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Mohammed Dawood BB21012 III BBA ‘A’
Nasiha Sheikh BB21013 III BBA ‘A’
Prajwal A Shetty BB21014 III BBA ‘A’
Prinson Pinto BB21015 III BBA ‘A’
Sachi Pai Khot BB21017 III BBA ‘A’

Mrs. Sony
Lecturer of Department of Management
YEAR: 2023-2024






Title: Analyzing the Decline in Offline Apparel Purchases


1.1 Background
The retail landscape has witnessed a significant transformation in
recent years, with the proliferation of e-commerce platforms and
changing consumer preferences. This paradigm shift has led to a
noticeable decline in the offline purchase of apparels. Traditional
brick-and-mortar stores, once bustling with shoppers, now face
challenges in attracting and retaining customers. Understanding the
underlying reasons for this decline is crucial for both retailers and
manufacturers in adapting to this evolving market.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The primary aim of this project is to delve into the factors
contributing to the decline in offline apparel purchases. By
conducting an in-depth analysis, we intend to:
a) Identify key trends in consumer behaviour related to apparel
b) Explore the influence of e-commerce and online marketplaces on
consumer preferences.
c) Investigate the role of technological advancements and digital
experiences in shaping purchasing decisions.
d) Assess the impact of socio-economic factors on the shift towards
online apparel shopping.
1.3 Significance of the Study
This research holds paramount importance in several aspects:
a) Industry Insights: The findings will provide valuable insights for
retail stakeholders, helping them adapt their strategies to the
changing consumer landscape.
b) Consumer Behaviour Understanding: Understanding the
motivations and preferences of consumers in the context of apparel
purchases can aid retailers in tailoring their offerings and enhancing
the shopping experience.
c) Strategic Planning: Manufacturers and retailers can use the results
of this study to devise targeted marketing and promotional strategies
to re-engage offline shoppers.
d) Economic Implications: The shift from offline to online purchasing
has broader economic implications, including potential impacts on
employment and real estate.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This study will primarily focus on the decline in offline apparel
purchases, examining the various factors contributing to this trend. It
will encompass a wide range of demographic groups and
geographical regions to provide a comprehensive understanding of
the phenomenon. Additionally, the study will incorporate data from
primary sources such as surveys and interviews and secondary
sources such as online articles.
1.5 Research Methodology
To achieve the objectives outlined, a mixed-methods approach will
be employed. This will involve:
a) Data Collection: The data collection method in this research
comprises of two forms: Primary and Secondary data.
b) Primary data: The various ways of gathering primary data is
through surveys, focus group and observations. In this study, primary
data is collected through well formed questionnaire. The
questionnaire consists of multiple-choice questions and the
respondents are asked to choose one choice which they would opt
c) Secondary data: The secondary data for this particular study was
predominantly sourced from existing journals, reports, and other
relevant publications. The collection of secondary data focused
primarily on information available online, pertaining to the specific
topic under investigation.

1.6 Method of sampling

In this study, a convenient sampling strategy was employed to select
a sample size of 43 participants. This approach is crucial as it is often
impractical, inefficient, and sometimes ethically challenging to study
an entire population in research projects.
1.7 Limitations of study
• The sample size was limited.
• It is presumed that the information provided by the
respondents is accurate in the obtained results.

By undertaking this comprehensive analysis, we aim to shed light on

the underlying causes of the decline in offline apparel purchases and
provide actionable insights for stakeholders in the retail industry.

"Evolution of Shopping: From Brick-and-Mortar to

Digital Dominance"
Shopping is something that can never go out of style. One is always
going to have to buy new things, hence shopping is inevitable in one’s
life. When once shopping meant dressing up and going to malls, today
it can be done from the comfort of your house. Online shopping was
already booming, but with the coronavirus making stepping out of
your house a tricky thing, online shopping took a front seat and
became the preferred method for the majority of the market.

Kids are ever changing – their needs, wants and sizes can change from
day to day. Every T-shirt you buy for your child will probably be too
small within 6 months. What does this lead to – more and more

The growth of physical retail, i.e., offline retail market, has never seen
the pressure that it has over the last five years. The recent pandemic
followed by lockdowns further escalated the challenge with most
consumers preferring online retail over heading to stores due to the
fear of catching the virus. According to a study by the retail sales in
India dropped by 79 percent in May 2021 compared to May 2019. This
led to two extremely turbulent years for physical retail where several
businesses had to shut down and many, small entrepreneurs, and
large corporations alike.

While retail consumption is getting back to pre-pandemic levels, the

pandemic has moulded certain habits and consumption patterns
permanently. In India, online consumption is rapidly on the rise and
quick commerce continues to gain ground. Consumers are valuing
touchless, quick, seamless retail purchase experiences and the need
for convenience and ‘instant gratification 24/7’ has risen
exponentially. Businesses across India and all over the world are
quickly adapting to these changes. The recent rise in digital literacy has
led to an influx of investment in c-commerce firms, levelling the
market for new players to set up their base, while churning out
innovative patterns to disrupt old functioning.


This section focuses on scrutinizing and making sense

of the gathered data for the research. Analysis involves
a thorough evaluation of the compiled and categorized
data to understand the features of the study objectives.
It aims to discern the connections and patterns that
exist among the variables associated with the research

The data collected directly from respondents through surveys

and other methods has been displayed using tables and
charts. These visual representations are then analyzed to
draw meaningful and impactful conclusions. The survey was
administered to 42 customers to gather their feedback on
different aspects of customer satisfaction.
TABLE 01 – Factors Influencing the Choice of Online Clothes
Shopping over Physical Stores


Price 19 44.2%
Size 6 14%
Options 16 37.2%
others 2 4.7%

The predominant influence guiding individuals to choose

online clothes shopping over physical stores is often rooted in
the factor of price, with a majority of people highlighting its
significance in shaping their purchase decisions.
TABLE 02- Assessment of Variety and Brand Diversity: Online
Stores versus Physical Retail Outlets.


Yes 37 56%
No 06 14%

The majority of respondents affirm that online stores offer a

broader array of styles and brands compared to physical stores,
highlighting the extensive variety available in the digital
shopping landscape.
TABLE 03 – Irresistible Features and Services: Which Draws
You to Online Retailers.


Brand 07 16.3%
Trending style 21 48.8%
Discount 11 25.6%
Payment options 2 4.7%
Others 2 4.7%

A significant majority of respondents express a preference for

online retailers due to the attractive feature of offering
trending styles, showcasing a distinct inclination towards
staying updated with the latest fashion trends.
TABLE 04 – Offline Shopping Preferences: Instances Where In-
Person Retail Prevails.


Sarees 08 18.6%
Shirts 07 16.3%
Bottoms 06 14%
Salwar sets 08 18.6%
Others 14 32.6%

A majority of respondents indicate a preference for offline

shopping over online in specific categories categorized as
"others," suggesting a nuanced and varied approach to
selecting the types of clothing they prefer to purchase in
physical stores.
TABLE 05 – Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Shopping
Behaviour: A Shift towards Online Preferences.


Yes 32 74.4%
No 11 25.6%

The majority of respondents acknowledge that the COVID-19

pandemic has significantly shaped their shopping behaviour,
leading to an increased preference for online shopping as a
safer and more convenient option during these challenging
TABLE 06 – Price Comparison Dynamics: Evaluating the
Influence on Online Shopping Decisions.


Yes 35 81.4%
No 08 18.6%

The majority of respondents affirm that the comparison in

the pricing of products significantly influences their decision
to shop online, emphasizing the importance of cost
considerations in shaping their online shopping preferences.
TABLE 07 – Navigating Challenges in Online Clothing
Shopping: Sizing, Quality, and Delivery Concerns.


Yes 35 81.4%
No 08 18.6%

The majority of respondents acknowledge having

encountered issues with online clothing shopping,
encompassing concerns related to sizing, quality, or delivery
problems. This highlights the varied challenges experienced
by consumers in the online apparel shopping realm.
TABLE 08 – Influence of Ratings and Feedback: Shaping
Decisions in Online Shopping Choices.


Yes 35 81.4%
No 08 18.6%

A substantial majority of respondents indicate that ratings

and feedback significantly influence their decision-making
process in online shopping, underscoring the importance of
peer reviews and recommendations in shaping consumer
TABLE 09 – Brand Loyalty vs. Price and Quality: Unpacking
Preferences in Shopping Choices.


Yes 23 53.5%
No 20 46.5%

The majority of respondents express a preference for

prioritizing price and quality over brand when making
purchasing decisions, highlighting a consumer inclination
towards valuing cost-effectiveness and product quality over
brand loyalty.
TABLE 10 – Offline Apparel Shopping: Influential Factors in


Ability to try on items 20 46.5%
In-store customer service 06 14%
Immediate satisfaction 11 25.6%
Others 6 14%

A significant majority of respondents cite the ability to try on

items as a key factor influencing their choice to shop for
clothing offline, emphasizing the importance of in-person
fittings in the decision-making process for offline apparel
TABLE 11 – Quantifying Satisfaction: Rating Your Online
Shopping Experience on a Scale of 1 to 10.


1-2 02 4.6%
3-4 03 6.9%
5-6 08 18.6%
7-8 26 60.4%
9-10 04 9.3%

The majority of respondents express a high level of

satisfaction with online shopping, with a notable preference
for the rating of 8 on a scale of 1 to 10, indicating a generally
positive and contented online shopping experience.
TABLE 12 – Payment Preferences in Online Shopping: Impact
on Buying Decisions.


Yes 32 74.4%
No 11 25.6%

A majority of respondents affirm that the payment options

provided by online shopping platforms significantly influence
their buying preferences, underscoring the importance of
diverse and convenient payment methods in shaping
consumer decisions.
TABLE 13 – Reconsidering Shopping Habits: Potential Return
to Brick-and-Mortar Stores.


Yes 08 18.6%
No 05 11.6%
Maybe 30 69.8%

The majority of respondents express a level of uncertainty,

with many indicating a "maybe" regarding their consideration
of returning to shopping primarily in physical stores. This
suggests a contemplative stance among consumers regarding
a potential shift in their shopping preferences.
TABLE 14 – Factors Influencing a Return to Physical Stores:
Motivations for Shopping In-Person


Better pricing 10 23.3%
Payment options 04 9.3%
Trending style 13 30.2%
Brands 05 11.6%
Others 11 25.6%

A majority of respondents cite the allure of trending styles as

a key motivating factor that would prompt them to return
and shop at a physical store, underscoring the importance of
staying fashion-forward in attracting consumers back to in-
person retail experiences.
TABLE 15 – Occasional Apparel Shopping: Instances When
Offline Purchases Take Priority.


Yes 27 62.8%
No 04 9.3%
Maybe 12 27.9%

A majority of respondents acknowledge specific occasions where

they opt for buying clothes offline, highlighting the significance of
certain events or circumstances that prompt a preference for in-
person shopping experiences.


• When it comes to the preference for shopping of apparel,

people prefer online shopping over offline.
• A diverse range of options and trending styles, attracts the
people to engage in online shopping.
• There is a notable interest among individuals to revert to
traditional offline shopping.
• The decline in sales for offline apparel stores was significantly
influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Consumers' choices during online shopping often hinge on
factors such as product ratings, feedback, and the comparative
analysis of prices across different products.
• Online shopping does not garner complete satisfaction
according to the survey; respondents reported issues with
sizing, quality, or product delivery and majority of the
respondents rated online shopping an 8.
• Consumers opt for offline apparel purchases due to the
immediate ability to try on products, leading to instant

• Offline retailers need to stay abreast of market trends

and ensure their inventory aligns with the latest clothing

• It is crucial for the offline retailers to have a diverse

range of payment methods, considering that customers
may receive discounts for using specific payment modes
like debit/credit cards from certain banks or payment
apps such as Google Pay/Phone Pay. This not only
enhances customer satisfaction but also ensures
flexibility in payment options.

• Promoting current or new products and communicating

store offers can be achieved through online platforms
such as WhatsApp statuses, Instagram stories, and
Facebook posts. This will help in wide reach of your
store to a large population.

• Leveraging Instagram Reels or Facebook Live sessions

enables retailers to market their products to diverse
locations beyond the confines of the physical store,
thereby amplifying overall sales.
• In urban areas, installing vending machines at retail
shops can be a strategic approach to draw in customers.
These machines empower customers to independently
process their purchases, providing a seamless and
undisturbed shopping experience without requiring
assistance from storekeepers. This will provide
customers a shopping point for 24/7 as these vending
machines will be outside the stores.

• Shopkeepers can encourage customers to provide

feedback on their products on the available websites.
This enables customers to access ratings, assess quality,
and make comparisons with other products, enhancing
their overall shopping experience.

In conclusion, the landscape of retail, particularly in the apparel

sector, has undergone a transformative shift in recent years,
accelerated by the challenges brought about by the COVID-19
pandemic. The traditional offline retail market has faced
unprecedented pressures, with a substantial decline in sales
attributed to factors such as safety concerns, shifting consumer
preferences, and the convenience offered by online shopping. The
survey results underscore a clear preference for online apparel
shopping, driven by factors like diverse options, trending styles, and
the ease of the digital shopping experience.

However, this evolution in consumer behaviour does not mark the

end of offline retail. The findings indicate a lingering interest among
individuals to return to traditional shopping, emphasizing the need
for offline retailers to adapt and innovate. To thrive in this dynamic
environment, offline retailers must stay attuned to market trends,
diversify payment methods, leverage online platforms for promotion,
and explore innovative approaches such as vending machines.

The challenges faced by the offline retail sector are evident, with the
pandemic acting as a catalyst for a more permanent shift in
consumer habits. Yet, the solutions proposed provide a roadmap for
offline retailers to re-establish themselves in the market. It is
essential for them to embrace technology, enhance customer
experiences, and find unique ways to differentiate themselves from
the convenience of online shopping. The rise of digital literacy and
the influx of investments in commerce firms signal opportunities for
both established businesses and new players to navigate this evolving
retail landscape successfully.

In essence, while the decline in offline apparel shopping is a reality, it

is not an insurmountable challenge. Through strategic adaptations
and a commitment to meeting evolving consumer needs, offline
retailers have the potential to carve out a meaningful and
competitive space in the retail industry.

Dear sir/madam,
We final year BBA students of Alva’s College, Moodubidire. As a part
of our curriculum, we have taken mini project on “ANALYZING THE
valuable information provided by you will be of great help to
us and will be used for academic purpose only.

“Survey on Decline in the offline purchase of apparel”

01.What factors influence your decision to shop for clothes online
rather than in physical stores?
a. Price
b. Size
c. Options
d. Others
02.Do you find online stores provide a wider variety of styles and
brands compared to physical stores?
a. Yes
b. No
03. Could you share any specific features or services offered by
online retailers that you personally find attractive?
a. Brand
b. Trending style
c. Discount
d. Payment options
e. Others
04. Are there specific types of clothing where you prefer offline
shopping over online?
a. Sarees
b. Shirts
c. Bottoms
d. Salwar sets
e. Others
05.Did the COVID-19 pandemic shaped your shopping behaviour
and increased the preference for online shopping?
a. Yes
b. No
06.Does comparison in the pricing of the products influence your
decision of shopping online?
a. Yes
b. No
07.Have you ever experienced any issues with online clothing
shopping, such as sizing, quality, or delivery problems?
a. Yes
b. No
08. Does ratings and feedback influence your decision of online
a. Yes
b. No
09. Do you prefer brand over price and quality
a. Yes
b. No
10. What factors influenced your choice to shop for clothing
a. Ability to try on items
b. In-store customer service
c. Immediate satisfaction
d. Others
11. On scale of 1 to 10 ow satisfied are you with online shopping?
1 to10 (Very dissatisfied to Very satisfied)

12. Does payment options provided by online shopping platform

influence your buying preference?

a. Yes
b. No

13. Would you consider returning to shopping primarily in

physical stores?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe

14. What aspects would motivate you to come back and shop at
a physical store?

a. Better pricing
b. Payment options
c. Trending style
d. Brands
e. Others

15. Are there any specific occasion wherein you buy clothes

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe

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