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Throughout this outline S is a set of points in which there is determined a collection of subsets called neighborhoods satisfying the following two axioms: Axiom 1. Each point of S is contained in a neighborhood. Axiom 2. If A is a neighborhood of a point p and B is a neighborhood of p, then there exists a neighborhood C of p such that p C A B . Note: A is a neighborhood of p means that A is a neighborhood and p A . Definition. S (together with the collection of neighborhoods) is called a topological space (or simply a space). Note: In these notes the space S is the universe. i.e. Unless otherwise stated, every set considered will be a subset of S. Definition. A point p is an interior point of a set H if there exists a neighborhood A of p such that p A H . Definition. A set H is open if every point in H is an interior point. Proposition 1. Neighborhoods are open. Proposition 2. The union of any collection of open sets is open. Proposition 3. The intersection of two open sets is open. Proposition 4. S is open. Definition. A set H is closed if S H is open. Proposition 5. The union of two closed sets is closed. Proposition 6. The intersection of two closed sets is closed. Question: Do propositions 3, 5, and 6 extend to arbitrary collections? Definition. A point p is a limit point of a set H if every open set containing p contains a point of H distinct form p. Proposition 7. H is closed if and only if H contains all its limit points. Proposition 8. S is closed.

Proposition 9. The empty set is both open and closed. Proposition 10. A point p is a limit point of a set H if every neighborhood of p contains a point of H distinct form p. Definition. The closure of a set H is the union of H with the set of all its limit points. We use H to denote the closure of H. Proposition 11. H is the intersection of all closed supersets of H. Corollary. H is closed. Definition. The interior of a set H is the set of all interior points of H. We use H to denote the interior of H. Proposition 12. H is the union of all open subsets of H. Definition. The boundary of a set H is H = H H . Proposition 13. H = H ( S H ) Proposition 14. H = if and only if H is both open and closed. Definition. Two nonempty sets A and B are separated if A B = A B = . Definition. A set is connected if it is not the union of two separated sets. Proposition 15. The unit interval [0,1] with standard (Euclidian) topology is the connected. (Assume every nonempty subset of [0,1] has a least upper bound.) Proposition 16. S is not connected if and only if there exists a nonempty proper H subset H of S such that = . Proposition 17. Let H H H . If H is connected then so is H H . Proposition 8. If H and K are connected and H K , then H K and 1 H K are connected. Notation. Given L a collection of sets, let L* = {H : H L} , i.e. L denotes the union of all the elements of L .

Definition. A collection L of sets is coherent if L is not the union of two * * nonempty sub-collections E and F such that E F = . * Proposition 19. If L is a coherent collection of sets, then L is connected. Proposition 20. If C a connected set and L is a collection of connected sets no is * member of which is separated from C , then C L is connected. Corollary 20.1. If C is a connected set and L is a collection of connected sets such * that C H for each H L , then C L is connected. n Corollary 20.2. R is connected. Definition. A collection G oopen sets is an open covering of a set H if H G . f Definition. A set H is compact if each open covering of H has a finite subcovering. Proposition 21. The unit interval [0,1] with the standard topology is compact. Proposition 22. A closed subset of a compact space S is compact. The union of a finite family of compact subsets of a space S is compact. 1 Corollary. The compact sets subsets of R are precisely the closed subsets of with finite diameters. Definition. A family of sets has the finite intersection property ( f. i. p.) provided each of its finite subfamilies has nonempty intersection. Proposition 23. A space is compact if and only if each family of closed sets having the f. i. p. has nonempty intersection. n Proposition 24. A subset of R is closed and has finite diameter. Definition. A topological space is regular if for each point p and each neighborhood N of p there exists a neighborhood M of p such that M N . Proposition 25. S is regular if and only if for each point p and each closed set H not containing p, there exist open sets V and W such that H V S W S { p} . Definition. A set K is nowhere dense if K does not contain nonempty open sets.

Proposition 26. No compact regular spase the union of a countable collection of nowhere dense sets. Definition. S is a Hausdorff space if for each pair x, y of distinct points of S there exist disjoint open sets U and W such that x U and y W . Proposition 27. In a Hausdorff space, a set is compact if and only if it is closed. Proposition 28. A space is Hausdorff if and only if it is regular. Definition. S is a normal if for each pair E, F of disjoint closed sets , of S there exist open sets U and W such that E V S W S F . Proposition 29. Every compact Hausdorff space is regular. Proposition 30. Every regular compact space is normal. Definition. S is countably compact if every open covering of S has a countable subcovering. n Question. Is R countably compact? Proposition 31. Every regular countably compact space is normal. Definition. A component of a set X is a connected subset of X that is not a proper subset of a connected subset of X. Proposition 32. Each point of a set H belongs to one and only one component of H. Question. Is each component of an open set open? Question. Is each component of a closed set closed? Definition. Suppose S and T are topological spaces. A function f : S T is continuous provided that for every subset X of S, if p X , then f ( p) f ( X ) . Proposition 33. For real valued functions of one real variable this definition is equivalent to the standard definition. Proposition 34. Suppose S and T are topological spaces. A function f : S T is continuous if and only if for each open set G T , f (G ) is open in S. Question. Does Proposition 34 hold when the word "open" is everywhere replaced by the word "closed"?

Proposition 35. Every continuous image of a connected set is connected. Proposition 36. Every continuous image of a compact set is compact. Proposition 37. Every continuous image of a countably compact space is countably compact. Proposition 38. Every continuous image of a Hausdorff space is Hausdorff. Proposition 39. The composition of two continuous functions is continuous. Proposition 40. Suppose X is a compact space, Y is a Hausdorff space, and f : X Y is a one to one and continuous. Then f 1 is continuous. Question. Does Proposition 40 hold when X is not required to be compact? Proposition 41. Every closed interval [a,b] is the continuous image of [0,1] . Proposition 42. S is normal if and only if for each pair A, B of disjoint closed subsets of S, there exists a continuous function f : S [a,b] such that f ( A) = a

and f ( B) = b . Definition. A collection B of open sets is a basis for S if for each point p of S and each open set U of S such that p U , there exists G B such that p G U .

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