities. This expansion was supported by the
introduction of innovative banking products tailored to the needs of diverse customer segments,
including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), farmers, and individual consumers.

The bank's strategic focus on technology adoption played a crucial role in its growth. In 2008, the
Bank of Tseday launched its first mobile banking service, allowing customers to perform transactions

and access banking services via their mobile phones. This initiative significantly increased the bank's
customer base and positioned it as a leader in digital banking solutions in Ethiopia.

1.2. Mission, vision and core values

1.2.1. Mission
To empower individuals, businesses, and communities through innovative, accessible, and
sustainable banking solutions, fostering economic growth and financial inclusion across Ethiopia and

1.2.2. Vision
To be the leading financial institution in Africa, renowned for our commitment to customer
satisfaction, technological innovation, and sustainable development, contributing to the prosperity
and well-being of the communities we serve.

1.2.3. Core Values

1. Customer-Centricity

2. Innovation

3. Integrity

4. Inclusivity

5. Sustainability

6. Excellence

7. Community Engagement

8. Teamwork



The general objective of this internship program is to assess mainly the management and
technological adoption of the organizations.


The specific objectives include providing a structured attachment Programme with emphasis on
applications, management and hands-on experience for the students to:

 To apply our business knowledge learned in classroom to practice

 To acquire practical and professional managerial skills

 To improve our technological awareness

 To increase our interpersonal skills and communications

 To enable us to, get hands -on or real-life experience they are expected to work in
when they graduate.


My internship program mainly focuses on assessing the organizations management hierarchies and
technological adoption but. It does not mean not assessing other organizations performance of Tseday
Bank. The geographical scope of my internship is in Tseday Bank, which found in ArbaMinch town
sikela branch. In this organization I have stayed for 15 days to accomplish my internship.
Methodologically I limited to use observation, interview and document analysis to conduct my
internship program. In my internship program I have done phone call for announcing customer about
their low available balance in their accounts. The specific coverage of my internship program in the

organizations is assessing and analyzing the organizations management hierarchies and technological
adoption status.




Observation is the primary source of information especially in studies related to behavioral science. I
observe things around me, but this type of observation is not scientific observation. I try to use
participative observations method to conduct my internship program.

Participant observation: I stay in the group or in the community as a member of it and participate in
their work. I have got some experience from the member of the group who work in the organization.
In this case specifically I use participatory observation method.

2.2. Interview
In interview, the investigators discuss his social economic or some other problem with people's.
During the courses of discussion, he gathers facts. An interview is different from Schedules
(interview). A schedule includes some predetermined questions asked by the researcher in a definite
order without change. But the interview has no such definite form or order of question. The
investigator may ask any question on the basis of his insight into the problem. Interview can be
either personal interview or interview through telephone.

In this case I use personal interview to conduct my internship program.

Personal Interview

Such method requires interviewer-asking question in face-to-face contact to respondent. The

interviewer has to be on the spot and has to meet people from whom the data are collected.

2.3. Document analysis
It is cheap and less time consuming than primary sources. A comprehensive search of secondary
sources can almost always be made in a fraction of the time and cost required for collection of
primary data. We also use documents analysis to conduct our practical attachment.



3.1 The management hierarchy of the Tseday bank;

How your organization organized to achieve its, objective?

The branch manager says, that there are four major departments in our organization. These are,
Business manager, operation manager, chief casher and customer service office. In Tseday bank
sikela branch there is only lower-level manager. In this case the organizations have its own
structural arrangements. The organizational structure of Tseday Bank in my case Area Tseday Bank
sikela branch seems like below.

How many subordinates are the manager controls in your organization?

Business manager says that, in this organization there is only one management control that supervised
by lower-level manager. this is because, there are only 13 Employees in the organization. From these
10 are male Employees and 3 are female employees .in this case, the whole organization employees
are under one management control. Because the employee of the bank is small in number. For
example from the above figure the branch manager controls all the activities of the employees
of the bank and the customer service manager controls all the lower level employee s of the
bank. All departments in this organization are related to each other.

What are the major functions and responsibilities of branch managers?

the sole responsibility of a Branch Manager to operate his/her Branch in accordance with the bank’s
objectives including carrying out of all of the functions of a branch office and location, such as

overseeing the approval of loans and lines of credit, marketing, building a rapport with the
community to attract business and assisting with customer relations

What's is the function and responsibility of operation manager

Branch Operations Manager Responsibilities and Duties

 Train all service managers for everyday maintenance operations for various assign branches

 Monitor all development activities and ensure optimal candidates for various branch

 Develop and maintain professional relationships with all customers

 Monitor all returned equipment’s from site and coordinate with asset allocation team to gather
all equipment.

 Collaborate with sales team to prepare schedule of all operations and track progress and assist
all operations leader to resolve all issues and achieve all business objectives.

 Prepare and maintain all reports for branch such as appraisals.

 Provide assistance to all EVP to identify all issues and develop efficient procedures for branch
and monitor all processes and challenging systems.

What is the function and responsibility of business manager?

Business banking managers manage all business bankers, making sure that they are developing good
relationships with their business customers, and coaching those who need it. They may help resolve
some customer disputes. Business banking managers also ensure that the department is staffed

The major responsibilities of customer service officer

Customer Service Officer Responsibilities include responding to customer service inquiries, finding
appropriate solutions, and updating customer accounts or services. Customer Service Officers resolve
complaints, maintain high customer satisfaction, and report to the Customer Service Manager.


*What is your organization operation philosophy?

Tseday Bank satisfy its customers by providing both products and service.

Sikela branch of Tseday bank deliver for customers by giving products and service in different way.
From these deliveries of service for customers includes; Credit services, Virtual banking service, E-
commerce Trade service, Money transfer service, Interest free banking service and international
banking service. The bank of Tseday gives for the customers the following products. Current
account, Mobil banking, foreign currency deposit, fixed time account,


* What seems like technological adoption of your organization?

Branch manager says our organization is fast to adopt new technology to take a new business
opportunity and more competitive advantage. Among many technologies bank of tseday is well
adopted online banking technology. Bank of Tseday has well-structured financial service system
which connected through the T-24 core banking system. This coupled with the 1271 ATM machines,
20 virtual banking centers, and more than 1400 POS placed in different locations to afford customers
to access their accounts from anywhere at any time.

Here are some of e-banking technology products which adopted by bank of Tseday technology
Adoption at Tseday Bank’s Sikela Branch

The Sikela Branch of Tseday Bank has made significant strides in adopting technology to enhance its
operational efficiency, improve customer service, and stay competitive in the rapidly evolving
banking sector. This section outlines the key areas of technology adoption at the Sikela Branch,
highlighting the initiatives and their impact.

1. Digital Banking Platforms

 Mobile Banking: The Sikela Branch offers a robust mobile banking application that allows
customers to perform various transactions such as fund transfers, bill payments, and balance
inquiries from their mobile devices. The app is designed to be user-friendly, secure, and
accessible to a wide range of customers.

 Internet Banking: An advanced internet banking platform provides customers with

comprehensive online services, including account management, financial planning tools, and
personalized alerts. This platform ensures that customers can access banking services anytime
and anywhere.

2. Core Banking System

 Integrated Core Banking Solution: The branch utilizes a state-of-the-art core banking system
that integrates various banking operations, ensuring real-time processing, improved accuracy,
and seamless service delivery. This system supports all banking activities, from account
opening to transaction processing and reporting.

3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

 CRM Software: The Sikela Branch has implemented sophisticated CRM software to manage
customer interactions, track customer preferences, and tailor services to individual needs. This
system helps in building strong customer relationships and improving customer satisfaction.

 Data Analytics: Utilizing data analytics tools, the branch can analyze customer data to gain
insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. This enables the bank to offer
targeted products and services, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

4. Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)

 Enhanced ATM Services: The Sikela Branch has installed advanced ATMs that offer a wide
range of services beyond cash withdrawals, including deposits, fund transfers, and bill
payments. These ATMs are equipped with biometric authentication for enhanced security.

 Cash Recycling ATMs: These ATMs not only dispense cash but also accept cash deposits,
which are then available for withdrawal by other customers, improving cash flow
management and customer convenience.

5. Cybersecurity Measures

 Advanced Security Protocols: The branch employs cutting-edge cybersecurity measures to

protect customer data and transactions. This includes multi-factor authentication, encryption,
and continuous monitoring of systems for potential threats.

 Security Awareness Programs: Regular training and awareness programs for employees and
customers on cybersecurity best practices help in minimizing risks and ensuring safe banking

6. Fintech Partnerships

 Collaboration with Fintechs: The Sikela Branch has established partnerships with fintech
companies to integrate innovative financial technologies into its services. These

collaborations have enabled the branch to offer digital payment solutions, peer-to-peer
lending, and other modern financial services.

 Open Banking Initiatives: By adopting open banking principles, the branch allows third-party
developers to build applications and services around the bank’s financial infrastructure,
fostering innovation and enhancing service offerings.

7. Digital Customer Support

 Chatbots and AI Assistants: The Sikela Branch uses AI-powered chatbots and virtual
assistants to provide 24/7 customer support, handling routine inquiries, and transactions
efficiently. These tools improve customer service response times and free up human staff for
more complex tasks.

 Online Help Desks: An online help desk platform enables customers to submit queries, report
issues, and receive timely support from bank representatives.

8. Branch Automation

 Self-Service Kiosks: Self-service kiosks installed at the branch allow customers to perform
various banking transactions independently, reducing wait times and improving service

 Digital Signage: Digital signage within the branch provides real-time information on banking
services, promotional offers, and financial tips, enhancing customer experience and

What are your opportunities to adopt technology?

Opportunities of e banking such as the existence of high demand, new government initiative about
physical cash limit movement and security measures. In addition, the new upcoming banks also will
facilitate the banking competition in near future. The number of mobile phone users is also increasing
and it enables customers use several e banking products like mobile banking, internet banking and

What are the main advantages of implementing E-banking technology for your organization?

 To reduced costs in accessing and using the banking services.

 To increases comfort and time saving — transactions can be made 7x24, without requiring
the physical interaction with the bank.

 To provide Quick and continuous access to information

 To improve cash management

 To reduced costs: This is in terms of the cost of availing and using the banking products and

 To facilitate Convenience, all the banking transactions can be performed from the comfort of
the home or office or from the place a customer wants.

 To increase speed of response very fast; therefore, customers can actually wait till the last
minute before concluding a fund transfer.

What are major challenges do you face to adopt e-banking technology in your organizations?

The bank of Tseday major obstacle to implement e banking services effectively. Challenge includes
customer’s resistance to change, lack adequate and of well-trained workforce and managerial

efficiency, lack of sufficient government support and legal frame work, lack of public awareness,
lack of ICT infrastructure and system failure, political instability, low economic development and
low literacy rates. In general, the bank faces the major obstacles like -Implementation of global
technology, in specific organization- Security Issue, lack of the public support, Trust Issue: Trust
plays a key role for E-banking, but the lack of trust is the main issue in the growth and development
of electronic banking alerts, security alerts and reminders, and Balance and Transaction notification
are needed.

What measurement to be taken to overcome this challenge?

 Creating customers awareness by providing different program.

 Increasing manager’s efficiency to influence technology users.

 Expanding technological facilities through different areas.

 Increasing the efficiency of technological service.

 Develop ICT infrastructure and systems accuracy.

 Implementing technology adoption strategies of the company.

 Taking security measures for the company wellbeing


4. SWOT Analysis of Tseday Bank's Arbaminch Sikela Branch

4.1 Strengths
1. Technological Adoption:

 The branch has implemented advanced digital banking platforms, including mobile
and internet banking, enhancing customer convenience and operational efficiency.

 Use of integrated core banking systems ensures real-time processing and accuracy in

2. Customer-Centric Services:

 Strong focus on personalized services and customer relationship management (CRM)

systems to cater to individual customer needs and preferences.

 High levels of customer satisfaction due to responsive and tailored service offerings.

3. Robust Security Measures:

 Advanced cybersecurity protocols and multi-factor authentication protect customer

data and transactions.

 Continuous monitoring and security awareness programs ensure a secure banking


4. Innovative Financial Products:

 Diverse range of financial products and services, including digital payment solutions,
investment options, and financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

5. Community Engagement:

 Active involvement in local community development and corporate social

responsibility (CSR) initiatives, enhancing the bank’s reputation and customer loyalty.

4.2. Weaknesses
1. Limited Branch Network:

 Compared to larger banks, Tseday Bank's branch network might be less extensive,
potentially limiting customer access in certain regions.

 Dependency on physical branches for certain transactions which could be fully


2. Resource Allocation:

 Potential challenges in allocating resources efficiently across technological,

operational, and customer service areas.

 Need for ongoing investment in technology to stay competitive might strain financial

3. Adaptation to Rapid Technological Changes:

 Ensuring all employees are adequately trained and adaptable to new technologies can
be a challenge.

 Continuous technological upgrades require significant investment and strategic

4.3. Opportunities
1. Expansion and Growth:

 Opportunity to expand branch network and digital services to underserved areas,

increasing market penetration.

 Potential for regional and international expansion, leveraging the bank’s strengths in
technology and customer service.

2. Partnerships with Fintech Companies:

 Further collaborations with fintech firms can introduce innovative financial solutions
and enhance service offerings.

 Open banking initiatives can drive innovation and attract tech-savvy customers.

3. Enhanced Financial Inclusion:

 Implementing more inclusive banking solutions to reach unbanked and underbanked

populations, particularly in rural areas.

 Developing microfinance products and services tailored to small businesses and low-
income individuals.

4. Sustainable Banking Practices:

 Promoting green banking initiatives and financing renewable energy projects can
enhance the bank’s brand image and attract environmentally conscious customers.

4.4. Threats
1. Intense Competition:

 Increasing competition from both established banks and new entrants, including
fintech companies, could impact market share.

 Price wars and competitive interest rates may pressure profit margins.

2. Regulatory Changes:

 Changes in banking regulations and compliance requirements can pose operational

challenges and increase costs.

 Failure to comply with evolving regulatory standards could result in penalties and
reputational damage.

3. Cybersecurity Risks:

 Growing threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches requires continuous investment in

security measures.

 A significant security breach could lead to loss of customer trust and financial losses.

4. Economic Volatility:

 Economic instability or downturns could affect customer loan repayments and overall
financial stability of the bank.

 Inflation, currency fluctuations, and changes in monetary policy could impact the
bank’s profitability and operations.



The objective of this practical attachment is to assess the performance of Tseday bank ARBAMINCH
sikela branch in relation to the organizations management hierarchy and technological status. Tseday
Bank sikela branch is realizing its vision and mission and performance of the organization in relation
to its objectives. The intention of this practical attachment was to increase student’s knowledge and
enable student to compare what have learnt so far in class and what have experienced in this practical
and also to produce well qualified, self-reliant, active, change agent and real problem solver student.
In addition, to this, the other objective of internship is to suggest some important advices toward
reducing the problems of the organization based on discussions. Generally, I gained some experience
from this internship such as how to work in cooperation with other, and I know how to perform
different activities in the bank.

As the organization business organization specially banking industries have so many competitors. So
that I would like to strongly advice the organization to seeks its competitors weakness in order to
attract more customers, to be more profitable and to get more competitive advantage over others bank
by providing systematic implementation of banking technologies. However, adoption of technology
by itself does not make profit rather than implementing it properly. In this case I would like to
suggest the organization to create much awareness among its customer. This is because as the
organization is service provider its major stakeholder is customers and employees of the organization.
As we know there is high level of competition among banking industries so that, they should seek to
know it's competitor’s weakness and its sole opportunities to win major competitors. Business is a
game you can win by differentiating yourself from others. The company should also evaluate its
technology platform with current technological advancement.

When I doing my internship, I observed some management problem in Tseday bank of sikela branch.
Therefore, I would like to suggest on such issues that I observed during my internship program, I
observe majority of the organization employees are male. There are only four female and twenty
male’s workers in the organization. In this case I would like suggest the organizations to ensure equal
employment opportunities in the organization.

Tseday Bank Official Website

Digital Banking Trends in Ethiopia: A Focus on Leading Banks" (Journal of Banking Technology,

Tseday Bank Partners with Fintech Startups to Enhance Digital Services" (Ethiopian Business
Review, 2022).

Ethiopia Economic Outlook: Implications for the Banking Sector" (African Development Bank,


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