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Artificial Intelligence Tools and Academic Integrity

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into education has sparked a dynamic

discussion about the potential gains and drawbacks of this technology. Benefits
could include more personalised and efficient learning experiences and increased
accessibility to information. Challenges may focus on privacy concerns, ethical
considerations and the potential for AI systems to preserve existing biases.

For the purpose of avoiding AI undermining academic integrity, it is crucial for

students to be aware of the dangers of depending too heavily on AI systems. Unicaf
provides clear guidelines on using AI in your academic work. Artificial Intelligence tools
such as ChatGPT:

1. cannot be cited as a source because they are not credible sources of factual
2. cannot be listed as authors because they cannot share responsibility for the
content of a manuscript.

It is crucial to keep in mind that presenting the work produced with the help of AI tools
as your own constitutes an academic misconduct. You should not use an AI tool to
assist you with the completion of your assessment; however, if you use it in any other
way, you must:

1. clearly state that you have used it on a separate page at the end of your
submitted assignment;
2. provide an explanation of how you used it on the same page;
3. ensure that you have used it in an ethical way which will not provide you with
an advantage in your assessment.

Please be reminded that academic institutions use different tools in order to

recognise if a work, or part of it, has been generated by an AI tool. These tools
are combined with the academic judgement exercised during the marking of
assignments by your Tutors, who are required to report any suspected academic
misconduct cases for further investigation.

Let us not forget that assessments are an opportunity for you to develop your
knowledge and skills, including your creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving
skills. As these are vital attributes for your future success and personal growth you
must refrain from using any tools that can impede their development.

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