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Part I. Instructions: Accomplish the following tasks by providing the information asked below.

For printed output make sure to use this text format: font style (Arial); font size (12); paper size
(letter/short); color (black). If handwritten, use a short bond paper and a black pen, and make
sure to avoid any form of erasure to make the output as neat as possible.

1. Print or paste photos of your family. Share with the others certain details about your
family, including:
a. name and age of your parents
b. activities that occupy your parents’ time
c. number of siblings, and if they are male or female
d. your ordinal position in the family
e. if there are other relatives living with your family
f. language/s spoken at home
g. if there are situations or opportunities to talk and exchange ideas among
family members
h. activities done together (like games, trips, outings, picnics, parties, and
i. volunteer work, community involvement, or church activities
j. interests, hobbies, talents, skills, or special abilities of your family members
2. Recollect your childhood experiences at home and answer the following:
a. Whom did you first play with?
b. Outside of the home, who were your first playmates?
c. Did you enjoy playing with your siblings, neighbors, friends, or relatives?
d. Were there times when you were involved in fights with your playmates?
How did you feel about these instances?
3. Recall your first day in college and answer the following:
a. What experiences particularly come to mind?
b. Can you remember the name of the classmate you first talked with? Were
there others?
c. What did you talk about? In what language did you communicate?
d. Who made the first move in striking a conversation?
e. What did you feel at that time?

Part II. In the boxes below, list down your salient characteristics that you remember for each of
the three stages of your “self.”
My Elementary Self My High School Self My College Self

After having examined your “self” in its different stages, fill out the table below. Present your
work to the group.

Similarities in all stages of Differences in my “self” Possible reasons for the

my “self” across the three stages of differences in me
my life

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